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17.64% My friends the dragons / Chapter 3: The path of war. Snape again

Kapitel 3: The path of war. Snape again

The headmaster's office was unaccustomedly quiet. None of the gadgets that had once littered the cupboards and shelves made a sound, nor did they gleam in hundreds of colours. All the portraits of the former directors were lifelessly frozen, depressing the already gloomy atmosphere of the castle and the director's residence. In the centre of the office, at the large desk with legs in the shape of intricately curved bird's feet, sat Albus Dumbledore.

He had looked older in recent years: fatigue in his eyes, his favourite purple robes had faded, his hair was whiter, and his voice was unaccustomedly quiet. The other wizards around him were silent too, not even trying to break the silence. Clutching their tattered robes, the wizards focused their minds as best they could on the task at hand, but their concentration was frankly inadequate. The aristocrats who had joined Dumbledore had lost their former lustre; the Weasleys looked even shabbier, and the members of the Order of the Phoenix were all pale, haggard and lifeless. Martial law had left no chance for a decent life, and the endless skirmishes with the Reapers were getting harder.

Phoenix looked tiredly around the study, squeaking nervously and tucking his head under his wing. He had not even tried to leave the room for the last few years and was constantly in a semi-drowsy state.

Dumbledore coughed and caught his breath. All eyes immediately turned to him. Around the Headmaster's table were many stools, occupied by wizards of all ages and social status: many of the Weasley family, the students who had been made members of the Order - Neville, Luna and Hermione.

Lovegood remained in the country only because of her father, who stubbornly refused to leave Britain and continued to publish articles 'from the front' in The Pride. Neville managed to send his grandmother and her parents to France and stayed with Luna himself. They joined the Order, deciding it wasn't worth sitting on the sidelines when there was even the slightest possibility of action. Because of what had happened to Potter, Longbottom and Lovegood despised the gathering, which they didn't hide much.

With Granger, it was clear enough. Since Harry's disappearance, she had put all her skills and abilities into learning combat spells and charms. Despite the fact that the Headmaster no longer held the same authority in her eyes, Hermione decided to help the forces of light in any way she could. As a result, the girl joined the Order of the Phoenix and, as an excellent strategist, actively participated in the development of their operations.

The rest of the wizards, light and not so light, joined Dumbledore much later and also voluntarily.

Granger was the first to break the oppressive silence:

- Headmaster, what are we going to do? I've searched almost the entire library, but this has never happened at Hogwarts before.

Albus Dumbledore sighed heavily.

- Yes, this is an unprecedented case, and it will require a special solution. We must find out what started it all.

Granger continued enthusiastically, not allowing the crowd to gather their thoughts:

- When Harry was in Azkaban, I noticed that the hat wasn't singing, which meant that the magic had already started to dissipate. And then the portraits, the ghosts. Things were getting out of hand. A lot of people were getting worse at spells. How can we defend ourselves if Voldemort is laying siege to Hogwarts on a regular basis? We can't just sit back and watch everything we stand for crumble away. Was Harry really connected to the castle's magic? Then it seems that our actions have robbed us of our last hope of salvation, and Potter is indeed the Chosen One.

- We must find him," Minerva McGonagall spoke up. - Of course, I realise that our efforts so far have been in vain, but perhaps now something has changed in Harry and he will negotiate. We've hurt him badly and underestimated him.

Neville jumped up from his seat and blurted out his indignation:

- Are you going to apologise? Of course, once you have the Chosen One, you can ask for forgiveness, can't you? You think he'll forgive you, understand you, swing a sword at your enemy at your instigation? Where were you when you threw a defenceless boy into Azkaban? When you shouted that he was a murderer, that he was a creature unworthy of life, that he had no heart? What about before? When you let the most disgusting Muggles in Britain take care of a national hero? Give me one reason why he should return to the den of traitors? Why he should kill Voldemort? Where is the guarantee that Potter will not be sent back to Azkaban for the premeditated murder of Tom Riddle? Are you really that naive?

The embarrassed wizards looked away when Neville glanced in their direction. The stubbornness faded, but the decision was made to find Harry and apologise. Dumbledore was about to end the meeting when Luna's distant voice rang out:

- Do you know how to find Harry? Because the last time he was searched for, no rituals, no spells, no owls, no potions helped. So what are you going to do?

