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89.58% Mushoku Tensei: Moving Forward / Chapter 43: Behind Every Great Man Lies A Great Women

Kapitel 43: Behind Every Great Man Lies A Great Women

Lilia [pov]

"And this is an 'A.'"

"Oooh?" Aisha voices.


It is now night time, In the middle of the living room free of my duties, I am playing with my daughter, and trying to guide her to her name. Kneeling in the ground I have a set of tiles spread out spelling her name. I'm trying to guide her to picking the correct one. The first step to being a proper lady is penmanship, and as such knowing her name would be the first step. Hence the test. Having a mostly free afternoon, both me and madame have entertained ourselves with ourselves, and with our daughters. As much as I love Rudeus's company, having a moment alone just us mothers and daughters is precious in its own right.

Now then…


You're never too young to learn.

"Lilia…" sporting a nervous expression on her face, Zeny and lady norn come to join us, the latter resting comfortably on her mother's chest. "I don't think she understands letters yet."

"All the more reason to teach her. She'll be a fast learner."

"How do you know Lily?"


"...I feel like you've said that alot lately."

"A mother's intuition is a scary thing," I wiggled a finger, holding in a smile of a pleasant memory.

Madame does have the most interesting expressions.

"T-that's… Mhuu!" Zenith pouts. She's also very easy to be embarrassed, but I'll leave such assortations to myself. A lady needs one or two secrets. Rudy isn't the only one that can have fun.

Spending so much time together, I've been able to learn a thing or two about their habits, more than I already knew, and madam can be quite adorable. She has this habit of scrunching up her nose in displeasure. Puffing her cheeks when embarrassed, or pouting, and when she gets a little bit restless, she tends to get a little more playful. It is usually translated to games, but madam is quite coquettish. She tends to grab my breast or hug me tightly at times. Specifically from behind, because 'my embarrassed face is so cute.'


Rudeus doesn't know.

…at least I think he doesn't?

But there's a completely different side to Zenith that he isn't aware of. Zenith is a minx. At the very least, she tends to be more playful when the boys are away.

I think she wants to play the part of a dutiful mother when Rudeus is here.

The games he made is a good time waster, and a good way to divert someone's attention when they are physically unable, in essence pregnant, but now that madam's head is over the heavens she has so much love to give, and very few people to give it to, with Rudy going out for hunting trips, and Paul being a bother, I'm the one that receives most of her antics.

That said I can tease as well.

I turned to look at the madame and her puffy cheeks. She's a little miffed at her own words being used against her.


Zenith is honestly adorable. It's scary how she can make a person's heart shake.

"Like mother, like son."

Devils the both of them.

"'re complimenting me right?"

"Of course."

"Hmmm~ under your calm veneer you're actually a devil aren't you Lily?"

"I don't want to hear that from you…" I said under my breath.

"What was that?" She grumbled.

"Nothing, I misspoke."

"Hmm~" she looked at me doubtfully. Even so… if she's not angry… It's kind of cute.

Ignoring the adorable case that is the madame, I refocus my attention on the adorable bundle that is my daughter. "Now then," I gently tap one of the tiles "please reach for the 'a.'"

"Ha ha…" Madame laughed nervously as I taught my daughter.

One day she will grow up to be a proper lady. The pride of our household, next to Norn of course, but all great steps come from one little one first.


"Aaaa…" I intoned, focusing my intent on the 'a' block.

"You're much too serious Lilia. You gotta be sweet with them, like this."Madame changed her tone to a slightly higher pitch, as she focused her attention on Lady Norn. "Who's the cutest baby in the world? Who's the cutest? Yes you are yes you are. Rawr rawr rawr~"

"Aha! Aaabab ha ha…"

"See," Zeny smirks at their games. "She loves it. Play simply with her. Before you know it she'll grow up and you won't be able to nibble her like this."


"Why not? Look at her little feet," she wiggled Norns little feet. "Couldn't you just eat them right up."

"Indeed. Still, I believe education is important Mad-"

"Zen~nith~" Zenith noted. "Re~mem~ber~"

" apologies. Old habits."

"And I forgive you. How about this?" Zenith points to the roof, closing her eyes. "If Aisha can find the letter a to her name. I'll concede that your 'games' have merit, and you can take the next night shift off."

"…but I love our night shifts."

