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98.75% My Fanfic Stash and Favorite online quests / Chapter 394: Um... Somebody for One? by WorldMonarchAreyesha

Kapitel 394: Um... Somebody for One? by WorldMonarchAreyesha

This is the sequel fanfic of the previous fic if you liked that one you will like this one too 🫠

Words: 64k+


(At the Dawn of Quirks, there were two brothers.

In one universe, the older brother was in the running as one of the worst siblings to ever live, a cruel megalomaniac whose goal in life was to become the most evil person in history.

…In another he was actually pretty normal, and just ended up getting in far to deep far to quickly, ending up as a lynchpin to a system that would bring society to its knees if it ever fell apart before he even really knew what was happening with far more power than he had ever really planned to gain.

And now, almost two hundred years later, his grandson has inherited the quirk that drove him to the peak of the Villainous hierarchy alongside a strong desire to become the greatest Hero the world has ever seen. Unfortunately, he also happened to inherit a handful of more persistent enemies who would be more than happy to attack a significantly squishier target.

...Not that they're aware of his existence just yet, of course, but that's only a matter of time.

It's incredible how much difference changing a single person's life can make, isn't it?)

Chapter 1: Shigaraki Izuku: Origin


To anyone who's reading this without reading the previous entry in the series, 'All for... uh, someone, probably', I'll try my best to make it so that it isn't required reading for this fic, but this story has some pretty dramatic Alternate Universe elements, so that might be a good place to go.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Shigaraki Izuku frowned to himself as he scratched at his palms.

He'd been feeling really weird lately. He had been getting a bunch of really small but really annoying headaches whenever he was around too many people, and his hands had been starting to tingle a bunch, especially a tiny spot right in the middle of his palms that occasionally started to sting.

Not to mention the weird lights that he'd been seeing inside of people recently. No two were even the same!

He'd told his Daddy about that, and had even asked him if he knew what his light meant. It looked like a complicated glowing trail of flickering orange almost like the fire he occasionally breathed that trailed all the way down his throat and into his chest. All Daddy had done was make a strange face and tell him to go and ask Mommy about it.

Izuku knew what that meant. Daddy clearly had no idea what the lights were supposed to be.

So here he was now, playing with Kacchan and Zumichan in the middle of the school playground whilst Kacchan showed off his quirk. Apparently he'd gotten it over the holidays. Izuku wished he'd gotten his quirk over the holidays so that he could show it off.

Not that he was jealous or anything.

Izuku watched in awe as the tiny sparks that only he could see flowed up Kacchan's arm, reaching his hands where they suddenly burst like a bunch of tiny bombs, turning into the spray of pops and crackles that Kacchan was making as they escaped from under his skin. Actually, now he thought about it, they looked a lot like his quirk.

There was probably something to that.

"That's so cool!" Zumichan said as Kacchan lowered his arms, a wide grin on his face.

"Yeah!" Izuku agreed excitedly. "It looks super awesome with all the lights under your skin!"

Kacchan paused before sharing a look with Zumichan.

"The hell do you mean by that, 'Zuku?" He asked aggressively. "Are you saying there's part of my quirk I can't see?"

Izuku blinked. "Oh! Sorry, I've been meaning to tell you about that for days!" He said, slapping his forehead in realisation. "I can see a bunch of lights inside of people that look a lot like their quirks!"

Kacchan frowned. "What does mine look like?" He asked curiously.

"Like there's a bunch of tiny balls of fire zooming through your arms trying to escape!" Izuku explained excitedly. "They turn into your explosions and go boom when they reach your hands!"

"So you think you're seeing my quirk then?" Kacchan asked him.

"Uh huh!" Izuku agreed with a nod.

"Isn't that like your Mommy's quirk though 'Zuku?" Zumichan asked with a confused look on her face. "She sees people's quirks and tells them how to use them better, right?"

"Yeah, she's a quirk counsel- console- teacher!" Izuku agreed before gasping in realisation. "You think I have her quirk?!"

"It makes sense," Kacchan said with a slow nod. "She sees quirks, you see quirks. I can't think of anything else it could be unless you're just seeing things."

"Oh! Oh! Do me! Do me!" Zumichan said, raising her hand and waving it around with a wide smile on her face. "What does mine look like?!"

Izuku turned to look at her, squinting super hard as he tried to see past her green hair and into her skull. Slowly but surely, the world seemed to fade away as he focused as hard as he could, and then suddenly something clicked into place. A network of tiny sparks of green lightning wove their way through Zumichan's body like a tree, reaching down from a big glob of them inside where her brain was and splitting off along her arms and legs as it wrapped across her chest like one of the over enthusiastic plants Grandad had left them whenever they forgot to feed it for too long.

"Woah…" he said quietly as he took it all in.

"Hey, 'Zuku, your eyes are glowing," Kacchan observed casually, leaning forwards to study him as critically as a four year old could.

Izuku blinked in surprise as he snapped out of it, the vision of Zumichan's quirk disappearing in an instant. "Really?!" He asked, a wide smile on his face as he turned towards Kacchan so fast he could feel his head almost pop off his neck. "What colour were they!? How bright were they glowing?! Did they flash?!"

"Uh, they were red, the same colours as your eyes normally are just glowing," Zumichan replied. "They glowed pretty bright, but they didn't really change that much apart from that," She continued. "Can you tell me what my quirk looks like now?" She asked with a pleading look in her own emerald eyes.

"Sure!" Izuku agreed, happy to hear more about his quirk before turning back towards Izumi. "It looked like an upside down tree made out of green lightning growing out of your head! It was super cool!"

"That's like my Daddy's quirk!" Zumichan said, clapping in excitement. "He has a bunch of tiny green lightning!"

Kacchan frowned. "How's your quirk gonna help you be a Hero though?" He asked Izuku. "Heroes have to be able to beat up the Villains so that they can't hurt people, and your quirk is kinda useless in a fight."

"Not true," Izuku denied immediately. "Being able to get information about the Villains they're fighting is super important! Just look at All Might's sidekick, his quirk doesn't make him super strong but he's really important because he can tell All Might who he needs to fight! If my quirk is like Mommy's then I'll be able to see how the Villains' quirks work and then tell you how to best fight them!"

Kacchan paused for a moment before shrugging in acceptance. "Fair enough."

"It doesn't explain why my hands are so itchy though," Izuku said with a pout.

"Your hands are itchy?" Zumichan asked, sounding concerned.

"Yeah," Izuku replied with a sigh, "they've been feeling really weird ever since my birthday, especially right in the middle."

