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25% MHA: Raikiri / Chapter 1: Chapter 1- Introduction
MHA: Raikiri MHA: Raikiri original

MHA: Raikiri

Autor: ObserverNDCreator

© WebNovel

Kapitel 1: Chapter 1- Introduction

"Kashimo Hajime?" 

The teacher spoke as he looked around the class for the student he called.

Cyan blue hair styled with two buns on the left and right side of his head and the rest tied in the back. 

Similar colored eyes that seemed to have clouds in them as he stared up at the ceiling of the room. 

At the bottom of his eyelids, four lightning shaped lines connected to them. Two under each eye.

He still stared up at the ceiling of the classroom tuning out everything and everyone, but when he heard the teacher call his name for the attendance he raised his hand. 

"Here" He said in a bored tone.

The teacher stared at him for a couple of seconds before marking him present on the attendance sheet.

[Kashimo Pov]

'So boring. I'm glad that school is almost out' I thought.

My name is Kashimo Hajime, as the teacher said earlier. 15 years old. Currently a student at a school I couldn't care to remember the name of. 

I live in a society of heroes and villains with abilities called quirks. Quirks are manifestations of a power that awaken in people generally at the age of 4.

Some quirks can awaken much earlier or much later but both are extremely rare. 20 percent of the world's population are unlucky and don't awaken a quirk, in which they are labeled quirkless, in other words useless.

The other 80 percent of the worlds population are lucky enough to awaken a quirk and choose to be either a hero or a villain once they get older.

I was one of the lucky ones to awaken my quirk which I named 'Lightning Circuit.' Circuits that are deep within my body allow me to generate and/or store lightning within my body.

Coming with my quirk were a few physical enhancements that allowed me to move and react at faster speeds and mental enhancements that allowed me to think faster.

Although not the most powerful one, I like my quirk. I trained my quirk and body for the past 11 years, so I can be more adapted to my quirk because it harmed me if I used it too much.

Back on topic though. This is the last day of school. I decided that I'll be a hero. I chose this route because not only do I get payed, but I can keep my mother and sister safe depending on how much I get payed by buying a safe house for them just in case I become a big hero and villains try and use them for ransom or something.

I could become a villain but then I'll always have heroes on my back and my mother will still be in danger. 

It's the end of the day and I'm on my way home. While walking I heard some commotion and seen smoke in the direction the commotion came from.

Curious about what was happening, I change directions and head towards the commotion.

Shortly after, I arrive to see a big crowd of civilians gathered as they looked upon a slimy green sewage villain that had a blonde haired boy wrapped within him.

It looked as if he was trying to take over his body or something. The heroes around seemed to hesitate for some reason. 

Maybe they were afraid to hurt the boy? I don't really know, but they had to move fast because the boy was suffocating.

As the heroes kept hesitating to get the boy from the villain I thought of something.

'Would I be able to get the heroes attention if I saved the boy?' Thinking this a grin appeared on my face.

I heard of students being scouted out by heroes for their heroic performances in school especially at U.A High, the hero school I'm hoping to attend.

Not even a second went by before I decided what I would do.

[3rd Pov]

While the civilians watched the villain attack the boy and worried about the boys safety, a green haired boy in the crowd suddenly ran towards the slimy villain.

"KID WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Someone in the crowd yelled.

"STOP YOU FOOL!!" One of the heroes shouted.

The boy got to the villain and threw his backpack at the villain and a book flew out and hit him in the eye stunning the villain for a second.

The green haired boy clawed at the villain trying to free the blonde haired boy but to no avail. 

Then everyone heard it, a sound that many will remember for a long time. It was as if thousands of birds were chirping at the same time.

A spectacle then happened. A purple steam of lightning appeared out of nowhere and struck the villain.

Everyone stared in shock as Kashimo held both the blond haired boy and the green haired boy in his arms while purple lightning cackled around his body.

Before anyone could register what happened All Might, the number 1 hero in Japan, appeared and blew the villain away.

"That was reckless of you, but good job for saving those boys"

Kashimo could be seen surrounded by the heroes that were at the scene. they reprimanded him for his reckless actions but also congratulated him for saving the two boys when they couldn't.

After a while, Kashimo was allowed to go home. While on his way to the path that he took to get home he noticed the green haired boy he saved earlier walking the same path.

"Yo, green head." He greeted the boy with a smile as he caught up.

Kashimo noticed how the boys body got tense when he heard him.

'?' Kashimo was confused as the boy turned around to look at him.

"…T-t-thank y-you for s-saving me." The boy stuttered.

