It wasn't difficult to get Jonas and his little group to join me. A simple "I'm going after the monster that hurt your sister" was all it took.
We set out just as the sun rose, the four of them trailing behind me as we followed the path of the greater monster across the plains and into the forest. So far, it's been easy to follow. Trees are scattered everywhere and the ground has been torn up from the greater monster's claws. Occasionally, we see large spatters of blood where the beast has crashed into something on its way through the large forest.
The creature has a few days head start on us, and I still can't sense its mana, but with the amount of damage Elizabeth and I inflicted, there's no way it can go without rest.
We pass by a pile of goblin corpses, their ribcages cracked in half and their innards exposed to the elements.
Or they would be, if they had any.
The only things left of their stomachs, hearts, and intestines, are gooey splotches strewn around their bodies. Something has gouged itself upon them.
The bodies are still fresh. The monster can't be far.
It's some time past noon before I sense the concentrated mana of the greater monster. Walking beside a lake, we halt at the bottom of a large cliff. A large cavern is set into it and specks of blood cover the walls.
I turn to Jonas.
"I can sense it inside the cave."
"Then let's go get it," he exclaims.
What is he, an idiot?
"If you want to die, be my guest."
"The cave is way too small. Where are you planning on dodging to, if the monster attacks you?"
"Well, that's-"
"He's right, Jonas," the mage says. "We should find a way to get it out here, so it's easier for us to fight it."
She turns to me.
"What if I cast Rogsfulnert and smoke it out?"
I don't know that spell, but if she intends to smoke it out, it's probably fire-based.
"Works for me. You two," I point to the twins, "keep the mage safe. Jonas, you try to lead the beast into the lake when it comes out."
The twins nod at me. Jonas seems skeptical, though.
"And what, exactly, are you going to do?"
I pull out my - Elizabeth's - sword, which glows bright in my hand.
"I'm going to strike it from behind."
It takes a bit to convince Jonas, but once we manage it, we all get into our designated positions. I hide among the trees beside the cave entrance, Elizabeth's sword plunged into the ground, so its light doesn't attract the greater monster's attention. The mage looks to me and I give her the sign to start.
Focusing, she starts drawing glowing shapes in the air, connecting them together to form complex symbols. I suppose this is how the spell is cast. It's taking a lot longer than when I cast the barrier spell, but I can't tell if it's because the spell is stronger, or if she's just weaker than me.
Apparently completing the symbol, she screams at the top of her lungs, "Rogsfulnert!!!"
A beam of fire grows from the symbol floating in the air. I can feel the wave of heat all the way behind the trees. This young lady must actually be decently strong. She could probably one-hit goblins and, at the very least, cause serious burns to orcs. Against a greater monster, though...
As the mage lets out a deep breath and drops to her knees, the spell complete, a roar of anger radiates from the cave.
It's coming.
The greater monster bursts from the cave entrance, striking the side of the cave entrance and causing it to crumble in half. Its neck swivels about as the beast searches for the source of the spell. Its eye has swelled up, grotesquely, and burst veins are clearly visible all across the eyeball.
Jonas, taking the initiative, rushes forward, his golden plating shimmering in the light of the sun. The monster screams and swings its long claws towards Jonas.
Despite its injuries, it's a bad idea to underestimate the speed and power of a greater monster. Caught off guard by its speed, Jonas leaps back to avoid the blow.
I might've overestimated these guys. Both Elizabeth and I are a lot faster than them.
A gash appears in Jonas' arm as a long claw nearly misses his neck. He stumbles as far back as possible, panicking slightly.
Come on, get it into the lake. It'll spot me if I attack now.
My thoughts must have reached him because Jonas, having caught the beast's attention, turns and runs into the lake. The lake doesn't go past his knees, but it's already hindering his movements and reducing his speed. The greater monster barrels in behind him. Unfortunately for him, it's far too big for a little water to be a problem.
The beast closes in and Jonas twists around just in time to parry a long fang, aiming directly for his head.
I'm left wondering if it was an accident, as he drops flat on his back into the large pool of water.
This is it.
I pull out Elizabeth's sword and sprint towards the greater monster, whose back is turned to me.
The glow of Elizabeth's sword passes over the mage, unsteadily getting to her feet, and the twins, who have barely had time to move. I dash across the path and leap across the lake's boundary, aiming for the monster. I land hard on its spine.
Using my legs to grip to the monster's back, I grab the sword with both hands and plunge it deep into the creature. I feel it crush one of the bones on the creature's spine and then move further in, past the muscles and fat. It doesn't feel like I hit any vital organs, but it's possible that I pierced the stomach sack.
Every muscle in the greater monster's body tenses up and its matted fur seems to stand on end. An endless cacophony of screams fills my head. The noise echoes off the cliff and seems to reverberate in my mind.
I cover my ears to stop the agony.
Big mistake.
I'm hurled into the air with enough pressure to make me nauseous. I hit the cliff hard, my head slamming directly into the rock.
I fall down into the water. Half unconscious, I try to get to my feet, but my head is spinning. The screaming sounds muffled and distant, but it still feels like my head is going to split in two.
Looking up, the blurred figure of the greater monster writhes before me. A gradient of red starts to emanate from it, rolling over a golden blob lying in front of it.
Then, all of a sudden, the screaming is quelled.
Is it done?
Is it dead?
What. The hell. Is that.
A green glow pierces through my blurred vision. I see the red blob of the monster behind the light, looking directly at me. A complex mesh of shapes and symbols burn bright in the green light.
It can't be. It simply isn't possible.
A muffled scream from the young mage confirms my fear.
That's. Not. Possible.
I see the light of the mage on the shore trying to cast another spell, but failing. My vision is finally starting to come back into focus, but it's too late. There's nothing I can do now. I see the twins jump forward at the creature, each swinging a double-sided axe at the slowly crumpling mass of the greater monster.
Jonas is back on his feet, thrusting his sword up through the monster's gaping maw.
It's all pointless. It's already finished. It's just dying slowly. Dealing more injuries is doing nothing.
The mage is right. They should run.
The complex, green shape spins slowly in the air.
I swallow. I recognize this spell.
I've cast it before, but where? When??? I've only ever cast one spell as Stencil and this definitely wasn't it so WHERE THE HELL-
"Greater Lightning, Tier 2. Cast complete."
My eyes grow wide in shock. The lightning spell hits the water beneath my feet.
That was my voice.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! We're now officially over the 15.000 word mark!
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