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63.54% Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel. / Chapter 61: Machine Man 59 POLICE MILITECH ROBOTS

Kapitel 61: Machine Man 59 POLICE MILITECH ROBOTS

The sun beat down on the bustling streets of New York City, casting long shadows across the pavement as Commissioner George Stacy made his way to the front of the crowd gathered in front of the One Police Plaza, the headquarters of the NYPD.

Dressed in his crisp uniform, adorned by multiple medals of his accomplishment, he exuded an air of authority as he stepped up to the podium, his gaze sweeping over the sea of faces before him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us today," he began, his voice carrying over the murmurs of the crowd. "As Commissioner of the New York City Police Department, it is my honor to stand before you and introduce a groundbreaking initiative that will revolutionize law enforcement in our city."

The crowd hushed, their attention captured by Stacy's commanding presence as he gestured to the man standing beside him, none other than Mr. Alex Arasaka.

"And joining me here today is Mr. Alex Arasaka," Stacy continued, his tone filled with admiration. "Mr. Arasaka has generously offered to donate a cutting-edge technology that will enhance our ability to protect and serve the people of New York."

A ripple of anticipation ran through the crowd as they turned their attention to Arasaka, the CEO of Arasaka Industries, known for his innovative contributions to the world of technology.

Arasaka stepped forward, his expression solemn yet determined. "Thank you, Commissioner Stacy, for the introduction," he said, his voice projecting clearly through the gathered crowd. "It is my privilege to be here today and to contribute to the safety and security of this great city."

Alex Arasaka showed impeccable charm and authority as he stands before the crowd gathered in front of the New York Police Headquarters. Flanked by a row of sleek, blue and gun-grey robots, each one adorned with the emblem of the NYPD. He began his presentation with a confident tone.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed members of the press, and honored guests," Alex began, his voice projecting clearly over the assembly. "Today, I am here to introduce the latest product of my subsidiary company, Militech."

As he gestured towards the line of formidable machines, Alex explained their capabilities with precision and clarity. "These are called Militech Robots Mark. 2, they are not just weapons, they are the future and protectors of this city and country," he continued. "They have great judgement protocols and capabilities, akin to super soldiers in their abilities. They are equipped with state-of-the-art weaponry designed to apprehend assailants without causing critical harm."

The crowd murmured in awe as Alex elaborated on the robots' features. Their durable construction, tireless endurance, and unwavering accuracy in assessing threats promised a new era of safety and security for the city.

However, amidst the buzz of excitement, a voice of skepticism emerged from the crowd. April O'Neil, a prominent reporter known for her probing questions, raised her concerns. "Won't this technology replace jobs within the police force rather than supplement them?" she queried, her voice cutting through the air.

Alex met her gaze with a confident smile, ready to address her concerns. "On the contrary, Ms. O'Neil," he responded, his tone assured. "These robots are not meant to replace human officers but to enhance their capabilities. In situations where lives are at stake, such as bomb threats or terrorist attacks, these robots can provide invaluable support, allowing officers to focus on strategic decision-making and ensuring the safety of civilians."

He paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. "Take, for example, the notorious Hell's Kitchen," Alex continued, referencing the neighborhood known for its high crime rate. "It's a place where crime runs rampant, and the streets often resemble an urban battlefield. With the assistance of these robots, officers can mitigate risks and respond more effectively to threats, ultimately making our city safer for all."

As soon as Alex mentioned Hell's Kitchen, a sense of agreement and acknowledgment spread across the faces of the people gathered there. They understood the potential benefits of the Militech robots being donated to the police force.

Another reporter raised a question, "Mr. Arasaka, won't the robots be limited in their interactions when it comes to human emotion?"

Alex smiled calmly in response. "That's a valid concern. Which is why I emphasize that these robots are designed to supplement police officers rather than replace them, there will always be a police officer by their side. Additionally, the robots' movements and actions are being closely monitored by a competent team of police and IT personnel. This initiative not only enhances public safety but also creates additional job opportunities for the community."

April, her brow furrowed with curiosity. "I heard these robots are being used in the military as well. Can you tell us why you are willing to give them to the NYPD and have them for civilian use?"

Alex Arasaka, standing tall at the press conference, met her gaze evenly. "As you have seen, New York is a hubbub of vigilantism like Spider-man and Specter, then there's also deranged individuals who call themselves super villains. If I'm being honest, I do not want to entrust the protection of the people to those who hide behind a mask."

April's eyes widened slightly at the frankness of his response. "And you think these robots will do that?"

