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30.3% Mama's Child Vol 1 (One Piece SI) - Completed! / Chapter 10: Chapter 15 & 16. Kaidou's Execution Part 1

Kapitel 10: Chapter 15 & 16. Kaidou's Execution Part 1

Chapter 15 & 16. Kaidou's Execution Part 1

Entering Totto Land is no easy feat. The air is static with the feeling of being watched, as if the very islands themselves have eyes. Every corner of this territory is under surveillance. But the real challenge begins before you even set foot on land. The first obstacle lies in the outposts known as Tartes.

These outposts, called Tartes, are battleships crafted to resemble confectionery tarts, their deceptively whimsical appearance belying their true nature. Stationed at or near the coasts of Totto Land's islands, these surveillance ships compose the majority of Big Mom's fleet. Any unauthorized ships sighted by them are immediately shot down.

Territorial sea slugs are scattered across the immediate sea, sending out warning signals to Den Den Mushi to warn visitors and alert the nearest Tarteship. When called upon, Tartes can leave their designated posts and join battles at the behest of the Big Mom Pirates. Several of them patrol the waters, ensuring that no intruder slips through unnoticed.

However, despite the heavy security, there remains a vulnerable point in Totto Land's defenses - the skies. While the waters are rigorously patrolled, the skies above are often left less guarded. It is through this aerial route that some intruders who possess the capability manage to enter the land.

Case in point, two such insurgents now soar nearly peacefully through the air, crossing into Big Mom's territory without permission. The wind carries them swiftly over the vigilant Tartes and the sea slugs, their presence undetected by the strong defenses below.

As they glide over the islands, the vast expanse of Totto Land unfolds beneath them, a patchwork of vibrant, beautiful, but battered landscapes. Aware that they have bypassed Totto's defenses, they remain casual and laid-back. But knowing what brings them into Totto Land, they tense and shake, but silently, neither willing to display a hint of fear to the other.

However, ironically, it's not Big Mom they are afraid of, the most.

A conversation breaks off as one of them, the one in the most comfortable position since he is being carried by the flying other, notices something on the surface. Adjusting his glasses in a quick and curious way to look clearly, he asks, with a sharp, curious tone, "What is that?"

The one carrying him, with his wings burning luminously at the back, doesn't respond. The first continues, though his huge body shifts slightly, much to the grunting of the one carrying him. "King, this is my star moment! You have to let me on that island that looks like it has a concert."

"Stay focused, Queen," King replies, his tone flat and serious.

Queen huffs but refuses to let it go. "Why the serious tone? Kaidou's ego won't be the happiest to see us anyway. We might as well be digging our graves, why not enjoy these last few moments? I can already hear my song - 'Zoom, Zoom, Zoom' - it'll be legendary as they shout my name!"

"Check-irrr-out!" Queen proceeds to shout out his name, himself. "Queen the Plague!! Everybody."

King, in his dark, form-fitting leather uniform that bares no skin, sneers beneath his full-faced leather mask with only two holes for his eyes. "Incompetent fool."

"Haters gotta hate," Queen chuckles, adjusting his glasses.

After a brief moment, King grunts, "He just had to get himself captured again. No doubt it was intentional. Tsk!"

"We don't know that for sure, but…" Queen's gaze shifts, taking in the sight of the devastated islands. "Totto Land looks barely touched. If he was still free, this place should be in ruins. Maybe he found something more interesting and decided to get caught."

"Nothing's more interesting than seizing control of the Big Mom Pirates," King's gaze sharpens ahead.

"Still, why are we here with most of our troops?" Queen shrugs, a sinister thought flickering in his mind as he notices the citizens below - his plague rounds would wreak havoc from their current vantage point.

"Kaidou may- will break free with or without our help," Queen adds, overriding his sceptical note with a vote of confidence.

"We are here to remind Kaidou what got him up from his throne to fly to Totto Land over a month ago," King replies firmly. "We're here to finish what he started, and what must be done."

