/ Fantasy / Multidimensional System (Chat group and Shop)
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On my first day of independent life, I died...I then woke up in a vast grassland and was later told about my real Identity by a System that was given to me as a gift from the 'parent' I never knew.
English is my second language
Average word count per chapter: 1,000 words
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Schreiben Sie eine RezensionHalf of the story is about the so called books, and it is really annoying, no one will want to read if you continue to do something like that, because whats the point if there is no story to read.
walay update² nindut na kaayu atung basa na. Update sad uis...Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please
این خیلی خوبه ...........................................................................................................................................
The cats above were pretty spot on regarding the analysis so I will just mention the mc. the mc is a hermaphrodite and is flirtatious with multiple characters male and female and like the sexual preference the mcs character is erratic .Good luck
Spoiler enthüllenПочему нету тега ЛГБТ, я не хочу читать про футу. В начальных словах автора я не придал значения что автор очень сильно делает акцент на теле гг, но вагина под членом ???? Нет спасибо
the story is good i need more chapter i need more chapter i need more chapter i need more chapter i need more chapter author-san ii need new chapterssss Please
Autor Ashe_Nexus