'SHUT UP!' She screamed at the voice inside her head to stop singing.
She wasn't a pervert. She was just going to watch him quietly for a few seconds and return to the sitting room.
She made up her mind and turned around but she almost fell off the bed when she locked gaze with Jeremy. Jeremy was simply staring at her with an unsteady gaze but it looked like he was trying to keep his focus on her.
She had thought she was going to fall to the floor since she was already at the edge before he startled her, and was prepared for the effect of the fall, but surprsingly she found herself being enveloped by a warm hand which pulled her closer to his chest. It wasn't until she was literally hugging him with her face pressed to his chest that she registered what had just happened.
For close to a minute, there was pure silence inside the room. It seemed like time stopped.
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