Me and Rudy get to be alone. It's our alone time. If only for a moment we get to lean on each other, and enjoy each other's warmth. Aisha too. It's my own little corner of comfort.

"...are you trying to trick me?"

Madame hasn't said anything, but I suspect she enjoys her little private Rudy time as well.

"How rude~" She says in jest.

"In any case, I don't think we should make such a deal. Master Rudeus has been tired as of late, and I think he can do with a night's rest. I think he's pushing it again."

He has a big heart, but at times it might be too big.

"Ah… so it wasn't just me. Should we do something?"

"I suggest we let Rudeus sleep in his old bed for the night, away from the children, and we'll split the night duties between ourselves. To finish off, so Rudy can fully recover, Mad-



"That's better."

"Yes… to finish off, Zenith can cast healing magic on him while he sleeps, and we'll send him off to Sylphiette in the morning to rest his heart. Sylphiette has a talent for clearing up his worries."

" sure thought this through."

"'Tis my duty."

And my pleasure.

Rudeus has been trying to hide it, but he's pushing himself as of late. I've been sneaking medicinal herbs into his tea, in hopes of relaxing him, but it does little if he doesn't meet me halfway.

He worries me sometimes.

We've already talked about it, and I said I can take care of the babies alone, and that he should get some rest, but he was insistent. It's honestly quite troublesome. His bullheadedness is one of his strongpoints, but at times it works against him. It makes me worry when he pushes himself so.

So stubborn.

"A little love is good, but Rudeus wants to be with our daughters a little too much. If I didn't know any better I swear he thought they were going to grow up while he's sleeping."

"Ha ha, yeah." Zenith scratched her cheek. "He is a little too serious at times, but…"


"He looks kind of cool when he's holding them," she played with her hair, "like a little papa."

…Zenith says some dangerous words from time to time. Usually I'll pretend I didn't hear them, but… in relation to Rudeus's health…


"Yes, yes I know. Health before anything, I was just saying. Tonight I won't let him out of bed no matter what. I'll lock him up if I have to.

"...would you?"

She sports a smug smile. "Maybe~"


"Sooo~" walking over to me, Zenith leans on me, rubbing her shoulder next to mine, tilting her head cutely. "It's just going to be me and you tonight is it? That sure brings memories… doesn't it?"

"Uh… yes… indeed," I try not to look at her, less Zeny notices the blush on my face.

Zenith is very dangerous.

Now that I think about it… I just volunteered to be alone with her during midnight… with no one around. That's… not a bad thing, but… I hope she's not feeling mischievous. It's been a while since we've done that.

Before I got to know Zenith as in detail as I've over the past few months I've wondered from time to time how she and Paul got together, but after experiencing some of her… flirts… I understood it a little better. Zenith is flirtatious.

I-I-I'll p-probably be fine.

"He he~ you're so cute Lily."

She scares me sometimes with her flirts. It's also scary how I don't dislike them.

"I-I-In any case," I tried to push such thoughts out of mind, less she found an advantage. "I still believe my daughter will find the right tile," adjusting my glasses, I compose myself as I go back to my daughter. "You can do it Aisha. Show Zenith the A." I hint a little, with an index finger pointing at it.

You can do it. Fight!

"It's like I said Lilia she's too…"

"Baoo…" my daughter grabbed an A, and started rubbing her face on it."

"...young. What are the odds?"

"About 60 percent madame."

Luckily Madame didn't notice my subtle hinting.

I have several tiles before her spelling out her name, and there are three a's, so by pure probability the odds were in my favor.

Perhaps I should have wagered something not related to the master?

"Mhhuu," Zenith pouts. "You've been quite cheeky as of late."

"I have no idea what you could possibly mean," I played with my glasses. "If anyone is 'cheeky' wouldn't it be thy," I smiled upon her, "Zeny."

She puffs her cheeks more.

He was right. Those really are her most appreciable features. I can why master enjoys teasing her.

Knock. Knock.

Ah… speak of the spirit.

"I'll remember this," Zenith says, pointing to her eyes, then back to me, before leaving Norn in my care and running off to the door, to welcome the men back.

He sure kept us waiting.

It's already night time. It's unfortunate but we had to eat dinner without them. Rudeus will have to settle for leftovers today.

