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15% Nano-Machine (DC X INVINCIBLE) / Chapter 4: Death-s? And Survival...

Kapitel 4: Death-s? And Survival...

~Omniscient Pov~




Ezra found himself immersed in Echo's simulation, now standing in the center of a dimly lit urban battleground. The gritty details surrounding him were utterly convincing - From the shattered concrete and rebar under his feet to the dank, metallic scent of a merciless killing field.

'It feels, so real...' He thought, terrified of how well the simulation seemed...

But it was the sight of his opponent that made his blood run cold... Facing him, mirrored stance for stance with an identical combat knife gripped tightly...was himself. Or rather, a perfect holographic rendering of his form and features, except for the tremors of trepidation betraying his shaky beginning stance.

He swallowed hard, trying to steady his ragged breathing as adrenaline flooded his system. This was it - the full immersion into a world of unrestrained violence he had signed himself up for. No safety net, no half-measures remaining. Just him versus a version of his flawed self that would mercilessly punish any hesitation or mistake.

Ezra's eyes narrowed, as his simulation-self's lips curled into a smirk, almost seeming to mock the very real terror and uncertainty flashing across the genuine article's expression. A bead of sweat trickled down his face as Ezra tightened the grip on his blade, the diagram lessons already fading under the immense pressure of live combat... No matter how artificial the construct across from him was...

At that moment, he understood with piercing clarity - the Extreme protocol would be forging him anew through the scorching crucible, of a do-or-die execution... No more theoretical breakdowns or sterile anatomical aids to reference. Just him, his flaws, and the razor's edge of pain and potential death should he falter against his simulated, merciless duplicate.

'He's, coming...' Ezra prepped himself.

His jaw clenched as his simulation self abruptly sprang into searing reality. His mirror self jumped forward with the first blindingly fast feint, a merciless flickering of steel aiming straight for his bared throat...





The simulation showed no mercy as Ezra's mirrored opponent lunged forward at near-blinding speeds. Despite bracing himself, the flickering feint of steel found its mark with what could be assumed to be surgical precision...

"Haaahhh!!! EURCK!"

A ragged scream of agony tore from Ezra's throat as the razor-sharp blade sliced clean across his exposed jugular. He could feel the searing trauma as if it were horrifyingly real - tendons severed, arteries spurting crimson.

His hands reflexively clapped to the grievous wound as he stumbled backward, warm blood pulsing between his fingers with each feeble gasp for air. Ezra's eyes widened in shock and panic, looking up to see his mirrored assailant already resetting into a cold, ruthless fighting crouch.

'I.. I fucking died... I f-f-f...' He thought he couldn't believe it. He thought he was prepared for it. But, he was sure he had died. He looked back up, seeing his simulation self ready once again.

Still, in a real fight, there would be no reprieve, no chance to recover from crippling injury. The simulation's cruelty was boundless, relentless in its demand for total mastery over every weakness...

'D-does this thing have the same amount of stats as I do?' He thought once again. The way it easily killed him, it's speed and technique. It was simply that much better than his...

Pushing past the blinding agony, Ezra willed himself into a desperate defensive stance as his devious copy pressed the assault. Deflecting one strike, then another, he could feel his techniques becoming more frantic and sloppy under duress.

"ECHO... Run another simulation..." He clenched his jaws again. Soon, his other self 

Then, with breathtaking speed, he missed a beat - opening a slight window his opponent instantly capitalized on. Ezra's breath was forced from his body in an explosive rush as his double's bare feet slammed into his ribs with bone-cracking impact.



Ezra crashed into the concrete in a heap, clutching at his gut and wheezing futilely. The simulation was not holding anything back, punishing every mistake, exploiting every frailty as he lay there coughing up frothing spittle and grimacing through the layered anguish.

'I ain't giving up!' He charged towards his double again...

And in that moment, the words of ECHO's description came screaming back into focus - This program's remorseless aim was just to brutalize and push him past his limits. To feel the consequences of underperformance and weakness as if his very life depended on overcoming them. There were no safe rooms, no reset buttons to fall back on...

