''Puchi!" The Body of the iron stilled and it lost it moments, this iron rat is one of the most annoying monsters I ever fought.
Despite its half meter size, it's damn sneaky and attacks with its sharp metallic nails whenever it got the slightest chance.
There are wound all over my body, its good thing I brought a lot of potions otherwise It would have been hell to pay.
I quickly drank the potion and sat by the tree, looking at the fight, it should be over at five minutes.
This is the only fight that jill finished before me, despite those iron rats having a higher speed than the rest, it is still paled compared to jill.
That and its low defense made easier for jill to quickly finish the fight.
Five minutes later, the fight finished and we started to move if one would look, he will find that our speed double than yesterday.
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