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72.72% Marvel's Brightburn / Chapter 8: Battle of New York 2 & Shawarma

Kapitel 8: Battle of New York 2 & Shawarma

Brandon hit a Chitauri who had tried to stab him. Their weapon did in fact hit him, but it simply didn't pierce him. The Chitauri that was hit was sent flying into a wall like a ragdoll. Brandon was currently in Grand Central Station along with Thor. He and Thor were fighting a host of Chitauri who were heading after civilians running away. Thor threw Mjölnir at several Chitauri, then called it back and moved out of the way as it hit one Chitauri behind him. Brandon sent a back hand into another Chitauri's side, sending them flying before firing an optic blast at the few remaining left.

"So, what was it like?" Thor questioned, getting a confused look from Brandon. The caped male looked over at Thor before catching a Chitauri soldier who pounced at him. Brandon held the Chitauri by the throat, then choke slammed it into the floor. He then stomped his boot heel through their chest, ending their life.

"How was what?" Brandon inquired, getting a smile from Thor who smacked Mjölnir into one remaining Chitauri who tried to run.

"I am referring to when you battled the Hulk, I have only heard of his strength knowing bo equal! So what was it like fighting him?"

Brandon thought about that question for a moment before smirking at Thor. "Well, it was thrilling." He vaguely said, getting a somewhat pouting look from Thor.

"That is all you have to say?" Thor asked, causing Brandon shrug as his feet left the ground slowly.

"Hey, you gotta fight him to understand."

With those words leaving his lips, Brandon ascended upwards and out of Grand Central Station. As he flew out, he noticed Natasha jumping up and onto one of the Chitauri fighters. He raised a brow then began to fly after her, as soon as he was about to catch up to her. One of the Chitauri plasma beams hit him, causing him to stop to see who just shot him. When he turned, he saw a grinning Loki staring back at him as he charged at Brandon with a swarm of Chitauri fighters.

Brandon narrowed his scarlet eyes at Loki, waiting for the God of Mischief to come to him. He didn't exactly hate Loki, that said he was starting to get annoyed by him. Right as Loki and his swarm neared Brandon, they opened fire upon him. Though Brandon did not stand there to tank the shots, he instead sped forth, moving faster than the Chitauri could attack him. Then with an outstretched hand, he grabbed Loki by the throat and hoisted him out of his flying vessel. The God of Mischief had his eyes widened with surprise. He gazed into the bloodthirsty eyes of Brandon before being flung right at the Stark Tower. His body spiraling around like a ragdoll before punching through many floors and landing right in Stark's personal bar. Brandon soared in, coming to a gentle stop. He watched as Loki rose to his feet.

"You know when you said that you were a god, I had to wonder why would a god ask for mortals to help.", Brandon mocked, "Then when I met your brother, I started to realize that you weren't a god. You're the mistake, the leftovers from a god who took pity on you."

Those words got a snarl out of Loki, and just as he was about to draw his daggers. A repeat of what happened when they first met emerged. Brandon sped forward and hit Loki with a punch to his chest. The blow sent Loki backwards and into the wall behind him. Brandon wasn't finished though as he sped forwards once again, grabbed Loki by his face, then pulled him towards the bar. He cracked Loki's face against the counter. Then he pushed Loki through the entirety of the counter and flung him into the elevator doors. Not long after, Brandon grabbed Loki by his leg and began to smack his body from left and right repeatedly as if he weighed nothing.

Brandon threw Loki once again, and made his body skid across Stark's platform for how he lands with his armor. The God of Mischief lay there unmoving, but he was still living. A whimper left Loki, a stuttering one but a whimper all the same.

Brandon stalked forward, his footsteps slow and menacing signifying as he closed in on Loki. With a push, he rolled Loki over and saw his handiwork. Loki was bruised up and bloody to the point it looked like someone ran him through with a jet. The God of Mischief couldn't even see clearly, all he saw was a black smudge with crimson red eyes. "Mercy..." He slowly uttered, though that only got Brandon to giving him a sadistic smile.

"Sure..." Brandon said in a dark and menacing voice before reaching over and grabbing Loki by the cuff of his armor. He then pulled Loki up as he pulled back a fist aiming to shove it through his chest. That was when he heard something far off in the distance approaching. He gazed up and used his enhanced sight to see a lone missile steadily approaching the city. His eyes narrowed on it, realizing that a missile like that meant one thing.

"Nuke..." Brandon uttered then looked down at the decrepit form of Loki. For a singular moment, he considered just killing Loki. Just ripping his head off and tossing it over the building. What stopped him was that he didn't want Thor to think less of him for it. The God of Mischief was still Thor's brother, and despite all that Loki has done...Brandon has done far worse.