Alex nodded firmly. "Absolutely. These robots are programmed to adhere strictly to law enforcement protocols. They do not operate on emotion or personal vendettas. They are efficient, reliable, impartial guardians and most importantly they are authorized by the government." While Alex was internally thinking, well some of the government in my pocket.

Another reporter chimed in, "But what about the role of superheroes? Many citizens see them as protectors of the city."

Alex's expression tightened imperceptibly. "While some may see them that way, the truth is that superheroes operate outside the law. They answer to no one but themselves, if something were ever to happen will these so-called heroes let themselves be accountable? As you see allowing individuals that take the law into their own hands sets a dangerous precedent. It undermines the authority of the legal system and creates chaos."

April nodded thoughtfully, jotting down notes as Alex spoke. "So, you believe these robots will provide a more structured and reliable form of protection for the city?"

"I do not believe, I know they will." Alex affirmed. "With these robots patrolling the streets, we can ensure that justice is served swiftly and impartially, without the risk of personal biases or agendas getting in the way."

The reporters exchanged glances, processing Alex's bold stance on the matter. It was clear that he held strong convictions about the role of law enforcement in society, and his decision to deploy these robots reflected his unwavering commitment to order and security in New York City.

As Alex continue with the questions and detailed the robots' capabilities, the crowd listened intently, captivated by the promise of enhanced safety and security. The sleek Militech Robots stood stoically beside him, their metallic frames gleaming under the bright city lights.

But amidst the awe and admiration, a sudden movement among the robots caught the attention of the onlookers. Their heads swiveled in unison, their movements synchronized as if performing a routine scan. It was a subtle yet noticeable shift, and murmurs of confusion rippled through the crowd.

In the police IT department, a group of technicians and officers watched intently as the live feed from the robots' visual sensors appeared on their monitoring screens. They exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of what to make of the robots' behavior.

"What are they doing?" one technician asked, furrowing his brow in confusion.

"They look like a bunch of zombies," another remarked with a nervous chuckle, trying to mask his unease.

Amidst the speculation, one of the officers leaned closer to the screen, squinting to get a better view. "I think they're accessing criminal data," he suggested, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Sure enough, on the screens before them, the robots scrolled through numerous profiles at lightning speed, their HUDs displaying information in rapid succession. Most profiles flashed by without incident, deemed non-threatening by the robots' advanced algorithms.


But then, the robots halted abruptly, their attention fixated on a single person. The name "Thomas King" flashed in bold letters, accompanied by a warning sign indicating a threat. The officers exchanged alarmed glances as they observed the unfolding situation.



Name: Thomas King

Case No. F 3556 7812

Age 56 |H 5'11"

W 176 LBS

160 Broadway, New York, NY 10038, United States

As the robots identified the individual, the crowd grew tense, sensing that something was amiss. The name "Thomas King" seemed to hang in the air like a foreboding omen, casting a shadow over the otherwise celebratory atmosphere. "Detecting abnormalities." They said in chorus.

"Thomas King, you are under arrest, you have 10 seconds to comply" the robots announced in unison, their voices resonating with authority.

Suddenly, the tension reached its peak as Thomas King himself run from the crowd, his expression a mixture of surprise and fear. He attempted to flee, but before he could make his escape, the Militech Robots sprang into action with mechanical precision.

In a swift and coordinated maneuver, the robots intercepted Thomas King, their movements fluid and calculated as they encircle him, closing off any escape path.

The crowd gasped in astonishment as the robots surrounded the suspect, their imposing figures casting an intimidating presence. Even the unsuspecting police who are standing infront of the makeshift barricade were shock that a criminal was just a few steps away from them.

Caught off guard, Thomas King's attempts to resist were futile as the robots subdued him with ease. The crowd erupted into a flurry of activity, bystanders scrambling to capture the dramatic scene unfolding before them.

News reporters jostled for position, their cameras trained on the spectacle as they captured every moment for posterity. The sound of shutter clicks and video recordings filled the air, documenting the pivotal moment in real-time.

Meanwhile, the police officers and technicians watched in astonishment from their monitoring screens, stunned by the robots' swift and decisive action. They can't believe that they have miss a criminal which was right infront of their eyes. It was a demonstration of their unparalleled efficiency and effectiveness in law enforcement, a testament to the advancements in technology that promised to revolutionize policing in the city.

As the commotion subsided and Thomas King was escorted away by the authorities, a sense of awe lingered in the air. The Militech Robots had proven their worth in the most dramatic fashion, leaving a lasting impression on all who witnessed their capabilities firsthand. And for the people of New York City, it was a glimpse into a future where safety and security were ensured by the tireless vigilance of machines.