"No problem….But I gotta question, why run to rescue that blonde kid when you have no way to?" Kashimo asked.

The green haired boy was quiet for a bit before answering the question.

"H…he looked like he needed saving" He replied while the waterworks started.

'The hell you crying for?' Thought Kashimo confused as he looked at the frail boy in front of him.

The boy dark green curly hair and light green eyes. He had freckles on his face and was very skinny.

From the downed look on his face that he seemed to naturally have, you could tell he cried a lot.

Kashimo observed the boy as he cried and was about to speak again but got interrupted.

"Hey you electric freak…I didn't ask you to save me you know. I didn't ask you to save me!" The blonde boy who the slime villain had as a hostage exclaimed.

Kashimo just started at him as if he were stupid. He wondered why come all this way to tell him that when he could've just went home to tell his parents about him getting attacked and saved.

Kashimo just shrugged his shoulders as he saw the blonde haired boy turn around and walk away begrudgingly.

"Kacchan…" Kashimo heard the green haired boy whisper.

"Kacchan? Is that his name?" He asked him.

"N-no it's Bakugo, Katsui Bakugo" 

"Mhm, I should know the names of the first two people I saved. So, what's yours?" Kashimo said with a smile.

"Izuku Midoriya. I thank you again for saving me." The now named Izuku Midoriya bowed his head.

"I AM HERE" Kashimo and Midoriya heard a loud voice as they see All Might come around a corner really fast causing a small dust cloud to pick up.

Midoriya's eyes went wide in surprise as his favorite hero since he knew what a hero even was appeared in front of him.

"All Might! What are you doing here? You were surrounded by reporters!" Midoriya yelled.

"Getting away from them is nothing to me!!!" All Might yelled in his loud voice. "After all I Am Al-." He couldn't get the rest of his words out as smoke appeared around him and he shrunk and got skinnier.

All Might who appeared in front of thousands of people as a robust, tall, and muscular man full of energy. 

Now looked like a malnourished man with lots of diseases within his body.

The regular All Might was a very tall man, standing at an impressive height of 7ft 3in(220cm). His muscles were very pronounced and always showed with the hero suit he wears.

He has short blonde hair swept back and styles it with two tufts that stick up, almost resembling rabbit ears.

To put it simply, All Might is what you would expect a hero to look like.

But what the two boys looked at now almost couldn't be described.

The man in front of them was skinny, he was nothing but skin and bone. he looked like his health was visibly declining at the moment.

He was a…lesser All Might. Yes that was what he was a lesser All Might.

"What is that?" Kashimo said pointing at the creature that stood before him. All Might was stunned at the remark.

'That's exactly what I wanted to say when I first saw him.' Midoriya thought but to afraid to say out loud.

"I'm All Might kid." He said in a dejected mood while his shoulders slouched.

"I doubt it. I thought All Might was someone strong in appearance and had lots of energy. Not some…lesser All Might look a like." Kashimo said with an annoyed look on his face.

He wasn't the biggest fan of All Might like some people who fantasize over the hero. But that didn't mean he didn't admire him.

The strength, explosive power and speed he had was something that Kashimo congratulated him for having. He looked up to him for being such a strong hero.

So, he couldn't stand the fact that some stick figure tried to pose as All Might. Purple lightning cackled around him as he activated his quirk.

"I understand some people have to pretend to be strong people to get by in life. But pretending be a man of such caliber is disgusting." Kashimo said as he walked towards All Might.

"Wait kid!! I really am All Might" He said putting his arms up while backing up.

He could defeat the kid, but then he would be hurting an innocent kid for no reason other then a misunderstanding.

"Wait!! He is All Might I seen him earlier today." Midoriya said noticing the situation.

Kashimo glared at Midoriya making him shut up. Pulling his phone out of his pocket and bringing a picture of All Might in hero form up.

"How is this" he said pointing at the picture. "That?" He said plainly while pointing at the walking meat skeleton.

No one said anything. Both Midoriya and All Might knew the reason he didn't look as he did in the picture.

Midoriya didn't know if All Might wanted the boy in front of him who he still didn't know the name of his secret.

All Might planned on telling him but with the start of the situation he couldn't help but also hesitate just in case the kid still didn't believe him.

A second or so goes by before All Might took a risk. 

"Kid" All Might said lifting up his shirt.

Quickly turning around, Kashimo came to a freezing shock as he stared at what was on the man. His quirk even deactivated.

A grotesque spiral like wound was on the lower left side of his torso. Kashimo had never seen any injury this bad and someone survives from it.

