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Kapitel 48: Kasha?

A/N: Pat-reon: HelloDarkness07.

Sorry for being late, I had gone to Mumbai for some College related work. It's been a year since I've completed my Masters, and the University still hasn't given us our Degrees. Hopefully, they release them soon.

Read on!


Captain Avalon.. gone?

London: On the 4th of March, the Howling Commandos under the leadership of Captain Sir Mason Aves, or Captain Avalon, had attacked the final Hydra base in Austria. During the attack Captain Avalon was forced to separate from his team, to fight one of HYDRA's enhanced people.

Officer Timothy Dugan, the one who was left with the Command of the Howling Commandos, went back to the Factory, after the battle was won, after Captain Steve Rogers tragically lost his own life fighting the Red Skull, to search for Captain Avalon. But after hours of searching, none of the Howling Commandos found a single trace of either him, or the man they had seen Captain Avalon follow.

Is he dead, just like Captain America? Did something happen to him?

We, at the Daily Post, interviewed some of Captain Avalon's closest friends, and some acquaintances about this. His friends in the SSR, all refused to believe that he has deserted, saying that Captain Avalon would rather die, than desert his post. 

His former lover, a Pvt Lorraine Smith of the SSR, had this to say, 'Captain Aves is as selfless as they come. We first met when he rescued 50 soldiers out of Hydra hands, and then he rescued hundreds more. If.. and this is a big if.. he has actually deserted, then he deserves to have his privacy. He has already done so much for the general public, for the people of USA, UK, France, Canada, and even India. He, and the other Howling Commandos, lost two friends in such a short amount of time. But, we're going with the opinion that he has been captured, and are going to search for him, to rescue him from wherever he is.'

His old caretakers, at the Stockwell's Orphanage where he was raised, claimed that Captain Avalon last came here right after his friend Timothy Roth's death, and that he hasn't been seen since. 

His House, No. 1 Malvern Terrace, hasn't been lived in for years, and it has since been abandoned. 

When asked, the PM's office has informed us that the House is being claimed as a Historical place, to commemorate it in Captain Avalon's memories.

There are some reports, that say that HYDRA had summoned some sort of Demon to be their champion, but most of them have no proofs to speak of. But, considering all that HYDRA is capable of, them summoning some sort of Champion for their cause is not too hard to believe. The SSR at least believes that Hydra had the necessary knowledge to do that, as our informants say.

But, until Captain Aves shows up in public himself, we won't know for sure.

Where is Captain Avalon? Is he dead, just like Captain America? Or has he been captured once again, by some hostile force? Or has he really deserted his post, Captain America's death being too much for the Captain to handle? Or did he die at the hands of this hypothetical Demon?

Wherever he is, we, at the Daily Post, wish him the best of luck in his future life, and hope that he is well.


A huge bird made of flames flies towards me, the heat of it causing my hair to singe even from afar. 

Holding my wand up, I wave it in front of me in a wide arc, casting a Transfiguration spell on the fire bird, changing it into water which harmlessly splashes on the ground.

Raising my left hand to join the right, I command the Water to rise up, forming into three sharks that float in the air. I slap my hand forward, sending the sharks flying at my opponent.

Two spells strike one Shark, blowing it up, and vanishing the remnant Water, while the other two sharks dodge, and fly towards my target. They, however, hit a transparent barrier right before they can attack her, and I see her with her left hand raised.

The sharks were just the distraction, however, and the ground underneath her ripples, turning into liquid. Rowena Ravenclaw, my opponent for this sparring match, floats up into the air, her naked feet floating a foot above the liquified ground.

I raise my hand upwards, summoning the water from underneath her, around her in a sphere, and clench my left hand into a fist, condensing the liquid. My wand pointed at the floating liquid, which has Rowena trapped for now, I whisper, "Fulgur Flumen!"

From my wand tip, a thick bolt of white lightning emits, far stronger than the normal Fulmen spell, and goes wildly towards the water prison, while still staying connected to my Wand. 

Where the Fulmen strikes just once, the Fulgur Flumen is kept getting fed Magic as long as I feed it. The thickness of the Lightning bolt depends on the potency of the spell caster's magic, and his willpower. For me, the lightning was around three inches thick.

Right as the lightning bolt is about to touch the water, which will no doubt at least harm even someone like Rowena, the Water sphere ripples, and then explodes, sending water all around.

I immediately stop casting the Lightning spell, and raise my hands, creating a Telekinetic shield all around me to stop water from hitting my body. A thud sounds, as a Telekinetic blast hits my shield, and I grunt, the force rattling my bones.