"Maybe you've just got itchy hands," Kacchan said with a shrug. "Anyway, is there anything else you can do with our quirks? I bet mine's super cool!"

"It is cool!" Izuku agreed enthusiastically before leaning forwards and squinting. "It looks a little bit like I can reach out and touch it."

Moving his hand forwards as Kacchan and Zumichan stared at him curiously, Izuku rested it against Kacchan's shoulder, his fingers brushing his bare neck, and began to examine the flow of the quirk. He could feel an odd phantom warmth that seemed to rush through it with every miniature explosion, like countless tiny parts of a much bigger whole. Happy with the examination he'd done, Izuku began to pull his mind away from looking super close at Kacchan's quirk, but something seemed to get caught.

Drawing his eyebrows together in confusion, Izuku reached out with his quirk and prodded at the odd connection before mentally shrugging and giving a sharp pull.

There was a crackle of red lightning, and Kacchan's quirk seemed to lurch towards Izuku before rushing up his arm like it had been sucked through a straw. Kacchan's eyes went wide for a moment as the quirk vanished from Izuku's sight, an odd warmth settling in his chest, and then Kacchan made a weird keening noise that sounded like a mixture between a duck having a panic attack and an air horn that had run out of compressed air, and promptly collapsed.

Izuku stared at his prone form in shock.

Then he screamed.

Baby Monitor was a very convenient quirk, even if its name was a little condescending.

All you had to do was tag someone with it and you'd be able to track every time they stubbed their toe, or threw an over indulgent temper tantrum. As long as you didn't remove them from the short list of people it let you keep an eye on, you'd always know when they needed your help.

So, when Izuku suddenly started feeling stunningly distressed seemingly out of nowhere, Inko knew immediately. This did nothing to help with the inherent stress levels that came from sending him back to his elementary school for the first day after the end of spring vacation. At least she didn't have an appointment at work for the day.

As a matter of fact, the only thing that stopped her from pulling on half a dozen speed quirks and obliterating the sound barrier in an effort to get to him as fast as physically possible was Tracker's assurance that he was still in school, combined with Baby Monitor informing her that he was still perfectly whole and healthy, even if a little (a lot) upset.

Not that that made her feel any better, of course. Her baby was scared, and she wasn't there to comfort him, and she couldn't even go there to comfort him because as far as anyone knew, she had no way of even finding out!

So here she was, nervously using Telekinesis to clean up the kitchen at record speed whilst she waited for something to happen.

Thankfully, she didn't have to wait for long.

She practically teleported to her phone when it started ringing. "Shigaraki Inko speaking, who is this?" She said pleasantly, hoping that none of the stress she was feeling leaked into her voice.

"Hello Miss Shigaraki," a slightly harried sounding young woman replied, "I'm Miss Kimura, your son's elementary teacher. Would you mind coming to the school? He seems rather distressed and we think he may have had a quirk accident involving one of his friends, and we think it would be best if you could come and comfort him for the time being."

Inko felt her blood run cold for a moment. If Izuku's quirk had come in and he'd used it in front of any of the teachers, the fallout could be catastrophic if not dealt with quickly.

She was going to have to call her father.

"Of course I can," she said into the phone, refusing to allow any hint of her thoughts to bleed into her tone. "I'll be there as fast as I can."

"Thank you," Kimura said, sounding relieved. "I'll see you momentarily."

Hanging up the phone as soon as Kimura had stopped talking, Inko quickly pulled it into Storage before blurring towards her office and scribbling a quick note to leave on the kitchen counter in case Hisashi got home before she did before promptly scrambling her way out of the house and into her car, activating Lucky Driver as she went.

It wasn't exactly a quirk she used very often, but then again, most of her major transportation was done either via train - for when she was going to her day job at the quirk counsellor's - or through portals and other more esoteric methods of travel - for when she was helping out with her father's… business ventures, like her meeting with the Aoyama's and their son.

As such, she rarely had much use for a quirk that made it so any red light she came across swiftly turned green or got traffic moving just before she could get caught up in it, but when she had to get to Izuku's school as quickly as possible without raising suspicion about her quirk? It was an utter godsend.

Typically, it took her around fifteen minutes of relatively quick driving through downtown Musutafu to get to Aldera Elementary from her apartment. Today, it was going to take her less than six.

In the meantime, she pulled on Telephone - the quirk, not the object - and used it to place a quick call to her father.

"Inko!" He said loudly, the sound of various cheering voices in the background. "How've you been?"

"Good," she replied, electing to speak out loud given she was alone in the car. "I think Izuku's quirk might've just kicked in."

"Really?! That's great!" He replied, a smile evident in his voice even as the sound of music began to pick up behind him, the cheering voices - one of which she vaguely recognised as her mother's - increasing in volume. "I assume he inherited ours?" He asked, raising his voice to be heard over the deafening music.

"Probably, which is the- wait, where are you?"

"Hawaii!" He said cheerily. "Your mother thought now would be a good time to make the HPSC pay for this part of her retirement package, and I figured we might as well go here for a vacation. I helped win this place it's independence during the Quirk Wars, after all, even if I had to sink an island or two to do it."

"That's nice," she said absently before shaking her head. "Anyway, as I was saying, Izuku probably got his quirk, whilst at school."

"...Ah. Yes, I can see the problem there." He said, tone suddenly much more serious. "I'll run damage control if it becomes necessary," he promised.

"Thanks," she replied with a sigh. "I'm on my way to the school right now."

"Good luck then, and congratulate him for me," he replied before the dial tone echoed down the line.

Letting out another sigh, she turned her focus back to the road and continued to allow the quirk she had active to guide her through dancing between traffic as she accelerated towards Izuku and whatever mess he'd ended up in.

Inko offered Miss Kiruma an apologetic smile as she followed the teacher's directions towards Izuku. "Sorry about this," she said as she went.

"Don't worry about it," Kiruma replied with a shake of her head. "We all have accidents when our quirks first come in. I can still remember the mess my nephew made when he first got his."

Inko allowed herself a small chuckle in response. "Tell me about it," she said with a smile, "my brother's son almost knocked the house over when his quirk first kicked in. Do you know what happened with Izuku, by the way?"

"Vaguely," Kiruma replied with a shrug, "it was explained to me by a pair of hysterical four year olds, after all." Inko chuckled slightly at her wry explanation. "From what I can gather," she continued, "your son was outside playing with a couple of his friends - Midoriya Izumi and Bakugou Katsuki - when his quirk came in and they decided to experiment with it. Apparently, they originally thought it was like yours until Shigaraki did something - I'm not entirely clear what - and then Bakugou collapsed."

