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4.54% Naruto: I Read It In A Book [COMPLETED] / Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Kapitel 1: Chapter 1

The village hidden in the leaves fell silent in the aftermath of its near destruction. Capable shinobi of all ranks worked diligently to put out the remaining flames and rush survivors to the hospital for treatment. Everyone working in silence, too shaken up to speak about the horror they had just witnessed. Too traumatized to even process what had actually happened.

The Kyubi.

The strongest of the nine Biju. The beast had appeared so suddenly. There was no time to prepare an adequate defense against such a threat. The monster tore through the village with ease. The shinobi did their best to save as many lives as possible, but their task seemed pointless as the Kyubi killed faster than they could save.

The massacre was only stopped when Minato Namikaze, the fourth Hokage, used his famed Hiraishin to teleport himself and the beast outside of the village. It was there that he and his wife, Kushina Namikaze, were able to subdue the monster long enough for them to come to the decision of sealing the beast into their newborn children Mito and Menma.

They both settled their resolve and were fully intent on giving their lives with the remaining chakra they had left to seal the monster away, but after a heartfelt speech from Minato's predecessor Hiruzen Sarutobi, they allowed him to perform the jutsu giving his own life in return. They prayed he found his peace in the afterlife.

Now, hours later, Minato waited outside of his wife's hospital room with his daughter in his hands. Looking down at the bundle, he grinned sadly at the red tufts of hair on her small head, imagining what she would look like in the future. Much like his wife, he presumed. "Little Mito…" he whispered gently.

To his right, Tsunade Senju's apprentice, Shizune cradled the other bundle. The child within sporting tufts of blonde as bright as his own. Each of them marred with three whisker like marks on their cheeks much like his first child, his four year old son Naruto whom was currently on his way from one of the civilian shelters.

He was broken from his thoughts when the door creaked open. Tsunade walked out with an unreadable expression. Minato stood to his feet, fearing the worst. He pulled Mito closer to his chest as if to shield her from the news until he himself knew it first.

"Tsunade-sama." He said urgently. "i-Is she… Is she alright?"

Calming him down, she took Mito from his arms. "Yes, she's fine. She'll need a few more days to recover than a normal pregnancy of course, but she is fine."

Immediately, Minato smiled and squeezed her shoulder gently as he passed, offering a quick 'thank you' before rushing into his wife's room.

Kushina was awake and staring at the ceiling. When she saw Minato, she nearly jumped up, inciting a squeak of pain in place of her planned stream of questions. Minato quickly rushed to her side gently pushing her back down to her back whilst whispering 'everything's fine' over and over to calm her worries. Ignoring her pain, she called out hollowly, "My babies" asking for her children.

Tsunade and Shizune strolled in rocking the two bundles all the way to their mother's bed side. They each placed the two into her waiting arms as she somehow had the strength to carry them both. Minato stood to her side, smiling at his children along with his wife. Tsunade and Shizune both smiled at the scene playing out before them, a picture perfect family.

Walking through the halls of the hospital, the four year old Naruto clutched his stuffed bear to his chest. The ANBU behind him had a hand on his back gently guiding him to his mother and father. He was quite worried as the last time he was in this place, his father's former student Obito Uchiha died. That's all he really knew about hospitals, people die inside. So, if his mom and dad were here, then that meant, someone was dead. His small sandals tapped loudly against the floor directly opposing the hollow silence around. He couldn't even hear the ANBU behind him.

On the way, they stopped abruptly hearing the sound of laughter in the room to the right. "This way, young Namikaze." The ANBU directed, opening the door. Naruto looked up at him before walking in. He saw the room was filled to the brim with people he knew. There was Kakashi and Jiraiya leaning on the window ceil, Tsunade and Shizune standing at the foot of the bed, and his mother and father at the head of the bed cradling two bundles. He walked in but wasn't noticed. Not until the ANBU shut the door.

"Naru-kun." Kushina said weakly trying her hardest to sit up a little more. Naruto walked over to her bedside allowing his father to pick him up.

Adjusting his grip on his son, Minato leaned him over the bed a little more. "Meet your new baby siblings."

Naruto looked down at the two babies that shared his whisker marks in wonder. His hands rested timidly at his sides not wanting to hurt them. He looked at their hair colors in wonder, specifically Mito's. "She looks just like you Kaa-san." He said inciting a round of laughter and 'awws' from the room. He looked around wondering what he did until Kushina brought his attention back.

