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94.31% Multiverse : Journey of Desperado / Chapter 197: Vermilion army arrives, The whole earth is a battlefield

Kapitel 197: Vermilion army arrives, The whole earth is a battlefield

After a long month of fighting, Kirito and the others finally cleared out the remaining demons scattered around Tokyo.

In the midst of a warm and joyful atmosphere, Major Takeda stood in front of the military base that had now turned into a celebration arena. After a fierce battle against the demons that threatened their world, it was time to celebrate the victory. The sound of laughter and chatter spread throughout the room, erasing the traces of tension that were still visible on the faces of the SAO players and JSDF soldiers.

Kirito, in a happy mood, sat at a table with Klein, Egil, Sachi, Yuuna, the other Fuurinkazan members and Moonlit Black Cat. They all looked more relaxed than when they were fighting. Simple yet delicious food was served, ranging from sushi to ramen, making their stomachs growl.

"Here we go, Kirito! Eat as much as you can to celebrate our victory!" Klein exclaimed excitedly, as he took a piece of sushi and put it in his mouth. "After fighting hundreds of demons, we deserve to celebrate!"

Kirito smiled, feeling the warmth of friendship surrounding him.

"Klein is right, all our efforts have paid off. We should cherish this moment." Egil said, taking a piece of ramen and eating it, feeling the delicious and warm taste.

Keita, who was sitting next to him, added, "We are not only fighting for ourselves, but also for each other. This is a shared victory." He raised his glass, inviting everyone to do the same.

Sachi, with a cheerful smile, shouted, "Let's toast! To our friendship and courage!" Everyone raised their glasses, said words of encouragement, and toasted to this precious moment.

Yuuna, not wanting to be left behind.

"After this, I want to sing a song to celebrate our victory! We have to celebrate it in a more festive way!" Her suggestion was enthusiastically received by everyone.

After eating, Yuuna stood in front and began to sing a spirited song.

[Keihou ga hibiite houimou de GANJIGARAME

Checkmate sunzen Countdown iyarashii na

Katte na yokubou de fumitsukeraretatte

Boku no SEORII ja kotae wa "No! Are you kidding me?"

Boku no kizanda MEMORII o

Kimi to tsukuriagete kita RIARU o

IREGYURAA ni nante ubawaseru na

Break Beat Bark! Mada mienai

Mirai tte tanjun ja nai danjon mitai Can't see…

Dakedo Head up! Sugu soko sa

"Never give up" PASUWAADO wa sore de juubun nan da

Kimi to boku no PYUA sugiru risou suterarenai ne?]

(The alarm echoes, trapped in a siege

Counting down just before checkmate becomes truly tiresome

Followed by being trampled by desires that are so reckless

If my theory's answer is "No! Are you kidding?"

Memories that I carve

The reality that I create with you

Don't let it be taken away by the irregular

Destroy, defeat the shout! A future that is still unseen

It's not as simple as a dungeon, you can't see it...

But lift your head up! It's right there

The password "Don't give up" is enough with just that

You can't throw away the dreams that are so pure from you and me, right?)

Ps : Title of the song "Break Beat Bark!"

Her voice brought back fond memories and the fighting spirit they had gone through together. Everyone applauded and cheered for Yuuna's beautiful song and voice.

Kirito was moved to see the happiness on his friends' faces. He recalled all the hardships and challenges they had faced together. From the tense moments in SAO to the battlefield against demons. All of that built a strong bond between them.

As the party went on, Major Takeda approached.

"I want to thank all of you. Without your courage and hard work, we wouldn't be here." His voice was full of warmth and gratitude. "Let's continue to protect this world together."

Those words echoed in everyone's hearts. They knew that the battle had just begun, new challenges were coming. However, one thing was for sure: they would always stand together, supporting each other every step of the way.

"Report!!! Report!!! Report!!!" The celebration had just ended and everyone was still in a celebratory mood but the panicked voice of a soldier soon silenced the place.

"What's wrong?" Major Takeda asked.

"Major, the newly developed magic power detector has captured a number of magic powers approaching Tokyo.

"What?!" Major Takeda was shocked.

After conducting research for a long time on demon corpses, they finally developed a device that could detect magic power. Now the device has been spread on the outskirts of major cities to detect demon attacks.

"How many are there?" Mator Takeda asked anxiously while the SAO players around him also listened to the information in tension.

"Major... their number calculated from the current magic power is more than 100,000...." the soldier said in panic.

