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20% Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel / Chapter 14: World Of Heroes And Villains: Part 1

Kapitel 14: World Of Heroes And Villains: Part 1

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history have no interest in offend any party. Having the sole objective of only entertain the readers. Enjoy~


"They call certain methods of fighting good and others evil, acting as if there were some nobility to the battlefield. Such illusions, perpetrated by heroes throughout history, have led countless young men to their bloody deaths, all for the sake of this valor and glory."

-Kiritsugu Emiya


3rd P.O.V.

In an open space with several buildings, some intacts and others destroyed, two groups are facing each other in two separate fights. The first fight is between a man in a suit and a black mask facing a tall, muscular, blond man in a tight-fitting suit and predominantly colored with blue.

The second fight is of a young man with spiky blonde hair dressed in black who appears to be avoiding several other individuals.

The blonde duo appear to be at a disadvantage, because of the numbers and because the muscular man in blue looks worried about the other young blonde.

Unknown to the two groups fighting, their confrontation is being watched by two other groups.

The third group is formed by five young people. Four men and one woman. And they seem to be discussing a plan to break the deadlock of the first two groups.

The fourth group is made up of just one person. A figure in black, with a hood and a cloak with two openings in the front, resembling a big poncho, not even a millimeter of the figure can be seen through its wide cloak. This figure watches all three groups patiently from the top of a nearby building.

He doesn't show any surprise when a large iceberg suddenly appears and three of the youths from the third group fly over the battlefield to rescue the blond youth.

The hooded figure's eyes, if anyone could see it, are focused on the two left behind. One of them created the ice platform and the other is the only female in the third group.

As the two begin to walk away from the battlefield in the opposite direction, the hooded figure follows them pulling out a futuristic looking gun seemingly out of nowhere.


Todoroki Shoto P.O.V.

"Let's go, Yaoyorozu."

We did everything we could, we broke the rules, but in the end I believe it was for a good reason. Without our interference Bakugou would eventually be captured and put All Might at an even more disadvantage.

I will accept any punishment when this is all over.

"Do you think that everyone is gonna be okay?" Yaoyorozu asks me as she follows me closely.

"Now we can only trust that Bakugou will manage to escape safe and sound and that All Might will defeat the leader of the League of Villains." I answer looking around. I think we're already at a safe distance.

That's when it happened.

Faster than Yaoyorozu and I could react we were hit by two energy attacks almost simultaneously. I instinctively throw myself towards Yaoyorozu to protect her from any subsequent attacks. But nothing else comes.

"Todoroki-kun! Are you okay??" Yaoyorozu asks me in alarm

"I'm fine, actually I don't feel anything wrong. And you?" I ask back. And I'm really fine. Did the attack miss? Was it harmless? No, it must have some effect that I don't know about yet.

"Yaoyorozu, stay alert! The attacker is still out there! Did you take any damage? Check the effect of the attack." I speak seriously while taking cover and looking around.

"I don't feel any different, Todoroki-san. Wait... My quirk. I-" she starts to say in alarm.

"Can't use your quirk?" a voice asks coming just a few feet away from us. How did he approach without being noticed? I was fully alert. Wait.. did the last attack affect our quirks?

Trying to summon ice or fire from my hands nothing comes out either. This is bad.

"You can't use it either, right?" the figure slowly approaches and now I see that it is a person wearing a hooded cloak.

"That is great. I mean my theory was right! The chance of success of my primary objective has increased considerably now." The figure keeps saying to itself.

"WHAT GOAL? WHO ARE YOU?" I exclaim trying to buy time and signal for Yaoyorozu to flee, one of us needs to warn the heroes about this secret enemy. He can change the course of battle if he has a quirk like Aizawa-sensei's.

"AH. This is just only myself to know and you guys to figure out. Now I'd appreciate it if you guys don't resist while I capture the two of you. I don't want to hurt any of you." The figure says approaching.

"YAOYOROZU, NOW!" I scream as I run towards the enemy, at least I'll buy time.