Ezra lunged forward again, his blade meeting the cold steel of his opponent's. The battle was far from over, and he knew that every second counted in this damn simulation for his life, and his near future.

Over and over, the simulation ran. Each time, Ezra faced his duplicate with renewed determination. Each time, he died—his throat slit, his ribs shattered, his body broken in countless ways. But each time, he learned. His movements grew slightly sharper, his reflexes seeming somewhat quicker and his resolve had gotten firmer;

However, he fought and died...

Faught again, killed...










Each time, he lasted one more move, even a single step against his other self was a massive improvement. Each time, his fear dwindled slightly. The pain he received reminded him of where his opponent might hit. So, there was a method to his madness...




Dozens upon dozens of horrifying deaths later... He knew he must have died a hundred deaths in the same simulations, but with each death, he grew stronger, more precise. He learned to anticipate his opponent's moves, to counter, and to exploit the tiniest weaknesses.

In reality, a few hours must have passed since he began his self-torture. Maybe 4 or 5 hours at most.

After what felt like an eternity of torment, Ezra found himself standing once more in the center of the battleground, his mirrored self before him. This time, there was no hesitation in his stance, no tremor in his grip...

His opponent lunged forward, blade flashing in the dim light. Ezra met the attack with a swift parry, his blade slicing through the air with deadly accuracy. The fight was a blur of steel and blood, but this time, Ezra felt like he was in control.

Ezra's body was swayed by nothing but instinct. He could tell where the simulation would hit to an extent. And accordingly, he dodged, even though it wasn't a clean one. He felt more strikes incoming. Yet, he was calm. Time slowed for him by a decent amount, his opponent had gotten somewhat slower, but his body couldn't keep up with his perception.

A minor ability he developed after the 78 death he had. But it was damn near good enough;




With a final, decisive strike, he disarmed his duplicate and drove his blade into its chest. The holographic rendering flickered and then vanished... leaving Ezra standing alone in the dimly lit arena, his chest heaving with exertion. His eyes were unfocused, and he felt light wash over his body...

"I... I finally did it..." He mumbled to himself. It took him precisely 126 tries to finally kill his simulated self. He didn't jump for joy, he didn't scream either. He didn't feel that much accomplishment at all...

Still, he had done it. He had conquered the simulation, not just by surviving, but by grasping every aspect of the combat skills given, even if it was to a minor degree. The pain, the fear, the countless deathsThey had all been necessary steps in his growth...


He fell flat on his back, exhausted and utterly beat... For the past few hours, all he did was rinse and repeat the simulation with barely any break between each round. He was damned determined to win at least once...

[Congratulations Ezra... You finally defeated your opponent... You even developed something rather peculiar as well...]

He heard ECHO's voice once again. She hadn't warned him of anything so far, not of any danger, not of any trauma he might have gone through. Only a small applause. Still he was interested, "What... Did I gain...?" He said weakly, still clearly exhausted.

[I believe you should rest for now master... After so many times you must be quite mentally drained...]

However, she didn't receive any response.

[Goodnight master... Have a pleasant rest...]







The next day came, and Ezra woke naturally from his well-earned rest. No simulations or scenarios were initiated, giving him time to reintegrate after the harrowing ordeal of the previous day's extreme training regimen...

When Ezra's eyes finally opened, there was a strange sense of distance in his gaze. As if he was perceiving the world through an entirely new filter he had endured... The events of the knife mastery program still felt almost like a dream he was struggling to process, at least fully...

He sat up slowly, cataloging the dull aches and stiffness still lingering in his body with a sort of clinical detachment, or pain that should have been there... Mere physical trauma was now ultimately irrelevant data compared to the fundamental rewiring his psyche had likely undergone in a single night...

Which was once again, wasn't there...

[Good morning, master. How are you feeling?] Echo's synthetic voice queried with an uncharacteristic hint of...concern? Caution? It was difficult to pick up her tone when it sounded so flat...


"Damn... I don't think I've slept this well, since... ever, actually..." Ezra scratched his head a bit. Feeling strangely refreshed. It felt as if yesterday was just a bad memory, not that he really forgot anything about it...

