I looked at the tree, which was still absorbing the growth energy, and the last of Grand Lord class essence rose while the colorless sap came out of its bark.
Which rapidly solidified within a second; it did not matter whether it was in a solid or liquid state; the only thing I had to care about was feeding the tree and the sap.
Which will need to be on the tree till I have use of it.
Unlike most resources which stayed for quite long, this one is not. Even when stored carefully, it loses its efficacy, one needs to use it within a day, or one will find its efficacy less than desirable.
Which is why I am not removing any tree sap despite it covering the tree from all directions.
As long as it is on the tree, it will maintain its efficacy without losing even a fraction; as with the plant being in my core, I could take it off the tree whenever I want.
Creation is hard, cheer me up!