"Sweeeetie~ welcome ba-" Zenith stops mid sentence as she opened the door. "Why are you wet?"

Splash. Splash.

Before turning my head I can hear splashing sounds coming in. As if someone dropped a piece of wet leather. Turning my head to its source I see it is Rudy. He looks wet. An absolute mess drenched from head to toe, and late… very very late. And-

Are those holes?

"I was practicing my water magic," he muttered.

Looking at him, I feel something is amiss.

He looks tired, more so than when he left, a lot more, it isn't unusual for him to get carried away, but… the way he carries himself, literally, he's dragging his body through the house. It's like his spirit has left his body.

This is… too much.

His eyes as well. His eyes are too tired.

He hasn't had such an appearance in a very, very, long time. Not since the night of my… betrayal.

"What happened?" I asked. "Are you alright?" followed by Zenith immediately after.

"...I'm fine… just tired. Very… very tired."

"Oh… ok… welcome back," Zenith looks to me for confirmation, only for me to shake my head. Without vocalizing our thoughts we are communicating. She arches her head, silently asking 'what do I do?' while I try to communicate to keep him talking. Rudeus is trying not to show us his worried side. It's clear as day he isn't alright, but poking him for answers might invite the opposite result.

When he's like that we have to be careful until we get the whole situation.

Rudeus is rambunctious, but his heart… his heart is surprisingly soft, it his greatest strength, but… he, himself, doesn't feel like that.

Man will be man at any I suppose. How vexing.

We'll play along, if only for the moment.

"Um… me and Norn have been waiting for you. How was today's trip? You, ahem," Zenith coughs into her fist, trying to gather her bearings, "y-you sure took your sweet time," she says, trying to keep her facade, as she gets closer grabbing his hand. "Are you sure you're alright?" She says with a tender look.

"Yeah… I will be." He gives a sad smile. "Time… time just got away from me."


"Right… him… he'll come later. He's… stuck cleaning up. We ran into a pack. There is a lot of cleanup work to do."

"That's not what I- never mind,." she sighs, "let's get you dry." She drags him along as he stumbles over his first step, and drags him to a chair to sit down. "You'll catch a cold. Oh, I almost forgot." she bends down to her knees making eye contact with him. "Welcome home." before kissing him on his cheek as per usual. It is the routine of this household.

Though she's holding it a little longer than usual.

"Zenith?" I questioned.

She arches backwards as if struck. Putting her hands on either side of his shoulders, she looks at him with wide open eyes.



"...excuse me." licking her thumb, she brings it to the corner of his lips, smudging him a bit, before returning it to her own, and licking it.

That was… surprisingly sensual.

"Z-Zeny?" Rudeus questioned just as off guard as I was.


Under the room's ambience we heard her clearly.


What could she-wait a minute…

Oh. I see…

Taking a closer look upon Rudeus's lips… there is a faint purple discoloration.

"Lilia!" Madame switched to authoritative mode. "Put the babies to bed, and prepare a fresh batch of clothes. I have something to take care of."

" I'm perfectly-"

"Sweetheart. I love you… but if you don't shut up right now I'll slap you," she said with barely restrained anger. Madame is looking at Rudeus with an angry look. No, that's inaccurate, a sad look. With a crestfallen expression, tears in the corner of her eyes, she gives the master a daring look; silently asking 'try me.'


He is wise enough not to challenge.

That was unexpected.

In all my years under this household this might be the first time I've never seen Zenith genuinely angry with Rudy.

"Lilia… up."

"Yes, Madame." Gathering Aisha, followed by Norn into my arms I put them in their cradle, and carry them off to bed. It's quite late as is, and they haven't taken their first nap. For now they can rest, while Rudeus is… patched up.

Taking subtle glances at Rudeus, after madame's outburst, it's easier to tell that something is wrong. It's hard to tell through the baggy clothes, but there's a few holes here and there.

Knowing it's better not to be against her when she is like this. I focus on my duty, and gather them less Zenith's yells make them cry. Rudeus trying to hide something from us is an anomaly, and madame is in her right to be angry, but…

I take one last peak as I pass Rudy.

He looks so tired.

His eyes are a little bloodshot, his lip is bruised, there are too many holes on his clothes for my liking, and he looks too pale for someone that was out in the sun all day today.

