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96.29% Mha: Quirk N.O.A.H / Chapter 26: Chapter 26: Osaka

Kapitel 26: Chapter 26: Osaka

The jet cut through the sky, its sleek form slicing through the clouds as it continued its journey toward Osaka. Inside the luxurious cabin, the hum of the engines served as calming background noise, creating an almost serene atmosphere. Solomon found herself staring out of the window, lost in thought as the landscape below her sped past in a blur.

Akemi, seemingly satisfied with the flight so far, sipped a glass of water while casually flipping through Forbes magazine. Her eyes drifted to Solomon, who had been using her phone for the past twenty minutes.

"What are you doing?" She asked, closing her book and staring at Solomon.

"I am telling father what to do with the AI I was building so he could use it for whatever he wanted." She replied, glancing up at Akemi.

"Now we are on the topic of Kanata," Akemi folded her arm, leaning back on her seat. "Solomon. That's an odd name for a girl. And why would Kanata call you that? Does it hold any significance?"

'I have been waiting for this.' Solomon shakes her head. "It's just a nickname I gave myself. I thought it suited me because of my intelligence and wisdom, like King Solomon from ancient times. It's nothing more than that."

"Fufu. You are an arrogant little one." Akemi chuckled. "But Solomon isn't a suitable nickname. You lack wisdom, and that is a male name. Hypatia would be a better name. Hypatia was a renowned mathematician, philosopher, and astronomer from Alexandria, Egypt, who lived in the 4th and 5th centuries AD."

'Because that was the name given to me when I was a man.' Solomon replied. "I guess you are right." She nodded. "Hypatia is a beautiful name."

"You think so?" She smiled. "Well, that will be your name from now on."

"Ok---" Solomon froze, taken aback. "Wait, what? My name?"

"Everyone has always wondered when I was going to introduce you to the world, and I would rather not do that." She replied, looking out the window at the vast expanse of fluffy white clouds that seemed to go on forever, casting shadows over the majestic snow-capped peak of Mount Fuji as she continued. "It would be... complicated."

Seeing the chance, Solomon asked. "Is it because I am a child born from 'rape?'" She asked, watching her expression.

"Oh, my." Akemi covered her mouth, her eyes widening. "Such a vulgar word. How could you say that?"

Before Solomon could open her mouth to speak, Akemi continued. "But you are right." She sighed exasperatedly. "Being a victim of sexual assault is difficult."

'You brought it onto yourself.' Solomon thought, staring at the woman.

She waved her hand dismissively. "Let's not dwell on such matters," she said, returning her attention to Solomon. "By giving you another name, we can create a new identity for you. You'll be able to work with RoboTech under the radar without attracting unwanted attention."

Akemi leaned back in her seat, her eyes narrowing as she studied Solomon, or Hypatia as she had now decided to call her. The sunlight streaming through the jet's window cast a warm glow on her face, accentuating her sharp features.

"Now that I look at you, our appearance isn't all that similar despite being mother and daughter." She said, looking at Solomon up and down. "Your olive skin comes from neither me nor your father. You are short for your age, while your father and I are tall. Your black hair, it's not from us."

'I just noticed that too.' Solomon thought, holding out her hands in front of her. 'Kanata's hair is brown, while Akemi's hair is brown. How did I get this black hair?'

[The genetics of hair color is influenced by factors such as dominant and recessive genes, genetic mutations, and the presence of multiple genes. Therefore, there is a chance that a child could have black hair even if the parents have brown and blonde hair.] Noah chimed in.

'Ah, Makes sense.' Solomon nodded, looking up at Akemi. "Hair color is determined by various factors including genes and mutations, which means that a child could have black hair even if the parents have brown and blonde hair."

Akemi raised an eyebrow at Solomon's response before nodding. "I found that out after I took you to the doctor, and they confirmed you were my daughter, with Kanata being the father. I thought my child had been switched out in the hospital."