- I can contact the goblins. - Lucius Malfoy, his lips pressed together, decided to do a good deed. - As head of the Malfoy family, I have the power to ask for the favour of finding a relative. Potter is one, albeit on my wife's side. You just have to be aware of all the changes in the Vault Keepers.

Bill Weasley's voice rose immediately:

- Goblins won't help. I asked them when Harry first went missing. Even if they knew where Potter was, they wouldn't just tell us. Not even with a lot of money. As much as they love gold, their clients' whereabouts are kept very secret.

- But what can we do? - Hermione, who had been determined to find her friend, snapped at the realisation that it might not work.

- Don't despair, Miss Granger," the headmaster smiled gently. The smile was forced.

The wizards were silent. The situation wasn't changing in their favour, but they still hadn't found a way out. After sitting for a while, they parted with nothing.


On a desolate patch of land, where peace and tranquillity had recently reigned, a vortex of air suddenly appeared, from which two dozen men emerged. They sat not far from the tree, which, despite the terrible heat, was a sight to behold with its broad and lush green crown. Dressed in the traditional robes of a potionmaker, the men seemed oblivious, engrossed in long discussions. Only one of them was silent, scanning his surroundings with a prickly gaze, but keeping the thread of conversation going.

- And I tell you, it takes twelve leaves for a single serving of this potion! - The stout old man gesticulated so much that he dropped his notes. Then he straightened his dislocated monocle and used his wand to summon a fallen parchment. - Otherwise, the effect of the Thirst Potion would be inconsequential!

- I beg to differ, colleague! We didn't come to the only place where Pahikormus discolour grows for nothing! - the other man said, shaking a small case. - I can show you my version of the Thirst Potion right now. The best alchemy kit is always with me!

The others joined in the debate, but the silent man, who had chosen not to engage in polemics, simply stepped back to look at the tree that had become the object of the nineteenth World Potion Summit. Such gatherings were a true outlet for Severus Snape, who enjoyed immersing himself in the study of obscure ingredients, briefly distracting himself from the endless series of tasks set by Dumbledore and the Lord. For himself, the potter had long since decided on the number of leaves of Pachycormus, and otherwise took no side in the argument.

Snape walked further and further away from his colleagues until he accidentally stepped behind the illusionary barrier. Snape made the customary gesture to pull his wand out of his sleeve, but he could not - a rush of fear and dread gripped him. A few dozen feet in front of him lay a red Chinese dragon, a huge fifty-foot dragon, coiled in rings. Its beautiful red-gold scales glittered like diamonds in the sun. Long whiskers billowing in the wind, huge nostrils flaring noisily, clawed paws, a great, long body, quite agile for such a thing, and sharp fangs in its open mouth... This dragon was magnificent! But Snape was in no hurry to move, for fear of ending his life here, in a sun-drenched clearing somewhere in the middle of southern Mexico.

The dragon eyed the 'guest' curiously, then whistled something melodious. A rather human voice came from somewhere:

- What's all the fuss about? What guests?

Then the potions master saw a young man stretched out sleepily on the dragon's back. And the man's personality threw the always collected Snape off balance. Despite the ten years that had passed, Severus easily recognised the most hated student. Harry straightened and squared his shoulders: There was nothing of the man who came to Hogwarts years ago. His black hair fell in waves over his shoulders, and his green eyes were proud and calm. He wore no glasses, and the dragonskin costume made him look like a medieval knight.


The Ministry of Mexico was in a panic. The World Potion Summit was about to take place, and security was at an all-time low. The local Aurorate refused to accompany the scientists because they had something more important to do on the northern border. The Law Enforcement Department was busy patrolling the outskirts of Mexico City and guarding a minister at an exhibition of magical achievements.

In all the excitement, the question suddenly arose: why not ask the Dragonlord for help? Of course, the Ministry was aware of who resided with them south of the shores of the Chapala Lagoon. But to them, the possibility of a mage ruling dragons was far more valuable than a great name that meant nothing here on the continent. After brief negotiations with the Minister, it had been decided to seek the Dragonlord's help. He had asked for a licence to kill poachers on sight if they dared to come near his pets and friends despite their shields. After hesitating for the sake of appearances, the ministry delegates agreed to such terms: the problem was solved.

