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45.45% My Beautiful Revenge / Chapter 5: Chapter 3

Kapitel 5: Chapter 3

Chapter 3

“Right! Count on me . . . Count on us. We are best friends, right?”

“Right!” They all exclaimed. I feel like I am about to cry again. This should be our bonding!

We look at each other and when our eyes meet, we laugh in unison. I am happy that I’ll be able to know more things about them . After years of not meeting each other I am sure that there’s a lot of things that change.

I may not be able to help with their problems but I know that as their friend I should be there for them to comfort and support them because that’s what friends are for.

“Damn! I’m so happy.” I suddenly said.

“We’re all happy.” And we hugged each other. I love my friends, I really do. And I am grateful to have them.

After that scene we fixed everything inside her condo and also, Kristen offered her clothes to us to feel comfortable but I refused because anytime my brother might fetch.

We cooked food and baked some sweets, it’s not my thing but I enjoyed it. When I taste it I can’t help myself but to compliment them. I didn’t help that much because I didn't know what to do. I’m not into baking, I’m just a daddy’s girl who loves her father so much. I should learn to bake so that I’ll be able to bake some sweets for my father.

I think my father would agree if I ask him to enroll me in baking school. I should ask him first. After the incident, my father always has the right to decide for me. If I want something or I want to do something, I should ask him first and if he doesn't agree I should stop wanting to do that. And I can't just throw a tantrum because he’ll “That’s for your own safety” And I’ll “I understand.” I always say that I understand though I do not understand. I want to ask him why but I do not have the courage to do it. That’s why I always follow them. Still no matter what, I love my father and he knows what is best for me.

It was already dinner time and I was waiting for my brother to fetch me but no one so I texted them and I haven’t received any replies.

My friends keep asking me if I received any response but I told them I have’t. Ahrie told me that if no one will come, she will drive me home and I just nod. My friends decided to stay here and I am kinda jealous.

“Lys, What? Did he reply?” she asked for the 10th time and the only answer that I gave was….

“Not yet.”

“You should ask him If you could stay here. No one is fetching you though.”

“I’ll try to convince him.”

“Let's eat!” Kristen said in a jolly tone.

It is already 8 pm and no one is responding. Should I sleep here? It would be fun if I did. Before I ate I texted my father again and asked him if I could stay here until the morning and I told him that do not worry about me because my friends are nice and we are doing good. I hope he will agree.

In the middle of our dinner I heard my phone beep at first, I do not want to answer it because we are eating. I don’t want to act rude in front of them because it’s an etiquette but they just nod at me, giving me permission to answer my phone.

My father is calling me and I hope he will agree

“Dad.” I said and my tone was excited.

“No, honey. You can not stay there. Sorry honey.” And that’s it, my whole mood totally messed up.

I’m so disappointed but I can’t disobey my father. I thought he would understand me but it’s just a thought. He never knew what I wanted and what I needed. I managed to compose myself from not crying but when I hung up and said …

“I understand.” My tears fell down to my cheeks. I am being emotional! Who wouldn't? I’m looking forward to his answer, I expect that he will allow me. I just expect nothing.

After that call he told me that my brother will fetch me after dinner and I just sent him okay! with a smiley face though I am not smiling. I wish that I could at least choose what I want, I wish I could be a disobedient child but I can not. I am too obedient and loyal to them that I can not choose for myself and I allow someone to do it. Before I go back, I fix myself and hold my emotions. I don’t want to cry in front of them. I inhale and exhale to calm myself.

“Sooo....?” Ahrie said, wiggling her brows.

I shook my head “He didn't allow me. I am sorry.” I bitterly smiled. Damn!

“We understand. Don't feel sorry, hmm? We're fine if you’ll not be joining us but we are more than fine if you do but still it is okay.” Terriesse said and it makes me feel better.


We finish eating and then fix our dishes. And after that we watched while waiting for my brother. We took a picture before I left and it makes me feel better because even if I am not with them I will look at the picture and remember those memories we made today.