"Trying to be the hero, huh? Hang on. You really are. Well... anyway..." the figure says and a black mass starts to come out and expand under the mantle and towards us at a amazing speed.

Wasn't his quirk an energy attack that suppressed quirks? Or does he have two?

I don't find the answer before being enveloped by the dark mass.

From the corner of my eye I see Yaoyorozu suffering the same fate before losing consciousness.


All Might P.O.V.




It's over. It's finally over.

My battle against All For One is finally over. Both my battle tonight and my lifelong war ended with that last Smash.

With that I finally rest. The League of Villains may have escaped, but without All For One they lost their head. We managed to buy time. With that I will be able to watch the little zygotes develop into complete heroes, which I know they will one day become. We can entrust the future to them.

"Well that's embarrassing" I hear a voice coming from below me "But you blew a big hole with that last punch. There's nothing nearby for me to use to move around. This is your fault All Might. Nice punch by the way. I'm a big fan." A hooded figure emerges from between my legs.

I see him move a hand towards the fallen All For One. An ally of All For One? I can't let him rescue him. Evareythig will be for naught. But I don't have the strength to move anymore. Move body! One For All! One last time!

"Ah~ Ah~Ah~ Don't move All Might. I don't want you dead" The hooded man says as he points a long and jetblack pistol at my face. "I mean… If you force yourself, you could end up drop dead alone, you're pretty hurt, you know? Just be quiet there."

After he says that, he removes the pistol from my face. But a restraining, invisible force wraps around my arms and legs, holding me in place. I'm being held telekinetically apparently. Is that his quirk? But how did he appear out of nowhere so close to me? Did he have another quirk given to him by All For One?

I helplessly watch this new enemy place his hand on the head of the fallen All For One for a few moments and then withdraw.

"HA HA HA, IT'S WORKS! I ALMOST CAN'T BELIEVE THIS." He starts to laugh to himself.

I keep looking between this newcomer and All For One and realize the latter has stopped breathing. Did he kill him? Weren't they allies? What's going on here?


Hector P.O.V.

I'm so glad that the main goal of coming to the world of Boku no Hero Academia was accomplished. It's so stupid and it worked.

My plan needed to combine different cards. The idea started when I thought the superpowers given by the Super Power Store CYOA would only be good in a low level world like The Boys or BNHA. And one of the higher level powers, which costs 400CP, allows you to copy a single power nearby.

POWER COPYING – You may copy one power within your range. You do not have to be aware of the power to copy it, but have no natural profyciency with it. You can Only copy a power for up 72 hours. 1km range.

As I said, this power would be mid-level in Marvel at most. But when I thought how useful he would be in other worlds the idea popped into my mind. Before being transmigrated I once thought while watching BNHA: "What if Monoma copies All For One and uses it to steal the original?"

And now I've just applied the same principle.

And it worked.

Using the Travel Ticket to come to this world during the All Might vs. All For One fight in Kamino.

The only moment that All For One is weakened, because from now on he will be in the safest prison in Japan. Only being released when he has a lot of advantage against the heroes.

At the moment, due to the stealth of the operation to rescue Bakugou, few Heroes were alerted. Students are not yet trained. Shigaraki did not overcome his psychological traumas nor did he go through his metamorphosis.

This is the ideal time to steal the All For One quirk.

And even if I failed, the month I would spend in this world would be very beneficial. I could train, fight enemies with skills to increase the percentage of my characters, use my skills without fear because I'll be leaving in a month anyway, learn about technological advances like robotics, genetics and others. And even look closely at heroes and villains and learn from them to future reference. And after apply it in Marvel.

But everything went well.

So after stealing the original and confirming it's in my "powers" ​​tab, I'll move on to the second part of the primary objective.

Use my Power Boost Cards in the All For One quirk.

There's a chance that only works in things that I have gained througn Gacha... But.... Works!

When I want to use the Power Boost Card, the All For One quirk is in the upgradeable options. Hahaha

I won't be stingy now. I will use all possible boost cards. When I finish using the eighth it happens...