Waving my hand, I transfer the Telekinetic shield to just one hand, and slap the next blast to the side, causing a rock to blow up, almost disintegrating. Stepping to the side, I let a spell pass by harmlessly, and throw my Telekinetic shield at Rowena, causing her to raise her own shield to stop it.

The two shields collide, my shield hitting its edge at the flat of Rowena's, and cause an explosion, that sends Rowena flying back.

"You didn't have Telekinesis before." Rowena says, a bit accusingly, as she stands back up, obviously unharmed.

Shrugging, I say, "I picked up a few gifts during the War." At her curiousity, I wave my hand, and say, "Later. Let's continue."

Rowena nods, and begins the attack with a single stunner, which I just slap at to unravel the magic behind it, and lean away to dodge the next bone constricting curse. The curse is designed to make your bones shrink, most often targetted at your chest. Yeah, that's too painful, and a bitch to heal from. And unfortunately enough, I can't unravel that spell.

After having studied the remains of the Kuronin's swords, I had managed to figure out how it unraveled the Spells into pure magic. It was a beautiful enchantment, and it's really a pity that plain steel was used.

The Enchantment made it so the spells thought they had already done their work, on empty air, and convinced the spell that it needed to go back into the Universe, turn into pure magic. I'd already enchanted my Twin swords to completely absorb the magic and reflect it, at that point, so I didn't bother with the unraveling enchantment.

But it did help me learn how to do it by myself, by my own hand. Unfortunately, Stupefy was the most dangerous spell I could unravel that way, and it's highly unlikely that it'll ever change.

Stabbing my own wand forward, I fire three spells in a single second, all of them aimed at Rowena's feet. Rowena floats a few steps back, and casts a shield charm, just in time for the ground to explode, sending chunks of rock flying up.

The other two spells cause the grass underneath her to grow rapidly, and grab onto her legs, starting to pull her downwards. Rowena waves her hand, cutting off the grass, and points them towards me, sending the torn pieces of grass flying at me, now sharpened.

I could create a portal, and send them back at her, but we had a rule during our spars. No easy way outs, no Portals to divert spells, or attacks. No Sorcery, period. These spars were to train me into using my Magic better, and if I use Portals all the time, then I'll never learn. And Sorcery shields were way better at stopping Wizarding spells, and objects, than Wizarding spells.

I stomp on the ground, forcing Magic out of my legs and into the Earth, and have the land in front of me rise as a wall, to absorb the sharpened leaves. Unfortunately, I underestimated Rowena's charm, and the grass tears through the Earth, and keep flying towards me.

A single twitch of my wand, however, causes the leaves to combust mid flight, stopping them from ever harming me. The reason? A wave of magic emitted from all over the front of my upper body, aimed at burning anything not within 10 cms away from my body.

Obviously, the magic wasn't strong enough to go further than 30 centimetres, so the ground was safe too.

Unfortunately, that didn't mean I didn't get the warm air blasted right at my face, or that the ash still fell on my body.

Lifting my wand, after using a small moment to clean myself up, I snap it at Rowena, causing the ground itself to ripple, and go in a wave towards her. Rowena holds her hand out, and stops the ground, right before it reaches her. As she slowly pulls her hand back, however, the ground crumbles to dust, Rowena using her Phoenix powers completely for the first time in this fight.

Oh.. crap.

A single twirl of her wand, and wood rises out of the Earth, the tree roots gearing up to attack me. All around her, I could see hundreds of tree roots, pointing their tips me.

She says, "Use your imagination, Mason. You have reality itself at your fingertips, utilise it to your advantage."

And then, the roots all stab towards me, aiming for serious injuries.

Well.. shit.

Jumping up, I dodge the first barrage of roots, seeing them slam into the ground, and then cover myself in a Telekinetic forcefield, as I start my retreat. A root, a sthick as my entire body hits the spherical forcefield, and sends me crashing into the ground, my forcefield shattering into million pieces.

That bitch! She's using her command over this Realm to give herself an advantage.

I can't help but be impressed by her deviousness.

You want my full strength, Rowena? You got it. No Sorcery, no Mutation, pure Wizarding Magic.

I slap my hand at the group of 10 or so roots, the thinnest as thick as my arm, as they stab at me at once. The slap, my hand casting the banishing spell at the same time, causes the roots to slam into the ground. Another wave causes them to separate from the ground, the upper part turning to dust.