"M-Madame," I start, earning a stare from Zenith. "C-Can you be g-gentle with him. Whatever m-mistakes he made can be corrected tomorrow. He is…" I look at him trying to find the right words to earn him the most pity from his mother; "weary."

She turns to him, giving him a look over, before biting her lip, and addressing me. "Lilia… upstairs."


Glancing at his direction one last time, I made a short bow, earning a weary smile from him.

I hope this is a misunderstanding, and everything gets cleared up by the time I return. I do not want to return to a silent household. As things stand, everything points to Rudeus being in a fight for his life.

He is a saint rank mage, with sword skills in the intermediate range, it's almost impossible for him to be in the shape he is. Not without something major happening… and Rudeus promised that he would never be reckless with his life. That was the only condition that he had to agree to for Zenith to allow him to adventure so far from home.

That was a very important promise.

Rudy… I hope you can still pull a miracle, because that promise was very important to madame… and me.

Making eye contact with Zenith I bow, before making for the stairs.

"....wait," as I'm at the foot of the stairs Rudeus's whisper reaches my ears.


"Can I… see them real quick?" He points to the basket.

Exchanging a glance with Madame, she abides. I bring them closer for Rudeus to look over them, for the first time today, and for the first time today he smiles.

…it's off…

It's not as carefree as it usually is.

Bringing his hands closer to them he grabs their little hands. "Ah… my little chargers… just what I needed… ok… I'm done. I think I can stay awake a little longer."

"...alright that's enough." Madame says. "You can spoil them later. Right now you need to be treated."


"Rudy are you…" I hold my tongue.

As much as I would like to inquire right now. The children are in my hands, and there's still a chance Zenith and Rudy might fight.

I'll retire for now.

A maid's place is by their side, but… a mother's place is by her children.

I leave.

…and my place is… where I'm needed.

I have to come back quickly.

Leaving Madam and Master to themselves I take my daughters up the stairs for a good night's rest, as well as picking up some much needed dry clothing for Rudy. Hopefully, they don't need any attention for the next few hours. It looks like it's going to be one of those nights.

If… if something bad happens then I'll take responsibility. He looks tired. In his current state I don't think he has the ability to defend himself. I will never believe that Zenith would hurt him, physically, but emotionally; Rudeus' heart might break if Zenith says something she'll regret.

S-she wouldn't do that… right?

I… don't know what to do.

This whole situation is putting me on edge. I've never been here before. Zeny and Rudy aren't supposed to be in the state they are currently in; emotionally and physically.

I look down at the smiling babies.

"It'll be alright. It's just… a family dispute."

Most likely…

If need be I might need to try and take the blame in some way. I just hope it doesn't come to that.

As I leave my daughters in my room I scurry to the master bedroom in search of Rudy's close so I can clean up the deal. Cleaning up is also my duty.

When the husband isn't strong it falls to the wife to pick up his back.

…or so the expression goes.

I shake away those thoughts as I rummage for his clothes.

He's not getting any dryer.


Zenith [pov]

She looked frazzled.

As Lilia made her way up the stairs, it became just me and Rudy.

Speaking of frazzled…

I looked back to my son.

"You lied to me."

My scoundrel of a son.

"...I haven't said anything yet."

I glare at him.

"You know what I meant. You promised you were going to be careful. That you weren't ever going to go though 'that,'" I pointed to his appearance, 'this, ever again."

"...things got complicated. I didn't have much choice-"

"You promised!" I lost control for a moment. I'm trying to keep cool, and not shout. But…

This is all too similar to that incident three years ago.

"It's so frustrating."

I wasn't there for him once. I wasn't there for when he needed me. And now… it looks like things are starting all over again.

"Just why do you have to be so frustrating. I looked the other way, because I thought I could trust you, so why… Why did you come back like this?"

He silently looks away.

The same thing all over again. I loathe it.


"I thought we were past this." I grumbled. "You know… I knew about your little adventures. You don't clean up after yourself well, and I was willing to look the other way, but… you're supposed to come back to me in good health. Y-you, you're not supposed to… You're supposed to be… not this." I look away from him, biting my lip.

I want to curse him.

I don't mind that he's naughty. I mind that he's sloppy. Particularly with his health.

Gathering my bearings, I continue to berate him.