"Saved by the bell." He assured, then sent his fist into Loki's face, indenting the God of Mischief into the platform.

Loki was out cold and defeated. Broken from the brutality that Brandon delivered him. Brandon rose to his feet then began to soar forward directly at the nuke heading towards the city. He flew faster than he ever had, pushing himself past a limit that his body had been at to stop the nuke. He thought about where he would take it, then realized that the Chitauri were coming out of the hole in the sky. With a destination in mind a few thoughts entered. Though a single question overshadowed those thoughts. Could he actually survive in space? With no time to answer that, he found himself quickly approaching the missile. With a determined glare, he grabbed a hold of the belly of the missile. Then began directing it to the hole in the sky. Unsure if he would survive this endeavor or not.

'What will you do if you die?' Came Tori's haunting voice.

"If I die, at least I won't have to hear you speak to me again." Brandon replied.

'How rude, I am your mother!'

"My mother died the same day I stopped being your leave me alone."


Thor bashed Mjölnir down into another Chitauri warrior then helped Steve up. The man had a flesh wound but still able to fight. "I can close it, can anybody hear me?", Natasha reported through the comms, "I can close it!"

Steve immediately responded, putting a hand to his earpiece. "Do it!" Steve ordered, then heard Tony respond.

"No, wait!" He shouted, causing Steve's face to contort with confusion.

"Stark these things aren't stopping."

"We got a nuke on the way, I was going to intercept it but someone had to beat me to it!"

Steve looked upwards to see Brandon fly past with the nuke atop him. He put his hand down from his ear, watching Brandon go as he panted. "Godspeed Breyer..." He commented. A look of recognition and pride as well as worry came over his face.

Thor seeing this immediately winded up Mjölnir. He was getting ready to help his friend. What made him pause for a moment was that Brandon sped up. It was as if he sensed that Thor was about to interfere. The God of Thunder immediately took off into the air, soaring after Brandon. The caped male was leaving the Thor in the dust. "Brandon!", Thor called but recieved no answer, "You cannot do this alone!"

At those words did he see the scarlet irises of Brandon gaze back at him. He said something with a small smile, before pushing the missile upwards towards the hole in the sky. What Brandon said made Thor stop in the air, watching his new friend leave. Brandon's words were so simple but meaningful, those words were "Watch Me".


Brandon saw several Chitauri heading his way, with gritting teeth he fired optic blasts at them. The beam cutting them in half or just melting right through them. He drew near the hole in the sky until eventually, he passed through. For a moment there was silence, then Brandon noticed that the vacuum of space wasn't having an effect on him. Before he could marvel at this new aspect of himself, his eyes landed on the massive Chitauri warship ahead. With some effort on his part, he shoved the nuclear missile forward, heading straight for the Chitauri mothership.

Out of the corner of his eye, swarms of Chitauri came at him. His scarlet irises unleashed sustained optic blasts at the Chitauri, skewering, bisecting, and even vaporizing entire groups. He continued to do this until a stray Leviathan came at him from behind. It brought it's mouth down, intending to swallow Brandon. Instead he put his hands up and halted it's mouth from chomping down on him.

Brandon grunted, then moved his head up, and fired an optic blast into the Leviathan's head. That was when he was hit by thousands plasma beams. For the possible third time within a few days, he was starting to feel pain. It wasn't as bad as when he fought Thor or the Hulk, but it was enough to make him feel it. That was when they were suddenly silenced. He looked to see why that was, and saw that the nuke had finally gone off. With a smirk, he turned and flew back towards the hole in space. His smirk stayed plastered on his face as he sped up towards the entryway back to Earth. When he exited back to Earth, the hole began to close. His body instantly began to relax once he took in a breath of fresh air. He levitated in the middle of the air, then glanced over and saw Thor beaming up at him. Then he noticed Hulk giving him a smug look also. Not long after he sent both of them a wave, then suddenly turned and flew off and away.

Brandon's job was done, he helped stop Loki and surprisingly not kill him. Made sure that Earth didn't get dominated by another alien species. As well as got the chance to stretch out his powers once again. A job well done on his part, so for now he was heading to retrieve Cade and return home. Despite how terrible his suit looked as well as how sore and tired he was, he didn't slow down. He sped right over towards the Helicarrier, into the hanger bay after going around the nose of the ship, and spotted an awaiting Cade. The dog sat patiently near a crate while wagging his tail upon seeing Brandon arrive.