Inko grimaced slightly. She knew full well what Izuku must've done to cause Katsuki to fall unconscious like that. "I assume you've called Katsuki's parents?" She asked, earning a nod in return. "I'll have to talk to them myself, which shouldn't be too hard given how long we've known each other. Do you know how Katsuki's doing?"

"He seems generally healthy, as far as the school nurse can tell," Kiruma admitted. "Just unconscious."

"Good to know," Inko replied as they arrived at the door to the nurse's office. "I'll be in contact if I need to take him out for emergency quirk counselling, but I don't anticipate that being an issue."

"Well, keep us informed either way," Kiruma replied with a smile, "he's a delight to be around and I'd hate for him to miss out on too much due to something out of his control."

Stepping into the room as the teacher vanished back around the corner of the hallway, Inko closed the door behind her and let out a huff as something slammed into her legs, very quickly finding her arms full of a sobbing Izuku, babbling incomprehensibly.

"Ididn'tmeantoMommyIjustwantedtotakeacloserlookathisquirkIdon'twantKacchantobemadatmeIdon'twantyoutobemadatmepleasedon'tbemadatme-" he said, words blurring together as they tumbled out of his mouth like a waterfall, not taking so much as a moment to pause and take a breath.

Inko caught the nurse's eye who offered her a short nod and slipped out of the room to allow them some privacy as Inko crouched down to wrap Izuku in a hug, stroking his hair in an effort to calm him down, laying flat a few white tufts that had started to stick up since she brushed it that morning. She didn't recall being quite this hysterical when she first used her quirk, but then again, she'd tried to use it against her mother, which promptly blew up in her face given it involved attempting to steal One for All which was never going to go well.

"It's ok Izuku, no one's going to be mad at you," she said soothingly. "Now, can you explain what happened?"

The explanation she got was… somewhat incoherent and involved Izumi doing her best to pitch in whenever Izuku missed something, but she got the gist in the end. Izuku had started seeing people's quirks relatively recently and had only realised what they were when Izumi and Katsuki had pointed out that it was like her quirk, which… wasn't exactly wrong, just not the whole truth. From there, he had attempted to reach out and touch Katsuki's quirk and ended up accidentally taking it when he tried to pull away, causing Katsuki to collapse unconscious.

"Well, this is a bit of a mess," Inko said with a small smile on her face as Izuku's hiccupping sobs began to fade away, sifting through the quirks settled within Izuku in search of Explosion. Given all he had was that and his version of All for One, it wasn't particularly hard. "But not one we can't fix."

Quickly sliding Explosion away from Izuku, a lot more carefully than how he'd taken it from Katsuki, she felt the quirk leap between them in a short burst of red lightning. Izumi let out a quiet gasp as Izuku gaped up at her. "You can do the electricity thing too?" He asked quietly, staring with wide eyes.

"Yes I can," Inko replied, ruffling his hair slightly, much to his annoyance if the cute pout he put on was any indication. "Do you feel any different?"

Izuku frowned slightly. "I…" he said hesitantly, "I feel like something went missing?" He said unsurely, a tiny frown on his face that looked positively adorable.

"Something like-" Sweat on demand, contains compound similar to nitroglycerine. Sweat on demand focused on hands, but nitroglycerine-like substance universal. Small bioelectric spark generated across the palms allows ignition, stronger muscular-skeletal structure along the bones to reinforce the body and reduce recoil, could be enhanced by Springlike Limbs. Enhanced heat resistance strongest at palms and weakening with distance from them. Mutant-Emitter. "-this?" She said, allowing tiny sparks to burst across her palm as she used Katsuki's quirk. He certainly got lucky with the combination he got from Masaru and Mitsuki. With enough hard work he could go a remarkably long way with a quirk like this.

Izuku gasped as soon as he realised what she was doing. "That's Kacchan's quirk!" He exclaimed.

"It is indeed," Inko replied smugly, cutting off her use of it and making her way over to Katsuki, laying her hand on his head and pushing his quirk back to him before making sure he hadn't somehow gotten hurt when Izuku had first taken his quirk. He hadn't been asleep any longer than people knocked out by All for One usually were, but it was better safe than sorry.

…Nope, he was fine, just also super tired from staying up really late last night. Children.

"B-but how can you have his quirk!?" Izuku asked.

Inko shrugged. "Because you had it," she explained softly. "That's our real quirk, Izuku, we can take other peoples' quirks away and use them for ourselves."

Izuku's jaw dropped as soon as she finished talking, and he quickly turned towards Katsuki before whipping back around to face her, tears beginning to form in his eyes. "But that's evil," he whispered. "Y-you can't just take people's quirks away, that's evil!" He repeated before continuing in a much quieter, broken voice. "I don't want to be evil."

"Oh Izuku," Inko said sadly, moving forwards to hug her son even as Izumi wrapped her arms around him. "It's not evil."

"But it is!" He insisted. "Stealing's a thing only Villains do, and I can steal the most important thing of all! I'm destined to be a Villain!"

"Am I evil?" Inko asked, cutting him off before he could rant any more.

Izuku blinked, a look of shock appearing on his face. "No!" He cried.

"Is your Grandad evil?" She asked.

"No!" Izuku repeated, looking stunned that she would even ask.

"Then why would you be? We all have the same quirk," she pointed out reasonably.

"But- but-" Izuku stuttered, his four year old brain struggling to put together the idea that his quirk might not make him evil. "But you can't steal people's quirks!"

"Some people need to have their quirks taken away so that they can't hurt more people," Inko replied. "Imagine how much easier it would be for the Heroes if the Villains couldn't use their quirks to hurt people."

She paused for a moment as Izuku's face fell into one of contemplation, a frown on his face. "Besides," she continued a moment later, "most of the quirks I use come from plants, not people. Your Grandad's very good at making sure to grow plants with the quirks he wants. He could probably even use them to make you a quirk like your cousin Tenko, or even your Grandma."

She almost had him now, she could see it. "You could use your quirk to be a Hero, Izuku, the best Hero Japan has ever seen," she said softly.

"Even better than All Might?" He asked in a small voice.

Inko smiled down at him. "If you put the work into it," she assured him. "Your Grandad made All Might's quirk, after all."

Accidentally, and it wasn't for him at the time, but the point still stood.

