While coming back home, with Tom walking at her side, she was continuously giggling, "I swear!" She managed between her laughter fits, "his face resembled of bitter gourd. Hehe."
She could still imagine the scene when Tom lifted Koa up in the air, by holding his collar. Then people started gathering around them.
Koa who tried challenging Tom, later was too embarrassed by the situation. He had started muttering the word 'sorry' several times, while his legs were dangling in the air.
Tom didn't drop him down unless Mala convinced him to. Once the boy fell to the ground, he didn't take time to get up and run off.
He had such a funny look on his face that Mala was finding it difficult to control her mirth.
Walking beside him, she looked like a little schoolgirl. His bulging muscles made him look like a giant. The shirt he was wearing was an old one that her father bought for him from a thrift store.
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