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88.31% My Self-Insert Stash / Chapter 431: My SI Stash #31 - Peace Was Never An Option by Lord_0f_Winter (DxDXLoveIsWar)

Kapitel 431: My SI Stash #31 - Peace Was Never An Option by Lord_0f_Winter (DxDXLoveIsWar)

-SB yeeted this fic to nonexistence unfortunately, but luckily Siscon!SI carries through QQ~

Synopsis: ???

Rated: M

Words: 12K

Posted on: (Lord_0f_Winter)

PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (´ー`)

-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics/originals mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)

Chapter 1

2015 years have passed in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Humanity as a whole has technologically and socially advanced very far in that time, reaching heights that even the most imaginative of men from that era would have deemed an impossibility, a mere fantasy, a dream a child would have as they slept.

And yet, in that time, humanity hasn't changed at all. Not really. Because you couldn't really change mankind. Not at their core. They were greedy, gluttonous, lustful, deceitful, envious of their fellow men, relatively quick to come to blows and with a desire to have things done for them and not do them themselves.

Their instincts and intrinsic nature have made it such that, at their most fundamental levels, they are the same as those from the thousands of years that have passed. All that has changed is the knowledge they have amassed as a species, the information they had access to, and the ease with which they gain said access.

An excellent example of that would be the pair sitting beside me. Each wished to dominate the other emotionally and psychological by having the other confess their undying love to them, hence putting them in a position where they believe they will hold power and superiority in the relationship. 'Wearing the pants' if you will. Both are willing to deceive the other and their friends around them as a means of accomplishing this goal even if it would be simpler to just come up and confess themselves and being all the happier for it. Their pride prevents them from doing as such.

As a result, their pursuit of love has become a nonsensical war of minds and battle of wits.

And yet, their current predicament was almost inevitable, whether it be by fate or by the knowledge of the future I was privy to. In that case, who exactly am I?

"Oh, that reminds me! I won a pair of tickets to a movie, but I can't go see it myself because my parents won't let me. So if any of you are interested, I was thinking of giving them to you. The movie is only playing this weekend, so…"

Ah, so this story's canon has finally begun. Although it is quite strange that this is happening 5 years before it was ever meant to. At least according to the plot. But there were far more important changes than merely the year this was taking place in.

"Oh?" Miyuki opened up his notebook. "Now that you mention it, I'm completely free this weekend. Shinomiya, would you-"

"Oh, and...they say that if a boy and girl go to see this movie together, they're guaranteed to start dating!" There was a sense of longing on Chika's face as she spoke. "Isn't that wonderful?"

From my perspective, I could already see the panic in the President's eyes.

"Oh? President, were you about to invite me to go with you? A movie that makes boys and girls who see it start dating...Are you going to say that we should see it?" If you looked closely enough, you could see a bead of sweat roll down Miyuki's neck listening to Vice-President Shinomiya's words. It was doubtless that Kaguya did notice as she gave a quick glance towards his neck and smirked. "Wouldn't that be the same as...a confession?"

And now, Shirogane's face was stuck. Clearly, he was trying to figure out a way out of this hole he had found himself in. Normally, this would be the part where the viewer could see how Shirogane perceives the situation would be played out and-

[I sense a devil nearby.]

'Shit. Are you for real? Where is it?'

[A couple of blocks away from the front gate. They've stopped in what seems like an alleyway.]

'What are the chances that it's just a stray?'

[Does it matter? A devil has encroached upon your territory. As a dragon, you have every right to smite them. I cannot understand why you wish to hide from the world as you do.]

'For fucks sake, Albion. We've been over this.'

"President, I need to leave." Miyuki looked up at me, still lost in thought. "I just remembered that there was something important I have to do right now." I didn't even bother waiting for his response, instead electing to walk straight up to the window and opening it.

"Oh, okay Shiroi-kun. Do be sure to fulfil your duties. Shuchiin Academy does not need a slacker General Affairs Officer."

��Hai, hai. See ya." And with that, I had jumped out of the window. After all these years of physical training from hell and all of my parkour training, falling from the third floor was a non-issue. Of course, I couldn't be too eye-catching, so I would swing from the flagpole on the first floor. The drop from there is safely within regular human limits and, as such, would be completely acceptable by the general public.

"Kyaa! It's the White Dragon Demon!"

"I wonder if he has a girlfriend."

"Do you think he's in a relationship with Fujiwara-san?"

"I heard that he and Tepes-san are really close."


