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76.02% My Self-Insert Stash / Chapter 371: My SI Stash #71 - An Arcanist in Karakura Town by Vagabond (Bleach)

Kapitel 371: My SI Stash #71 - An Arcanist in Karakura Town by Vagabond (Bleach)

-Ay not even a chapter in and our MC has already lewded Ichigo's girl/ Understandable, would've done the same in his position!

Synopsis: ???

Rated: ???

Words: 11K

Posted on: (Vagabond)

PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (´ー`)

-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics/originals mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)

Chapter 1

An Arcanist in Karakura Town


"There are many jobs one can get in a city like this place," my self-appointed guardian lectured again. "And for someone as especially as talented as you, you should be striving for the best that you can be, not what is the easiest or the most convenient!"

I picked my ear while leveling an indifferent and annoyed stare at the long black haired and tall man. "And I'm telling you, I don't care about stuff like that," I groused unhappily. "Life isn't about just becoming the best that you can be. That kind of satisfaction only really satisfies certain people like you, Mr. I-United-A-Continent."

The man flipped out a fan and scoffed. "As great as you will be under my guidance, I have my doubts about your future once I leave you."

"Is that your way of politely telling me that I'm a fucking idiot?"

"Rude language is the first thing we shall work on."


"Ow-! Hey!"

"There is no place for crass language on the lips and in the mind of my disciple."

"I never gave me a choice in the matte-"


"OW! Will you stop that?!"

"Not until you behave."

It must have made a funny scene for onlookers. A Yankee like myself was getting scolded by a more traditional Asian man, especially since we were in the middle of Akihabara.

But then again, this was Akihabara, one of the most foreign tourist attracting sites. Perhaps it wasn't as weird or funny as it would have been had we been elsewhere in Japan.


I hadn't wanted to come here. Oh no no. Japan was a xenophobic nation with a history of xenophobia and isolationism. Its politicians laughed at the idea of taking in foreign workers even as their working population grew progressively older. It was a backward nation whose people were just begging for a change (a change they could never adapt to if the statistics on how many Japanese return to Japan after attempting immigrantion).

There was a reason why the manga industry pushed ever greater heights of anything fantastical, debaucherous, lewd, and extreme; these people wanted an out but found none except those in their minds.

There were worse places for an American teenager to be (Afghanistan comes to mind), but it wasn't an easy place either, especially when I was a blonde haired and blue eyed "exemplar" of what a foreigner was to the Japanese.

… I supposed that I've done enough slandering of the very nation I was to now live in.

Now some good things: low crime rate, shit ton of entertainment, lots of mountain getaway spots, good fish and fishing, and general non-violence of its adult population.


"-irection are we supposed to go towards to take this train to your new hometown?"

Grumbling, I pulled up my phone. Few thumb swipes later, I had the information. "We have to take the Chuo line," I replied with a drawl. "Hopefully, we can get ourselves a warehouse."

"A warehouse is no proper location for a young man to live in," my guardian "Hide" tutted. "You may buy one for your workshop, but I will not allow you to live in it."

I glared at him. "So you want me to spend more money - money that we are tight on - to get us two different places? Cuz there is no way that I am going to do that."

Hide, which was the short version of his alias Hidemasa, pushed me along towards the train station. "It is not about what is easy but what is proper, Alan," he countered. "You can always use your other jobs to keep yourself up."

I grumbled. "I don't want to spend time using that to make money. I'm here for a goddamn adventure, Hide."

"And adventure you will get just as my generals did upon the battlefields," he parried. "But all things require preparation, and you are nowhere near ready for an adventure."

Grumbling, I conceded to his point silently.

First off, this wasn't my Earth. I wasn't born anywhere on this Earth, but rather dropped here by a … Random Omnipotent Being.

The assface didn't even converse with me. Just looked at me, told me that I was a charity case for his tax evasion scheme (since when did gods pay taxes?), and told me to shoo, giving me exactly one minute to make my choices for a Worm CYOA.

The bastard didn't even drop me off on the proper planet. Hell, I don't even know what planet I was on because there was no outward difference between this Earth and my Earth, having been dropped in Hokkaido of all places. If it wasn't for Mr. and Mrs. Otoyashi, I might have been exiled once found by the police.