For the next group, I transfigure a giant hand out of the Earth, that holds on to the roots, and pulls them out. The same hand then waves the roots around, using them as a weapon to defend me.

From right underneath it, however, another group of roots appear, and stab into it, destroying the spells holding it together.

But, it gave me enough time. Finishing the Wand motion, this being the first time I'm actually using this spell in battle, I yell, "PERDERE OMNIA!"


At once, my wand emits out a blue omnidirectional wave, that speeds away from me at the speed of sound, but only in one direction, front, while keeping a steady increase in its size.

The spell causes anything it touches to be destroyed, dismantled into nothingness. Doesn't matter if its alive, dead, human, plant, or land. Everything is destroyed. If it wasn't for the fact that a simple Protego can stop this spell, it would have been a personal favourite of any up and coming Dark Wizard.

The roots that were speeding towards me, to attack me, are quickly turned into nothing, as soon as the wave of magic passes through them. Even a large chunk of ground goes missing, thanks to the spell increasing more than I'd expected it to.

Rowena is still safe, behind her shield, but everything around her was completely burnt up, destroyed. I point my hand at her, to her curiousity, and just flex my hand, summoning something by the Accio spell.

Almost immediately, a giant chunk of land becomes visible, right behind her, and hits her shield, in an effort to get close to me. The shield is durable enough to stop the rock, and Rowena doesn't even glance at the rock.

I smirk, and mentally say, 'Activate!'

Immediately, the giant chunk of rock explodes, with the full force of the Runic Expulso spell, creating an explosion large enough to completely cover the Black Lake. The explosion does its job, and throws Rowena towards me, her shield now broken, thanks to the magical explosion.

I run towards her, to subdue her, but she heals faster than I expected, and snaps her hand towards me, summoning a giant wave of flames, and sending it speeding towards me.

Ignoring the injuries I get thanks to the intensive heat of the flame wave approaching me, I keep running forward, and just as the flames are about to touch me, I get low, transforming into my second, Magical Animagus form.


Rowena(Phoenix) POV:

From within myself, I summon the Greek Flames of Destruction, a spell I learned in my travels, and conjure a small wave of flames, just a bit less hotter than the Cursed Flames of Hades, Fiendfyre.

A wave of my hand sends them flying at Mason's direction, so that I can force him into using his skills to protect himself. This area, just like the Real Hogwarts, was enchanted to stop Apparition, and the fire was hot enough that not even the flame freezing charm, or even Protego will work on stopping them, so she was curious to see what he will do.

So it was, that she is very surprised to see him keep running towards the flames, his flesh bubbling, and even burning a bit, before he disappears from her sight. But then, she sees it.

The flames stop in their spot, and start turning white, starting from the spot where Mason had disappeared from. Rowena raises her hand, to regain control over the Greek Flames of Destruction spell, but she finds herself unable to, her magic slipping through the flames without any effect.

She then sees it come out, a giant flaming cat, 7 feet tall, and 15 feet long, the White flamed cat was one she had seen before, although with a few different coloured flames. Blue, Orange, Red, Black. 

"The Kasha." Rowena whispers, looking awed at the majestic cat speeding towards her.

Rowena gets out of her revere, realising that the Flaming cat demon in front of her, was none other than Mason Aves, her descendant.

As the cat continues running towards her, the flames that she has attacked him with now following after him, now in his control, Rowena waves her hand, conjuring a giant blob of water, along with a rainstorm.

The blob of water falls right on top of Mason, now in his cat form, and evaporates almost immediately after.

Mason hisses at her, angry, and then, "ROOOOAAAAR!"

Immediately after, the flame wave she could see coming at her stops, and starts spinning, vertically, forming into a horizontal whirlpool of flames. The eye of the whirlpool spins fast, very fast, and blitzes towards her, forming into a highly dense drill made entirely of white flames.

Rowena raises her hand, to conjure a barrier to stop those flames. She surrounds herself with the barrier, when the white flames completely surround her.

One hand holding on to the Shield, to hold the flames back, Rowena moves her second hand downwards, to cast a spell. However, she sees something, that stops her spellcasting.

Eyes, two heterochromatic eyes, staring right at her, from inside the flames. She holds her second hand up, putting full focus on the barrier, seeing a glint in the cat's eyes, just in time for the cat to headbutt the shield. All the while, the flames keep a whirlpool of white flames around her, melting all ground in her surroundings.