Izumi let out a loud gasp, drawing both of their attention. Inko had honestly forgotten she was still in the room. She was going to have to talk to Akimitsu so that she didn't end up spreading any secrets Inko would really rather she didn't. "Mister Shigaraki made Uncle Toshinori's quirk?!" She asked, wide eyed.

…Evidently she was also going to have to talk to Akimitsu to make sure she didn't end up spreading secrets he didn't want her spreading, either. And also Toshinori, just in case.

It took Izuku less than a second to put two and two together. "All Might's your uncle?!" He cried in shock before rushing over to where Katsuki was lying on the couch the nurse had left him in and shaking him awake. "Kacchan! Kacchan wake up! Zumichan's uncle is All Might!"

"Huh!?" Katsuki said, snapping awake in an instant a split second before Mitsuki burst into the room.

"Inko!" She yelled as soon as she caught sight of her. "What the fuck is happening?!"

"Izumi's bad with national secrets, apparently," she replied in a perfect deadpan as their sons began to interrogate the unfortunate girl.

"Boom!" Izuku yelled with a wide smile on his face as a wave of air erupted from his outstretched fist. "Boom!"

Grandad chuckled as Izuku experimented with the quirk he'd been given. "I take it you like this one too?" He asked, his grin evident in his voice.

"Yeah!" Izuku agreed, nodding his head excitedly. "It's super cool!"

"I'm glad you like it," Grandad said. "Airshaker took a little longer than some of the other options I gave you. Do you know which one you want to keep?"

"Um," Izuku said, pausing in thought. "I can't decide! They're all so useful!"

"That they are," Grandad agreed, amusement shining in his blood red eyes as he reached down to ruffle Izuku's snow white hair. "But you're too young to have more than one powerful quirk at the moment, so you're going to have to pick one for now." He smiled at Izuku's pout. "Who knows? Maybe your mother will let you keep the others when you're older."

"Aww," Izuku said, pouting even harder. "But I want to keep all of them!"

Grandad laughed. "I know you do Izuku, but you have to choose one anyway."

Frowning, Izuku thought hard about which quirk would be the best one to be a Hero. He knew that you didn't need a specific quirk to be a good Hero, but he also knew that All Might wouldn't be as good a Hero as he was if he didn't have the quirk he had… whatever it was called.

(Grandad knew what it was called. Mommy said he had made it, after all. Just like he was making Izuku's quirk!)

Flight was a lot like Grandma and his cousin Hana's quirks, and it was really cool because it let him… well, it let him fly super fast as well as making him stronger. Aerokinesis was awesome because it let him control the wind, and he could use it to knock Villain's over with mini balls of air and push them away from people. Shockwave was great because it let him produce bursts of air that could destroy things if he directed them properly and even let him jump super high if he timed it right, which he could use to stop Villains from escaping as well as break anything they used to threaten people. And Airshaker, the one he was using now, made him even stronger than Flight would as well as release big bursts of air whenever he punched which was just like All Might's Texas Smash!

Well, he did want to be a Hero like All Might, so really, the choice wasn't that hard in the end.

"I'll keep Airshaker," he grumbled, annoyed that he had to give up a bunch of really cool quirks.

Grandad grinned at him. "I thought you might," he said, walking over to the plants he'd brought with him and leaning down to push the quirks Izuku had refused back into them, the addition of the quirks causing them to reappear in Izuku's quirksense.

"Grandad," Izuku began, tone curious as he watched the small bursts of red lightning jump between his grandfather's arm and the plants he was holding, "how do you make quirks?"

"That's a good question, Izuku," Grandad replied, straightening back up and brushing his hands on his pant legs. "The first thing you need to know is that I don't make the quirks unless they work so well together they just end up turning into a single quirk when I use them, but I instead give them to plants and have them make the quirks instead." He gave Izuku a glance like he was trying to figure out whether or not he'd be able to understand what he was trying to explain. Izuku wished he had his notepad and crayons. He always wanted to know more about how quirks appeared, and now he was talking about it he couldn't even write it down! "You know how sometimes children have quirks that are a mixture of their parents? like how your friend Bakugou has a quirk that's a mix of his Mommy and Daddy's quirks?"

"Yeah!" Izuku agreed with an excited nod of his head. "He has weird sweat like Aunty Mitsuki but can make it come out of his hands more like Uncle Masaru!"

"Well, the first thing I do when I want to make a quirk is find a quirk similar to what I want, and give it to a plant," Grandad explained. "Once I'm sure that the plant has gotten the quirk safely, I use it to make seeds with another plant that either doesn't have a quirk, for I just want to make variations of that quirk, or a plant that has a different quirk for when I want to mix them together. Then, once it's made those seeds, I take them and plant them in the ground before letting the new plant grow."

He paused for a moment to poke at one of the plants with a glowing green finger, and Izuku watched in awe as it began to twist and grow, flowers blooming super fast as it stretched upwards. "Next, once the new plant has grown, I check to see what kind of quirk it ended up with - if it got one at all," he gave Izuku another look to make sure he was understanding, smiling slightly when Izuku nodded along. "If it's the quirk I want, I take it from the new plant and celebrate having successfully made a new useful quirk, but that very rarely happens. You see, plants aren't like people, and it's very rare that they end up getting quirks from their parents, and even rarer that they give me the ones I want. Sometimes it can take me years of growing new plants to make sure that I get the right quirk, especially because growing them quickly makes it less likely they get a quirk."

"That must be really hard," Izuku said with a frown.

Grandad shrugged. "It's not that bad really. It's nice to have a hobby, and I've become quite a skilled gardener over the years. Besides, sometimes I get lucky."

Izuku nodded before another thought occurred to him. "Grandad?" He asked.

"Yes Izuku?"

"Why do you use plants?" He questioned curiously. "Can't animals have quirks as well? Why don't you use mice instead?"

Grandad paused for a moment, staring into the air just over Izuku's head. "I used to use mice," he said distantly, "but they ended up escaping with some of my most powerful intelligence enhancers and someone else found them before I could get any of them back." He turned back to face Izuku. "Remember Izuku," he said mock seriously, "if you ever have a chance to pick between plants and animals, pick plants, because they won't run away." He paused for a moment. "But never ever pick fungi, because they cannot be killed in a way that matters."

Izuku nodded seriously in response.

Grandad grinned. "Good, now then, let's get you back to your mother."

A see-through white square appeared just behind them, and Izuku followed his Grandad as he stepped through it, appearing back in his living room where Mommy was having a conversation with Grandma. "Well that was quick," Grandma said wryly as soon as she noticed them come through, standing up to give Grandad a quick kiss on the cheek.