"..." The atmosphere in the place became increasingly silent as they were shocked by their numbers.

"It's over... it's over...." Major Takeda muttered in despair facing the dense number of demons.

Even the weakest demon required many soldiers with complete weapons such as armor-piercing bullets to kill it, let alone there were many stronger demons that could only be faced by several SAO players working together. Now with the number of demons reaching hundreds of thousands, it was impossible for them to fight.


In the middle of the night sky, dark portals began to appear in various parts of the world. At first, only one or two black figures were visible, but as time went on, their numbers continued to grow. From within the portals, hundreds of thousands of demons surged out, as if they were a plague of locusts swarming over a harvest field. Each demon looked terrifying, with glowing red eyes and sharp fangs ready to pounce.

In an emergency meeting held through a special virtual device, the world leaders gathered, their faces filled with fear and helplessness. They knew that time was running out.

"If we don't do something now, we'll lose everything," a general said, his voice trembling. "We must use our last resort."

With a unanimous decision, they pressed the nuclear launch button. In an instant, the sky was filled with blinding bright light, followed by a massive explosion that shook the ground. A mushroom cloud rose high, signaling that the weapon of mass destruction had been unleashed.

Although most of the demons were killed, only powerful demons ranked B and above managed to survive. In addition, due to the high-altitude nuclear explosion, it causes an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse), an intense and instantaneous energy field that can disrupt electrical systems and microcircuits. Due to the EMP, many electrical devices are turned off and the city is plunged into darkness, like the arrival of ancient night.

Enraged by the killing of their subordinates, the demons immediately launch their attack.

Dark magic shoots out like bullets, destroying military vehicles and killing many soldiers. Each attack leaves behind emptiness and destruction.

In the distant European continent, England.

Amidst the darkness that envelopes the world, a group of warriors gathers in the shadows of the ruins. They are soldiers who survived the experiment of implanting demon blood to gain strength against the demon invasion. Although their appearance looks like ordinary humans, unique features set them apart: sharp horns protrude from their foreheads, and sharp teeth are visible when they smile or growl.

The power of dark demonic magic flows rapidly within their bodies, giving them extraordinary abilities. Although they are not yet very skilled in using magic, they can launch basic magic bullet attacks with the concept of firearms.

"Remember, we are the last line of defense for humanity, we fight not only for glory, but for survival!" said a leader of the troop, named Elara.

With a burning spirit, the warriors prepared themselves. Their horns glinted in the dim light, and sharp teeth revealed themselves as they prepared to fight the enemy. In an instant, Elara led the first attack. She raised her hand, focusing the magic power flowing in her blood. A basic attack, a magic bullet, was launched towards the approaching demon line.

The magic bullet swept through the air, creating a terrifying trail of light. Many demons were shocked, forced to block the attack. However, some of them were unable to dodge, being thrown back by a powerful explosion. Seeing the opportunity, the other warriors immediately followed Elara's steps, launching attacks with burning enthusiasm.

The dark magic of the demons clashed with the magic power of the warriors, creating explosions that shook the ground. Each boom felt like a heart beating fast, breaking the silence that had enveloped it. Amidst the chaos, Elara and her team moved quickly, trying to approach the demons who continued to launch attacks. Meanwhile, on the second line of defense behind Elara, the heavily armed soldiers supported with a series of ranged attacks.


The demons spoke in a language that no one except the demon race could understand. Hearing their leader's order, the demons immediately flew back into the sky and began bombarding the ground with various kinds of magic.

"Retreat...retreat!" Elara ordered, but the demon's attack was very fast and had a wide range, some of Elara's troops were killed in the attack.

Elara led the remaining troops to fight desperately, squeezing out every drop of their magic power. Even though they fought with their lives at stake, it could not change the situation.

Each demon leader had a stronger power than them, besides that even though the number of demons was reduced by more than half because of the nuclear attack, they still had more numbers than Elara and the others' troops.

"Squad 1, launch a fireball. Squad 2 launch a tornado attack. Squad 3 open the holy shield and protect squads 1 and 2 from the demons' counterattacks "

When Elara and the others were desperate, a firm and majestic voice was heard.

Turning back, they saw a giant red magic circle burning like fire before thousands of soldiers with large shields appeared, followed behind them was a line of thousands of people in wizard-like robes. In front of the soldiers, a woman stood with a graceful posture, her purple hair flowing in the wind, wearing luxurious noble clothes with a confident aura giving orders to the soldiers. She was Cornelia, the general of the Vermilion kingdom who was ordered by Euphemia to fight against the British demon invasion.