Unfortunately, for Rowena, as soon as the flaming Cat headbutts the shield, the transparent barrier melts completely. At once, the flames trying to enter completely cover Rowena, to burn her, and a strong hit sends her flying away from the flames, and into the trees.


Rowena winces, feeling a large gash on her stomach from the claws of Mason's Kasha form, and after causing an explosion inside the Forbidden forest. She had so many questions, all of them related to her first loss at the hands of her descendant.

Kasha. The Flaming Demonic Cat. She remembered it, from her travels across the Eastern Empires. She knew Mason had it as a Magical Animagus form, but she didn't know he had learned to control it yet, let alone fully transform into it.

As Mason floats in front of her, now human, although with singed hair, and a single eye still golden, Rowena smiles. It seems Mason hasn't completely Mastered it just yet.

"So? You finally managed to transform willingly, eh?" Rowena says, as she starts standing up, her wounds already healing.

This was her Realm, and she is the Master of it. It might be a small pocket Realm inside the Astral Plane, but it is hers. While she can get injured, especially if Creature Magic is involved, she doesn't stay injured. 


Mason POV:

I smile, as I force my Magic to transform me back into Mason Aves, using Metamorphmagic to force it, and say, "Yeah.. I guess I still need some practice with the transformations."

I can't help but remember the day I found out about my Animagus forms, the day we all did the Ritual.

19 January, 1935, that was when the first Total Lunar Eclipse had happened, after we had put the Potion Vials under water, at the bottom of a lake.

The Ritual had us mostly sit in one place for hours upon hours, waiting for the moon to get into correct positions before taking different steps. I had chosen my own lands for the Ritual, before the Aves Manor was built completely. Our lands were vast enough that I could hide a corner for the Ritual, and no one ever knew.

First step came sitting down, without speaking anything, while touching some amount of skin to the ground. Since none of us was going to become naked, we chose to sit on cushions, while touching our feet on the ground.

As soon as the moon first became visible, we had to take a single sip of the Potion, cast the spell, "Amato Animo Animato Animagus" while holding our right hand over our hearts. When the moon was at 45 degree angle, from our perspective, we had to take the second step.

Pour a single sip worth of the Potion in a Silver bowl, cut into it with an Obsidian dagger, forged by Dragon fire, and bleed exactly 7 drops of blood into the bowl while chanting, "Sanguinis Anima." Once for each drop.

Then, we had to stir the Animagus Potion, and our blood, together, for 5 whole minutes, and then when it got thick enough, draw a circle on the back of our left hands, infinity on our head, and a single dot on our throats.

We had a lot of practice in doing that, having spent the previous day preparing for just this.

After drawing the three symbols, we had to drink the remaining non-bloodied potion, after which came the waiting game. For hours, we just sat there, looking up at the moon, hungry, thirsty, but not allowed to eat or drink anything. 

We couldn't even say anything to complain, not about our hunger and thirst, or the cold. 

When the Total Lunar Eclipse finally happened, the Potion on our skins began burning, and we went into a trance, to meet our Spirit animals. One Magical, one mundane, that was the deal.

Dorea got a Dutch Shephard dog for her mundane animal, and a Grim for the Magical. Darla got a lynx cat, and a Wampus Cat, while Ana got an Eagle, and a thunderbird. I myself got the White Tiger as my mundane form, and the Kasha, an East Asian Magical animal as my Magical form.

Kasha, a wonderful Cat, once believed to have been a Demon, one of the Nekomata. They are completely covered in flames, of colours that depend on some unknown factor, with teeth and claws made of highly magical Silver, or Gold, varying from Kasha to Kasha.

Mine were made out of Silver, and were bright white in colour, thanks to heat of the flames I was made out of.

Kasha also have heterochromatic eyes, one of which is said to allow them to see Spirits. But, since I haven't completely Mastered my transformation yet, I can't say for sure.

And this is the only drawback of us going through the Ritual. For so long, Wizards have just had Mundane Animagus forms, for so long have we neglected our Magical animal forms, that it was next to impossible to control our transformations after the first transformation.

The first time we transformed, was right after going through the Trance, the Ritual succeeding. First came the Magical form, while thankfully keeping our minds, and then, the Magical form shifted into our mundane forms.

After that, we could shift into our normal forms with some effort, by just focusing on the animal. But, no matter how hard we tried to focus, we couldn't get our bodies to go from human, or mundane animal, to magical animal.

It was as if the Magical animals had deemed us unworthy of their forms, deemed our Magic unworthy.

