[update system finish]
[system complet]
Chose your new type
[ corvette+]
Corvette with more space
[excavager starship]
You will excavate more quickly. No other evolution available.
[frigate] your inventory is full of material use 50 % of your material to evolve in a frigate.
-More space
[fighter] your inventory is full of material use all of it to evolve in fighter.
-More space
-1 spot for Material gun.
I want to be a fighter class starship.
[modification of your starship wait 24h00]
[welcome in your new body]
Name :
Surname : green
Color : black/green
Race : spaceship-AI
Level 5 - update by material and fighting
Job: nanonnergy
Type starship : fighter
Type IA : starship controller
Hp : room : 12/12
Mana Ennergy: 100/100
Atck : weapon : 1slot
Def : shield : 1
Dext : truster 1
directional propulsion 1
Int : concious 1
Statpoint : 5->0
Sp : 0
System - shops kill, map, mission, all language
Visuel sense - max - > sense max
Space magic lvl1 - >space room/gravity
Water magic lvl1 - >space water room
Fire magic lvl1->kitchen/ space water room lvl max
Wind magic lvl1-> life support
Earth magic lvl1->life support lvl max/ nanomachine control lvl1
Light magic lvl1->infirmery
Hard skin lvl1->hard wall lvl 1
Appraisal lvl1->scanner
Appraisal block lvl1->scanner block
Regeneration Hp lvl1->reparation
Regeneration mp lvl1->space reactor room
Stealth lvl1->self-concelment
Inventory - >space storage/storage
Sword lvl1
Room who can be use. Space room is not count because they doesn't really exist. You have cockpit. 6 Bedroom for the crew. Kitchen. Hall. Infirmary. Storage. Cockpit.
Starship have gravity inside.
Ennergy who can be use by the weapon of the starship. Replenish with the space reactor room. Truster and other thing have already their energy provide.
Number of slot where you can put a weapon
Number of attack the shield can receive
Number of truster and engine power.
[Directional propulsion]
Number of propulsion and engine power.
[Concious] task you can do in the same time. You can't level up this with your Statspoint. It increase with you job.
[Sense] max
You have camera in and out of your starship.
You have screen, microphone and loudspeaker in your starship. You can see, hear, talk and touch (lock) with them like a human.
[Space room] room who doesn't really exist. They are use to create and transport thing in the ship. Like other dimension room which nobody can enter.
[Space water room] max
A space room create in a ship who can give water to the starship. You don't have to create a stock of water. It create water and transport it in all the ship.
If you want to find this room, it's a space room.
The water can be hot if you want.
[kitchen] max
It's a normal kitchen. Fire is create by the starship. No energy need. Water is transport by space water room
[life support] lvl max
Supplies air respirator in starship. Lifeform can live here.
[Nanomachine controle] lvl1
You create and controle Nanomachine. They can be use only if you know the blueprint of the object you want to create. You have to obtain metals first. Metal will be transform in nanomachine.
[Infirmery] lvl 1
You can save life here. One medical pod. ( one pod per level.
[hard wall] lvl1
Your wall can't be pierce this easily. Hardened the wall
[scanner] lvl1
You can scan ne a starship for information
[scanner block] lvl1
You can block a scanner level 1
Your starship will automatically reparle himself with use of metal in you space storage/storage
[Space reactor room] lvl1
A space room which creates and transport energy all the starship.
Like the water room you can't enter it it's a space room.
[Self-concealment] lvl 1
You are more invisible. ( can be active or desactive)
[Space storage/storage](space storage will be name inventory)
Space storage is like an inventory system. But you can only retrieve your object in the storage. Storage is a room in your starship.
[Sword art] lvl1
Proficiency with the sword.
Why I have this sword art again I'm a starship.
Brief summary I'm op but i don't have weapon yet. Excavation one more time.
[Inventory full]
[new mission go to space station academia Dama and search for your captain. System will chose for you.
Reward : 1sp
Failure : you will not be complete]
Nice new mission. Exactly when I want. Now we can move with the thruster. Truster max boost. Move forward. To my next destination : space station academia Dama.