A few hours after the incident the busy newsroom of Channel News 5 hummed with activity as workers operate the machines in the room, preparing to bring the latest developments to viewers across the city. Among them, April O'Neil stood poised and confident, ready to deliver her report to the eager audience.

"Welcome to Channel News 5, where the real news, comes first," April began, her voice crisp and mesmerizing as she addressed the camera. "Good Evening New York its 8:30 PM, I'm April O'Neil, and tonight, we have a groundbreaking story that will shake the foundations of American justice."

With practiced ease, April gestured to the screen behind her, where images of Thomas King, a notorious criminal, flashed across the screen. "Until today, Thomas King was a convicted felon wanted for rape, arson, and murder," she stated solemnly, her tone reflecting the gravity of the situation. "This man has torn apart American families, on the loose for six years."

The images shifted to show Thomas King standing among unsuspecting civilians, a picture taken just steps away from the imposing facade of the NYPD headquarters. "And where was this criminal mastermind hiding?" April questioned, her voice tinged with disbelief. "Right in front of the police headquarters."

The revelation sent shockwaves through the people at home who are watching the news, and April seized the moment to drive home the significance of the story. "Here he is, just steps away from two of New York's finest Police," she continued, her words punctuated by the dramatic images displayed on the screen. "These two officers are completely unaware of the monster in their midst."

As tension mounted, April shifted gears, her demeanor turning resolute as she prepared to unveil the pivotal moment that would change the course of the narrative. "And then, in 30 seconds... I repeat, just 30 seconds," she declared, her voice ringing with anticipation. "Militech Robots, robots made by Alex Arasaka, brought him down."

With a deft flick of her hand, April signaled for the video to play, and the scene shifted to footage of the Militech Robots in action. The robots moved with precision and purpose, surrounding Thomas King and subduing him with a swift and efficient maneuver. The voice of the robots echoed through the air, their message of justice resounding in the crowded newsroom.

"If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you," the robotic voice intoned, a stark reminder of the rights afforded to all individuals, even in the face of criminality.

As the video concluded, April returned to center stage, her eyes shining with a mix of admiration and awe. "This, my friends, is the future of American justice," she proclaimed, her voice ringing with conviction. "With Militech Robots leading the charge, criminals will no longer evade the long arm of the law. And for the people of New York City, that means a safer, more secure future."

As the broadcast came to an end, applause erupted in the newsroom, a testament to the impact of April's reporting. For in that moment, she had not only informed the public but had also sparked a conversation about the role of technology in shaping the future of law enforcement. And as the city slept, Channel News 5 remained vigilant, ready to bring the latest developments to its viewers with unwavering dedication and resolve.

Meanwhile in Daily Bugle.

Jonah Jameson sat behind his desk at the bustling offices of the Daily Bugle, his brow furrowed in concentration as he scanned through the latest news. His keen eyes caught sight of a particularly intriguing piece of news: "Arasaka Donates Militech Robots to NYPD, Captures Elusive Criminal."

"Get in here, people!" Jameson bellowed, his voice echoing through the newsroom. Reporters scurried to gather around him, eager to hear the latest assignment from their notoriously demanding editor-in-chief.

"We've got a big one, folks," Jameson announced, his tone brimming with excitement. "Arasaka's gone and done it again—they've donated Militech robots to the NYPD, and those mechanical marvels have already nabbed a criminal who's been giving our boys in blue the slip for six years, six long damning years!"

His staff erupted into a chorus of murmurs and exclamations, exchanging incredulous glances at the sheer magnitude of the news.

"I want every detail on this," Jameson commanded, his voice ringing with authority. "I want quotes from the mayor, from the police commissioner, and from the genius himself, Alex Arasaka. And I want it all on the front page!"

"We need pictures and we need them yesterday!" Jameson continued, his tone urgent. "I want every detail about these robots, their capabilities, their deployment—everything! And I want it on the front page!"

His staff sprang into action, buzzing with excitement as they began to gather information and reach out to sources. Although it was the middle of the night, their office is still wide awake and ready to deliver the news.

"We're going to show the people of this city what real heroism looks like," Jameson declared, his voice rising with passion. "And we're going to make sure they know that Arasaka's the one making it happen." He praised Arasaka, thinking there are like-minded minds who do not like vigilantes, he especially love the part where Alex Arasaka denounced Spider-Man and Specter, making them look like criminals.