"Get ready!" Cornelia shouted, her voice echoing with authority. Raising her hand, she summoned the Sun Flame.

A dazzling light filled the sky like the rising sun. A giant fireball appeared in her hand, gleaming with a warm golden color. With a confident movement, she swung her hand, releasing the fireball towards the attacking group of demons. Along with Cornelia's attack, Squad 1 launched a series of dense fireballs. Behind the fireballs, a powerful tornado sped up, making the flames even more intense.

The fireballs shot out at incredible speeds, sweeping away everything in their path. Facing the sudden attack, the demons hurriedly defended, creating a dark shield with all their might. The explosion shook the ground, fire and light burned through the darkness, obliterating the demons in the front lines who had no time to defend.


As the attack subsided, the demon leader ordered a counterattack. A rain of dark fire filled the sky, striking Cornelia's troops.

Meanwhile, Squad 3 opened up a holy shield, the golden light protecting their team from the counterattack. The dark rain of fire launched by the demons was stopped in front of the shield, as if the holy light had blocked the darkness with divine power.

Cornelia, with grace and determination, continued the attack. "Squad 3 march forward with the holy shield, withstand the attacks of the demons. Squads 1 and 2 launch long-range attacks." With burning enthusiasm, she led her troops, launching attack after attack that changed the course of the battle.

Elara and the others immediately retreated to the defensive line to rest before launching an attack together with Cornelia and her troops.


Meanwhile, in Italy, Erica stood on a hill, her golden hair fluttering in the wind, her red clothes burning like fire in the darkness.

Behind Erica, the magicians and knights of the Italian and Japanese magic associations awaited orders.

Several hundred meters away, thousands of demons stood with fierce auras radiating. A giant Gargoyle led the troops.


With the Gargoyle's command, thousands of demons immediately attacked, some flying through the sky while others opened a series of magic circles, various magic poured towards Erica and her troops.

"Come, steel lion. Carrying the spirit of the lion, steel carrying the essence of battle! Respond to my hand and voice! Your name is Cuore di Leone... Warrior who inherits the name of the lion-hearted king! Knight Erica Blandelli swears thus, I will repay your loyalty with courage and chivalry!"

A red magic circle appeared in front of Erica, she stretched out her hand and grabbed the hilt of the sword, Coure di Lione, which appeared from within the magic circle.

"Charge!" Erica ordered before taking the lead to run towards the demon army with her sword in hand.

"Charge!!!" Paul shouted, his voice echoing through the howling wind. "Remember, we fight to protect this world! Prove your strength to the King"

With blazing spirits, the knights of the Italian Magic Association united. They formed a line, swords raised, ready to face whatever was to come.

"Let's show our strength! We must not fall behind the Italian Magic Association"

Seishuuin Ena, not to be outdone, stepped further forward, swinging Ame no Murakumo with great confidence.

Meanwhile, behind them, Lucretia Zola led the Italian magicians. With graceful movements, she began to chant, her soft voice mixing with the noise of battle.

"Fire and wind, join me! Create a storm that will destroy our enemies!"

A magic circle spun around her, producing a rapidly spinning ball of fire and wind, ready to be released. The other magicians followed suit, creating a dazzling interweaving of magic. Colorful lights shone amidst the darkness.

From the other side, thousands of demons with terrifying voices screamed and attacked. They leapt into the air, swarming the soldiers with surprising speed. A giant gargoyle led its charge, flying high, watching the enemy's every move. Its glowing red eyes betrayed hatred and a desire to destroy.

With Cuore di Leone in hand, Erica leapt forward, facing the closest demon. With a single swing, she cut down two demons that attempted to attack her.

Paul followed at Erica's side, striking down one of the demons that snarled at him. His sword glowed with a silver light as he cut through the demons that charged at him.

Ena ran nimbly, dodging the incoming attacks, leaping to the side, and swinging Ame no Murakumo with full force.

"Get them!" she shouted,

"Leave none of them behind!" Each strike she launched was accompanied by a spell that enhanced the sharpness of her sword.

Behind them, Lucretia finally released her spell.

"Firestorm!" she shouted, and a large fireball shot towards the demon army. The blazing flames destroyed everything in its path, creating a path for the knights to advance.

Thousands of demons were forced to retreat, caught in the chaos created by the magic. However, Gargoyle sensed a terrible threat. With a resounding scream, he floated towards Lucretia, ready to destroy the source of the magic.