Anyways, I ended up doing a bit of research, cross-referencing all sorts of information I had with this Earth's internet until I found the name of the city that I was now going to live in.

Karakura Town.

The city of the fictional series Bleach.

I reiterate: the tax-evading ROB couldn't even drop me off on the proper planet. I came prepared for Worm but got dropped into a world with a much higher average power level.

God, my life sucked.

Or did it?

In a way, I've won the lottery of lotteries and have become the wet dream of all daydreamers: a superhuman. On top of being a magic-wielding arcanist, I also possessed the ability to make fantastical tools and weapons beyond the current limits of human civilization!

Oh and two other random powers.

That said, I was essentially homeless with my identity as an emancipated foreign teenager being fresher than most babies. It was rather lucky of us to run into a family well-versed in the affairs of fake identification (a service they provided me in exchange for me and Hide's help in one of their problems).

So there, I had some disadvantages, some advantages, and some irrelevant things going on in my life.

None of that mattered to me.

I was going to enjoy this life in ways I couldn't have before.

But to do that, I needed a warehouse. I can't go practicing magic in a house surrounded by other houses with normal Japanese neighbors. No, that would make any kind of magical experimentation hard to perform. A warehouse provided everything I needed.

And my stubborn guardian refused to let me just live in it.

We argued like that constantly as we found the train station, got on the train, and left the train.

"Fine," Hide gave up with a throw of his arms into the air. "But in exchange, I will have you promise me that you will not dilly dally in your magecraft studies."

"Arcane magic, Hide," I countered. "I don't use the magecraft system that you're familiar with."

"Does it matter what it is? You know what I ask of you."

"... Yeah. You don't want me to waste my life being a middling or average person."

"Because you are -"

"-more than that."


"... Alright. I promise to devote myself to the studies of the Arcane," I said once we were far away from most people. "I will not let the carnal desires of the world lure me away from the advancement of my mind and body."

Hide raised an eyebrow. "Already thinking about carnal wants, Alan? This does not make me happy."

I scoffed. "Deal with it."

"... Any girl you bring will be checked by me."

"What?! No!"

"I will not have you hitch yourself with some street tramp or a dumb blonde."

"Oi, I'm a blonde."



Karakura Town. The hometown of the Bleach fictional story. It was a normal looking place.

But I was here to tangle with Bleach's main plot and what better way to do that other than tangling myself up with its protagonists?

For the next few weeks, Hide and I set ourselves up in the city. While Hide didn't do much except advise on what I should do, the fact that I had someone like him at my back made me feel better.

I, on the other hand, set up a small business called "Mending Marris," a repair shop for many things small and moderate in size. It was for this business that I ended up getting the warehouse I wanted. To get business, I posted advertisements, calling myself a cheap and reliable fix for anything from clothes and toys to watches and

How did I achieve this?

Well, as an Arcanist - someone who uses Arcane Magic, or basically a wizard - I was capable of using cantrips, spells that I could use endlessly as long as I had the necessary ingredients to fire those spells. One such cantrip was "Mending," a spell that required only two lodestones, which were cheap as fuck.

I also advertised myself as a cleaner, and the cantrip I used for that purpose was "Prestidigitation."

Of course, I kept the fact that I was a Wizard a secret.

It took four weeks before I got a steady stream of clients wishing for my service. In fact, I got so many clients at one point that I had to start setting up appointments and everything.

I groaned as I walked down the streets of Karakura Town as the sun began to set, done with my work for the day. I had it easy like that compared to regular Japanese office workers. Did it make my own exhaustion any less, though? No. Because unlike office workers, I had to travel to random ass locations on bike and foot.

I still had a lot of time to practice all sorts of my powers before I went to sleep, though. I've been waiting to make a bomb, actually. I wanted to make a bomb that affects spirits by combining one of my random powers, Spiritual Force Manipulation, with one of the three Worm Twins powers, Bakuda. I wasn't sure if I could get it to work, actually, but hey, I was willing to try.

