As those words flew out of Avery's mouth, Anastasia's heart continued to race.
"All this time, while you were running away from those hunters, I was hunting you down," Avery revealed, her eyes turning into a crescent moon as if that was something worthy to say.
Anastasia's emotions clashed violently—an urge to confront Avery, to make her feel the same pain, mixed with a desperate need to ask why. Why did Avery hate her? What had Anastasia done to deserve this? She hadn't gone to Avery for help; Avery had sought her out, offering support only to betray her in the end.
"You're just like all of them…heartless!!!"
Avery merely shrugged her shoulders at Anastasia's words as if she couldn't bring herself to be bothered by them.
Then all of a sudden, Avery moved closer to Anastasia so quickly she was only two inches away from her now.
Anastasia backed away on reflex, wondering what the girl was going to do now.
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