"Baby, stop pushing my wheelchair. I can do it myself."
Coming back from the Radiology department, Xu Mey was like a kid on sugar-rush. She wanted to hop around but since Jie would never let her do that, she was pushing his wheelchair rashly. As if they were a part of a racing rally.
Getting tired of using words, Jie held her hand on the wheelchair's handle and stopped her. He gave a pull and Xu Mey landed straight on his lap.
"Now, stay here. No rushing around." Jie's stern voice made her feel upset but realizing where she was seated, she immediately let go of her gloominess.
"Then you can be my ride back." Saying that Xu Mey wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his chest like a kitten who was looking for its owner's affection. But who was complaining? Obviously, our Jie was more than happy to become her ride or her *Ahem* owner.
"Ah-Jie," he hummed in reply. "Let's be the best parents."
Jie smiled down at her and said, "As you wish."