The appearance of Black Manmbam had shocked everybody; even Grimm Monsters did not seem to know it was hiding there and what shocked people even more is a mark of circle and ax on the armor of Black Mambaman.
The Razing Legion.
Just like the Black Moon Corps, The Razing Legion is one Elite force of Grimm Race, in control of Grimm High Council; these bastards are very powerful, and they are equal to Black Moon Corps in power or slightly more seeing they have higher numbers.
'What the hell is going on?' I ask myself. The members of Black Moon Corps and Razing Legion rarely appear in the open, and whenever they do, they never reveal themselves, but now they are openly showing themselves.
As the Black Mambaman appeared, a smile appeared on the Black Moon lady's face, and a longbow appeared in her hand. It seemed to be made of some king delicate white wood; it looked very beautiful.
Creation is hard, cheer me up!