"That's beside the point." She continued, her gaze never leaving Solomon's face. "With your characteristics so different from mine, it would be difficult to connect you as my daughter. Your eyes will be covered with contacts, so that shouldn't be a problem."

'Three names.' Solomon thought, looking down at her phone. 'Solomon, my real name. Amethyst, my legal name. And now Hypatia, my fake name. Who would have thought?' She sighed. 'I guess Hypatia wouldn't be a bad name. Better than being called Amethyst.'

With that, Akemi returned to her magazine, signaling the end of their conversation. The silence between them continued through the flight, broken only by the occasional rustling of pages as Akemi read through Forbes magazine.

The sun had dipped below the horizon, casting a soft golden glow across the sky as the jet touched down at Osaka International Airport. As the jet taxied to a stop, the luxurious cabin was bathed in the warm hues of the setting sun. Solomon gazed out of the window, watching as the bustling airport staff prepared for their arrival.

Akemi closed her magazine and placed it on the table in front of her, her expression unreadable. "We'll be taking a helicopter and heading straight to RoboTech where I will introduce you to your mentor as a girl I picked up from the street because I saw talent in you." She stood up, looking down at Solomon. "So act accordingly."

'This will be fun.' Solomon thought as she placed her phone in her pocket and stood up. "I will try my best."

"Good enough. And I suspect you haven't told Kanata of our location?" Akemi asked, her delicate fingers deftly adjusting her blazer and smoothing the elegant silk blouse beneath. "Don't answer that. I doubt you are that stupid."

Solomon nodded, her fingers sweeping her bangs to cover her distinctive eyes. "Of course not," she replied.

Akemi studied her daughter's disguise attempt before giving a slight nod of approval. "An excellent idea," she said, smiling as she stood in front of Solomon, pulling her hoodie over her head to further conceal her face. "I had momentarily forgotten about your eyes, but it seems you are smart enough to remember."

With that, she turned and made her way to the door, with Solomon following suit. The jet door swung open, revealing a slender, uniformed woman who greeted Akemi and Solomon with a polite bow. "Welcome back to Osaka, Ms. Kuroyama and Miss...?"

"Hypatia," Akemi supplied smoothly, smiling. "Hypatia is an intelligent young girl I found on the street of Musutafu. She will be an excellent student for Tobi."

"He has been wanting a protege." The woman nodded, inspecting Solomon. "But I doubt he would accept a female. You know how he is."

"I'm sure we can change his mind," Akemi replied, her voice laced with confidence. "Her quirk would make him think twice."

'Quirk?' Solomon thought, glancing up at Akemi as the three walked towards the awaiting helicopter. 'So, my rebranded identity would be a girl with an intelligence-based quirk? I guess that won't be too bad.'

"Ah." The woman mumbled, glancing at Solomon. "Another IntelliQuirk user?"

"Correct." Akemi nodded, their conversation stopping as the deafening rotor blades of the helicopter drowned out any conversation.

The wind kicked up around them, kicking up a whirlwind of dust and debris that swirled around them as they approached and sent Hypatia's hood billowing around her face, threatening to reveal her concealed eyes. She adjusted her hood, ensuring her eyes remained hidden from view.

'Can't let my cover be broken as quickly as it did with Kanata.' She thought as she climbed into the helicopter after Akemi, sitting across from her.

The woman climbed on after Solomon, sitting beside her and helping her put on the seatbelt she was struggling with. With that done, she signaled to the pilot, who took off.

Solomon's gaze shifted to the world outside the window as the helicopter climbed higher. The vast cityscape of Osaka sprawled beneath them, a sea of twinkling lights that stretched endlessly into the horizon.

'This view is breathtaking.' She thought, watching the city as the helicopter flew over the sprawling metropolis of Osaka.

The helicopter's path took them toward the outskirts of the city, which she suspected was the location of RoboTech headquarters, and as the helicopter soared through the sky, RoboTech headquarters.