A prompt appear in my vision.

[All For One power broke the current limit]

[All For One power can merge with Power Copying]

[The two powers can fuse with X-gene of host]

[Do you want to allow the process?]

(YES) (NO)

Whataheck!? This is turning out better than I thought.

I had already tested and confirm that quirks(BNHA) and mutations(MARVEL) were similar when I used the Neutralizer Gun on Todoroki and Yaoyorozu before.

The Neutralizer Gun is a weapon developed by Forge at Marvel and can temporarily suppress mutant powers. Quirks and mutations come from genetic material of that person. They are similar enough to work.

Thinking about "YES", another prompt appears showing the changes.

[Power Copying and All For One merging with X-gene]

[The fusing of the two powers will awaken host mutation from Origin Universe]

[A new Power has been awakened]

[Do you want to name it?]

Uh... yeah. Sure. Let's go with "Power Manipulation" for now.

[Rebooting Power Manipulation...]

[Power Manipulation became an Epsilon-level mutation]

[Power Manipulation became a Gamma-level mutation]

[Power Manipulation became a Beta-level mutation]

[Power Manipulation became an Alpha-level mutation]

[Power Manipulation became an Omega-level mutation]

[Secondary mutation of host awakening]

[Power Manipulation - The user can manipulate, steal, copy, cultivate and bestowal the supernatural properties in all beings that give them their powers, that are not inherent in their physiology.]

[Secondary Mutation – The user is resistant and has high adaptability to supernatural abilities and powers. From himself and others.]



Not Hope Summers.

Not Apocalypse.

Not Nate grey.

Not Franklin Richards.

The Mutant Messiah is me, Hector.

I can basically copy all of the superpowers of someone who doesn't come from their race. Like Kryptonians and Strontians.

If someone has a power that isn't common to all their race, I can have it too. Makes sense, I can't copy a fish's ability to breathe in the water. It's not a super power, from the fish's point of view.

And do I also gain resistance if superpowers are used on me? Or I am resistant to my own powers?

Like a mechanism to defend myself from my own powers. So that I don't self-destruct. It's kind of like a guy with super strength can punch and not destroy himself. Or not burn yourself with his own fire. Or not break himself apart when teleporting.

This trip was totally worth it.

I look at the corpse of All For One. I take all of his quirks. And many of them keep him alive. Sorry, but not sorry.

Now I'm in the world where 80% of the population has powers... And with the ability to steal powers.

It's like a buffet of all I can eat.

Let's move on to the second best quirk... One for All.

Spider-sense tingling... Tch


All Might P.O.V.

The newcomer stood still for a few seconds after he had killed All For One. I don't know what happened, but I feel his aura change. As his danger level increased several times. I can't move, but I can hear the wind cutting from someone approaching at high speed... Gran Torino.

He's trying to sneaky attack the hooded figure.

The figure appears distracted, looking straight ahead and standing still. So Gran Torino approaches through his blind spot behind the back of his head, but he is stopped as if he has received an invisible punch.

Is it the telekinetic quirk again?

Then the hooded figure reaches out and pulls Gran Torino towards him and grabs him by the head. But after a few seconds he drops him on the ground, and Gran Torino doesn't move anymore.


"...villain? Hmm... I think from your point of view I'm a villain. And I also think my actions are pretty vile anyway. I have no excuses." He mutters as if in deep thought.

"But I'm doing this for my own survival. I'm sorry," he says, and what bothers me is that he really seems to mean it. He doesn't have a sarcastic tone as if mocking my heroic ideals like that All For One constantly used.

"I want this to end with the least amount of damage possible, All Might..." he says, but is interrupted again when Endeavor comes propelled towards him to punch him.

"A punch? I see... You can't use wide area fire attack because of All might and the old man, huh. But that was a serious mistake." he speaks as he turns towards Endeavor and redirects his punch in other direction while returning with an uppercut, sending Endeavor high into the air.