When I hear a doorbell I know already that it is my kuya. I texted the number of Kristen's unit and the name of the condo so no doubt that it's him.

“Nash-” I stop. He’s not my brother.

“Sorry, miss. I am not Nash. By the way, are you Kristen’s friend?” He asks me and I nod as a reply. “I am her boyfriend. I am Cedrick, you can call me Ced. It’s fine.” He said and offered his hand to me and I accepted it.

“Ahm.... Sorry I thought you're my brother because he told me that he’ll fetch me so thought it was you who rang the doorbell.” I smiled awkwardly.

“It’s fine.” He smiled at me too. A polite smile

“Cedrick! Why don’t you help me? Kiram is heavy as a pig and I can’t take it any longer! I might just throw this man!” A man in the hallway exclaime. He’s calling Ced. So he’s with his friends.

I look at them and see what they look like. There is a man who is wearing a hoodie and looks like he is really drunk. I could say he’s drunk because he can’t walk properly and there is a man who is assisting him. He looks wasted.

“Where is Kristen?” He asked and I said that she was inside.

I look at the man who’s wearing a hoodie. He looks familiar and also the name is very familiar.


Is he Kiram Fleirika? The Kiram that I know.

And when they reach the door I finally see the face of the man and I am not mistaken. This man that is standing in front of me is the man that I just met yesterday. And yeah he is Kiram Fledirika.

I was shocked to see him like that. Look drunk and wasted but still manage to be mysterious at the same time handsome under that hoodie of his. Dang! I don't know why I just admire his handsomeness out of nowhere.

I help Kiram walk and guide him inside. I saw Kristen and Ced talking inside the kitchen, they aren’t arguing but Ced is discussing something and Kristen is listening to him. Cute.

“Who came?” Ahrie asked.

“Your brother?” Terriesse added.

“Nope.” I answered them. I let the man who just shouted in the hallway to guide Kiram and I fixed the couch where he could lie.

“It’s Ced’s friends.” I said.

“Kiram and Covy!” Ahrie said. It’s not shocking anymore because she also stays here.

“You look worried, why? Is it because of them? Don’t worry, they are kind.” Ahrie said and then clung her arms on mine. She’s clingy.


“Your face changed.”

“No, I am not worried. Don’t worry about me. I am fine.”

“Okay. You say so.” She shrugged.

“He’s Kiram, right?” I ask Ahrie

“Yeah. You know him?” She asked me back.

“I do.” I said and she looked at me, shocked. I even caught Terrasse's attention. She’s on the couch near us.

“What????” Ahrie said and still can’t believe that I know Kiram.

“He’s my soon-to-be brother-in-law. My brother is getting married to his sister and they have been planning the wedding since yesterday and I just met Kiram yesterday.”

“Ohhh. Now I know why he’s bad mood yesterday. Did Tito and Kiram fight? or argue?” Ahrie asked.

So they’re close. . . .

“Yeah, they argue.” I said and lay down on the Terrasse side.

“Hmmm. He always drinks when they fight and I think he didn’t go home. That punk!” She was about to go to Kiram but Terriesse thwarted her.

“Are you her big sister? Let him be, okay? He can do whatever he wants.” And Ahrie stops and instead of scolding him she gets him water.

A minute has passed, Kristen is now here with us and she said that Kiram and Covy are staying here with them but in Ced's room. Ahrie is fine with it because she’s always here and Terriesse is okay with that. While me? any minute I’m about to go home.

Kiram stands up and removes his hoodie so that our attention is on him. Our eyes met, his eyes grew bigger and so am I. I know it’s him and I know already he’s here but I’m still shocked. Damn!

“Lyssa.” He uttered my name. I switched my gaze to Covy who suddenly scolded Kiram like he is the big brother.

“You’re so drunk! You know that?! Man, you always drink but this time it’s very unusual because you keep saying that name. Damn man, are you in love?”