"Of course someone like him would be close to one of The Impossible Girls."

"Hah, I wouldn't even mind if he dated someone else on the side..."

Ah, yes. The fangirls. Because one cannot be accepted into the Student Council without being exceptional, after which, you would be put onto a pedestal by the rest of the students. In a school of rich second generations that would come to rule the country, only the truly exceptional can be readily accepted to rule over them.

Which is probably why Ishigami is almost never in the Student Council Chambers. Shame.

And White Dragon Demon? Really? I get angry one time and they put 'demon' at the end of my name. ONE FUCKING TIME!

[You forget that you are a dragon, Ryu-kun. Your anger is far more potent and oppressive than a mere human.]

'Gee, I wonder why that was the case? Maybe if an idiot dragon didn't decide that there was nothing more to his life than trying to kill another idiot dragon, neither of us would be in this mess.'

[I admit that I may have made a few small mistakes in the past.]

'Few? Small? Your fight ended a three-way war between all the biblical factions because THEY COULDN'T HAVE THEIR FUCKING WAR WHILE YOU TWO WERE FIGHTING! How does one fight even get in the way of a multi-dimensional war between gods anyway? Just what in the world were you and Ddraig even doing?���

[Focus, Ryu. The devil has stopped moving, but there are no signs of magic in the area.]

'So they're not teleporting. I wonder what's going on over there.'

I ran past the front gate and began to run down the main road towards the devil's location. There were too many students in the way, so there wasn't enough space to properly sprint all the way; school had just finished not too long ago so most of the students were on their way home.

[Take a left by the 7-Eleven, and cross the street. They're in an alleyway 50 metres from the junction.]

I got there as fast as I could. Upon arrival, I came across what could only be a stray devil. They had black, twisted goat horns sticking out of their greasy brown hair. Their bare breasts, although very sizeable, had mouths filled with sharp teeth and a very long tongue where there would normally be nipples and areolae. Past her waist, her body looked serpentine but was covered in red fur that had red slime oozing out of it.

Most importantly, there was a man's gelded penis sticking out of her mouth. Said man was lying lifelessly on the ground beneath her. There was nothing left of his arms but bloody stumps at the shoulder leaking out blood onto the floor. From the pained look on his face, it was safe to assume he did not go to the afterlife peacefully.

"Look what the cat dragged in! Another shitty human to the slaughter, eh? I wonder how you will taste like when I'm done with you! Hey, shitty meatbag, how do you think you'll taste like!? Oi, tell me! I'm asking you a question!" Her voice came out manic and deranged, but it seemed one couldn't expect anything less really.

Pretty much all the stray devils I had come across were insane and deranged in some form or other, and all seemed to think they were invincible. Must be a fail-safe from Ajuka to make hunting strays that much easier. In their madness and arrogance, they wouldn't even bother hiding or assessing the strength of the person they're fighting.

That was an attribute I was completely willing to exploit.

In these scenarios, a typical anime character would strike up a conversation with their foe or adversary, trying to figure who they are and their motives for doing whatever they're doing. This gives the opponent time to power up and/or come up with a plan to fight the character they're facing.

Even a lion goes all out when hunting a rabbit.

I dashed right into the stray, my right arm beginning to glow white with touki. I pulled back and punched as hard and as fast as I could without drawing outside attention straight to their nose. Upon impact, their head exploded and bits of bone and brain matter flew every which way. Including my clothes and my orifices. Eurgh, gross.

Did I need to use that much force? No. But I wasn't willing to take any chances in this universe for her to get some retarded power-up or for someone who was 'interested' in me to pass by. I wanted to be in and out as quickly and efficiently as possible without any hiccups.

Animes had a habit of escalating meaningless scenarios after all.

I felt a vibration in my pocket and Unravel began to play. Sticking my hand inside, I pulled out my phone and saw that Valerie was calling me.

"Yo, Val."

"Did something come up, Ryu-kun? I saw you running out of the school."

"Oh, no. Nothing much." I looked down at the headless and cockless corpses. "Just a stray passing through. I'm kinda covered in blood and guts, so I can't go back into the school grounds. Can you pass by the Student Council Chamber and pick up the papers and documents I left behind?"

"Hmm, well, I'm kind of busy right now." I could hear the smugness through the phone. "You're gonna have to go get it yourself I'm afraid."

"Hah, is this because of yesterday?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about? I fail to see how this is related to you eating the whole cake that I had bought for myself yesterday and then trying to blame it on poor Megumi-chan." Oh, Valerie, you can be such a petty little bitch sometimes.