"Sorry Number Two, but you have no place on this battlefield. Ah~. I'm sorry, you are number One now. How does it feel to finally acquire what you've always dreamed of effortlessly? Allow me to be the first to congratulate you." The villain says sarcastically.

This seems to annoy Endeavor, who after a mid-air maneuver to stabilize himself launches himself towards the villain again.

"Flashfire Fist!" endeavor speaks while sending a pillar of flame towards the villain.

But the villain defends himself by making a cocoon of a black substance. But he now has nowhere to escape. Endeavor will not stop sending fire, he will cook him inside this own cocoon.

"You didn't think I'd make such an amateur mistake, did you?" the villain's voice comes from behind Endeavor! He really can teleport!!

"Receive my first Stand Rush" saying that he starts sending a barrage of punches at Endeavor that seems to last forever.

And When Endeavor is beaten enough he opens his palm and sends out a pulse of air that sends Endeavor away.


"I have things to do now. Go hit your wife or children, or something like that..." he says as he looks at Endeavor flying over the horizon.

"This power... this power..." I can't believe it.

"Yes All Might. I got All For One to myself now. Thanks for the help by the way. Now..."

No-no. This cannot be happening. Who is this man? What is his relationship with All for One?

While I'm thinking he approaches me, and puts his hand on my head.

He's trying to steal my quirk. He's trying to steal One For All. He doesn't know that he's not with me anymore.

After a few seconds he pulls his hand away...

"Strange... You don't have a quirk? How is that possible?" He says shocked.

He does not know. Midoriya-shounen is safe.

This man doesn't seem to have good relations with All for One.

He seems to think for a while and starts talking.

"You know… I overheard you talking with All for one during the fight. He said something about you passing the power on to someone, right?" the words I hear make my blood run cold.

"Hey.. Come here. Come closer!" What he is doing? He's calling the press closer.

"I have something to say to you! Don't want an exclusive? I will not hurt you guys! If you don't come I will kill All Might." He threatens and the reporter and cameraman slowly approach.

I can see the two of them are shaking a lot. Eyes shifting from the hooded figure to me, as if looking for an answer to every problem.

I'm sorry lady. I can't help you now... I think helplessly.

"W-w-what do you want?" the reporter asks shaking.

"Is this being broadcast to all of Japan?" the villain asks. The camera pointed at us, showing Gran Torino and All for One on the ground. And myself stuck in the air, unable to move. It must be a horrible sight for everyone watching.

I close my eyes in shame.


"Great. Focus on me, please." He says taking the reporter's microphone.

"Good night, Japan. I have a message for one of your citizens." It starts off smoothly. As if every word he says wouldn't make people watching him hold their breath.


Midoriya Izuku P.O.V.

We did it. We saved Kacchan. All Might defeated All for One. This should be the end. So why isn't it over yet? Because another enemy is there so close to All Might's helpless form.

I want to run and come back to help him. Only I know that All Might is already at his limit. That he can't fight anymore. But IIda-kun holds me back. He won't let me go.

Now I'm watching on the big screen in Kamino's central plaza as the villain speaks to all the people of Japan after having thrown Endeavor away. While holding All Might and Gran Torino hostage.

"Good Night, Japan. I have a message for one of your citizens. My name is... Dis. Pft Yes. You can all call me Dis" Take this seriously. The hooded man, Dis is happily talking to the camera, as if to report the weather.

"I came here today to the two strongest quirks in the world." It cannot be.

"All for one and One for all" he completes, shocking me.

"You don't know, but these quirks have a very old history. I won't tell... hehe That's not the focus."

"The focus is that one of these quirks, the one from the villain here at my feet" he says kicking All for one's body a little "can steal any quirk in existence" he completes and I can hear exclamations from all the people around me .

"The second quirk One for All" he says pointing to All Might with his thumb on his shoulder. And I feel all the people hold their breath. And I understand why, All Might's quirk has always been a secret to the public." It can empower the user immensely, and is a quirk that can be passed on. All Might here is the 8th user." He finishes and everyone around me is shocked.