"We've been through this once before. You promised me that was a one time thing, and that you would never do it again. That you weren't a battle maniac, and if things ever got too intense you would just fly away. And now you're…" I grab his arm, and send my mana through him. There's little to no resistance. "Why are all the Greyrat men idiots! Why couldn't you-you… youuu…"

Infuriating, reckless, pigheadedness…

Why are you, so, so… soooo!


I tremble, my arms shaking by my side, at I'm cursing him.

"...I can only look away if I can trust you to take care of yourself when I'm not looking," I whisper, looking at his feet rather than his face. Looking at him like this hurts me.

"I'm… I'm not angry-ok." that's a lie. "No, that's wrong, never mind. I'm actually quite livid, but… I'm just, you are just… gargh," I ruffled my hair, as I tried to get my thoughts straight. "Hahh… hahh…" breathing out a few deep breaths for good measure. "It just hurts, you know. Seeing you like this." I put my hand on his cheek. Causing him to relax, as he leans against it, closing his eyes. "Feeling you like this… you're cold sweet-Rudeus." I corrected myself. I'm still angry, I can't give him a pet name right now. "You're too cold Rudeus."

"I… I had a fight that I couldn't run away from."

"Tell me," I take a knee looking at him at eye level.

"I… can't…"

I dig my nails into his arms for good measure. Earning a flinch from him.

At least he can feel pain that's good.

"I'm not lying to you."

"You might not be lying to me, but you're also not telling me the truth."

"You wouldn't like it."

"I don't like this!" My nails dig deeper.

"Grr… Zeny, please just-"

"Trust? That's what you were going to say wasn't it? Should I trust you? Would you trust someone if they weren't being truthful with you?"

"That… depends on the person. If it was you. I could, since I know who you are."

"T-that's not the same."

You sweet talking devil!

"Y-you're not supposed to-we're not talking about… I mean we are, but we aren't… trust is… it's about earning it, and… and…. And you…"

"I haven't?"

"No… yes… maybe… I don't know. You're confusing me."

"Sorry," a rueful smile graces his lips.

"I hate you."

Not really.

"...when you're like this."


"It's just…" I calm myself, lowering my tone. "It's hard. You're not supposed to be injured. You're my own little powerhouse. You're supposed to be. You're supposed to go out, have a good day, and come back to me with a smile on your face. A little sweaty, a little dirty, a little naughty, not…" I examine him, "not whatever you are right now. It's not that I don't trust you. It's just… I… I don't know… it's hard. I'm scared to trust you. What if I don't know who you are? What if it's all a big lie. What if you're laughing at me? It's… scary. Seeing you like this makes me feel… left out. Like one day you're going to go out, and not come back to me." I look away from him, afraid… afraid of meeting his eyes, and knowing that… this might all be a lie.

"I'm afraid you're tricking me. I… I've just had enough of the men in my life lying to-"

"I'M NOT PAUL!" He hollers, almost falling because of it.

Instinctively I run to him and catch him.

"Hah… hah…" struggling to breathe, his body is pressing against me as I keep him standing… crouching. He's still cold. In his condition yelling must take a lot out of him. I hug him a little tighter.

"...are you alright?"


At least he's honest now.

"Alright… Let's get you out of these clothes. You'll catch a cold."

"Yeah… Thanks."

Undressing him I threw his wet clothes onto a chair. All the while I'm looking at him closely inspecting him for any injuries. It's not as bad as I thought. He has scars, here and there, but tiny ones. All surface levels. So many holes in his clothes, I was scared, but no piercings as far as I could find. It's like he got mauled by a bunch of little rats.

His reserves are low as well, did he try to hide some from me?

His body is as pure as snow just like before he left. We slept together long enough for me to know my own son's body. There's no bleeding, but… that sure is a lot of water. And the blood upon his lip.

He tried to hide it from me.

"I really don't like lying to you…" he suddenly starts talking, "but I also don't like hurting you. I'll… I'll talk if you want me to, tomorrow. If you insist, but… I don't lie for myself. I lie for… I just… I just really think I might hurt you certain truths. Please trust me not to say a thing here and there. Honestly, I'm quite a mess…"

I think my displeasure is showing, because he grabbed my face by either side, and turned me forcefully to look at him. "Have a little faith in me."

Rudy lies by omission, but… the words out of his lips are always the truth.