It spanned more than 5,000 acres of land, filled with myriads of structures, each housing different departments and laboratories dedicated to robotics and artificial intelligence research. Roads, highways, and sidewalks spanned the vast complex, connecting the various buildings and structures that housed the company's different departments.

It was like its own miniature city.

The main tower was an imposing skyscraper that stood over 450 meters, being the tallest building in the complex and towering over everything in its vicinity. Its design featured a metallic frame and reinforced glass, reflecting sunlight and casting shimmering patterns on the other buildings below.

It had an angular form, with a massive logo of 'R' and 'T' adorned at the top of the tower, with a massive balcony housing two helicopter landing pads, with one already occupied.

As the helicopter descended toward one of the landing pads atop the main tower, Solomon observed the vast RoboTech complex sprawled out beneath her, considering how it would serve as the ideal setting for her new life as Hypatia, a girl with an intelligence-based quirk.

'I wish you could see this, Kanata.' She thought, remembering her one and only friend.

The helicopter touched down on the landing pad with a gentle thud, the powerful rotor blades slowed as the pilot expertly navigated the landing. Akemi smoothed her hair, which had been tousled by the wind during their approach, and adjusted her blazer.

As they exited the helicopter, they were greeted by a middle-aged man in his mid-forties with short black hair starting to show hints of gray. "Welcome back, Ms. Monoma. How was your meeting with Professor Nezu?" He asked, momentarily glancing at Solomon, who climbed out of the helicopter after Akemi.

"Not good, to say the least." Akemi replied with a sigh as she walked towards the door to the tower. "Nezu was adamant about keeping U.A. away from us."

"He is too paranoid." The woman that had greeted them at the airport chimed in. "Nezu fears that once he partners with us, he will lose all control over U.A."

"It appears so." Akemi nodded, glancing at Solomon, silently following them, and then at the new man. "What news do you have for me, Muhammad?"

"The board of directors called a meeting." Muhammad replied as he pushed open the door, leading them into the opulent penthouse suite on the top floor of the tower. "They're concerned about the recent drop in stocks due to Alvarez Industries' launch of their revolutionary hero support robot." He finished.

Akemi frowned, her eyes narrowing as she considered the board's concerns. "I'll handle the board," she sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "Who would have thought owning a company would be this challenging."

"Everyone?" Muhammad chuckled, taking a glass of water from a robot servant and handing it to Akemi. "It would be advisable to swallow your pride and ask Mr. Monoma---"

Akemi glared at Muhammad, ignoring the glass of water he held out to her. "Watch your tongue."

"Yes mam." He meekly replied, giving the robot back the glass of water as it continued on its way.

"I will arrange a meeting with the board. Anything else?" She asked as she continued walking.

"That's all for now," Muhammad replied, his voice slightly subdued after Akemi's reprimand.

"Good." Akemi nodded, her gaze shifting to Solomon, who had been looking around the penthouse with quiet interest. "Is Tobi here? I need to introduce him to his new apprentice."

"Actually, yes. He has been waiting to meet you." Muhammad replied, turning to the woman who had followed them since the airport, smiling. "Would you mind setting up a room for this young lady?"

The woman glared at him, smiling forcedly. "Of course, sir." She spun on her hill and walked away.

Turning back to Akemi, Muhammad smiled. "I will lead you to his workshop."

Muhammad led them to a high-speed elevator, its glass walls offering a panoramic view of the sprawling complex below. As they descended, Solomon felt a slight lurch in her stomach, a reminder of how high they were.

Once they reached the designated floor, the elevator doors slid open, revealing a large, brightly-lit workshop that looked like a cross between a laboratory and a high-tech garage. The space was filled with an array of advanced machinery, tools, and half-finished projects, arranged haphazardly.

"He is this way." Muhammad spoke as they led them through the maze-like workshop.

As they followed Muhammad through the workshop, Solomon's eyes darted around, taking in the various projects scattered throughout the space.