As he typed furiously on his computer, Jameson couldn't help but admire Alex Arasaka's philanthropism. "This is what a real hero looks like," he muttered to himself, his fingers flying across the keyboard. "Arasaka's doing more for this city than all those masked vigilantes combined."

His thoughts turned to Specter and Spiderman, the notorious vigilante who had long eluded the grasp of law enforcement. "Well, well, well," he mused aloud. "Looks like their days of running amok are numbered. With these Militech robots patrolling the streets, they won't stand a chance."

Just then, an intern timidly approached his desk. "What about Nightbird, sir?" they asked. "Shouldn't we add her name to the list as well?"

Jameson's brow furrowed at the mention of Nightbird. "Why would we do that?" he snapped. "Do you want the feminists to come after us? Even Arasaka didn't mention her!"

The veteran reporters nodded in agreement, they really don't want to step on those toes, they are already mentally drafting their articles and planning their interviews.

"And let's not forget to give credit where credit's due," Jameson continued, a sly grin spreading across his face. "We'll make sure to heap praise on Arasaka for his generous donation and his unwavering commitment to keeping our city safe. Maybe throw in a few jabs at Specter and Spider-Man while we're at it. Now that the NYPD's got Militech robots on their side, those masked vigilantes won't stand a chance!"

His staff chuckled at the thought, eagerly anticipating the scathing headlines that would soon grace the pages of the Daily Bugle.

As the newsroom buzzed with activity, Jameson's mind raced with possibilities. This was more than just a story—it was a chance to shape public opinion, to rally the citizens of New York City behind a cause, and to cement the Daily Bugle's reputation as the foremost authority on all things newsworthy.

Meanwhile at twitter.

Official Militech (@Militech) & Official Arasak (@Arasak)

BREAKING: Militech Robots Mk2 capture wanted criminal Thomas King outside NYPD HQ. Watch the incredible footage now!

Title: Militech's Daytime Capture

New York City, just outside the NYPD Headquarters, a remarkable scene unfolds. On a bright, sunny day, a crowd gathers without knowing that a wanted criminal, Thomas King, stands among them.

Suddenly, the Militech Robots arrive, their blue and gunmetal gray frames cutting through the crowd. With precision and speed, they close in on King, surrounding.

In a commanding voice, the robots declare King's arrest. Despite his attempts to escape, he is quickly subdued by their superior strength in just thirty seconds.

The crowd cheers as the criminal is apprehended, witnessing firsthand the power of Militech's innovative technology in law enforcement.


Wow, those Militech Robots are impressive! They made quick work of that criminal. #FutureOfLawEnforcement #Militech


"Are those Militech Robots the Mark 2 version? What happened to Mark 1? #Militech #Robotics #Tech"



"I'm guessing Mark 1 was the prototype, and Mark 2 is the perfected version. Typical evolution in technology. #Militech #Innovation"



So the police didn't even know there was a criminal right in front of them? Thank goodness for the Militech Robots. #NYPDFail #Militech


Alex Arasaka never disappoints. The technology behind those Militech Robots is next level. #ArasakaIndustries #Militech


Did you know that the same Militech Robots guards Arasaka Tower and their factories? It's like having an army on standby. #SecurityUpgrade #Militech


The Militech factory looks more like a military installation than a corporate facility. What else are they hiding? #TechSecrets #Militech


While the Militech Robots are impressive, we can't rely on them to replace human officers. There's still a need for human judgment and empathy in law enforcement. #HumanTouch #Militech


Concerned about privacy implications with Militech Robots collecting data on civilians. Who's in control of that information? #PrivacyConcerns #Militech

As the video concluded and the same video is posted on other social media websites like Friendster, Youtube spreading the efficiency of the robots, other online websites, are buzzed as well with reactions, there was a sense of awe and excitement as people watch and comment on the video.

Many expressed admiration for the advanced technology showcased by Militech, foreseeing a future where such robotics could revolutionize law enforcement and security measures worldwide and even help in other field of work as well.

While others, voiced concerns about potential misuse or loss of human jobs, but overall, the prevailing sentiment was one of hope and anticipation for the possibilities that lay ahead.

With each passing moment, it became increasingly clear that the Militech Robots had a positive impact specially with its accomplishment of capturing a criminal who was in hiding for 6 years.



Hey guys, so vaca tomorrow, not sure if I'll be able to post consecutively, so I'll post one now.

Also I know some of you're concern about the savage land taking to long. So as a compromise I might post the whole chapter in one go. Might so not sure yet, and as always thanks for supporting this half arse fanfic. Cheers!~

next chapter
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