On the third day of the event, when the wizards decided to take their dispute directly to the site of Pachycormus Discolor, Harry, who controlled the dragon, erected powerful shields around the scientists and, cloaking himself in illusion spells, fell asleep. The dragon would wake its master if anything happened, so the man was not worried and did not want to watch the 'circle around the tree'.

About an hour later there was a dragon whistle and Harry awoke. He was surprised to find that one of the Potions Masters had gone so far as to break through his barrier. And by some miracle, it turned out to be Severus Snape. In his time of seclusion, Harry had completely forgotten that Snape was not the last Potions Master in the world, and the chances of him ending up here were quite high.

- Who would have thought? Severus Snape himself! Had I known, I never would have agreed to guard your colleagues!

- Harry Potter! So this is where you've been hiding all this time! - The Potter quickly recovered from his shock and began to sneer.

But Harry was no longer the boy the Potions professor disliked. He was quick to react:

- You think I'm hiding? After what you've done, do you dare accuse me of hiding from the good uncles who allowed me to go to Azkaban? No, professor, you won't. You will return to your colleagues. And I would advise you not to tell anyone about me.

- Wait," Severus seemed surprised, but didn't leave the conversation. Dumbledore's task was still in progress and the man was working out what he could ask for his information. - Why don't you tell me how you managed to disappear for so long?

- Why would I tell you that? - Potter was surprisingly calm, and the dragon looked at both men curiously.

- If I apologise, can we just talk? - Snape tried to look friendly.

- An apology? Who needed one? - Harry narrowed his eyes, calculating his options. - Although... I could offer a trade.

- Which one? - Severus was prepared to do anything at this point to get what he needed.

- You're going to tell me everything that happened after I... left.

Snape, if surprised, didn't show it. Years of service to the two masters had taught him to keep a straight face.

- Good. I'm prepared to tell you everything.

- The conversation will be long, so I invite you to join me. - Potter pointed at the dragon. Snape stared again at the creature that embodied strength and power, unable to look away.

- Youngshen will take us. - With that, Harry leapt lightly onto the dragon's back. - Oh, your colleagues have decided to curtail their activities as well.

The wizard turned back to where he had come from. The group of scholars had gathered the leaves from the tree and then made their way back to the portal they had come through. With a slight flash of blue light, the tavernkeepers disappeared, not even bothering to inquire about those who were absent.

The dragon crouched down, allowing the two riders to take up more comfortable positions between its spines. A moment later, the two huge wings swung open. The air shuddered and the heavy carcass rose into the sky. Nearly twenty minutes later, Yunsheng turned smoothly towards a small house by a nearby lake. The house was two storeys high and looked quite comfortable from the outside. It stood on a rock, with a clear, deep lake at its base. Several dragons lounged on the shore, flapping their wings in the clear water and occasionally snorting steam. Snape was amazed to see so many mystical creatures, which in the modern world would have long since been counted by their heads. Harry, grinning, watched the potter's reaction carefully:

- "Fear not, Professor. These are my friends. This way, please.

Potter waved his hand in the direction of the terrace.

The next few hours seemed like a dream to Snape. He'd never thought he'd be sitting by the fire in a large living room, sipping absinthe and having a heart-to-heart with the son of the school's enemy. The potter took a big swig. The alcohol felt pleasantly warm in his body. Snape mentally reflected on the current conversation and gently reached into his interlocutor's mind. He was surprised to find a well-placed mental block. The potter didn't spare any details, recounting everything that had happened in England over the years, so the conversation dragged on. Then Harry suggested that Snape stay with him for a few days.

- Look, Mr Potter, why are you being so nice and quiet? - Severus was content to talk and not feel threatened. - Anyone else would have buried my mortal coffin or fed it to the dragons by now.

Harry was aware of Snape's attempts to probe his mind, but he held back:

- "I understand how you feel, professor. But years later I've learned that hatred and contempt are too strong feelings for those who no longer play a role in my life. - Harry grinned crookedly. - All that pain and hatred burned through me. Well, I have real friends now. Oh, by the way, here comes the godfather.