'This is fucking amazing!' She screams internally, clenching her fist. 'Look at this shit, Noah.'

[I see these 'shit,' sir. They are splendid.]

'RIGHT!' Solomon had to clench her sweatpants tightly to stop herself from touching a robot's head. 'I am getting aroused being here, Noah. Oh, fuck. This is amazing.'

[Sir. You can't get aroused---]

'This is better than my workshop.' Solomon quickly pulled her eyes away from an exoskeleton to follow the group through the maze. Despite her own impressive background and numerous degrees, she couldn't help but feel humbled by the cutting-edge work in this workshop. Most of them were all out of her league.

[Sir. These are things you could have built in your prime if you had enough time.]

'But I didn't build them.' Solomon replied dismissively, grinning at a massive unfinished engine that looked like it belonged to a jet. 'Holy fuck, this guy is impressive. Are these all his works? Did he make these alone or with a team?'

As they continued through the workshop, Solomon couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the sheer scale and complexity of the projects surrounding her. It was as if she had stepped into the heart of a technological wonderland filled with incredible inventions beyond even her wildest dreams.

"Most of these projects are Tobi's work," Akime said, noticing Solomon's fascination. "He has a small team of dedicated engineers and scientists, but he is the driving force behind many of our most groundbreaking projects."

"Amazing," Solomon uttered, feeling like a child once more. It felt like the day she entered her father's workshop for the first time in the basement of their home. It was an exhilarating feeling. "I like this guy already."

"Trust me. You won't soon enough." Akemi mumbled, with Muhammad nodding along.

Solomon's admiration for Tobi grew with each passing moment, marveling at the ingenuity and skill gone into each creation. It was clear that Tobi was a true master of his craft, a fact that both excited and intimidated Solomon.

Finally, they reached a section of the workshop that seemed to be dedicated to robotics and AI development. The space was filled with various robotic prototypes in different stages of completion, along with a plethora of computers and other high-tech equipment, with a figure hunched over a workbench, seemingly engrossed in his work.

He is a tall man, standing at 190 cm, with a muscular build that exudes strength and power, dark brown hair swept backward, a strong jawline, and a well-groomed goatee and mustache. His black coverall was stained with various substances, and his gloves were covered in grease and grime.

As they approached the workbench, the man known as Tobi continued to focus intently on the task at hand, seemingly oblivious to the presence of Akemi, Solomon, and Muhammad. He was in the process of assembling a complex robotic arm, his fingers deftly manipulating a set of precision tools as he worked with practiced ease.

Akemi cleared her throat, causing Tobi to pause and look up from his work. He eyed the newcomers with a mixture of curiosity and annoyance, his intense gaze sweeping over Solomon before settling on Akemi.

"Tobi," Akemi began, her tone formal yet commanding. "I have brought you an apprentice."

The engineer's eyebrows rose in surprise, his attention shifting to Solomon, who smiled at him. "Hello–"

"A girl?" Tobi asked, cutting her off. "You must be joking, Akemi."

Akemi raised an eyebrow, her expression challenging. "Are you doubting her abilities because of her gender? I assure you, she is more than capable."

"Yes." Tobi replied matter-of-factly, inspecting Solomon.

"You haven't even heard of her quirk." Akemi continued, smiling at Tobi. "I am sure you will like it."

"I don't need to know." He shrugged. "If it isn't a quirk that matches mine or my other boys, I don't need her."

"So you don't want to spice up this sausage feast you have going on?" Muhammad asked, staring at Tobi. "I mean, a girl in a team won't be that bad."

"Yes, one girl in a room of twenty-seven men." Tobi chuckled. "Not a good plan."

"She is still a child." Akemi's face contorted in disgust. "What the hell are you implying?"

He froze, looking back at Solomon. "Wait... She is a child?" He asked, looking at her up and down.

"Of course." Akemi nodded. "She is only ten."

"Oh, then fuck no." Tobi shook his head defiantly. "I will definitely not take a child under my wings. I thought she was a dwarf, but a child?" He glanced at Akemi. "What are you thinking?"