Because he sucks at lying, his expressions are very easy to read, and so I can see his soul laid bare when we're looking at each other like this.

He's so unfair… How can I resist when he plays so unfairly?

At this moment, he looks vulnerable, and… desperate.

"Cheater…" I whisper.

He flinches.

I can't believe I'm doing this… against my better judgment, but… I really do want to trust him. When did I become this weak?

"I'll… trust you, but… you gotta meet me halfway. Nothing that comes out of your mouth better be a lie, and… if you can't speak about something… I'll…" I bite my lip. "Do it."

I can't believe the amount of leeway I'm giving him.

"Why are you so you?" I whispered.


Casting healing on him, I put my hands upon him, tracing his wounds for maximum effect.

If you don't want to show me, fine. But don't blame me for taking things into my own hands.

I haven't told him this, but I've secretly been practicing his magic spell, in a hope of surpassing him.

I'm an S class mom you know!

I'm not at the same level, but I can now 'look' at a person just like him. Without his knowledge, I started looking inside of him, and found nothing wrong with him. But there's one thing that bothered me. It was all too easy. No resistance.

"You're actually empty."

"Yeah… I am. Sorry…"

"You said that… I'm gonna… gonna!" I rested my forehead against his chest, "gonna… nah… you idiot. Remember who's waiting for you… You promised you would take care of yourself. I don't want to see you like this. Ever. It brings bad memories." In a low voice I air my worries.

"I'll do better. I'm sorry."

"You better, but first-"

"Nnn!" Rudy grinds his teeth as I dig my nails into him. Marking him.

He needs a little punishment, else I won't sleep easy tonight.

"That's for hiding it from me. You deserved it. Don't-ever-hide-your-hurts. If you're hurt I'm hurt. Tell me!" Returning to each other's eyes I look into his soul again. This time with me in control.

"I'm… ah… I… yes…" Rudeus' eyes go wide. "...I just didn't want you to worry."

"Worrying about you is my privilege! Don't you dare take that away from me! Now… Please be quiet… you're not thinking straight. You're as frustrating as you are kind. Your 'kindness'" I made the quote hand sign I've learned from him, "only makes me angry. I can't cast if I'm angry."


"You've said that. Multiple times."

"...I'm regretful?"

I pinch his chest. Earning him a flinch.

"I would hope so, and you're grounded."


"And I get a foot rub."


"And you're cooking."


"And you're doing all the housecleaning once you recover. Lilia needs a day off."

He hushes. Finally accepting his fate.

Damn right.

I'm better. We're better.

But I'm still mad at you!

"...Rudy, I don't want to be angry with you. But I also don't want to see you hurt, no, I don't want you to leave me out of this. I know you are a wild child, my wild child, so I don't expect you to be a paragon of virtue. I already came to terms with that, but… I want you to be honest with me. I don't want to feel out like this. Even your pain. Show me your everything; you're good…" I rested my head against his chest one more time listening to his heart. He's still here. "...and you're bad. Just trust in me a little more. I want to be a part of your life."

"...if I hurt you one day?"

"Do you mean to hurt me?"


"Then you won't." I reach for his face, and cusp it with my hands, as I pour my soul into him. "I'm not a wallflower Rudy. I can handle anything you got. After all," I put my hands back on top of his heart, "we're in this together aren't we?" My hands resting over his chest I can feel his heart racing as I speak. I think it just skipped a beat.

Well… at least this part of you is honest.

"If you are who I think you are, then you won't hurt me. If you show me your heart, fully, then I can't be hurt, because it's your heart. So…" I smile, "trust in me, so I can trust in you, and then when you're like this… I won't freak out, because… your heart belongs to me." I can feel a smile, against my wishes, stretching across my face.

His eyes bulged in surprise.

Honestly, I'm surprised too.


His heart is racing.

"I am S class you know~" I joked, patting the spot over his heart lightly. "Only I can heal it. You can lean on me. When you're like this, come to me. Please?" I lean in closely, tilting my neck to the side, and getting closely so as to whisper it. "I'm not even angry you're injured. I'm sad that you would hide it from me. So," cusping his chin, I turn his face, so close I can feel his breath, and look into his eyes. "Lean on me, hai?"


"That's good. You still have some sense in you."

He's weak to these kinds of attacks.