The moment that the german shepard noticed him, Cade barked happily and ran over to Brandon. "Hey bud", Brandon greeted and caught his dog once he jumped at him, "I just saved the world and got thanked for it...who woulda guess that happening?"

Cade licked at Brandon's face as he held him, then with a turn he began to float and leave from the Helicarrier. He could hear Fury running and trying to get his attention. Brandon didn't care, the man did not matter to him. He did his job and wanted to be alone, then again he didn't get to say goodbye to Thor, Hulk, or anyone. He felt that it was better this way. They knew the truth about him now, so it would be better to keep his distance like he always had. Fade back into the shadows, waiting for when Earth needed him once again.


Thor watched as Brandon soared away, his gaze remaining on him until Tony came to his side in the air. "I was gonna ask if he wanted to try Shawarma.", Tony commented, "You think he would have said yes?"

Thor glanced over at Stark, noticing the damages to his armor and lack of a helmet. With a smile, he slowly nodded before facing forward. "If food was involved I believe that he would have accepted..." Thor replied, then turned towards Stark Tower.

"Alright, let's go get Loki."

Tony and Thor descended downwards, and found the downed and decript of Loki on the platform. Once their boot heels landed on the platform, the both of them grimaced at how he looked. Not even Thor would have beaten his brother that badly. "Imma go get Cap and the Barton." Tony said, before soaring off leaving Thor there to watch over Loki.

The God of Thunder already knew who Loki must have encountered. He had originally assumed that it was the Hulk, but after having seen how devastating his brother's injuries were, that thought was thrown out the window. Thor knew that Brandon hardly held back in a fight, he was on the receiving end of the man's might. That said, he pitied Loki for having to run into Brandon of all people. That man didn't know the word "handicap" or "mercy" in a fight. Then again, he noticed that Brandon didn't show any true skill. It was more as if he relied on his powers rather than any form of martial arts.

As he thought this he felt a thud behind him, and when he turned to look, it was the green goliath himself. Hulk grunted as a greeting to Thor, and he gave the green giant a smirk. Next was Natasha, then Stark returning with Clint and Steve in tow. Together, the group looked at each other, then looked at Loki.

Once again, those who hadn't seen him yet grimaced and winced except Hulk. "Damn, whoever got him, got him good." Clint commented, getting a nod from Natasha.

"Is he still alive?" Steve questioned, to which Thor kicked Loki's leg and heard him groan.

"He lives." Thor answered then looked to the others.

"Well I'd like to say that I'm glad that we didn't piss off Kiteman", Tony quipped before looking to everyone else, "Anyone else want Shawarma? I heard it was good. It's around downtown so it isn't that far from us."

Another groan was heard from loki as he slowly came to. His eyes opened, revealing the emerald irises that he was known for having. "Oh look at that, sleeping beauty's waking up."

The rest of the Avengers watched Loki slowly look up at them. For moment he remained silent, then slowly spoke with a croaking tone. "I-if it is all the same to you.." Loki stuttered with a broken tone, "I would like that drink now.."

{One Week Later}

Brandon sat in his living room, back in his cabin alone with Cade laying his head on Brandon's lap. The peace and quiet that he so adored was back, yet something gnawed at him at the back of his mind. He couldn't understand it, but he felt that he wanted to see the others again. Especially Thor, the man was a fresh face whom he actually remembered. Then there was Bruce who he didn't think much of. Natasha, a woman who he didn't trust even with his life. Steve who was surprisingly tolerable, and the other guy with the bow. Brandon still thought about how a man goes into battle with just a bow and arrow then makes a difference. The thought brought a smile to his face until he heard the distinct sounds of something flying overhead. He looked up to find Tony Stark in a new suit of armor coming down for a landing.

Brandon frowned, not sure why the richest man in the world was here. With a sigh he gently moved from his place on the couch then headed to the front door. As he reached it, he heard another sound. It was a vehicle approaching, one that sounded like a motorcycle. With his x-ray vision he saw Steve and Natasha arriving on a motorcycle as well. The female spy holding onto Steve's back as he came to a stop near the cabin. Brandon gave them a stern look before opening his door and staring at them. Tony came out of his suit and had a smile on his face. "Fury said to call you but apparently you don't have a phone." Tony commented, causing Brandon to grunt.

"Not my fault", Brandon replied before folding his arms over his chest, "So, what the hell are the 'Avengers' doing on my property? If you've come to arrest me you better have evidence and a warrant."

Steve responded this time, having a more charismatic and gentler tone. "We came to keep you company." Steve relayed, gaining a confused look from Brandon.

"Why?" He inquired, then saw Natasha step forward with a small smile.

"Because you're our friend." She answered, causing Brandon to blink twice then let that word sink in with him.

