'Blub!' I jumped into the pool as the instructor said with the rest of the people.
The pool seemed to be about ten meters deep and water is crystal clear with room temperature.
I swam downward till I reached the six-meter deep, it is the perfect spot to dodge against any water jet attack comes in my way.
"Boom!" I felt a loud water boom in the water and next moment I saw a ball of concentrated water flying above me but I didn't get a chance to relax as I heard another two loud booms and one is coming toward me.
I quickly swam away before it could hit me but its speed was so fast that the water current surrounding it grazed my shoulder, I did not receive any injury but felt sharp pain.
I have to be very careful, not to let these jets of compressed water hit me or I will be in serious pain.
The time passed more and more water jets attack come, some even hit people, so far I am lucky.
Top 30
I will release the second chapter in a few hours.
In time please keep giving your Support to the Novel.
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