With sweet feelings blossoming in my chest, I am at ease.

"I'm glad."

Hopefully, this is a good step forward.

"Good," a third voice airs out.

Like a spirit, Lilia appears out of nowhere, throwing herself over my son, draping herself over him, as she hugs him from behind. Smothering him, and resting her breast on his neck.

T-that's my job! You can't smother him.! You can't spell smother without mother!

"That's good. Please don't make us worry." Hugging him tightly to herself. As if he's her only lifeline, she holds on to him as if he might just disappear.

…though I guess those were my own worries too…

She really sneaked in without notice.

…she's a little too skilled at that.

"...Lilia?" he questions.

"Lilia, he's kind of wet."

"I don't care. She's right," Lilia hugs him tightly, drenching herself with Rudeus' wet body.

That's not how you're supposed to dry him.

Ignorant of my precious mother son moment being interrupted, Lilia continues on. "I… don't like to see you like this either. Please don't push yourself like this. If you… if your heart just gave out one day… I… I! I… I don't want to think about it." She finishes off in a whisper squeezing Rudy tightly from behind.

"Yeah… I'm sorry. I lost my head." he mutters. "It won't happen again. After all… a man doesn't make his woman cry."

"...remember it…"

"Ahem," I cough into my fist. "Alright Lily, that's enough, I think he got his lesson. You can let go of him, he's still wet."

She clings tighter. "…I… on't… to…" she muttered.

…Did she?

"What did you say?"

"I don't want to…" she said in a voice with a slightly higher tone than a whisper. She adjusts herself so she's hanging off Rudy's neck giving me a…

"A-are you pouting?"

"No," she says, turning away from me, her hold on Rudy strengthening.

No, you're definitely pouting!


"…yes Rudy?"

"I'm actually a little cold."

"Alright…" begrudgingly she steps away from him, a slightly damp appearance.

"Ahem," I gathered her attention back to me, "The clothes?"

Earning a blush, Lilia made a short bow, and went back up the staircase, gathering a small litter of clothing laying on the floor.

In her rush to hug him, she made a small mess.

If I didn't know any better I would think…

"Your woman?"

" a sense. Lilia is my maid… and she's a woman. She's mine… in the nicest term possible."

"Hmm~ the way you say things makes one wonder. Just remember what I taught you. We've had enough heartbreak in this house."


"But I'm still number one! Remember it! Mama's place is above even firsts!" I point to myself giving him a coquettish smile.

Lilia stole my spot as my son's first crush, but I can still tease him about it.

Oh, well. If I can't be his first crush, then I can still tease him about it. It'll be a fun series of years.

"Rudy~ I'm number one right?"

" you want to be?" He gives me a predatory look.

"Wrong answer."

And for the first time today… he smiled.

Ah. I'm glad. Smiling a boyish smile, tired features and all, for a moment it's all better.

Making an endearing gesture with his finger, curling it back and forth, he signals for me to come back at eye level, in that moment, he hugs my head, and I can feel his fast pacing heart at my hand one more time, as his breath tickles my ear.

"Your place is unquantifiable. You're not first. You're not last. You just are. How can you have a place in my heart, if you are my heart."


Stepping away from him, I see a mysterious smile on his face.

…he's going to be devilish when he grows.

That actually made my heart skip a beat.

If he wasn't my son…

Well, it's a mute point, but… Lilia might actually fall for him at this rate. I'll have to look over him closely.

Looking at his tired, drenched, and hungry demeanor. You would think a wolf is before me rather than a pup. A rather cute pup.

"You shouldn't flirt with your mother."

"Who's flirting?"

I still have so many gentlemanly lessons to teach him.


"That's a compliment right?"

I give him a stare.

"…please be gentle."

"I'll consider it. Please control yourself."

It's going to be an interesting couple of years.

Don't get ahead of yourself just because you're cute.

Truly a devil in the making.

"Hah," he sighs in relief.

"," Lilia makes her presence known, a fresh pile of clothes in her hand. "I have a fresh set of garments ready… and dry. Is it ok now?" She walks with purpose to stand by Rudy's side, a blush still present over losing her cool a second ago.

It's okay Lilia.

"Everything is fine. Most of the wounds weren't anything serious. I look back to Rudy. "Idiot." earning him a grimace. "Our hearts were just in turmoil."