I haven't had much time to practice with the Kasha form, thanks to the War, but I doubt even the girls have succeeded in completely controlling them.

It took a lot of Meditation, going through the Trance again and again, meeting with the Kasha, getting to study it, for me to succeed even learning to transform. And I still need to transform a few times, to not leave anything behind.

Rowena says, "I really hope you take care of this Ministry, and the Unspeakables. They have stunted the growth of the Wizards, for what purpose, I don't know.

Chuckling, I say, "I know. As soon as Grindelwald is done with, I'll begin taking care of the Department of Mysteries. Now, I promised to tell you about my new Telekinesis."

Closing my eyes, I bring my memories of Nathaniel Essex, and some of his memories of experimentation to the front of my mind, and then outside the Barriers protecting my mind. Waving my hand, I say, "Here it is."

Rowena takes the cue, and enters my mind, stopping right outside the barrier. As she sees me talk with Essex, and copy his memories, and then copy his Mutation, she asks, "Do you have a plan to deal with him?"

Raising an eyebrow, I ask, "Who do you think I am? Of course I have a plan for dealing with him. But I can't fight too many Wars at once. I need to take down one enemy at a time. Starting with Grindelwald."

Boy, I'm going to have some busy years agead, am I not? I'll definitely squeeze in a few holidays in between.

Saying goodbye, I leave the Astral Plane, and open my eyes, back in Aves Manor. Taking the Diadem off, I get up, my butt sore, thanks to having sat there for a a few hours at least. As my body starts healing back up, I go towards the kitchen, to fix myself some dinner. And then, I go to sleep.


The next day, I stand in the streets of London, some of the buildings destroyed thanks to the Air raids that had been carried out a couple weeks ago. One building, despite being seemingly abandoned, was completely fine though.

St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.

I smile, looking at the lifeless statues staring at me, waiting for me to declare my business here.

I hadn't been here since I had finished my training, which was 7 years ago now. I'd met Master Potter, sure, most recently when I'd gone there to deliver Charlus's body, but I hadn't actually been to St Mungo's.

So much had happened after I was declared an official Healer. I began learning Medical sciences, got drafted right before my last year began, went to War, and now I'm here. 

And so much has happened to me in War itself, I went through my first Body Enhancement Ritual, got the Healing mutation, got captured, killed so many people, tortured my fair share of people too, and most recently, fought a Demon. 

And the public already knows about all of that.

There were already articles, wondering if Grindelwald was right, and that we should go to War with the muggles while they're vulnerable from this already ongoing conflict. It didn't matter to many people that Grindelwald was the one to break our law, to give the muggles the Ritual to summon that Demon.

For them, it's like this. Grindelwald gave them an opportunity to break our laws, but the muggles broke those laws by their own hands. They chose to do it, and so, they're at fault.

Sighing, I ignore the thoughts of the Wizards and muggles fighting, knowing that the politicians will never agree to a War, and walk forward, showing my Healer's ID to the Statue.

The statue nods, and I feel the wall become intangible, welcoming me inside. Taking a deep breath, I fix my Healer's ID on my chest, and walk through the Wall, and immediately stop as soon as I'm inside.

The reason, an alarm was blaring all over the Hospital, but surprisingly enough, none of the Healer's were rushing to go anywhere. They just kept staring at me, some with scowls, and some with sympathetic frowns.

"What?" I ask, getting annoyed by all the stares.

"Oh, Mason." I hear Aunt Mia whisper, as she comes in the Entrance hall, looking really sad.

Oh. Oh!


Sighing, I drop down on the ground, not minding the audience now, and look at Aunt Mia, defeated. I ask, "So.. it's over for me, hm?"

Aunt Mia walks forward, nodding, and says, "Come on, let's talk in my office. We can discuss more there."

"What's there to discuss? I broke the bloody oath." I whisper, while getting up.

Even with choosing the most loose oath, even when giving myself many loopholes, I still somehow broke the Oath! I broke the bloody Guardian's Oath. And I know which moments it could be.

Morfin's torture is the best guess, which was just my anger taking over and justifying my actions to my own conscience. Or Tom Riddle's murder. Heck, it could also be NOT killing Tom Riddle when we first fought, since my inaction led to 5 deaths, one Myrtle Warren, and 4 of the muggle Riddles.

First I lose Tim, then I get pulled back from War after having saved the entire World from a Demon, and now I can't even work at the one profession I've trained 6 years for?