He knew that it wasn't just some dumb coincidence, "Hey, ECHO... Did you, do something to me while I was sleeping?" Ezra asked. 

[Affirmative, master... During your sleep, I initiated a deep restorative protocol designed to enhance your physical recovery and integrate the neural adaptations from the simulations. This process not only improves your physical recovery but also somewhat consolidates the muscle memory and reflexes you developed in the simulation... How do you feel?]

Ezra took a moment to assess himself. His body felt more limber, his mind clearer. The constant aches and fatigue from the relentless simulations seemed to have melted away, but the small aches he received in his body were still there from the growth hormone process other than that he was perfectly fine... "I feel... a little, different. Better, actually. It's like my body and mind are in perfect sync... Thanks, ECHO." He smiled.

"Oh, before we continue, you said I gained something from my fight last night, mind saying what it is?" He asked, curious...

[Affirmative... After your 78th death, you gained an ability to willingly trigger the human body's ability to use something called the hyper-focus mechanism, consciously as well, albeit to a very minor degree...]

Ezra's eyebrows shot up in surprise, "Hyper-focus? You mean like those moments when everything slows down and I can react faster?" If so, then that explains why he could somewhat manipulate his flow of time. He couldn't hold it for long though...

[Precisely, master. This ability will allow you to enhance your perception and reaction times during critical moments. It is a minor enhancement now, but with practice and continued simulations, you can refine and strengthen this skill... And by my estimations, you can dilate your perception by approximately 26.2%]

"I can actually do that, willingly? It feels so hard to believe..." He mumbled to himself.

[I have to agree with you, master... I did not estimate that you would unlock this ability in your first hundred simulations. This ability is for those who are on the borderline of true death itself, and even then, to gain control of it this quickly is, interesting...] Echo admitted.

Ezra slumped, "You sound almost disappointed in me... Though, I guess I'm just a fast learner." He shrugged, somewhat happy he gained a minor superpower.

[On the contrary master, I am delighted for you. However, your growth rate is unexpectedly fast, I will have to recalibrate some of my functions...] ECHO finished.

"Uh, sure... you do that..." Ezra said.

He walked towards the edge of the building's window and realized how far up he was. Looking out, he saw the rest of the buildings below, a stark reminder of how isolated he was up here. The area around the building was pretty desolate too, with construction tapes fluttering in the breeze, marking the site for future development.

This part of the city was largely abandoned... A ghostly shell of what it once was, with only the occasional flicker of movement in the distance. Ezra knew that no one else would likely come here anytime soon... The construction signs indicated that work would begin eventually, but for now, he was alone in this place...



"...Seems like I'm hungry, but I was pretty satiated yesterday..." Being this famished was not good...

[There is an explanation for that, master... While you were going through your simulations, your body slowly improved. To capitalize on that, I had to mend and strengthen you using the banked nutrients your body held. The part that saw the most improvement was your eyes...]

"My, eyes?" Ezra asked, surprised. He felt he saw things somewhat differently, but that was it...

[Yes, master. Your visual acuity has increased significantly, at least compared to what it was before, it moved from the 20s to the low 30s, which is barely in the realm of superhumans... This will allow you to perceive movements and details with greater clarity, which is crucial for your combat training...]

Ezra blinked a few times, trying to notice the difference, "Wow, I hadn't realized... That also explains the hunger, then." he added, rubbing his stomach. Still, his perception was already that of a superhuman. He felt like that was quite hard to believe...

Not only that, if this body naturally had such high perceptions in the first place, that means that it was his strongest statistic.

[Correct, master. The nutrient expenditure was necessary for the rapid improvements. I recommend replenishing your energy with a nutrient-dense meal as soon as possible...]

"That's the thing I'm worried about... I think there's a reason why this place is as empty as it is... I'm thinking it's because, nothing is here to really eat in any vicinity, not comfortably at least..." He looked around, seeing how abandoned the area was.

But not all hope was lost, "I see a small district past the outskirts... But, that doesn't solve my hunger problem... I'll probably have to head there to get anything that resembles decent food. And, I'm very hungry." Ezra knew what he likely had to do to get by...

