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14% MHA:UA’s Ghoul / Chapter 7: Usj

Kapitel 7: Usj

When lunchtime came, Izuku looked around the cafeteria looking for an empty table to sit at. He was pulled away when he saw Uraraka waving at him from the other side of the cafeteria.

"Deku! Come sit with us!" She called Over to him.

'Shit' He thought as he shuffled his way towards her table, where lida and Asui were also seated.

Once he arrived at the table he slid down next to Uraraka and sat awkwardly.

"Deku? Don't you have any food?"

Izuku tensed up at the mention of his lack of food, before forcibly relaxing himself down.

"Ahh, I can't eat too much because my stomach still can't handle too much after my surgery. "

Ochako blinked in surprise.

"Surgery? Why did you have surgery?"

lida intruded at this point stating "Midoriya you are not required to tell us anything if-"

"Ahh lida it's ok i got to tell anyone anyway at some point, I might as well get it over with" Izuku said calmly waving his hand in front of himself, trying to calm lida down.

'Better to tell a half truth then have them get curious and find out the truth themselves...'

"I was caught in a villain attack with my friend "

He began quietly, the last word coming out rather strained, "about ten months ago and had to have my stomach replaced. My friend died while at the scene." He finished sadly.

Akuma may have ruined his life forever but for that single month they had spent together was still very special to him. Even though now he despised her with all of his being, part of him could only be thankful for the small spark of what was once called happiness.

That time of happiness only brought feelings of sorrow and anger now.

Uraraka gasped at his explanation and quickly began to apologise to which he brushed off saying

"It happened, there's no use in hiding it.." feeling a bit nauseated from all the unwanted memories resurfacing in his mind.

Trying to redirect the conversation, Izuku looked towards lida.

"lida, your quirks are similar to The pro-hero Ingenium." He stated.

lida looked proudly towards him" I hope he has a similar quirk to me, since he's my elder brother. "

Izuku looked in awe towards his classmate.

"You need to get me his signatu-"

His sentence was suddenly cut off by the blaring siren coming through the speakers around them.

'Level 3 security Breach, can all students please evacuate from the main building.

Everyone looked up at the speakers as the alarm ran through the building. Suddenly Panic ensued in the cafeteria, as everyone got up from their seats and began sprinting towards the exit in fear.

Apparently nothing like this has ever happened before making even the third years get up and begin running from the building in fear.

As they ran towards the exit Izuku found himself quickly surrounded by body's all around him. The smells of people's sweat. The Odours coming off of all the people around him began to make him panic. Odours of human flesh coming off of all the people around him, causing panic and anxiety to begin to stir around in his stomach.

Izuku should never have been there. He was a danger to everyone around them. Their body's so close to his. Him, who could them all in a second.

Someone, who in the right circumstances, would mindlessly eat them without a second thought.

Fear built up inside his system as his breathing picked up and came erratic.

He needed to get away from all these people. He didn't trust himself.

Izuku reached his hands to his head as he breathing continued to increase in speed, his legs beginning to give out underneath him from the lack of oxygen circulating through his blood. His mind began to feel light headed when a small hand reached out and grabbed ahold of his arm.

He visibly flinched back in fear away from the hand, terrified of the though of someone being so close to him when he heard his name though the blurred voices surrounding them caused him to quickly look up at the concerned face of Uraraka.

"...deku ... Midoriya ..! It's ok ... Just focus on me ..." She said as calmly as the situation would allow for, gently tugging on his lower wrist.

" Please just trust me."

She lightly pulled on his arm and used her quirk on him to lift him out of the crowd and pull him away before releasing him in a clear area. Making him fall onto the floor as his legs gave way.

Izuku's eyes filled with tears as Uraraka pulled him into a soothing hug.

"It's ok" she said as he relaxed into her arms "your safe here"

"It wasn't him who needed to worry about being safe'

After the fiasco at lunch was over all students returned to the class calmly directed by lida who had spoken some sense into everyone while simultaneously scolding all the third years for not behaving like Ua Student.