Especially with the skinny body of the man before him. It looked liked the injury took some important things from that side of his body.

"Is that the injury that the poisonous chainsaw villain gave you? I had heard about it but without any evidence to prove it, I couldn't believe it." Kashimo said.

Kashimo could see the sadness within the man's eyes. They looked pitiful, as if the injury ruined his whole life(it did…somewhat).

"Nuh uh" All Might said shaking his head. "He could never do something like this to me…it was a villain that I asked to be kept from the public. 5 years ago, my respiratory system was destroyed and my stomach was removed because of the surgery I had gone through. 

Only for three hours a day can I take on the form that the public sees me in. This is the price of being a hero. 

Some lucky enough to not get injured or only get minor injuries that heal over time. Then there are those unlucky like myself who suffer permanent injuries that hinders your daily life.

But this is just a small price to pay so everybody can be safe in their homes and out on the streets from villains that can threaten their lives." All Might explained.

Kashimo just nodded his head. He agreed that being a hero comes with a price, but being a villain also comes with a price.

They both resulted in bad things happening around you. Whether you are involved in it or not.

"What is you name, young man?" All Might asked.

Kashimo didn't trust the man in front of him. He still had his doubts about the man but in his gut he knew the man was telling the truth.

He didn't always go with his gut feeling until proven wrong, but this time he did.

"Hajime. Kashimo Hajime. Pleasure to meet you." Kashimo replied.


"Young Kashimo. I seen your performance earlier. How you risked your life to save the two boys from the slime villain, I saw the fire of heroism shining bright in yours eyes.

My quirk, One For All, is a quirk that has been passed down for generations and continues to grow stronger. I, All Might needs someone to inherit this quirk of mines. 

Young Kashimo, would you accept the honors of becoming the ninth holder of One For All and allow me to teach you the ways of becoming a hero." All Might said standing proudly in his hero form with his everlasting smile.





What came next shocked not only All Might but also Midoriya who was listening to the whole ordeal.

"No." Kashimo said blankly.

"W-what?" All Might said dumbfounded.

"I said no. Although, your quirk is strong. I will rely on my own quirk to become stronger. If what you said about there being previous holders of One For All, then all of the strength I might gain from the quirk will not be my own but what those previous holders worked for.

Plus what if getting it overloads my body and enhances my own quirk to much? I might explode, my own quirk already causes…never mind that but yea, no thank you." Kashimo explained.

All Might although shocked thought within his mind that this was something he had to agree with. 

"But if you really want someone to get the quirk, I recommend this softy behind me." Kashimo said pointing his thumb at Midoriya.

"If anyone deserves it, it's him. He rushed out to save that boy before me. It was only because of his stunt that I was able to save them both(bullshit-_-)." Kashimo said with a smile.

All Might looked at Midoriya and he remembered what he told the boy on the rooftop, but he was in the crowd which meant he also had seen the boy rush to save the blonde haired kid.

"I'll leave you to it then. It's getting late and my mom is gonna be worried. But if you still want to be my mentor then I accept. I can learn some things from you with your experience." Kashimo said as he left the scene.

All Might and Midoriya watched him walk away until he was out of sight before looking at each other.


[Kashimo Pov]

I walk for a few more minutes before my house was in sight. It wasn't to big or to small. 

It was a cozy three bedroom house that gave shelter to me, my mom, and my little sister. My father wasn't in the picture as he decided to cheat on my mother with some rich married woman and left us for her.

I walk to the door and open it. My mother sees me and bolts to the door and hugs me.

"Oh Hajime. I thought something happened to you." She said hugging me tighter.

"Nah, I'm ok mom. I had just got caught up in something and it took me a while before I was finished." I explained.

I didn't go into detail because I wouldn't want her more worried than she already is. When my father left my mother was devastated.

A pillar that held her up crumbled and was blown away by the wind. She cried for many nights and hated herself.

Claiming that it was her that caused him to leave. Believing that she wasn't good enough, but it didn't last for long as another pillar had replaced the broken one.

I had reassured to my mother that she was more than good enough and that he didn't deserve her.

She made sure that me and my sister were able to have 3 meals a day, have shoes and clothes on our back, and a roof over our heads.

I became a pillar that supported her from the ground up. Her and my sister were the ones I had sworn to protect, even if I had to go against the world.

A few days ago, I took the test for an opportunity to take the U.A High entrance exam. I passed so I was qualified to participate in it which will take place 10 months from today.

In those 10 months I'll up my training and become more versatile with my quirk. I don't know what the entrance exam has in store, but I will overcome any obstacles thrown my way.

next chapter
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