But, he still wasn't truly prepared for that life, but he needed to live and grow. So it had to be done.

"I've got some plans ECHO, think you can help me?"

[Of course, master, ask and you shall receive...]

"Alright." Ezra began, "First, I'll need to figure out the safest route to that district. I can't afford to run into trouble before I get some food in me."

[Understood, master. Allow me to scan the surrounding area and identify the most secure path to your destination.] ECHO responded, a soft hum indicating she was processing his request.

While ECHO worked, Ezra started gathering his thoughts. He needed to be smart about this. Every step counted, and any miscalculation could be dangerous in this desolate place.

[I've identified a route, master. The path I recommend will take you through less populated areas and avoid potential danger zones. It will be a bit longer, but significantly safer.]

"Alright, map it out for me. But before we go, can you explain how you gathered the locations so quickly?" Ezra asked curiously.

[Simple, I used echolocation to map the areas. It's the most efficient way to avoid alerting anyone too, as it relies on sound waves traveling through the air naturally rather than by you to identify the surroundings.] ECHO explained.

"Huh... Nifty... Anyway, I'll need to get some things down there, it'll be risky though..." Ezra weighed his options a bit. For now, he thinks that playing it safe at the moment would be better, being greedy would likely get him killed earlier than he wanted...

"Ok, time to head out..." Ezra made his way down towards the building. After a while of walking, he approached the edge of the district, he could see signs of life—lights in windows, the distant hum of machinery, and the occasional figure moving in the shadows. He ducked into an alley, taking a moment to observe his surroundings.

"Okay, ECHO, guide me to the nearest food source..." Ezra whispered cautiously. He felt his senses dim for a moment before returning to normal just after.

[Proceed straight ahead, then take a left at the next intersection. There should be a small marketplace, precisely two blocks down.] ECHO instructed.

Ezra nodded, following the directions with as much stealth as he could muster. The market place despite being slums-like, was modest yet filled with activity. He scanned the area, looking for an opportunity to grab what he needed without drawing attention...

He spotted a vendor setting up crates of produce near the back. Taking a deep breath, he moved swiftly, slipping behind the stall and grabbing a few items before retreating on his merry way as if nothing had happened.

'Got it.' he thought, his heart was racing. He quickly made his way back to his hiding spot, feeling a rush of relief once he was safely out of sight.

"Good job, ECHO. Now, let's get back and figure out our next mov-" Before Ezra could finish his sentence, he saw someone passing by. A man, lanky looking smoking a cigarette. But that wasn't what caught his attention.

Rather, It was what the man owned. He could see a brand new army-issued combat knife. The thing must have been 9-10 inches in length. It was perfect... Ezra could tell at a glance that the fool didn't truly own that thing. Likely stolen in his opinion...

"ECHO... You think we can nab that thing from him?"

[...Affirmative... However, you must time this perfectly for this to be successful...] She said.

Ezra slowly began strolling out of the alleyway, trying to be as sly as possible. He kept his eyes on the man, assessing his movements and waiting for the right moment to strike. As he did, Ezra realized what ECHO was truly talking about, not just now, but earlier as well.

Everything around him, at least when he focused got much slower than he was normally used to. And if ECHO was right about his perception already being superhuman, then most experienced soldiers likely couldn't tag him, if he trained himself a bit more...

He slowly closed the distance, each step deliberate and quiet. When he was close enough he waited...

[Now master Ezra.]

He didn't waste another moment, and carefully he reached out quickly, grabbing the item from the man's back pocket. It was a military-issued knife, sleek and deadly.


The man turned suddenly, but Ezra was already retreating, keeping his movements smooth and natural. He slipped back into the alleyway, heart pounding, clutching the knife tightly...

[Well done, Master Ezra. You executed that perfectly.] ECHO remarked.

Ezra allowed himself a small, relieved smile, "Thanks, ECHO. Now, let's see what else we can do with this." He whispered, examining the knife, feeling its weight and balance. He saw a model of its kind back when he perused the information about knives. This one was one of his most liked designs.