Putting her hand on my chin, Aunt Mia pulls my head up to look into my eyes, and says, "You broke a Healer's Oath, Mason. As.. understanding I am of your circumstances, which you really need to explain to me, that is a breach of the contract you signed with St Mungo's. We need to discuss your penalties."

I sigh, and follow after her, as she leads me to her office. All the while, I get stared at by all the Healers we meet in the way, or the patients. Some Healers were understanding, looking at me with sympathy, pity, while others, they condemned me immediately, glaring at me.

Thankfully, no one said anything, thanks to Aunt Mia being with me.

As soon as we reach her office, she asks, "What did you do?"

Her voice was soft, telling me that she isn't blaming me entirely, and is open to explanations. However, right now, she's talking as my Aunt Mia, and not the Head Healer Potter.

Shaking my head, I say, "I have no idea." As she opens her mouth, no doubt to ask once again, a bit more forcefully, I say, "I'm not denying breaking the Oath, Aunt Mia. I've done lots of stuff I'm not proud of over this War. I've killed a lot of people, many of whom were just like me, soldiers forced to follow orders, which makes them not exactly justified. I've tortured a few people, mentally, because I needed some information during my infiltration mission. I've also refused to kill a young boy, who went on to kill at least 5 more people, out of sheer spite. So I'm sure when I say, I don't know which of these is the one that broke my Guardian's Oath."

Aunt Mia presses her lips together, as she stares at me. For a minute, none of us say anything. I keep cursing this really bad month I'm going through, in my mind, while Aunt Mia just stares at me.

Finally, she says, "Mason.. I.. I know, that you've trained a lot to become a Healer, and whatever happened, whatever broke your Oath, is not something you did purposefully. But.. I cannot let this go unpunished." She then has an entirely different emotion on her face, and I straighten up, realising that this is Head Healer Potter talking now.

She points her Wand at my hands, and says, "Captain Mason Aves, from here on forward, you are no longer Healer Mason Aves. You will be barred from working in any Medical profession, neither in the Magical world, nor the Muggle one. You can continue using Medical spells, but if anyone asks you to heal them, you're obligated to tell them, that you broke the Hippocratic Oath, before offering them your voluntary services. And you won't ever take any payment for the medical Services you might give in the future."

I nod, internally sighing in relief, as her order binds my magic to the penalties. I'm just glad that I'm not barred from using Healing spells, forever. 

I stay silent, just staring at my hands, where I could faintly make out the Binding spell. I whisper, "Do you hate me?"

Aunt Mia, who was just staring at me in concern, sighs, and leans her back on her chair. She says, "Mason, I had high hopes for you, for your Healing career. I'm not going to lie, I'm a bit disappointed. But, you're still my student, Mason. My former Apprentice. I still like you the same, and I know Fleamont does too."

I nod, and get up, my business here done. Keeping my Healer's ID down on her table, I say, "Guess I won't need that anymore." Pausing, I say, "You know, I was serious, when I said I wanted to be a Healer since I was a kid. Guess not all my dreams come true."

And with that, I walk out, ignoring the looks the Healers gave me. 

I might not be able to become a Healer anymore, or a doctor. But, I can do a lot more stuff. Enchanting, Artefact creation, heck, I can make a career out of Warding or even Metal Working.

Guess I need to spend my days elsewhere, until Grindelwald's next move is made. He's hiding, biding his time. And when he shows himself, I'll be there to confront him and his army.

I might even get to take some of my anger out.


A/N: This chapter was just to show the consequences of the last Chapter, his torture of Morfin, and finally, the Animagus Ritual. How are the forms?

Now, lets clear something up. Mason is arrogant as hell, I've shown it a lot of times before. The Hidden knowledge he had access to got to his head, which is why he was always so confident about defeating Grindelwald if the time comes. He believed that he is the only one that is a Smart Wizard, because he's learning from a very young age.

So, whenever something happens that he didn't expect, he panics, breaks down. Like this Oath. He thought that the loopholes the Oath gave him were enough to do a lot of questionable crimes. And so, he went through with them.

And now that the Oath proved him wrong, he's breaking down.

He will be cured of this, but it'll take time for him to realise that he's just as arrogant as the other Wizards.

PS: This breakdown wasn't just because his Healer's Oath breaking, it is a culmination of everything that has happened to him recently. Tim's death, Bucky's death due to his own inaction, killing a 17 year old child(although said child is a murderer), indirectly causing Myrtle's death, losing to Grindelwald again, etc. He's going through some stuff.

Thank you for your support! Tata!

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