Even my classmates.

My eyes meet Kacchan's. He's looking at me with an indescribable expression. He is putting the pieces together. Kacchan knows I'm the 9th user.

"After managing to steal All for One, I find myself with a problem... One for All has already been passed to its successor" Kacchan's gaze hurts now.

"Now…who is the lucky guy or gall?? Let's think." He continues excitedly.

"All Might would pass his quirk on to someone from the younger generation with a lot of potential and years ahead. This year All Mighti started teaching at U.A. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!"

"So one of the students at U.A. have One for All. To narrow it even further. All Might teaches 1st year. So one of those 40 students is his successor." He says smiling with his voice. And Kacchan hasn't taken his eyes off me so far.

"Now… How do you know who is All Might's successor? Maybe it's Endeavor's son... The talented Shoto Todoroki? Nope"

"I remember when All Might moved to this town he saved two boys in a certain incident." My heart is beating faster.

"Coincidentally these two boys are in the heroic course at U.A... in their first year." And now I can feel the sweat running through my back.

"They even reached the semifinals of the sports festival. One of them won the whole thing. And is the one who started this whole incident today. Being kidnapped, pfft pathetic." He speaks mockingly.

"So is Bakugou Katsuki the chosen successor to All Might? NO, It's not" he says and I feel like he's enjoying the situation. Like a showman in a stage.

And Kacchan isn't looking at me anymore. His eyes are glued to the ground. His expression indecipherable.

"One for All is a quirk that can empower everything in the user. If the user has a quirk, One for All can strengthen that quirk. Otherwise, One for All can still strengthen the body... That's right, to those smart enough to notice. All Might is originally quirkless. Haha" I feel the shock of everyone around me. Lots of people mumbling how this is not possible.

"To conclude, allow me to speak directly to the dear successor… Midoriya Izuku" A sense of dread fills my being. He knows! What does he want to talk about?

"Midoriya Izuku… Deku…" he says as if testing the name on his lips. "At the sports festival you broke your body. Because you weren't used to One for All, right?" Gulp.

"You're the kid who tried to save your friend in the sludge villain incident, right?" My mouth is opening.

"All might saw your heroic act and decided to pass One For All, right?"

"You even came here today to save Bakugou again, right??"

"You're close, right???"

He keeps asking. And I feel like his words are physically suffocating me.

"Look at this..." the villain crouches down and touches the torso of All For One's body. Then he straightens up again and snaps his fingers. A wrist-sized hole opens where he had previously touched it. Many flinch to the gore sight.

"You can understand this threat, right? Midoriya Izuku?" The same hand that touched All For One is now touching All Might. Right in the face.


"I'm coming for you. If you move. All might is dead."

"MIDORIYA-SHOUNEN! RUN! DON'T CARE ABOUT ME" SAVE YOURSELF!" All might screams before an invisible force covers his mouth.

"Silence All might, please. You know he wouldn't. You successor has the heart of a hero. Although he is lacking in all other aspects. Now..."

"I'M GOING, MIDORIYA" The villain Dis jumps out of the camera's field of view.

My confrontation with him is inevitable.


Hector P.O.V.

I lied. I just made D4C punch All for One's torso when I snapped my fingers. I don't have All Might hostage.

But only I know that.

Midoriya wouldn't risk it.

If I didn't get One for All now, it will get unnecessarily complicated in the future.

Ugh. Acting like a villain is cringe. But a little fun, I confess. Taking inspiration from villains like Sukuna, Dio and Joker. I need to put on a big show. Acting very different from my normal personality.

All that talk on national TV was for me to get used to my newfound powers. To create chaos to my future actios be more smooth. And also try to attract professional heroes tonight. They better come now. Disorganized. I know that the mouse director of U.A. is very smart.

If he comes up with a strategy with the top pro heroes, I might have a more complicated path than I need to.

Tonight I will decrease their numbers, so they cannot react well in the future.

I just didn't steal Endeavor's quirk because I want to give everyone a false sense of security. Desesperate people take desesperate measures.