It was quite sturdy as well, likely recently acquired, "Alright, mission successful, and it was surprisingly an easy one too..." Ezra admired the craftsmanship of the knife for a moment, then tucked it securely into his makeshift belt. The familiar heft gave him a newfound sense of confidence.

"Alright, ECHO. Let's move on. What's our next target?" he asked, peeking out from his little hiding spot.

[There is a supply depot two blocks east. It should have the equipment we need to both fortify your position and ensure we have enough resources to last a while.] ECHO responded.

Ezra nodded, feeling a mix of determination and anxiety. He knew the next step would probably be riskier, but it was necessary. He moved cautiously through the somewhat deserted streets, keeping to the darker areas, avoiding any potential threats.

As he approached the supply depot, he noticed a few guards stationed around the perimeter. They looked alert, despite looking like hoodlums... Still, this was making his approach more complicated than it needed to be.

"ECHO, any suggestions on how to get past them?" Ezra whispered.

[Utilize the environment to your advantage... Create a distraction to draw them away from their posts. There's a stack of empty crates nearby that could be used to make some noise.] ECHO advised.

Ezra spotted the crates and nodded. He looked around, and after thinking for a bit, he picked up a small rock and threw it towards the stack, causing a loud crash as the crates toppled over... The guards immediately turned towards the noise, both leaving their posts to investigate.

'Idiots. Why not be wiser and leave one of yourselves behind, just in case?' Ezra thought. He shook his head in disappointment and continued forward. Not complaining about the freebie...

Taking advantage of their distraction, Ezra slipped past the guards and into the depot. Inside, he quickly scanned the area, locating various supplies that could be useful. He grabbed a few essential items, stuffing them into his backpack. As well as one of the hand-held crates...

As he made his way back out, he felt a sense of accomplishment. However, it soon disappeared after he realized he had stolen food...

"Got what we needed, ECHO. I'm going head back and regroup," he whispered, carefully retracing his steps and avoiding detection...




Once back at his hideout, he spread out the supplies and began organizing them all...

He carefully unpacked the crate he'd brought back, revealing a meager but essential collection of non-perishable food items - Typical canned goods, dried fruits, and water purification tablets. Now, he also had a trusty knife to his name...

"I've gotten a quite lot for my first haul, how long do you think this will last me ECHO?" He asked.

[The food and water should last you for approximately two weeks, assuming a conservative daily intake. However, without any additional resources, your current position remains vulnerable.] ECHO also added.

Ezra nodded to himself, 'She's right... This place isn't much. If anything goes wrong, I'll probably be screwed over..." He thought, his fingers tracing the handle of the knife. Two weeks. It wasn't much, but it was enough to give them a chance, and a good amount of time to get stronger. He had to make it count.

He looked around the apartment, his eyes scanning the little meager furnishings. There was a rickety table, a couple of chairs, and a threadbare sofa. He could use them to create a makeshift barrier, but it wouldn't be much of a defense...

Still, something was always infinitely better than nothing, "ECHO, any suggestions on how to improve my position? I need to make this place more secure."

[Calculating... Given your limited resources, your best option is to utilize the environment to your advantage. Look for potential chokepoints, areas where you can funnel any potential attackers into a narrow space. You can then use the furniture and other objects to create a makeshift barricade.] ECHO advised.

Ezra nodded, his mind racing. He knew the apartment was small, but there were a few potential chokepoints. He could use the doorway, the narrow hallway leading to the bathroom, and maybe the small kitchen to his advantage...?

"Alright, I'll see what I can do tomorrow. For now, I'll eat and practice my knife skills in your simulation, after that, I'll practice the martial arts you recommended for me as well."

He knew he couldn't afford to be complacent. He had to stay sharp, both physically and mentally.

Ezra opened one of the cans of food, the metallic clink echoing in the silence of the apartment. The food wasn't gourmet, but it was sustenance... He ate slowly, savoring each bite, knowing that he had to conserve his energy.

He thought back to last night and how despite winning, he barely pulled through, 'When I can beat that damned simulation self of mine 10/10 times straight, I'll move on to level two...' He decided. Only then he would be satisfied with himself...










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