The formation buzzed again as it stopped sucking the forge energies, and its shine began to increase till it became completely blinding.
Seconds passed, but the blinding light did not lessen; it did not lessen even after a minute. Five minutes, ten minutes, fifteen minutes; I thought it would last even more when at the nineteenth minute, the blinding shine began to lessen.
It took less than thirty seconds for the shine to disappear and what revealed itself was so amazing that I couldn't help gasp in shock.
In front of me are the mountain and not a normal mountain but a mountain that seemed to be made of ancient copper that had created a coppery hollow around it. Through the mouth of the copper mountain, a blood-red magma could be seen sliding down.
The forge mountain of the second level is about 60% bigger than the first level and even more majestic.
Creation is hard, cheer me up!