Grandad shrugged. "He picked faster than I thought he would," he replied before dropping onto the couch next to her.

Mommy smiled down at him as Izuku ran over towards her with a grin on his face. "Do you like your new quirk then, Izuku?"

"Uh huh!" Izuku agreed. "It's super cool! I'm gonna be the best Hero ever!"

Grandad chuckled softly. "I'm sure you will Izuku," he said darkly, a sinister glint in his crimson eyes. "I'm sure you will."

Grandma swatted him on the chest, a fond smile on her face. "No being a Supervillain at home," she scolded.

Grandad sighed. "Yes dear."


And we're back!

I'm excited to get back into the groove of things with this story, and hope I can make it enjoyable as I go.

With any luck I'll be able to stick to the same schedule I used for 'All for... uh, someone, probably', so expect updates once a week.

Chapter 2: Growing Up


Ah, children.

Also, gun.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Izuku let out a breath as he focused on the feeling of his new quirk.

He'd had some time to play around with it and get the basics of it working when Grandad had first given it to him, but now he had to learn to be more careful. Mommy would probably be upset with him if he punched too hard and put a hole in the walls.

That was why Daddy had taken him to a clearing in the forest near the park so that he could learn some more about it without breaking anything important.

Airshaker settled into place as he held his arm out, and Izuku shivered slightly as a new sense unfurled itself from inside his chest.

The air around him seemed to suddenly gain an entirely new feeling to it, almost like it had some sort of texture. This bit felt like he was running his hands over a brick wall, and this bit felt more like he was stroking one of the silk blankets Mommy liked to tuck him in with whenever he had a bad dream.

Pulling his arm back, Izuku clenched his hand into a fist and stared at it intensely, his sight shifting as the colour of his quirk began to overlay itself over the image of his arm. Pale blue streams of light swirled and twisted just under his skin, forming eddies and whirlpools wherever he could feel the texture of the air changing, rushing like clouds on a windy day as he dragged his arm through the air.

His senses expanded slightly as he focused harder on the feeling of the air's texture until he could almost see the paths the wind was tracing through the sky, air currents dancing this way and that as they rustled off of leaves and brushed against the grass below him. He could even see the disturbances that were made every time the birds flying over the clearing flapped their wings if he paid enough attention.

Just behind him, Izuku felt the air pressure change slightly as Daddy leaned forwards on the bench he was sitting at. Izuku began to wave his hand through the air faster as he watched, squinting so he could see how it flowed through his fingers. Similarly, he felt the odd sense of light-heat-breath that seemed to hang just on the edge of his train of thought shift slightly as Daddy moved, and let go of his quirksense as he pulled his fist back and prepared to throw a punch.

Shooting his hand forwards, Izuku felt how the texture of the air around it rapidly changed, forming a tunnel of wind that took on an almost glove-like quality as it rushed along his arm and past his fist. The air seemed to briefly form a bubble just at the end of his hand before it abruptly burst, sending a gentle breeze to wash over the grass as it rippled outwards.

"I assume that little wave was you?" Daddy said with a smile in his voice, causing Izuku to spin around and give him a wide grin in response.

"Yeah!" He replied happily. "I can make wind when I punch things, just like All Might!"

Daddy let out a small chuckle and reached over to ruffle Izuku's hair. "Well then, if you're going to be punching things all the time whenever you attack, you should probably learn not to tuck your thumb under the rest of your hands, or you'll end up breaking it." He paused for a moment, staring over Izuku's head in thought. "I wonder if we should get you into a martial arts class. I imagine Katsuki and Izumi would be happy to join you."

"Zumichan would be really scary if she knew how to fight the Villains properly," Izuku agreed with a serious nod, "one touch and then they'd be all electrified."

"I know I wouldn't want to get into close quarters with a human taser," Daddy said with a nod. "I'm pretty sure that was mostly how Mai fought in her Hero career, so it shouldn't be that hard to convince her it would be a good plan. Plus, it would probably be best to get her to suggest it to her sister. I'm pretty sure she's got a kid around your age with a pretty strong electricity quirk."

He shook his head for a moment to clear his thoughts. "But I can do that later. Let's get back to using your quirk."

"Can I practise with my proper quirk?" Izuku asked, giving him the best innocent look he could.

Daddy just raised his eyebrows. "Can you use it without making the plants wilt yet?"

Izuku pouted. "No," he mumbled.

"Then let's maybe put that off until your Mommy's around to poke me back awake if you accidentally make me go to sleep then, okay?" Daddy asked in a soft voice. "For now, why don't you see if you can make wind using something other than punches?"

Izuku felt his face brighten immediately as a bunch of ideas came to mind. "Okay!"

Turning around and marching over to a nearby tree as Daddy watched on with an amused smile, Izuku glared up at a thin branch attached to the top and planted his feet solidly on the ground. Swiping his hand through the air with a quick "Hiyah!", Izuku watched as a thin line of air - only visible to him thanks to his ability to feel the air pressure around him - raced forwards to strike the branch with a quiet whooshing noise, causing the branch to shake in place as the attack struck.

"Not quite what I was expecting, but nicely done," Daddy complimented with a nod as Izuku turned to face him. "I assumed you'd try for a kick, personally."

Scrunching his face up in determination, Izuku turned back to the branch and prepared to do just that. Bunching up the air currents nearest to him around his leg and forcing them to whirl more aggressively, Izuku felt his pant leg begin to flap around in the suddenly massively increased wind before he lashed out clumsily with his foot, releasing the newly formed whirlwind just as he reached the peak of his swing.

A ball of compressed air erupted from his foot as if he'd just kicked a soccer ball made out of the stuff and rapidly travelled along the path to the branch, snapping it as soon as it made contact and dispersing with enough power to blast it into the tree behind it even as the air flattened various leaves against nearby branches.

Also, the pushback from releasing the blast was enough to knock Izuku completely off his feet and send him crashing backwards to land sprawling on his back, blinking up at the sky.

"Well then," Daddy said in an amused voice after he'd made sure that Izuku hadn't hurt himself too badly, "I think we know not what not to do now, or at least what not to do without a little more practice. We should probably talk to your cousin about this, I'm pretty sure Tenko has a good amount of experience in not blasting himself through walls whenever he uses his quirk. But for now, we should probably go home."

"But I wanna test my quirk more," Izuku whined with a pout.

"I think Mommy's making katsudon for dinner today," Daddy said airily in response.

Izuku blinked. "How soon can we get home?"