“Fuck off.” He said and then sat like nothing happened, like he's not drunk a while ago, it looks like he’s sober now.

“What the---. . . . . How ungrateful! I’m the one who helped you!” Covy said and all his veins are now visible.

“Stop blabbering! Just please give me some water.” He said in a bossy tone. The hell is wrong with him? Covy helped him and didn’t even thank him. How ungrateful.

“Bro! Are you sober? Damn! Is it true? You’re in love?” Ced teased him. He’s smiling ear to ear.

“Yeah. What’s her name again? Ly--- What?.” Kristen added.

“I am not in love, okay? Do not believe this asshole.” He said pointing at Covy. He drank the water that Ahrie got for him.

Covy is laughing because he heard what Kiram said. He receives a curse except a thank you from him yet he is laughing.

“Okay. Fine man. You’re not in love but who’s Lyssa? You keep saying her name.”

That’s my name.

“Lys, your phone is ringing.” I walk to my purse and look at who is calling.

“Thanks Riesse. Gonna answer it. Excuse me.” I smiled politely.

Kuya Nash is calling so I answered it. Maybe he's here.


“Lys, I am sorry I can not fetch you. I am really sorry. I already called dad and he said you can sleep there if you really want but be careful and also if you are going home just ask for a ride to your friend because we can't fetch you. We are out of town now. It is urgent. I am really sorry Lys. Don't call dad. His phone is off.”

“Okay. Bye. Thank you and also be careful, Nash.”

“I will, we will. You too, princess.”

I don’t know what to feel. Why? Because they are busy again and this is the first time that they can not fetch me because they have urgent business, they are abroad. Well I understand, it must be really urgent that they have to go outside the country. I just don't know what to feel, I am worried, sad and at the same time happy because I am staying with my friend. I can not be selfish right now and think about my own happiness because I am worried about them but that’s what I have to do. I should enjoy it because this is once in a while. I should enjoy this night with my friends and create more memories. I just hope they are safe.

I went back to the living room and again all of their eyes were on me. I smiled. I am happy.

“Are you leaving??” Kristen asks.

“I’ll escort you.” Kiram suddenly rose and all of us were shocked.

“Bro! You can’t even stand when we arrived here! Stop playing gentleman.” Covy laughed.

“Are you really drunk?? Did you just fooled us? God Frederika!” Ced said and he was shoking his head.

“Hey! Do you like her??? God! Don’t flirt with her, she's my friend!” Kristen said. She’s being a protective friend. I appreciate it.

“I know her and I know she knows me. We know each other, right?” He said and looked at me.

“Bro, don’t scare her.” Covy nudged him.

“No. I do know him. He’s the brother of my brother’s girlfriend.” I said to clear things

I feel the awkwardness so my hand keeps on scratching my other hand. I am shy and anxious.

“That’s why you know each other. Ahh” Covy said while nodding.

“Wait, what is your name miss? By the way, I am Covy Audenzia, Kristen and Ced’s friend.”

“Lyssa Shermis.” I smiled.

“Holy shit! Fuck!” He cussed. He looked shocked at the same time her eyes filled with awe.

“Hey! Covy! Watch your mouth!” Kristen Scold.

“Oh god! You're not referring to a korean dance! Okay! Damn! You're his living Lyssa.” Covey said and flashed his mischievous smile on his face.

“You’re annoying, Covy! Stop it! She is the sister of my ate’s fiance. She is Shermis, You know them, right?” Kiram said in an irritated tone.

“Ohhh. I thought you two were flirting.” Ced said and laughed again.

“But why do you keep calling her name?? Do you like her?” Ced asks

“Are you going home? I’ll drive.” He said ignoring Covy’s question.

“No. I'll stay here. And you’re drunk, you can’t drive” I told him

“For real?!” Ahrie exclaimed.

“Yeah. My brother can't fetch me because they went abroad for business purposes so I don't have anyone when I go home and they allow me to sleep over here.” I said in an elated tone.