Their voices lower as they approach an island of Totto Land... just as the plagues start.


I floated in a void of darkness, irritated by a booming noise in my head. Drums pounded relentlessly, each beat like a hammer striking an anvil, threatening to make me lose control. The sound grew louder and louder.

Gradually, I recognized the notes. They were familiar, painfully so. An image started to form: a huge drum being struck by colossal arms, each thud creating a strong, musical note. As mysterious light began to illuminate other features, I saw shapes emerging from the darkness. The outlines grew clearer, revealing a face. A huge face, emitting laughter that mingled with the musical notes. "Hahaaaahahah… Mamamamama…"

Panic surged through me. My heart raced, and my breaths came in short, frantic gasps. I found myself yelling, "Noooo!"

With a jolt, I woke up, terror gripping my chest. It had been a terrible dream, or rather, a terrible memory. Disoriented, I struggled to discern reality from lingering fear. Firm but gentle hands held me down to the bed as voices around me urged me to calm down.

"It's alright," one voice soothed. "You're safe."

"Call the doctor immediately," another voice jerked up.

"Try to calm down, young prince," another voice reassured me.

My eyes darted around the room, still wide with panic. The surroundings slowly came into focus as one of the infirmaries in the Chateau, and the faces of those holding me down registered as nurses.

As the confusion cleared, I overheard a little girl's voice, meek with terror. "What is happening to Big Bro?" Taking several deep breaths, trying to steady my racing heart and calm my frayed nerves, I recognized its owner.

"What was that song?" I asked, taking in everything else in the room.

I lay in bed, my body heavy and groggy as if I had just come from a rigorous session at the gym. My clothes were simple hospital garments, a loose-fitting shirt and pants, designed for comfort rather than style. The fabric was soft against my skin, but it did little to alleviate the discomfort of my situation.

Numerous tubes connected me to various machines, each tube flooded with colorful substances that pulsed with the rhythm of my own heartbeat. The sight of these tubes, intertwined and snaking around my limbs, added to the bizarre feeling of the moment. I could see the colors flowing through them - reds and yellows, all mixtures of vibrant colors - each one representing some vital function or medication.

Bandages covered much of my body, adding to the sense of vulnerability and confinement. They were wrapped tightly around my arms, legs, and torso, some stained with red or other fluid colors, hinting at the severity of my injuries.

My limbs felt heavy, almost numb, as if they were weighted down by invisible forces. The grogginess in my body was overwhelming, making it difficult to move or even think clearly. Now, my head throbbed with a dull ache.

Before anyone could answer me about the song I had heard, the doctor entered. Instantly recognizable, it was Doctor Mimasu - the doctor I had met in the infirmary while exploring the Chateau. It hadn't been our first encounter though; I had many run-ins with him when I was younger because he always seemed fascinated with my body's physiology. When he entered, he looked calm and excited.

"It's good to see you've woken up, Young Prince," Doctor Mimasu said with a smile. "Totto Land has never been more at peace, and they will be glad to hear their prince is recovering, which I must admit, is very fast considering the level of your damages."

"Damages?" I wondered. "What happened?"

He winced, with a face fault, as he thought more to himself. "Every single bone in his body was more than shattered; turned to a pulp, quite literally. I've tended to many of mama's children, but there are just not enough words to describe him. " Noticing us watching him, he recomposed himself and continued while going to the machines and started unplugging the tubes. "It's a scientific miracle really, that sugar can be used as medicine. I didn't know that until I met you. This will be one hell of a discovery that will awe even that genius, Vegapunk."

After he unplugged me fully, he asked, "I'm certain most of your body is okay, but I can't really tell if your pain is gone. How is this?" He pressed gently on my arm.

"Feels okay," I replied. "Just exhausted."

He tested another part. "And this?"

"Same," I answered.

Inspecting my mouth, he observed, "Even your broken teeth are all fixed. Good as new."