Kaina grit her teeth as she rolled across the rooftop, cursing herself for not making a getaway plan before she'd pulled the trigger on that asshole and his overinflated ego.

It was a miracle that assassin a couple of years back had missed his head given how large it must have gotten.

Either way, that didn't make her total lack of pre-planned escape route any better given she'd seen this coming for years at this point. There was only so much condescension a living sniper rifle could put up with before she snapped and put a bullet between someone's eyes.

Darting to the side to duck behind a roof access door a split second before the ground to her right abruptly became stickier than the unholy lovechild of honey and molasses, she briefly considered pulling her rifle out and shooting the assholes chasing her through the legs before dismissing the idea. She would not be giving the HPSC any more ammo than whatever they already had in her files, which would have undoubtedly been scrubbed of any evidence implicating the Commission itself in her actions before her bullet had finished passing through the President's prefrontal lobe.

God, what a fool she'd been. 'You'll be a Hero,' they'd said. 'The greatest role model to young girls since Tempest retired,' they'd said.

What a fucking joke. She wondered what kind of monsters had looked at a wide-eyed thirteen year old and her desire to help people and thought to themselves, 'she'll make a good weapon'.

Well, one thing she did know was that if she managed to end the night a free woman, none of them were going to be wondering much of anything for long.

"NAGANT!" The voice of one of the Heroes chasing her echoed through the night even as she leapt over an alleyway and onto the lip of the building next to it. "YOU KNOW RUNNING WON'T HELP!"


"AND YOU'D DESERVE IT!" A second voice emerged from her left, prompting her to leap over the side of the building and slide down the fire escape even as a shield made of hexagons whirled through the air above her head. "WHAT POSSIBLE REASON COULD THERE BE TO SHOOT A FELLOW HERO, NO MATTER HOW BADLY AN ARGUMENT MIGHT BE GOING?!"

"Oh, is that the story they're spreading?" She muttered to herself angrily before shaking herself off and sprinting deeper into the alleyway, snapping shut the rifle that had reflexively popped out of her arm before she got too enthusiastic and did something she wouldn't regret. "I always knew that the propaganda machine worked fast, but damn."

Lunging over a pile of trash bags, Kaina grabbed ahold of pair of water pipes sticking out the side of the building she was pressed against and rapidly scaled them until she could press herself to the floor of a small metal balcony situated just to the side of them, all but praying that the Heroes on her tail would race right past her.

Thankfully, said prayers were answered as Flytrap leapt over the alleyway a moment later, cursing up a storm as she went.

Grinning nastily to herself, Kaina pulled out a very particular phone, fully aware she had about five minutes at most before someone showed up to kick her in the teeth, especially given Resonance was likely on her case at this point.

The device currently in her hands was the result of an especially nerve wracking mission she'd been sent on around six years ago, and she had been pondering if she should either use it or toss it into the ocean ever since.

Shooting All for One in the head, what the hell kind of idiot had thought that was a good plan? The idea the man wouldn't be bulletproof was ludicrous. Durability quirks, even mild ones, were some of the most common on the planet and there had been documented cases of people shrugging off bullets even during the earliest days of the Quirk Wars. The only way All for One wouldn't have at least seven separate ways of rendering anything short of an anti-tank missile completely pointless was if he was completely braindead, which his roughly two century long career as Japan's foremost Supervillain demonstrated he most decidedly was not.

Either way, the man had been surprisingly reasonable after catching the bullet she'd tried to put in his skull, stating that there was no point in retaliating given she didn't actually possess the ability to hurt him even if she tried. Then he'd told her he'd be in touch if she ever got tired of doing the government's dirty work and promptly disappeared, and she'd woken up the next morning to find a very nice phone sitting on her kitchen table with only a single contact in it.

Whilst she hadn't much appreciated the threat that had implied, she had appreciated actually being given the method of contact she'd been promised.

So, pressing the call button that had been hovering the back of her thoughts for the past half a decade, she waited with baited breath for the madman himself to answer her.

The phone rang for a moment before the sound of a dial tone echoed along the line.

Kaina stared in disbelief as her greatest chance of escaping the mess she'd found herself in hung up on her before she could even begin explaining anything. Then, just as she felt her anger at the sudden betrayal begin to balloon up in her chest, the universe seemed to determine that it wasn't done shitting on her for the night and Resonance emerged over on the rooftop across from her, racing towards her at speed.

Snarling as she rose to her feet, Kaina unfolded the rifle from her arm and brought it to bear on Resonance's approaching form, the Hero darting to side as she followed his form just a moment to la-

And between one breath and the next she found herself in the middle of an empty warehouse as a golden eyed teenage boy, who was wearing a black surgical mask and a pair of white gloves- as well as what appeared to be his pyjamas - flinched backwards from the bullet that left her arm with a supersonic crack even as a hand clapped itself onto her shoulder.

"It seems you've gotten yourself into quite the predicament, Miss Tsutsumi," All for One said from behind her, amusement managing to break through the static that overlaid his tone, the layer of smooth skin that was his face somehow managing to convey an air of smugness as she turned to face him. "Not to worry, I'm sure Kai here will be able to fix you up," he said, nodding to the cut across her thigh she honestly hadn't noticed up until that moment. "And once he's happy you're well, we can discuss the terms of your employment from now onwards."

Kaina felt herself gulp.

"What do you mean, 'she got away'?" Keigo heard the Vice President - or, well, she was the President now, wasn't she? - growl to the Heroes who had come to report back.

Keigo saw the man in a white, skin tight costume - Resonance, he remembered from the list of Heroes the HPSC had in its direct employ - shuffle uncomfortably in his seat through the crack in the door. "Just that, Ma'am. She was pointing her rifle at me, preparing to shoot, and then someone appeared behind her, grabbed her by the shoulder, and then the two of them vanished into thin air."

"You didn't mention this… accomplice of hers earlier," the President replied, ice in her voice.

"Well, to be fair, I wasn't sure if I was seeing things," Resonance replied, scratching the back of his neck nervously. "It was pretty dark out."

"Describe him," the President demanded.

"Uh, well, he was a tall fucker. Like, All Might level tall, maybe even a little taller," Resonance began nervously. "He had white hair and was wearing the sharpest business suit I've ever seen," he continued with a shrug, evidently unaware of how the President's expression had frozen completely. "Oh, and he had no face," he said, expression brightening as he seemingly recalled more details about the so-called accomplice of Lady Nagant's, "just smooth skin all the way across. It was freaky as fuck, let me tell you."