'Friend...' He thought, looking over the three of them before clearing his throat.

"I don't have enough to feed you guys, I'm a terrible host." Brandon excused, that was when a honk was heard, getting everyone's attention. A white van was pulling up down the road, and driving it was none other than Bruce Banner and the bow and arrow guy. Brandon still couldn't remember his name, despite seeing him again. When the van came to a halt besides Steve's motorcycle, Bruce stepped out and gave an awkward wave at Brandon.

"Hey, you doing alright?" He asked, sounding a bit nervous.

Brandon shrugged before responding to his estranged acquaintance. "Was doing good before you lot showed up." Brandon commented before using his x-ray vision to peek inside the van.

There was a grill, frozen meat, and some vegetables. With a risen brow, he heard a boom overhead, and beside the group came down a rainbow like beam of light. Once the beam was gone, Thor in his own armor walked forward with a beaming smile. "Friends, allies!", Thor greeted, "Let us have this Shawarma!"

Tony visibly cringed before finding a mocking smile pointed at him from Brandon. "So you guys came all the way here just to eat and talk." Brandon questioned, relaxing a bit after seeing Thor being here as well.

"Well yeah, after hearing that you've been alone for more than a decade we thought you could use the company." Natasha responded, getting Brandon to feel a little uncomfortable. They were here because of him, they were here to be with him.

Everyone watched Brandon expectantly, waiting for what he was going to say next. That was when a happy bark was heard from Cade, getting Brandon to look down at his dog staring back up at him. Brandon stared at his dog for a bit, then felt a smile come to his lips. "Alright, I'll play host", Brandon relented, "I'm still cooking though."

With that said, everyone began to organize a small party. Brandon setting up the grill and prepping to cook, Thor and Steve sharing war stories as the two waited, Bruce trying to pet Cade who kept growling at him, and Natasha watching Brandon with an unreadable expression. "Nat?" Clint called, coming to her side and handing her a drink. Natasha took it and let out a sigh before taking a sip of her drink.

"You ever get the feeling that someone's playing hard to get?" She asked, causing Clint to stare at her for a moment then look at Brandon and back to her.

Realization dawned on his face at what Natashaay be implicating. "No, seriously?" Clint questioned, unsure if what she meant was true.

Natasha shrugged then took another sip before getting a phone call. She took her phone out and saw that it was Fury calling. With a frown, she answered then gained a serious expression. "Romanoff." She answered, and got a gruff voice from Fury on the other side of the phone. "I need to speak to Breyer, it's urgent." He stated vaguely, with a small frown she walked over to Brandon and handed him the phone.

"Someone wants to talk with you." She said, getting a raised brow from Brandon.

Brandon grabbed the phone then began to speak. "Who's this?" He asked, and heard Fury's voice respond.

"I've got something for you, something that may interest you." Fury reported, which got Brandon to roll his eyes.

"Listen I did the saving world thing. If you're calling to see if i want to do you personal favors then forget it."

That was when he felt Natasha's phone buzz. He moved the phone from his ear and saw that Fury sent a text to it. Curious, Brandon opened the text that Fury sent and felt his eyes widen upon seeing it. On the phone was a picture, said picture had an ancient marking that resembled the same drawings that he drew twelve years ago. His blood ran cold, heart thumping in his ears as he quickly put the phone back to his ear. "Where did you find that?" He demanded.

"Somewhere in the Indian Ocean, sent a team to excavate newly found ruins it was seen in....none of them returned", Fury responded, "You interested now?"


A woman with long black hair, pink skin, and piercing blue eyes stood within a bridge of some sort of vessel. She was dressed in some form of exposing armor. She had a sheathed blade at her back, golden pieces on her armor. A gold looking headpiece, and a determined look om her face. She stared off through the bridge's window, as if waiting for something to happen. "My lady", called a deep male voice that echoed onto the bridge, "I have located where he has landed. I will display the world for you now."

Almost instantly, a holographic image formed itself in fronr of her. She stared at it, watching as the lable for the name of the planeg appeared beside it.

"Terra..." She uttered with an emotionless tone.

The woman remained silent for a moment, before a estatic smile came to her lips. "Finally...set a course for this planet." She said, her voice holding elegance and hints of a Latin accent.

"Of course, my lady." The voice responded, allowing the silence to ensure once more. The woman held up a hand to the planet, then balled her fist up around before speaking once more.

"Soon, I will find you and return the same kindness that you have shown to me and my people...your head will be mine." She stated dryly as her expression turned into a scowl.

"I hope that you are prepared to meet your end...Targothan."

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