Still shaken, Izuku asked if he could say something quickly to everyone as class rep.

Aizawa being the man he is known for, just told him to get on with it and let Izuku do his own thing.

Everyone quietened down as Izuku cleared his throat.

"Umm, I just wanted to say I don't think I'm suited to being your class rep. I never wanted to be it in the first place and what happened at lunch has made me come to a conclusion." He said quietly.

"I think lida should be our class rep. He took charge and noticed it was the press outside when all I did was panic."

Uraraka looked at him with sympathy.

"That's why I think he should be class rep instead.

That is, if he wants too of course."

lida looked at Izuku with a prideful face.

"I promise to do my duty of class rep to the best of my abilities!"

The next day, before school began, All Might called Izuku to meet him in an empty meeting room. He trotted his way up the stairs of the school building as he made his way to a room, only a few corridors away from his own classroom.

Over the last 10 nearly 11 months Izuku had been very paranoid and afraid of people and their thoughts about him. His body had started to automatically react to things happening around him, leaving him always in flight or fight mode. Of Course over time he had learned to calm himself and train his body not to massively flinch at everybody in fear.

After the accident Izuku had been taken to the police station to give his account of everything that had happened.

He Remembered going into a meeting room similar to what he was doing now, jumping and flinching at the smallest movement. Slowly shuffling himself away from anyone who approaches him to greet or shake his hand in welcome. The people who surrounded him assumed it was due to the accident and the police officers never questioned it.

As far as they were concerned he was a traumatised boy who had seen his best friend die.

Izuku made sure they would never find out the truth. He went as far as to lie about what he and Akuma were doing in the area, far away from home

He never told them the truth. No one would ever know what monster she was.

He walked into the meeting room and spotted All Might in his skinny form sitting on one of the sofas.

Yagi-san turned at the noise of the door being opened and beckoned him over to the sofa op opposite him and offered him a drink. Thankfully it was coffee which he drank in a happy silence.

"You know when you had that accident. I was worried that you wouldn't want to be a hero anymore." Yagi began " But it seems my fears were unnecessary. Your actions in the battle trial really proved to me that you were the right choice. "

Izuku looked at the man with slightly widened eyes as he pulled the coffee mug away from his face.

"What do you mean? All Might?" He asked.

Yagi sighed.

"After what happened you've always seemed so stressed, I was worried it was all becoming too much for you. But the stress seems to be falling off you somewhat which makes me glad. But please remember, Young Midoriya, as your mentor and friend I want you to know that I'm here for you if you ever need any help." Yagi said with a soft smile directed towards him.

In the moment Izuku wanted to die more than the time he accidentally ate that poor homeless man.

The guilty was racking up.

"I know All Might and I'm fine but if I do ever feel down I promise to come talk to you!" Izuku replies with a large fake smile.

"Good. Anyway I have something to ask you about involving one for all."

Izuku tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"Well I was wondering if you knew anything about the healing aspect of your quirk?"

luku's blood turned cold as he froze.

"What do you mean? I thought you could do that?" he sputtered out, tripping over his own words, not really knowing what else to say.

Oblivious to Izuku's turmoil, Yagi continued on.

"No, I lost my stomach, remember..? No part of my injury was healed by one for all. I was just wondering if either of you parents had a healing quirk?"

"No, I-I don't think so at least..."

"Mhm, that's strange. I thought maybe it was a quirk you were born with but never realised it because it was too weak and one for all just enhanced it. Oh don't worry about it anyway. I assume it will only come in useful."

..Just enhanced it.'

Izuku's mind came to a sudden halt at the phrase, sitting in silence after All Might finished.

"….. what do you mean by enhance?" Izuku asked quietly.

Yagi looked at Izuku in confusion but explained anyway.

"Well one for all is a stockpile quirk, which increases the power of any quirk which the user has before taking one for all."

Oh god, Izuku felt sick.

"Like, for example, my mentor had a float quirk.

Her own quirk was vastly improved by one for all over time"

Violently sick...