"Fine, fine. What can I do to make it up to you?"

"Hmm, how about you let me drink some of your blood today? Shall we say, about 1 cup?"

"Is that what you were after the whole time?" I shook my head hearing her humming a tune. "You'll be the death of me someday, you know that?"

"Oh, how could little ol' me be the death of the big, bad Vanishing Dragon?"

"Ha ha, very funny. Anyway, I'm gonna sort this out and go home. Everything okay? I thought you said you were busy?"

"Did I ever say I was busy? Do you have physical evidence that can prove beyond a doubt that I said I was busy?" Oh for fucks sake Valerie.

"Sometimes, I can't help but hate you," I growled. What even was the point of this back and forth?

"Yeah, yeah, you know that isn't possible." Why did I even take her in? Oh, right. I was preventing the beast of the apocalypse from being released. "Anyway, you left your motorbike behind, so I'm just gonna go take it for a spin, maybe buy some clothes on the way home. Bye bye~"

She didn't even let me say anything and just hung up.

At this point, I can't even be bothered to get mad.

[I think this is what they call being whipped, Ryu-kun. A most shameful display for a Heavenly Dragon.]

'You have no right to talk about shameful displays. You've been nothing but a sentient pair of wings for over two thousand years! How's that been working out for you?'

[Why you little-]

'Now if you mind, I have a crime scene to clean up.'


It's been 17 years since I died as Marcus Brigg and woke up as Shiroi Ryu in an anime world.

At first, I thought I was in a normal world living a second life. I thought I had reincarnated as a result of some Buddhist karmic cycle of rebirth.

That failed to explain why I had wings with an overpowered dragon locked up inside.

I was 8 at the time, my sister Megumi was 5, and we were playing with some children at the park when the ball we were all playing with got kicked too hard and went over the fence and into the road. My sister, being the innocent child she was at the time, went to get it as she was the closest. What she didn't know was that there was a car turning onto the street headed straight for her.

Mum, judging by her shrill screams, was absolutely terrified. Most of the other kids didn't really understand what was going on. But me? I was running before I even knew what was going on. I got to her just in time to push her out of the way, but couldn't get out of the way myself.

I thought that was it for me, that I would die by getting run over yet again, and I was prepared to go then and there. Even though I hadn't known her for long, I had come to truly love and cherish the new family I was born into.

So one could imagine my surprise when I didn't return to that abyss I had come to understand as death, but somewhere completely different.


My eyes were blinded by all the light as I tried to open them. So much white light everywhere. Was this it? Did I finally get into heaven?

Once my vision adjusted, I found myself in front of an ornate wooden door around 10 feet tall. The azure carpet I was standing on looked more expensive than the yearly salary I used to earn in my previous salary.

"My lord, we must hurry and begin your ascension to the divine throne." A man appeared behind me that could be nothing other than some super fancy knight. He had this ornate, shining silver armour with a luscious scarlet cape. There were highlights of gold dotted all across his body. At the centre of the breastplate, there was a crowned white dragon with piercing blue eyes.

In the reflection of the armour, I saw my face. I had the white hair and red eyes of my second life, but where my hair was originally short, it was now flowing down to my shoulders. My eyes seemed aged and haunted somehow. There was a cool looking scar running from just above my right eyebrow straight down to the middle of my cheek. Just beneath that, there was a well-groomed white Hollywoodian beard that I hadn't been expecting at all. My features were very sharp, my body was unexpectedly tall and I was built like a brick house.

My outfit was something straight out of an anime. A long, white tunic with golden threads and buttons under a long, floor-length cape of black on the outside and royal blue on the inside. There was a golden chain from my lapel to my shoulder, where it met one of my shoulders. On my feet were knee-high leather boots that met airy white pants. There was a depiction of a blue dragon on the side of my tunic extending from my hip to my knee.

Change my eye colour, give me some renaissance style curls and change the colour of my outfit and I would be indistinguishable from Charles zi Britannia. Now there was a thought.

Did I become some adult gar version of myself?

Wait a minute! Lord? Ascension? Divine Throne? Wasn't I meant to be going to heaven?

Before I could ask him anything, he had already opened the doors before me, revealing an open-air chamber. Calling it a chamber was a bit too much. Rather, it was a platform completely suspended in the sky. There were white fluffy clouds around it and nothing but the sun above. On the platform were what looked like hundreds of thousands of people all looking at me with awe and wonderment in their eyes.