"That's right… she does." She smiled up at her oldest with tears brimming the bottom of her eye lids. "That's Mito."

His gaze then shifted over to his little brother. "And he looks like…" he paused in thought.

"You." Said Minato filling in the word for his son who looked him in the eye. "He looks just like you." Naruto looked back down at him in amusement. A small smile tugging on the edge of his lips.

"Yeah… he looks like me." He whispered quieter. Amazed by the similarities. Everyone around them looked at the family now in completion. Smiles on their faces as they imagined the things they would accomplish in time. Saving this moment in their minds for as long as they could.

-5 years later-

Things were different now. No longer was the family as complete as they had hoped at one point. Not that they noticed. Everything was about Mito and Menma. Every day, no matter what day it was. It was like their birthday. The villagers showered them in love and endearment for their noble sacrifice. They were worshipped and praised and now adorned the titles of the Prince and Princess of Konoha. Kushina and Minato were no different in their treatment of them. Whatever they wanted they got. Which is why their training began earlier than planned.

Oh yes, planned. They've had a scheduled plan for training for both of them, everyone who specialized in a field of study had agreed to assist. The two were to begin their training as soon as they got out of the academy. They'd be placed on a team with whomever was the rookie of the year, if it wasn't one of them, and given to Kakashi. He would train them in chakra control and Ninjutsu. When time permitted, they'd go to Kurenai Yuhi to learn Genjutsu, Might Gai for help with Taijutsu, and they'd go to their mother for Kenjutsu training. They'd be trained in Fuinjutsu by Minato personally. When they were ready, they'd learn Minato's Rasengan and Hiraishin and Kushina's chakra chains. After that, they'd undergo the tutelage of Jiraiya and Tsunade, whomever they decided.

This was all to take place after their graduation from the academy, but after a few good hours of pleading their case with the help of their undeniable puppy dog eyes, Minato caved and they started early, two years ago actually. Consequently the assistants were no longer able to uphold the plan as they had matters to attend at the time. So, they decided to handle it themselves.

That was all for the two youngest Namikaze children. As for the oldest, well it couldn't be called neglect exactly, but he wasn't much a part of the family training or any other activity they underwent. The last time he could remember doing anything with them was when he entered into the academy and his family had to attend as his father gave the opening speech for each new class. That was the last time he could remember any amount of attention on himself. The last time he had smiled sincerely.

That day, it was as if his parents just assumed the academy would eat up most of his time. As if he was no longer in need of their assistance in any matter. He would have been upset had he not found a passion for reading. It was a simple pleasure that brought him peace in times of self-loathing. When he felt like he wasn't good enough to be in the family he was in. Or when he felt it would be better for them if he was no longer around. He'd read a book. Anything with words would interest him. He'd read anything that he could find, fiction, non-fiction, ninja scrolls, bingo books, history books, everything. It was an escape from the material world for him. He's lived a thousand lives within his young mind, he's loved and hated and understood the meaning of both in various ways.

In his readings, he's learned many things. He's learned various jutsu and techniques suitable for his level of understanding. His reading brought him to his own self-made taijutsu which he has not named. After reading a book based on the various clans within Konoha, he found interest in the countless taijutsu customs of two of the greatest, the Uchiha and the Hyuga. The Uchiha's style consisted of blocking and countering an enemies attacks. The Hyuga's famous gentle fist revolved around the use of their doujutsu the Byakugan to see the tenketsu of their oponents, using chakra to block them. Reading that got him interested in taijutsu altogether. What brought him to his own style was after he read through a medical book that he had, at one point, heard Tsunade call a "doctor's bible". He learned of various pressure points on the human form that could shut a person's body down with a few quick hits. Using that knowledge and the theory of the Uchiha and Hyuga fighting styles, he waited for a chance.

Every day after the academy, he'd go to the training grounds and wait for this Uchiha kid to come train with his father, Shisui he believed. Then, he'd go to the Hyuga compound and stand on the building across the street watching, from a distance, the branch family running through their daily training routines. After trying whatever he saw, he was able to somewhat duplicate both of the styles, sloppily of course but his taijutsu style was unorthodox and was supposed to look chaotic.