I am so happy, after years we are able to do this again. We are able to sleep together again and I am excited because they planned to watch movies and drink. I mean no one would know that I am drinking except Kiram, if he would tell them. I am not allowed to drink unless I am with my father but I really want to drink with them because I am a grown up.

We fixed our beds and all the girls should sleep inside Kristen’s room and the boys are inside Ced’s room. Luckily, her condo has two rooms. The boys are eating outside while we are watching a movie. The girls brought snacks and alcohol inside. It looks like it is a hard one. My god. . .

Excitement and nervousness filled my body. We are going to drink that. There’s vodka, I haven’t tasted it because it is a hard drink that is why it is prohibited to me. There’s also brandy, whisky, and beer. There’s a lot of alcohol, where did they get these?

“Omy god! Lyssa, are you ready to get drunk?” Ahrie screamed. This girl!

“Of course, I am!” I shouldn’t kill the mood, I should enjoy and join them.

“Omy gosh, Lyssa! This is my first time seeing you like this.”

“Because this is our first time seeing each other again.” I laughed. We laughed.

“I shouldn’t bring these alcohols inside! We should share it with the boys.”

“Yeah, we couldn’t drink that all. It’s a lot, I am sure that we are going to get wasted.”

We went outside and drank with them. I thought that Kiram couldn’t drink but I saw him drinking some beer. He arrived here wasted and then sober up like nothing happened, he even offered me a ride and now he is drinking again. I think he is an alcoholic.

“Lyssa it’s your turn.” I looked at Kristen and gave me a glass of vodka. That vodka is hard! It is burning when you swallow it. It is my second time and I could say I can bear it. It is just alcohol.

We are all laughing at the living room because of Covy. He is telling a story and all of us are listening to him while Kiram is spacing out. Is he still drunk? He shouldn’t force himself.

“Covy stop it! My stomach hurts!.” Ahrie couldn’t stop laughing.

They keep telling funny stories and I am just casually listening to them and when it is really funny, I will laugh with them. It is fun, unlike at dinner last night. We are all drunk and we are lying on the floor. Kristen is on Ced’s shoulder while sitting on the floor. Terriesse, Ahrie and I are sitting at the couch but Ahrie and Terriesse are leaning their heads at the armrest of the couch. I am sitting between them and I have a throw pillow and I put it on my lap and put my head on my lap. I think everyone is drunk. No one is talking

“But you know what. I couldn’t believe that these two knew each other.” Covy said, he is referring to us. He is whispering.

“What do you care, Covy?” Kiram said. Why does he treat his friend like that?

“Well, Ram, I am just curious. You keep saying her name. Did she do something to you?” He asks Kiram and her eyes widen.

“I didn’t do anything to him! He is the one who left us and didn’t even bother to say goodbye.” I interrupt. I heard them eh.

“He left you without saying goodbye?” Covy ask me and I nodded

“Yes. He left us.” I said and pouted. I heard him chuckle. What’s funny?

“Why did you do that, bro? That’s rude.” Cedrick said and shook his head. Oh, he is still awake.

“Are you drunk, Lyssa?” He asked me. I feel like he is staring at me because I can feel it. I try to tilt my head to give my eyes a sight of him to confirm it and I am right. He is looking at me.

“Am I? . . . No, I am not.” I straighten my seat and look at him. “No, I am not drunk, Kiram.” But after that I went back to my position. My head is now on the pillow on my lap. My face is facing on my right side where I can see Ahrie’s face. She’s asleep.

I heard him laugh at me. What’s funny?

“Yeah, I am drunk.” I said. I heard his steps, he is coming to me.

“Yeah, you do.” I heard him.

I close my eyes and let myself rest when someone is carrying me. I know it is him, Kiram but I can not do anything, I can not complain because my body feels so heavy so I let him. I heard the opening of the door and how the lights open, he let me lie down on a soft mattress. My back feels so soft.

“Thank you.”