The President stared at him for a long moment, seemingly searching his face for any hint of dishonesty before giving him a reluctant nod. "I see," she said evenly before glancing at the phone on her desk, a grimace gracing her face for a split second before it smoothed over again. "Thank you for the report, and please make sure to notify any unwanted eavesdroppers that what you have just informed me of is not to leave this room."

Resonance grinned even as Keigo felt his eyes widen. "It'd be my pleasure."

Izuku scrambled to the side as Kacchan launched himself towards him, kicking off with his quirk and riding the wind Airshaker produced to dodge his friend's explosive attack before rolling along the sand just in time to duck under the arc of green electricity that leapt over his head.

"Watch where you're aiming, Sparky!" Kacchan yelled at Zumichan as he rapidly changed directions, a smattering of explosions propelling him away from the electrical outburst as it grounded itself on the sand between them.

"Maybe you should just get better at dodging, 'Tsuki," Zumichan replied with a wide grin as she twirled her arms through the air, a trail of green sparks left in their wake as she charged up the static electricity required for her next attack. Her hands pressed together for a moment before she quickly pulled them apart, a crackling blast of energy erupting from them that Izuku barely escaped in time to not be electrocuted.

It was a good thing his grandad owned a private beach, or else they'd be in all kinds of trouble for violating public quirk use laws.

As it was, they'd been using the beach to train with their quirks ever since they'd come in almost four years ago.

Izuku jumped up and kicked at the ground, timing it almost perfectly to allow him to ride the resulting shockwave up and over Kacchan's head, just about managing to course correct with a quick punch in the opposite direction so that he didn't go sprawling across the sand.

Unfortunately, that lost him his ability to actually attack, and so he was forced to leap backwards as Kacchan bodily leapt at him with a feral grin, leaving a trail of explosions in his wake.

Swiftly backpedalling to make space, Izuku barely managed to get off a brief pulse of wind from an overly telegraphed punch that Kacchan saw coming a mile away. The older boy took advantage of his overstretched arm to push him backwards into the sand by the shoulders, and Izuku quickly crashed into the ground with an 'oomph' as all of the air was forced out of his lungs. "Hah!" Kacchan crooned. "Take that Hoarder, I win!"

It was at that moment that Zumichan jabbed two fingers into his neck, and Kacchan jittered briefly as she tased him before falling into the sand face-first with a groan. "What the fuck was that, Sparky?!" He yelled as he rolled over, arms still spasming slightly as he spat out a mouthful of sand. "You didn't need to attack me!"

"Nuh uh," Zumichan replied with a smug grin even as she shook out her hand from where she'd hurt it from her electricity igniting Kacchan's sweat, "you said we would fight until it was the last man standing, and you were still standing, so I had to make you not be." Her grin got even smugger. "So I win."

"You-" Kacchan began, his face contorting with rage. Izuku was sure he was about to launch into a truly epic string of curses that would've curdled all milk in a twenty kilometre radius and had very little desire to hear that, so he reached over to grab Zumichan by the ankle before he could get going.

Both of their eyes widened - Zumichan's in panic and Kacchan's in manic glee - before a short burst of red lightning leapt between Izuku and Zumichan and she crumpled into the sand like a puppet with their strings cut, making a familiar sounding poof as she hit the ground.

"That's what you get!" Kacchan yelled as he clambered to his feet. "I win!"

"Actually Kacchan, I think she still wi-"

"Shut up, Hoarder! Let me have this!"

"Oi! Brats!" Aunt Mitsuki yelled from where she was reading from a fashion magazine Izuku didn't recognise. "Are you done fighting?"

"Yes Aunt Mitsuki!" Izuku yelled back.

"Who won?"

"Me!" Kacchan declared at the same time as Izuku said, "Zumichan!"

"Good for her!" Mitsuki replied, completely dismissing her son's look of outrage. "Why's she lying in the sand though?"

Kacchan smirked and turned to face him as Izuku turned red. "She was being smug and I thought it would be funny," Izuku mumbled as Kacchan laughed at him.

As if on cue, Zumichan let out a loud groan and began to stir, pushing herself up with a huff and shooting him a glare. "I'd like my quirk back now, 'Zuku," she said coldly.

"Only if you admit I won," Kacchan replied arrogantly, causing Izuku to pause halfway through holding his hand out towards her.

"But you didn't!" Zumichan protested before turning to face Izuku. "Gimme back my quirk or I'll call Uncle Might," she threatened, "you know he'll be really disappointed in you, and you don't want that, do you?"

"Don't do it, Hoarder," Kacchan warned, "she's bluffing."

"Am I?" Zumichan challenged.

Kacchan pointed at her dramatically. "You don't even have a phone!"

Zumichan glared at him for a moment and muttered something her parents would probably be pretty upset with Kacchan about her knowing before standing up and taking a menacing step towards them.

"Okay, fucking fine," Kacchan said as he held his hands up in surrender. "Give her quirk back, Hoarder."

"I was going to anyway, but okay," Izuku replied before offering his hand, which Zumichan took with a huff. Pushing her quirk back into her with another flash of red lightning, Izuku gave her a wide smile. "There you go, Zumichan!"

She smiled back. "Thanks, 'Zuku!" She said happily.

Then she electrocuted him.

He probably should've seen that coming.

"Is this necessary?" Tenko asked for the fifth time as Hana smirked at him from the front seat. "Is this really, actually necessary?"

"I'm sorry," Hana said sweetly as Mom brought the car to a stop just outside their aunt's apartment building, "I thought you were planning to be a Hero. Aren't they supposed to help people?"

"Says the bi-"

"Tenko!" Mom yelled, cutting him off with a vicious glare that promised pain of soap-in-mouth if he finished his curse.

"...woman who spent almost a month mocking me for my English grade despite being a part of UA's Heroics Course," he countered, glaring at his sister as she did the ever mature thing of sticking her tongue out at him.

Mom sighed. "Look, you just have to look after his cousin and his friends for a few hours, it's not that bad. You'll have your sister with you-"

"Is that supposed to be an upside?"

"Fuck you, Tenko!"

"-and your aunt is willing to pay you for it. Also Hana, do you want me to get your father to talk to you about what is and isn't appropriate for a young lady to say?" Mom finished with a scowl.

Hana winced slightly. Tenko didn't blame her, Dad's lectures were legendary when it came to telling people off. He was pretty sure the man got his ability to monologue from their grandfather. "No, Mom," she said morosely.

"That's what I thought," Mom said with a nod. "Now come on, let's go say hello to your cousin."