Akemi's eyes narrowed, her voice cold. "Tobi, I didn't bring her here to ask for your permission. I am telling you that she will be your apprentice."

"You have no idea what it takes to work in my workshop, Akemi." Tobi's jaw clenched, his eyes flicking between Akemi and Solomon. "It's not a playground for children."

'I can only imagine what it would feel like to be in his position.' Solomon thought, staring at Tobi. 'Just imagining someone coming into my workshop and telling me to work with a child bothers me.'

Tobi's dismissive attitude towards Solomon clearly irked Akemi, her eyes narrowing as she stepped closer to the engineer, her voice low and dangerous. "Tobi, you forgot your place. This company, this workshop, all of it belongs to me. If I say she is your apprentice, you will accept her, and you will teach her everything you know."

"Lamo. Whatcha trying to do? Threaten me?" Tobi didn't back down as he stared deep into Akemi's eyes. "What are you gonna do? Fire me?"

"Tobi, you forgot your place." Akemi repeated as her shadow flared across the ground, which didn't seem to come as a surprise to anyone.

"I did." Tobi replied, folding his arm across his chest. "And will you kill me? May I remind you of the fact that I am holding this company up by MYSELF? I may not be the CEO, president, or part of the board of directors, but I am the most important person in this company."

The room grew cold as Tobi continued. "I am Atlas holding up this company, and I know you know that. That's why you allow me to run my mouth this much." He smiled, his eyes narrowing. "And I will use my position however I like, just like any other sane human would."

The tense atmosphere in the workshop thickened, the air practically crackling with the intensity of the confrontation between Akemi and Tobi. Solomon couldn't help but feel a bit of sympathy for Tobi, knowing that she herself would have been just as wary if someone had tried to force a child into her own workshop back in the day.

Akemi's eyes narrowed further, her expression icy as she regarded Tobi. "You may think you're the Atlas of this company, Tobi, but don't forget that you're just a cog in a machine," she said coolly. "And like any cog, you can be replaced."

Tobi scoffed. "You may think you can find someone as skilled and dedicated as me, but you'd be hard-pressed to do so."

"Is that a challenge?" Akemi asked, her voice laced with venom.

"No, it's a statement of fact," Tobi replied, his voice steady and defiant. "Most of the people who are better than me have already joined a big company, and I doubt anyone would want to join a sinking boat."

Solomon, despite her new body and circumstances, couldn't help but feel a sense of kinship with Tobi. The genius engineer had dedicated his life to his craft, much like Solomon had in her previous life, and the idea of having a child forced upon him as an apprentice was understandably unappealing.

"Excuse me." Muhammad spoke as all eyes turned to him. Clearing his throat, he continued. "How about you train her for a week, and if she can't keep up, you can toss her out into the street."

Tobi stared at Muhammad and then at Akime, smiling. "Why don't we do that?"

"Why don't we?" Akemi smirked as her shadow returned to normal. "And I hope you learn to control that tongue of yours." With that, she turned on her hill, took one last look at Solomon, and left the workshop, followed by Muhammad.

"Can you believe the guts of that lady?" He mumbled, sighing. "I have been working twenty-four-seven, trying to save this sinking ship, and she gives me more work? Who does she think she is?"

"Tell me about it." Solomon replied, nodding. This caught Tobi's attention so he introduced himself. "Hell, mister Tobi. I am Solomon. Nice to meet youuuu…"


[You 'fucked' up, sir.]


Author's Note


I feel like I should do a timeskip soon so the canon would start sooner. Should I do it? It's you reader's choice because I don't really care.

I was planning on writing about the My Hero: Vigilantes arc. Write about All Might vs All For One. Write about the underground masquerade, and other things. But if you readers want me to skip it, do let me know.

Also, should I change the name the protagonist is being addressed by in the narration from Solomon? Or keep it like that?

next chapter
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