"So… what exactly happened?" Lilia inquired.

"Rudy." I offered.


"Rudy happened."

"I understand." She agreed.

"Can you please not make me sound like a health condition."

"Stop being one."

Rudeus flinches.

You feel bad? Good!

"Yeah… I deserved that." He admits.

"Indeed you did."

See, even Lilia agrees, and she wasn't here for most of it. Most likely…

I look towards her. She nods her head. We are in agreement.

"In any case it's late. We should all go to bed."

Speaking of all…

"Where is your father anyway?"

"Who knows? Ditched him. We had a disagreement. He'll be here later."

"...did you?"

That's one mystery solved.

Am I going to need to have a family meeting?

Looks like I have another person I need to talk to. I don't know the details of what happened, but Rudeus and Paul are like water and fire. It would explain why my dumb son got dumber in the span of a day.

"Whatever…" Zenith abides, "we'll settle things soon. For now you need some rest. We're all done. You can change now."

"Done… right… we're done…" he mumbled.

And then he fell.

"Rud-kya! R-Rudy?!"

On top of me. Tipping us over.

"Rudy w-what are you…" his face falls between my breasts. "Mmmn, Rudy that's-mmn… y-your l-leg c-can you… hah…" Rudy is pressing against me. "That's… that's a little…" moving around a little much.

You're not supposed to do that when you're awake!


"Rudy?" Sensing something is off, I push him slightly and he collapses.

He passed out.

"Honestly… you have the weirdest sleeping habits. Immediately after sleeping you go straight for my chest."

Those aren't your pillows you know? You can't use them… in public.

"There's never a dull day with you." Parting his hair I gaze upon his sleepy face. "Seriously… the things you put me through… if you're going to make my heart a mess, at least take responsibility, be honest with me so we can be a mess together."

"...that's quite a way of wording things Madame?"


I can feel Lilia's presence behind me. I forgot she was here.

"Um… don't tell him. I'll lose some of my mama points if he thinks I'm not as angry as he thinks I am."

"Are you?"

"I honestly don't know." I looked back to his sleeping form, reaching out to him, and patting him affectionately. "No, I guess I'm not. Don't tell him."

He'll think I'm a push-over.

"Understood," she bends down, bringing a towel and drying him off, "is he actually alright?"

"Yeah… I checked his vitals. He's fine. His mana is low, but I gave him a little boost. His life isn't in danger or anything. He just needs a little rest. Lilia can you-"

"I understand."

"...I haven't said anything…"

"You want me to take the night shift as you watch over him don't you."

She gives me a glance.

"Are you a mindreader?"

"Perhaps. Excuse me," stripping him of his final piece of decency she changed him into a fresh set of clothes, underwear and all, and carried him off to bed.

"Rudy is something else isn't he…" Zenith mumbled.

"Indeed he is."

Tomorrow… I was worried what tomorrow would bring for a moment there, but, as long as we're together, we can take care of all problems?

"When did my life become a play?"

" apologies Madame…"


I forgot she's still here…

"That's not what I meant! Lilia is…"


"... my sister?" I looked at her pleadingly. "If you would like that is?"

"...I wouldn't mind such a thing." She looks off to the side, a small blush apparent on her face.

"I can see why my son likes you so."

Her blush gets stronger.

"Let's go to sleep."


We made our way up the stairs carrying Rudy between us, and laying him on our bed, before Lilia made a bow, and made for the exit.



"I used to sleep with my sisters from time to time. Would you like to sleep with us?"


Crownedclown Crownedclown first thing first; sorry for my long absence. I was trying to write the whole finale in one stroke, but then stuff happens in real life, and it affects your writting. Considering I'm writting, very important scenes, it affect my writting and it becomes difficult to write a 'happy' scene when you're in a sad mood.

Anyway, won't bog you down with teails of my life. I'll just say that as it comes to writting it led to... complications.

One) I got writter's block, and had to change my direction for the ending.

Two) Irl, 'nough said.

3) I used my time with writter's block to make some corrections, and have made edits to the first 14 chapters. I have yet to post them, but I will soon. Sidenote; the plot is the same, but a few extra details, to make it flow better.

Anyway, now that I got that out the way. I'm just going to try posting, as I did before, and hopefully that i'll help my writter's block.

next chapter
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