Naruto's entry into the academy is what made his younger siblings want to begin their training early. Of course caving, Minato decided it best he assist in their training personally and took a leave from office, placing his trusted friend and advisor Shikaku Nara in control of all matters not involving foreign threats while he worked diligently on training his children. He was in charge of everything including matters of the academy, domestic complaints, ninja ranking, and even ANBU missions. Minato had expressed he did not want to be bothered unless one of the other villages randomly sent a message declaring war. True to his claim, the Namikaze family essentially entered the seclusion of their own compound. The training schedule was so tight knit it left absolutely no room for anything. Not even the esteemed Ichiraku's ramen they were all so fond of. The Namikaze family wouldn't be seen for a long while.

In the academy, a test is given to the first year students to see who of the bunch is suitable enough for an early promotion. The test is administered two weeks after the start of the academy and the results are sent directly to the Hokage for his decision. The written test covers topics taught in the third year and even a few questions designed to see how they work under pressure. Questions they couldn't possibly begin to understand. Not since Kakashi Hatake has there been a student able to jump to the third year. Two years ago there were two, Naruto Namikaze and Itachi Uchiha. The two young geniuses were placed in the same third year class under the watchful eye of the very confused Iruka Imuno. Confused as the two nine year olds excelled at everything he put in front of them. Half way through the year, he went to Shikaku requesting they be given the test early.

Shikaku at first was surprised but accepted regardless. The two took the test designed to weed out the weak links and passed flawlessly. Shikaku was of course impressed and even thought of congratulating the fourth on such a prodigal son, but could never find the time. He placed the two on a standby support team as he still feared they were too young to do actual missions. They were under the guidance of a former ANBU agent named Kaijo. He trained the two as he had once trained his fellow agents, pushing them to their limits each day as they awaited a mission.

After the first week, he witnessed their talent in the arts and requested they become an active assault team instead of support, but Shikaku refused as he was still timid about putting the two on the field so early, they were only nine.

Wanting a second opinion, he went to the Namikaze compound in search of Minato. He caught them in the middle of training, it must have been a frustrating evening as Minato seemed quite stressed. Seeing Shikaku, he immediately asked if another nation was attacking. Shikaku said that wasn't the case which seemed to tick him off more as he angrily barked out tips to his children as they engaged in a taijutsu match. Shikaku was no longer able to get a word out as Minato turned to him calming down a bit, "Look, whatever it is then, just handle it please. As you can see this really isn't a good time." Before he could argue, Minato already left his side.

Now, with the decision left to him, he decided to trust his gut and keep the team just a support team for the time being. A few days later, a seasoned Genin team requested back up while on a C rank mission that apparently turned B due to an attack from a few low ranking rogue ninja. Figuring it would be an opportunity to test their skills in the field, Shikaku sent Naruto's team. With Kaijo, he figured they'd be able to handle it.

When they returned, he was shocked by the report. Naruto and Itachi seemed to have been the biggest hitters among the group as the two took down an A-rank rogue on their own after being separated from the others. In a joint effort, the two worked the man down until they were able to get a killing blow on the man. Their first kill. After consoling from his mother and father, Itachi was fine the next day. Naruto on the other hand had to deal with it on his own, but he handled it none the less thanks to his books. At that point, the two nine year olds of team Kaijo became true ninja.

Their training surpassed even their own expectations. Itachi leaped through every technique within his father's study learning old Taijutsu techniques, every fire based Ninjutsu, and a few techniques left behind by the clan founder Madara Uchiha. He became one of the best Uchiha and he was only nine. Naruto too fished through his old man's stash and read up on techniques. He learned everything written on the pages in his father's study. Every fuinjutsu note, every taijutsu technique, every Ninjutsu theory, even his father's main techniques Rasengan and Hiraishin. All of those techniques were now within his back pocket.

After two more successful support missions and a heap of backing from the other sensei's, Team Kaijo became a full fledge assault team. They worked diligently for a year racking up mission after mission, not a single failure to their record. In some of their more strange missions, they even saved princesses and killed tyrants. All in all, throughout the nations, they made a name for themselves. Word was passed around the Uchiha clan of Itachi's success within a year and he was praised throughout the village. Naruto however flew under the radar. No one really praised him inside the village. There were a few minor villages that held him in high regards though, so he didn't mind. From the way Itachi despised it, he figured he wouldn't enjoy it much anyways.