Clambering out the car, Tenko followed his mother and sister over to the door to his aunt's house and joined them in waiting for someone to open it after Mom rang the doorbell. Thankfully, they didn't have to wait for long. It was pretty cold outside.

"Ah, Nao, good to see you," Hisashi said as he pulled the door open, his maroon hair falling haphazardly over turquoise eyes as he gave her a warm smile. "Come in, come in. The kids have been looking forward to seeing you."

"Have they?" Hana asked with a raised eyebrow. "Have they really?"

"Well, Katsuki has been complaining that he doesn't need anyone to look after him pretty much ever since we first told him that you were coming over," Hisashi admitted with a shrug as he closed the door behind him, a black tie hanging untied around his neck. "But both Izuku and Izumi have been looking forward to seeing you."

"Which has unfortunately made them rather angsty about waiting," Inko added with a smile as she walked in from the other room, white hair tied up in a short braid down her back. "You're almost as bad as my dad, you know," she said to Hisashi as she reached to tie up his tie, biting her lip in concentration. "There we go," she said a moment later, patting his chest in satisfaction.

He just sighed.

"Now then," she continued, turning back to Hana and Tenko, "there should be enough food for both you and the kids in the cupboard, glasses are up on the left from the door, cleaning products are under the sink, and alcohol is stored in the bottom half of the fridge behind the groceries." She paused for a moment as Tenko shared an incredulous look with his sister. "I'm telling you this so that you know that I know where it is and how much of it there is. If I come back and any of those bottles have been tampered with, I'm going to be exceptionally disappointed. Neither of you are even sixteen yet, and our family has a generally bad track record when it comes to what we do when drunk, so don't touch it. Understood? Great."

"What the hell did she do in her college years?" Hana whispered, leaning over to Tenko so that she could hiss in his ear.

"I almost caused an international incident by fighting my father on top of Mt. Kilimanjaro," Inko replied matter-of-factly, "he had to call in Toshinori to hold me down in the end." Brazenly continuing on before Tenko could even begin to process that one, she took the coat Hisashi had handed her and draped it over her shoulders. "If Izuku takes anyone's quirk and refuses to give it back, you call me, if Katsuki doesn't stop making explosions when you tell him to, you call Mitsuki, and if Izumi sticks her hand in an exposed electrical outlet again, you call Akimitsu. You got that?" She asked.

Tenko nodded as Hana said, "We got that."

"Good," Inko replied, offering them a final smile. "Now then, we're off, have fun and try not to let them destroy the house."

A moment later, and they were gone.

"This cannot possibly go wrong," Hana declared, a manic gleam in her eyes.

"You realise you've just killed us both, right?" Tenko asked tiredly.


"The fuck outta here with that weaksauce noob shit you dumbass NPC," Tenko spat as his fingers blurred over the controller, buttons pressed with incredible finess in exactly the right order at exactly the right time like it was some sort of preternatural talent, the resultant Instant Eight from O'Clock on screen pummelling Bakugou's Endeavour faster than the ten year old could react.

"Oh yeah you fucking shitty ass extra? Well how about you deal with this!" The blond spat back viciously as a scowl graced his features like it was carved out of stone, his fingers slamming into the controls with such force Tenko wouldn't be surprised to learn he was using his quirk in the process.

Tenko felt his eyes widen in horror as his gamer hindbrain recognised the order of Bakugou's button presses, and had the entirely unwelcome realisation that the bar for the annoying child's Ultramove was full.

His eyes narrowed as the energy for Endeavour's Prominence Burn began to build up in a matter of moments, the fire wrapping the man's body going from red to orange to yellow to white as it charged. The only way out of this was going to require near frame perfect inputs or else he was screwed. O'Clock's AGI and stat was second only to All Might and his DEX stat was unmatched, but what he gained in speed he massively lost out on in defence.

Oh well. He'd dealt with worse odds before.

Instincts gained through hours and hours spent grinding away at the game activated in an instant, and Supersonic activated almost without Tenko's conscious input a split second before his opponent's attack struck as his hands flew over the buttons to initiate his Ultramove on autopilot. He felt himself smirk even as Bakugou started yelling about it being unfair, and cursing like a sailor that had just stubbed his toe, but simply let them wash over him.

He felt perfectly in the zone as he made O'Clock dance around Endeavour's attack, the oxygen meter in the left of the screen rapidly burning down as he manoeuvred through the environment whilst Bakugou tried impotently to get Endeavour to react to his movement. He was going to suffer an awfully large drain to his STR stat for that, not to mention the fact he'd be completely unable to pull off any of his special moves, but Endeavour would have just lost a big chunk of his DEF and would be in a similar predicament.

Supersonic cut out just as O'Clock got past Endeavour, and Tenko lashed out with a brutal string of attacks even as Bakugou tried and failed to retaliate, Prominence Burn cutting out too soon to be of any use.

"Come on Kacchan!" Izuku cheered from where he and Izumi were sitting in a pile of couch cushions, the utter traitor. Wasn't blood supposed to be thicker than water? "You can do this!"

"Yeah!" Izumi agreed. "You got this 'Tsuki!"

"Beat his ass, Tenko," Hana half-heartedly added from where she was floating a good half a metre off the ground, idly scrolling through her phone. "I believe in you."

"Thanks, Hana," Tenko replied sarcastically as his combo came to an end with a dramatic final flourish, Endeavour lifting off the ground as O'Clock's final punch caught him solidly in the chin before crashing down in a heap as Bakugou stared on in disbelief. "I only won because of your kindness and support."

"See? I'm the best big sister anyone could ask for," she responded, completely deadpan, not even bothering to look up from the device in her hands.

"How!?" Bakugou yelled, turning to face Tenko with wild eyes. "How could you beat me?! I'm the best!"

Tenko regarded him calmly for a moment, considering his words carefully before putting on his most solemn voice and leaning forwards to look the younger boy directly in the eyes.

"Get good, noob."


I imagine that if Tenko couldn't dedicate his life to evil, he would just dedicate more of it to being a gamer.

For those wondering about the quirk Izuku is using, it essentially allows him to control air pressure - and thus air currents - around him proportional to the force he puts behind a movement as well as making him much stronger than normal. Izumi's let's her generate an electric charge that she can store up and then either release as actual electricity or use to make herself stronger/faster/more dextrous/etc., but the more she has the harder it is to hold onto. Lastly, Tenko's quirk is essentially a scaled down but more versatile version of Air Cannon, allowing him to blast vortexes of air from his arms, legs and fingers and Hana's quirk just lets her fly.

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