Sirius, dressed in his travelling robes, stood in the doorway with a cheeky grin and a raised eyebrow, looking at Snape:

- Good evening, Nunius.

- You?! I should have known the mongrel would join you, Potter," Snape grimaced, as if he'd had a large fly in his glass.

- Yes, that's right, professor. Sirius is the only one who has gone against Dumbledore and his beliefs. He's been with me all this time, my mentor, my friend, my brother. The others are traitors lurking in Hogwarts. I've let go of the past, but I've forgotten nothing.

The bottle flew up and splashed fire whisky into Sirius's glass. He thought he was looking at Snape with no former hatred, only the deepest contempt. Black was silent. It was obvious that he had left the situation to his godson.

- Sirius will help you settle in and I must make my daily rounds. - Harry rose from his chair. - Or perhaps you'd like to join me, Professor?

Snape was silent for a moment, then nodded:

- I'd like to see something new for myself.


Once ashore, Harry walked over to the black dragoness and stroked her head.

- How are you, Adar? Does anything hurt?

Adar calmly leaned into Potter's face and stared into his eyes. A moment later, Harry was explaining to a dazed Snape about communicating with dragons and showing off his kennel.

- I thought a lot about this situation when I left Hogwarts. I learned a lot before I found a place to call home and new friends. I gathered information about all kinds of dragons, found every one of them and brought them here. I can hear them. It's not like Parseltongue, they answer me and show me pictures from their ancestral past. I have managed to restore the almost extinct species of Opal-Eyed Antipodean, whose scales are used in the Felix Felicis potion, and to increase the populations of Tailed Dragons and Norwegian Dragons.

With that, Harry led the professor along the shore towards the cliffs. Beyond the next ledge, a deep cave was revealed. Inside was a Hungarian Cauda Equina, its body wrapped around a clutch. Snape recoiled, knowing how zealously the dragonriders guarded the clutch and that to approach it, even within a mile, was life-threatening, but Harry boldly stepped inside and began to turn and examine the eggs. The pintail growled and nudged Potter in the side. Snape turned pale, expecting there to be nothing left of the insolent Potter.

- Come, Adrynn, don't worry. It won't be long now...

The dragoness blew flames at the bullets. Potter didn't even duck. The fire surrounded him and the egg in his hand glowed from within. Harry carefully replaced it and walked out to Snape. They walked to the opposite bank of the lake. The young man walked towards the water. The potter stayed where he was, not knowing what to expect.

- Dager, how's your wing?

The dumbfounded Swedish dragon turned his neck towards Potter with a horrified snout and made a low murmuring sound.

- Good. Only the wing needs a closer look.

Dager obediently unfolded the leathery wing, which was covered in sparse, large scales with a fine scattering of holes between them. Harry ran his palms over the cracks and hissed:

- Draco virtutem sangius animuski...

After a moment, the holes became slightly smaller. The boy hunkered down wearily and stroked his wing:

- Stay out of the water, it's too early for you.

So they went around all the dragons. It was a familiar scene to Harry, but Snape was in a state of prostration. Never before in his life had he seen dragons so freely interacting with each other, and the dragons themselves so favoured by a human...

At Potter's invitation, and Black's acquiescence, Severus stayed with them for a few more days, talking about everything that was going on in England and listening to everything that had happened to Potter. For the first time in twenty years, Potter rested and relaxed as much as he could, enjoying the beautiful view from the windows and learning as much as he could about dragons.


Arriving at Hogwarts, Severus put on his usual mask of aloofness and burst into Dumbledore's office in the middle of another meeting, where they were still discussing nothing.

With his wand, the Potter showed the audience the highlights of the meeting with Harry: The flight on the dragon, the first conversation in the house, the evening round with the pets, the moment when Potter turned the eggs of the Hungarian tail horn...

Severus himself left the meeting above the Abyss of Memory and hurried to the laboratory. The ingredients volunteered by the dragons burned in the pocket of his robes, making Snape almost dance with impatience.


The wizards were in shock. They'd certainly hoped to find the boy, but they'd never imagined that he was now the same Dragonlord whose fame was slowly spreading beyond America.

So how do they enlist the boy in the fight for Light and Good?

next chapter
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