Now, ten years old, Naruto had decided to move out of his parent's home as he felt bad he was taking up space and using their utilities without helping pay. He had found a small apartment in the crummy side of Konoha that he could afford, but figured he wouldn't be there often anyways.

He and Itachi became the best of friends over the years. They did everything together. Naruto would even help him train Sasuke every now and then. They both excelled because of the other. Neither of them were willing to be outdone by the other so they pushed harder and harder trying to gain the upper hand. A healthy rivalry built on friendship. They fought constantly whenever they had the chance. Always testing the others skill to gauge their own progress. Their greatest match was later on that year during the chunin exams held in Kumo. They faced each other in the final round and fought each other to a standstill.

The battle was the most magnificent spectacle the non-shinobi viewers had ever seen. The battle of the Uchiha prodigy and the son of the Yellow Flash was a sight to see. They held nothing back and attacked each other with the intent to kill, as they knew the other expected nothing less. It was there which Naruto brought to light his father's technique, Hiraishin for the first time, as well as a technique of his own creation. The perfect clone as he called it. It was a clone that, with the help of fuinjutsu, was actually brought to life. While in a tough spot, he used the technique away from Itachi's view and sent the clone out to fight in his stead as he thought up a strategy. The only issue with the technique is that, much like water clones, it only holds a portion of the originals ability. It is also aware it's a clone so it has no adrenaline when in danger.

Itachi had no idea as it even fooled his fully matured Sharingan. So, he continued to fight with the same intensity he had been and unleashed a technique he intended to use as a distraction. Although a powerful attack with the main purpose of killing, he was sure Naruto would find his way out, but to his horror, he did not. All he saw was his best friends body hit the ground burnt to a crisp. His heart sank as the entire stadium fell silent believing the match to be over. The proctor dropping down to the arena to check on the body made it that much more real.

He looked up to the Kage box which held only the Raikage and Kazekage and gave a shake of the head. Everyone knew the implication of such a gesture and remained silent.

Itachi's eyes burned as his heart sank. He dropped to his knees staring at the ground wondering what he had just done. He was praying to whatever god was up there that it wasn't real. His mind didn't register how much clearer the world seemed to him or the fact that his eyes were still burning. He just couldn't think. He was brought back to reality with the popping of a clone. Looking up, he saw the proctor looking down at the spot Naruto's body had been in wonder. Itachi felt the ground beneath him rumble. He jumped back, narrowly avoiding the hands that popped out trying to clamp down on his ankles. The proctor jumped back up seeing the match was not yet over. The crowd went wild seeing the Namikaze was still alive.

It was truly the greatest match in the history of the Chunin Exams. Two boys, no older than the second year students at the academy, displayed abilities on par with that of legends. The fact that they were both from Konoha stirred up a heap of commotion among the other nations. If Konoha was breeding monsters such as these, they questioned any sort of attack against them would be beneficial.

When they returned to the village, the two boys were immediately granted the rank of Chunin and shortly after were approached by the ANBU captain, Kenji Horo. Captain Horo explained his interest in them joining his force even at their ripe age of 11. He went on to describe the training they would receive in stealth which is one thing they lacked.

They'd have to pass the Jonin exam first which they would not be eligible to take for the next two months, but they accepted never the less. Of course, in normal circumstances, rank didn't matter much when making the selection, but Captain Horo figured Shikaku would be more inclined to accept the request if the two were able to prove they were on par with the higher ups of the village.

When they achieved the rank of Jonin with ease, Captain Horo brought the matter to Shikaku Nara who was still a bit timid to allow it, but Itachi and Naruto expressed their want for such an opportunity, so he allowed it on the parameters that they were not able to take on solo missions until they turned twelve. Horo agreed and they were admitted for the ANBU exams.

Three weeks later, they were members of the prestigious ANBU black ops. They were placed on a team with two other agents, Yugao Uzuki, and Hayate Gekko, the captain. Through them, they learned Kenjutsu and Naruto of course found a way to perfect the style shown to him thanks to a Samurai book he had once read. Their team underwent multiple ANBU missions involving various instructions. The two eleven year olds were thrusted into a world of bloodshed and hatred. And only one of them had the support needed to handle such a life.

Sean_senpai Sean_senpai

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