"Lucretia, watch out!" Ena shouted, seeing the approaching danger.

Lucretia could only feel the vibrations in the air as Gargoyle approached, but she did not retreat. Quickly, she raised her hand, creating a magical shield in front of her.

Gargoyle slammed into the shield with incredible force, but Lucretia held on. Although the swaying threatened to knock her over, she stood firm. She bolstered her magic.

On the other side, Erica continued to fight against the waves of demons. Every swing of her sword was a combination of courage and perseverance.

The battle grew increasingly heated as thousands of demons launched attacks simultaneously. From the ranks of the demons, dark rays and dangerous energy began to flow, creating waves of magic that attacked Erica and the others' forces.

A large demon, with curved horns and glowing eyes, raised his hand and uttered an ancient spell. A black magic circle appeared above him, emitting a menacing dark energy.

From the circle, a terrifying blast of energy shot towards the ranks of the knights. However, as the attack approached, Lucretia swiftly changed the direction of her magic.

"Fire shield!" she shouted, creating a fiery shield that protected her comrades. The blazing flames burned the dark energy, creating a roar that echoed through the battle.

Amidst the chaos, Erica continued to fight with incredible courage. Every movement of her sword was a dance of death, cutting and dodging with stunning grace. She took advantage of every gap between the demon attacks, cutting through one after another, carving a path towards the center of the enemy forces. Beside her, Paul fought hard, trying to hold back the waves of attacks that came incessantly.

Ena, who was behind, used Ame no Murakumo to attack the enemy with power enhanced by her magic. She leaped into the air, swinging her sword with full force.

"Wind burst!" she shouted, and sharp winds shot from her sword, cutting through the approaching demons. Each strike left a trail of emptiness where the enemy had once been.

However, the demons did not remain silent. They began to adapt, using their magic to fight back. Some of them raised their hands, creating balls of dark energy ready to destroy. With a swift movement, they unleashed the attack towards the knights and wizards.

"Step back!" Paul shouted, and the knights immediately tried to get out of the way. However, some of them didn't make it in time. The blast of energy shook the ground, creating a cloud of dust and smoke.

Erica raised Cuore di Leone and ran towards the center of the battle, where Gargoyle was still watching. As she approached, Gargoyle stared at her with glowing red eyes, ready to destroy.

"Leap, shoes of Hermes!"

Erica with a short spell leaped into the air as a red magic circle became her footing, she swung her sword towards Gargoyle.

However, the giant demon quickly raised his arm, creating a wall of dark energy. Erica's sword struck the wall with force, but it couldn't penetrate. Gargoyle laughed, his voice thundering and kicked Erica away like a cannonball.

"Eli Eli lama sabachthani? O Lord, why have you forsaken me? O my God, I cry by day, but you do not hear; and by night, but you are not quiet. But you are holy, you who dwell in the praises of Israel. I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint; my heart is like wax, melting in the midst of my belly. My strength is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth; and you have brought me into the dust of death. For dogs have surrounded me; a band of evildoers has surrounded me; they have pierced my hands and my feet. But be not far from me, O Lord! O my strength, hasten to help me. Deliver my soul from the sword; save me from the mouth of the lion; for you have answered me from the horns of the oxen. I will declare your name to my brothers; in the midst of the congregation I will praise you."

But Erica did not give up. She stood up and recited the Golgotha spell with great speed and transformed Cuore di Leone into the spear of Longinus. Gargoyle sensed the deadly threat of Longinus and cunningly hid among the crowd of demons. Wielding a sharp red-tipped spear, Erica charged again at Gargoyle but was stopped by a wave of demons blocking her path. She had to kill the demons before they reached Gargoyle.

Erica was determined to break through the line of demons blocking her path. With the spear of Longinus in hand, she swung it with a force she had never felt before. Each thrust and swing created a strong wind that added to her attack power.

"Clear the way!" she shouted, her voice echoing through the darkness of battle. The spear gleamed with red light as she thrust it towards the nearest demon. The demon was cut in half before it could react, and Erica dashed forward, giving the enemy no chance to prepare.

Behind her, Paul and Ena fought with no less fervor. Paul struck the snarling demon with his sword, creating a gap in the enemy ranks. Ena followed, swinging Ame no Murakumo and cutting down any enemy that dared to approach.

"Don't let them get close!" Paul exclaimed, his eyes sharp as he stared at the incoming enemies. "We have to maintain formation!"

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