Humming happily at the thought of tinkering the night away, I walked down the street towards the warehouse district.

...Only to run into a high schooler my age. Still in the residential district, this was expected. What wasn't expected was who it was. Long orange haired, bubbly personality, and brown eyed, it was Orihime Inoue.

I blinked at the sight of the girl.

And I couldn't help but grin.

I've had weeks to practice all aspects of my powers, though I definitely practiced the Arcane more than anything else. In this situation, my second random power, Pheromone Manipulation, was the key to my enjoyment.

It took only a small whiff, but that was all I needed to do to ensnare her. Orihime looked at me as I got into her view, and her face flushed.

"Hey," I greeted her with a smile. "What's a beautiful girl like you doing out here?" I asked her.

"Uh umm…" she stuttered before she began to twiddle with her fingers. "I-I was just heading back home after school and…"

I gently took her hand, and she didn't run off at the skin contact. "My name's Marris Alan, what's your name?"

"Umm… I-I'm O-Orihime I-Inoue. Y-You're not Japanese."

I chuckled. "No, I'm not," I hummed. "Say, I'd like to treat you to dinner. How does that sound?"

Her face was even redder than before. "Y-You mean l-like a date?"

"Yes," I replied with a smile to emphasize the point. "Let's make it a date."

Her mouth opened and closed before she nodded.

I led her away from there.


Hours later, I led her to my home under the guise that I didn't want her to be out at night by herself. She reluctantly agreed and entered my home.

I pushed her hormones higher and higher with my pheromone control. I made her hornier and hornier until she couldn't help herself. She came to me begging for help, unsure as to why she was feeling so hot and bothered.

I led her to my bed…

Leaning down, I kissed her gently, and she kissed me back, squeezing her eyes closed and letting me take lead. She squeaked and moaned as my hands slowly undid her uniform, unclipped her bra, and stripped myself all the while we kissed, took a breath, and went back to kissing.

When we were finally stripped and laid bare, I stopped kissing her and pulled back.

Orihime - or Inoue as I was now calling her - was … a big girl. Despite being only fifteen (a year younger from my current age), she possessed quite the figure. I stopped roaming my eyes all around her and looked back up to meet her eyes. Her frightened, desperate, and naive eyes.

She looked down and saw my dick, hanging outside of my pants. Her arms were covering her chest.

"U-Umm… D-D-D-"

"Sshh…" I cooed her. "Is this your first time?"

She nodded shakily and squeezed her eyes shut.

"Then let me make this a special experience for you," I said as I pulled both of our clothes off, gently and slowly.

She began to hyperventilate as we became fully nude and I lined myself up to her pussy.

I pushed her hormones further with a bit more pheromone control, and she whimpered, reaching out with her hands to grasp my forearm, releasing her D-cups with the act. They bounced deliciously.

"I'm going in," I whispered to her and did exactly so. Slowly, I pushed my dick into her, and she whimpered. That whimper became a brief gasp of pain as I broke through her hymen. Then I pushed all the way through.

I waited for her as she adjusted to me.

"Are you ready?" I asked her when she opened her eyes and met mine.

She took shaky breathes. "Y-yes," she muttered.

I pulled out and pushed back in, and she whimpered.

I slid my left arm under her, forcing her arms to go around my neck and shoulders, and leaned into her breast. I held her left boob and licked. Her breath hitched and she mewled as I picked up pace in pumping her pussy and licking her nipple.

I pushed deeper into her -.

Her vagina clenched down on my dick like an iron grip and she screamed. She climaxed, coating my dick in more lubricant than she's made so far.

Seeing as she had fully adjusted to my size, I let her lay back down on the bed and straightened my back. My hands gripped her waist and I began to fuck her properly. She squealed and mewled, and I enjoyed making her mine thoroughly.

Finally, I thrust deep into her and cummed, and Orihime moaned out in pleasure. My dick twitched as my semen shot into her pussy once… twice… thrice...

I luxuriated in her vagina's grip on my dick, and as I came down from my carnal high, I leaned down and kissed her again. She reciprocated my kiss, wrapping her arms around my neck and back tightly.

It was good to be alive~.

next chapter
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