Along the middle was a blue carpet that went up the ornate stairs at the end of the platform and led up to a golden throne at the top. Beside the throne was a man that looked exactly how I remembered I looked like in my last life, back when I was still Marcus with black hair and blue eyes. He was wearing priestly robes that, funnily enough, had a white a blue dragon in the middle. In the background, I could hear orchestra instruments playing a theme that I knew was a Lannister one from Game of Thrones.

Not knowing what else to do, I schooled my features and made my way up to the throne. At the top, with nothing but the sun above me, I looked down at the crowd and felt intimidated by the fervent looks in their eyes. Is this the look of a fanatic? How could anyone be able to inspire such devotion from people?

Previous me stood before me with a crown in his hands. It was a black grown with red and gold gems embedded into it. He smiled at me reassuringly as he raised the crown to just above my head, but it did nothing to quiet the unease in my gut.

"I now proclaim the Supreme Ryuu of the Shiroi Clan, First of His Name, King of the Gods and Devils, Grand Ruler of all Dragonkind, Lord of the Nine Worlds and Protector of all the Realms. Long may he reign!"

"Long may he reign!"

"Long may he reign!"

The crowd erupted in applause and cheers, but then they all began to fade away. The fancy clothes and the crown disappeared like ash in the wind, and all that was around me began to fade to black, leaving me alone in the void.

"What is this place? Where am I? What the heck is going on!?" Is this it? Am I back in the void? Will I be here for an eternity again?


"Who's that!? Where are you!? Show yourselves!" Why was there a voice in the darkness? Am I not alone?

[I'm right next to you.]

The voice came from my left. Turning around, I was face to face with a gods be damned dragon. There was nothing else to call it. From where I was, I couldn't even see the top of its head.

"D-d-d-dragon!" I stuttered and fell to the floor, completely shocked. A dragon! What in the actual fuck!?

[It gladdens me that a weak people such as yours remember how to act before me even after all these years. I have been trying to reach you for some time now, but you were too weak to even hear my voice.]

"What are you on about!? Talking to me!? What's that meant to mean!? Dragons aren't meant to exist! You're a fairy tale! A myth! A story told to children!"

[Hehe. Believe as you wish. I only came to greet the partner with whom I shall fight alongside. I have seen all that you have, and I know that deep down, you understand what it is I speak of, or at least you will once you awaken.]

Awaken? I'm not dead? How? Whahuh?

[Hear me and rejoice, little human. You have the honour of being the host of me, Albion the White Dragon Emperor.]

White Dragon Emperor? It can't be. That was an anime.

"Wait, are you-"


I didn't even get to finish speaking before I abruptly woke up in a hospital bed with mom and Megumi sleeping by my legs. Feeling my movement, they both woke up and drowned me in hugs and kisses, after which a doctor came in and reprimanded them for their display of affection that may have caused me bodily harm.

Turns out, the doctors were all baffled by what they called a miraculous rate of recovery. I had had multiple broken bones and several fragments of glass and bone embedded in various places across my internal body. And yet, somehow, my body had completely recovered within the span of 6 months, for which I was in a coma, leaving behind nothing but an assortment of scars across my body. They asked me if I knew why my regeneration was so formidable and I told them that I had no clue what was going on, but deep down, I had a feeling this was related to Albion somehow. I also knew from that moment that I was in Highschool DxD. And that I had Divine Dividing.

Here I was, a man in the body of a child, in a world that I knew only as an ecchi harem shounen anime with undertones of torture, rape, slavery and genocide beneath the rose-tinted glasses of the protagonist's obscene perversion and his pursuit to fondle the finest breasts in all the land. Inside me was the soul and power of one of the strongest beings in existence. The plot had either already began or would begin in my lifetime and, as the White Dragon Emperor, I would get dragged in eventually.

Not to mention that since I had Divine Dividing instead of Vali, canon was effectively shot to hell. Did Vali even get bullied this time by his dad? Will Rias' peerage be able to take on Kokabiel without Vali's interference? Will Azazel now be tracking me down to try to recruit me? Those were some of the thoughts passing through my head.

I didn't want to be in this world. The only ones who'd want to have to fight for their lives against world-ending monsters are the battle junkies and the clinically insane. I like to consider myself as neither of those and yet here I am. So I'm gonna have to suck it up and take the hits.

As they say, needs must when the devil drives.

aweirdweeb aweirdweeb

Follow me on twitter~ @N177013

(Suggest me new fics, anime, manga)

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