"I can only take her word for it though. I was born quirkless after all"

Izuku's head shot up with surprise, his spiralling mind only catching onto the last part of his mentor's final sentence.

"Quirkless?! You were born quirkless!"

Izuku's fears were pushed back as he looked at his hero in awe.

Yagi laughed at Izuku's excitement light heartedly, with a smile on his face.

"Yep! " he said, slapping his skinny arms muscles.

"Never would have guessed that would you?

Anyway, Young Midoriya, you should be getting to class. "

Izuku looked at the time before quickly getting up.

"Right-t, ok All Might. See you later!"

With that he was out the door running towards his classroom.

The terrifying fear slowly eating away in his head.

Two weeks later and class 1-A were sitting around in the homeroom waiting for their teacher.

It was the last day before Izuku needed to eat again and he was feeling so anxious. He remembered the words of the other ghoul from what felt like years ago.

You need to find a better food source.'

Izuku frowned down at the table. He had yet to find any way of getting food better. He couldn't even think of a better way of getting food. He didn't know anyone with a regeneration quirk.

He sighed sorrowfully, silently grabbing the attention of a few of his classmates around him.

"Hey Deku, are you o-"

Ochako was cut off when Aizawa sensei opened up the door and rolled up into the classroom in his sleeping bag. He stood up at the podium at the front of the room and began talking.

"Everyone settle down, today we are going to be doing a new type of hero training.'

Aizawa sensei reached into his pocket and pulled out a card which had the bold letters on for the word rescue.

"Rescue! You will be learning about the different procedures used for different types of accidents whether it's for natural disasters or a villain attacks. You will have three teachers there with you including me to help in this exercise"

He used the same controller All Might had and used it to open the costume shelves.

"Everyone grab your costume and meet outside in ten minutes." Aizawa turned to Midoryia.

"You can use your Gym Kit since your costume is destroyed, or not. It's up to you "

With that Aizawa pulled his sleeping bag back on and crawled out the classroom like a Caterpillar.

'wonder if he will turn into a butterfly if he spends too much time in their...'

Izuku shrugged his shoulders. It wasn't any of his business if his teacher was actually a butterfly.

He reached for his gym kit and went to get changed. Ignoring the sense of doom which lured about him.

After getting changed the class met outside as lida ordered everyone into two lines to try and get everyone on the bus quicker.

"Wow lidas really taking his role as class rep seriously" ochako said as she watched lida chopping violently at the air.

Izuku hummed in agreement. To busy thinking about how hungry he was getting to notice ochako looking at his worriedly.

With how much he had been using his regeneration healing abilities over the last month in hero training, his hunger was much stronger than normal. Not enough to make him go insane.

But certainly enough to be prominently in the back of him mind nagging him, telling him to eat.

He wasn't sure how he would react to blood at the moment but he hoped the smell wouldn't affect him enough to cause his eye to change. He needed to find a new source of food or make a new eating schedule to try and avoid situations like this happening again.

Maybe he should invest in an eye patch or cover of some sort.

He was pulled from his thoughts as his class was called into the bus.

Unfortunately for lida, the bus was open plan.

They laughed and talked among themselves till

Asui looked towards Izuku and began asking about his quirk.

"Midoriya, I tend to say what's on my mind. " she started catching the attention of everyone else on the bus.

"Your quirk is kind of like All Mights, isn't it?"

"What, I don't know what-" he started before being cut off by kirishima.

"Nah, All Might's body doesn't heal like Midoriyas does. Besides he breaks his arms while using his quirk."

He turned from Asui towards Izuku.

"Anyway your reaction time is insane. The way you jumped in front of Bakugo explosions was so manly." He started crying manly tears while shaking his fist jealousy.

"I wish I could have a quirk as strong as yours..."

Izuku was about to start talking when Mina interrupted him.

"Well if you want to talk about strong quirks you should look at Bakugou and Torodokis'. They're super strong. " she said, pumping her hand into the air.

"Well I don't think Bakugo will be very popular.