I woke up because of the sunlight. My body feels so heavy. Is this what they call a hangover? Am I experiencing it? My body is heavy, my head hurts and I can not remember anything. I didn’t know how I got here, on this bed. I sat down and looked around. I saw Terriesse and she’s still asleep and then I spotted my phone and checked if there was a text or call but I didn't see anything. They are indeed busy.

I clean myself before I go out and when I head out I see nothing. I expect that they are all lying on the floor because that’s where I left them. Maybe they are already awake and sobering somewhere. I check the fridge if there is anything so I can cook something but it is empty, my hunch is right. Kristen is not here because she needs to buy food that she can cook, she went to a grocery store.

I saw yesterday that there is a pool here so I want to relax and feel free to release my hangover and I think there’s a coffee shop here. I need coffee for my hangover.

I wore slippers so that I could walk comfortably. I was humming while walking. I love it, I feel like I am carefree from everything. I went inside the elevator and I saw that there were two girls who’s talking. I was busy scrolling to my phone while waiting to arrive at the ground floor.

“What? Are you giving up??” A girl with bun hair asks the girl with wavy long hair.

“We can't chase her just like that! She has a lot of guards surrounding her. She doesn't know it and she didn’t even notice it. And I am not giving up, okay?? I will get my sister from them! My mom suffered a lot and she can't just suffer forever without anything to have.” She said in a brave tone.

“Yeah! That's the spirit!” The bun girl exclaimed.

“So let me see her face again.” The girl took out a printed photo of the girl she’s referring to. I know I shouldn't listen to them but damn! I am curious and I need to feed my curiosity!

I look at the picture and it creeps me. The picture that the girl's holding is me. The picture that pasted on that paper is my face! I am that girl! I am her sister? She’s referring to me being her sister. What? Damn! No! It is a big NO NO! I don't have a sister! She's not my sister and I am not one of them! God! What is happening?! Are they pranking me?

“Her name is Lyssa Angel Shermis. She’s the only daughter of Mr. Shermis and my cousin. Lyssa Shermis will be named as Lyssette Lardizabal Shermis. That is her real name, If Mr. Shermis didn't take her away from my mother. And now my mother wants her back but she can't move because she's still in trauma. And now, my mission is to take her back to us. She’ll become a Lardizabal. She is a Lardizabal.”

After I heard that I tried to hide my face and calm myself. This is not good, my feet are shaking and I don’t think I can stand properly. My mind is now a mess and I can’t breathe. Damn! They’re confusing me!! Who are they? Who are the Lardizabal?

“You know. When you look at her face. You'll see that the Lardizabal blood is running to her. She really looks like you but you look more haggard and lousy.” She joked and laughed.

“Shut it up bitch.”

“Are you pissed, cousin?” She laughed and then went out of the elevator. I don't know if I am going to step out or not. I can't move. My feet are glued on the ground to the point that I can't move my feet. My whole body is in shock that I can not process everything.

Who is that Lardizabal? Lyssette? Who are they? And why do they have my picture and know my name? And what are they talking about? Sister and mother? I don't have a sister and my mother died so what are they talking about? I don't understand! They are confusing me! My mother died and she indeed suffered but I know that she's happy now but I don't have a sister. I only have two brothers and I do not have a sister. What are they talking about?

What is happening? Just like that they suddenly change my mood. Just like that they put a lot of thoughts in my mind. Just like that they are able to confuse me. Just like that? I want to cry to release the frustration but I can not do anything. I can not move, I can not talk. I don’t know what to do.

Is it a prank? Are they making fun of me? Because I am not but how did they know my name? My whole name? I know my father is a famous business man but I am not known as them. But maybe.

I hate this feeling! I am confused! I don't know what to do! Fuck! I want to convince myself that I am not Lyssette. Right! I have to convince myself that I am not Lyssette! Right! I am Lyssa Angel Shermis and not Lyssette Lardizabal Shermis. My mother died and I don't have a SISTER and I am not part of that clan! I am not a Lardizabal.

I am Lyssa not Lyssette.

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