And if Endeavor is still active. The Japanese government will not take such drastic measures, like nuke me. Because they will consider Endeavor to be an ace up their sleeves.

I move through the air with a mixture of the quirk [Air Walk] and [Jet] from Gran Torino.

There's another reason I said all that on national TV.

As I approach the unconscious Todoroki and Yaoyorozu. I steal their quirks without hesitation. Damn, Momo really have huge badoonkas.

Anyway, continuing my line of thought.

I know where Deku is, and I know Bakugou is with him. And knowing Bakugou's personality...

He's going to make things even easier for me.


Katsuki Bakugou P.O.V.


I asked the useless geek as I grab him by the collar, Today was full of shit going on. I might be responsible for the end of All Might... And now this.


This piece of shit can't even look me in the eye, he keeps muttering quickly and under his breath about the people around him.


"Dude, calm down" "Yes, we don't have time to this now!"

Spiky-hair and four-eyes comes in, separating us.

"We need to get out of here." Four-eyes says looking around. There is an empty circle between us and other people. Many took out their smartphones to record us. Tch.

"But All Might..." Deku starts.

"Told you to run away. We've already broken a lot of rules coming on here. We have to follow the instructions of the pros. Even if it hurts me a lot..." four-eyes says through gritted teeth.


"But Kacchan.."

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH FUCKING SHITTY DEKU! THE BASTARD WANTS YOUR FOR ALL MIGHT QUIRK OR WHATEVER, RIGHT? YOU RUN ALWAYS WITH YOUR TAIL BETWEEN YOUR LEGS AND I WILL STAY HERE TO KICK HIS ASS!" I'm going to beat that hooded motherfucker. And I'm going to make things right now. Everything will be fine. Heroes always win in the end.

"But..." before four-eyes could say anything we heard a loud sound and before anyone reacted spiky-hair and four-eyes are blown away to a store nearby.

So the new villain motherfucker drop from the sky cracking the ground.

"There you are. Successor-kun and his sidekick-rival," he says excitedly.

This guys is pissing me off.

I think while making small explosions in my hand to warm myself up.

I will fucking blow his face away to hell.


A.N.: So... That happens.

Initially I planned to give the MC some kind of power so he can gain some spoils of war after defeat strong enemies in marvel. Then came the idea of ​​him having a power that copies other powers.

Initially I intended to give it to him from the Gacha, but I thought. "Let this mathafucka works a little to gain the power" then I created all this BNHA arc.

I would give Mc a weaker power for him to steal All For One and then improve it.

It was going to be Ben 10's Osmosian power, but it's too strong for now. He will win in the future, but not now. Then he gain through the CYOA Power Store.

The new MC mutation is strong, very strong. But it has its limitations. And to get stronger, he'll have to defeat stronger enemies. In BNHA he will gain a lot of versatility and cover several weaknesses, but he will not return to Marvel as a World Breaker.

BNHA arc will be a Speedrun, so don't worry about straying too far. And then when MC goes back, the plot will continue with summons and World invasion.

Fun fact: Did you know that I have 3 fanfics that I started writing but didn't publish.

The first was from a boy in the world of Bnha who won a JOJO system, which he earned points to spend the more he drew attention. He would have to act flamboyant like a jojo character.

The second was In Game of Thrones a guy who is reincarnated with the appearance of Griffith (Berserk) in the House of Arryn. No powers. Just handler MC winning Game of thrones.

And the third was the one that gave rbirth to this Marvel story. Unlike normal fanfics, there would be three MCs. Three bros in marvel. DC Powers: Superman, Flash and Green Lantern. Each would have their own personality. But I gave up and merged his personalities into Hector. Cautious selfish, good guy, a little horny.

Anyway, that's it. I hope you liked it.

EvansKannon EvansKannon

Nothing to add here.

Thanks to reading. Any feedback is appreciated.

Give ideas and suggestions. Anything to made the history better to everyone. Stay good you all.

Till next time.

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