He's always so angry" Asui said calmly with no hint of fear which amazed Izuku.


Asui points towards Bakugou.

"You see." Making everyone on the bus giggle at their antics.

Izuku turned his attention away from the conversation and back towards Kirashima.

"Well Kirashima, I think your quirk is perfect for hero work, I think it's great!"

Kirashima turned to look at Izuku with surprise.

"Well, thanks man!" He said happily with a beaming smile.

At this point Aizawa sensei cut into the conversation.

"Alright, everyone settle down, we're here.

"Hello Students! I am the Pro-Hero Thirteen. It's nice to meet you all! Please, let me welcome you all to the USJ!

'Universal studios Japan?'

"Today I'm going to be leading your lesson in Rescue training! So, could everyone please follow me!" They said excitedly and they began to walk Into the large domed building in front of them.

The student followed suit as they went through the front entrance and stopped at the top of a tall set of wide stairs.

"Now before I begin I have several things I want to talk to you about! Firstly I want you all to know my quirk is called Black hole. It's incredibly useful for rescue work but it can be used very easily to kill."

Izuku felt guilt and shame build up through his body making him feel so ashamed and targeted unknowingly by what the hero was saying. It was very painful for him to listen to knowing what he would be forced to do tonight.

"As I'm sure you're aware, some of your quirks can be used to kill to."

Felt very targeted.

The pro hero continued on talking as Izuku pulled his attention away from what they were saying shamefully. He looked down towards the plaza below and saw a strange black fog appear.

"Sensei, what's that?"

Izuku said blankly as he pointed past the confused Aizawa and Thirteen to the growing dark cloud in the distance.

"It's villains! Everyone evacuate immediately"

Aizawa quickly ordered as he jumped into action, running towards the enemy.

Izuku's heart dropped.

Now he was really nervous.

From Ochakos point of view everything happened too quickly to register. She and her classmates had been running towards the exit when suddenly a large dark cloud formed in front of them.

She had heard him before she felt it as Deku-kun jumped towards her to try and push her out the way.

She felt the pair of them losing their footing on the ground before thudding hard onto cold concrete below.

'Ruins zone' registered in her mind as she took in her surroundings, not noticing the man sneaking up behind her.

"LOOK OUT!" She heard Izuku scream and she was sharply pushed to the side and hit the wall on the other side of the room. She gasped loudly as the air was knocked out of her, making her shut her eyes at the sudden sharp pain.

As the sounds of loud squelching flesh rang through her ears, she snapped her head up terrified in fear for Izuku.

As time seemed to slow around them as she looked up in the direction where her friend was last standing, her future self now she wished she hadn't...

Ochako felt all the blood leave her body as she froze at the scene, her eyes rapidly growing wide in fear.

Izuku was standing there still, his threatening aura surrounding them as he bore his body over the terrified villain which laid bleeding beneath him...

As the adrenalin-filled body sat petrified on the floor, she felt her breathing begin to quicken rapidly.

A large-looking tentacles coming out from the middle of his back, end covered in blood.

'no.. why ... She thought, her rapid breaths quickly shifting into short horrified gasps...

She began to unconsciously push herself away making small yet loud scraping noises across the ground and costume hitting concrete. Her breath became harder and deeper as she looked up his blood-splattered body, towards his head.

Izuku turned at the quiet thumping noise her body made as she hit the back wall behind her, causing

Dark Blood Red Eyes to stare back at her.

Mirroring the fear, shock and panic within her own.

'No not Izuku...'

Her body began to tremor violently as she feared for her own life, tears pouring down her face in terror.

She lifted her hand in front of her and pointed at the monster in front of her.

'Anyone but him...'

The monster which had been on the tv for being a villain.

She had seen the footage...

The monster which had ended kamui woods career.

She had heard about the theories and speculation...

The monster who murdered people.

'Izuku.. Midoriya..

She could only utter two Sentences in a distorted stutter as she felt the overwhelming presence of death surrounding her freezing her body icy cold..

" Stay away! you monster..!"

next chapter
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