Finally, he said, "I'll remove your bandages now. You need to eat a lot of sugar while away from the infirmary and make sure you check in with me every now and then, not for medical examinations but for scientific reasons. If you're interested in knowing more about your body as much as I am, that is."

After a few seconds of me staring at the little girl in the room, wondering what exactly I had forgotten, Doctor Mimasu announced that all bandages were removed and that he'd leave me to rest for a while before giving me the okay to leave.

As he gestured for the girl to follow him out, he added, "Oh, and one more thing. Here is a copy of 'Mama's the Best' - Totto Land News newspaper. You're all it's been talking about for some time."

He gently handed me the newspaper, and I took it, looking a bit confused. Before letting everyone leave fully, I made a request, leveraging the situation a little bit. "Wait. Could Pudding at least stay to give me family support, seeing that she is the only family member around?"

"Please," I said, and after a moment of serious consideration, Doctor Mimasu succumbed to my pleading expression and gestured for Pudding to stay, nodding for the nurses to follow him out.

Now it was just me and Pudding in the room, and there was a moment of tension before I broke the silence. "Why do you look all tense like that? Are you still afraid of me?"

She responded with a shuffle, looking at the floor uncomfortably without replying.

I asked further, with the tone of someone talking to a little baby, "Do you care about my feelings, Pudding-chan?" I even added the Japanese-style suffix, even if we didn't really use Japanese around here. The language was generally English.

She looked up at me with a cute expression that silently said yes, even as she drew circles with her right foot on the floor. I took my time to look around my surroundings and noticed the snail in the room, definitely sending our conversation to a third party keenly listening. After all the ruckus with the Homies, I had had very little hopes for a secure place to carry out a life altering conversation.

Noting the snail's location, I told Pudding, "Remember that unicorn adventure? Do you mind helping me plan the next one so we can do it again without being caught? Also, I noticed that you can read, and my eyes are so tired from that sickness I have. Do you mind reading for me what's in 'Mama's the Best'?"

I said this deliberately, knowing that a pair of 'children' plotting mischievous escapades in the Chateau shouldn't be an interesting conversation to peeking adults.

Pudding stared for a moment, then came closer and climbed onto the bed. I knew that I now had a close-range shot at clearing the void in my head without attracting any trouble.


Time passed, and Pudding and I had gotten cozy with each other. Doctor Mimasu had barged in every now and then with claims that he had forgotten or was fetching something, but in real sense, I could tell that he was just a spy in disguise. Luckily, after many intrusions of finding nothing suspicious, he stopped interrupting.

Pudding had the energy of a three-year-old, bubbling with excitement, while I, a mere two-year-old, tried my best to act interested and fully invested. She told me about all the stories she'd read and how she came from watching the unicorn, just as Big Bro had promised.

"The unicorn was so shiny and pretty," she said with wide eyes, her voice full of wonder. "It now has a rainbow bridge that's sparkling like the unicorn's stars."

I nodded, trying to match her enthusiasm. "That sounds amazing, Pudding-chan. Did it really sparkle like the stars?"

"Yes!" she exclaimed, her excitement growing. "And Big Bro even let me touch its horn. It was magical!"

As she continued, she picked up 'Mama's the Best' and started reading the stories aloud. Despite her attempts to keep up the cheerful facade, I could sense her discomfort. The stories were nothing short of propaganda, and it was evident even from the way Pudding read them, like they were lies she just couldn't stand.

"Listen to this," she said, her voice wavering slightly. "'Our great leader, Big Mom, continues to protect Totto Land from enemies. Her recent victory over a strong pirate asserts to this. This pirate destroyed many islands, but Mama defeated him easily. However, Mama wasn't fighting alone. Our ministers, including our lovely and strong prince Charlotte Keki, joined the battle and fought bravely for Totto Land. This came with consequences, as some got hurt in the process: Snack, Cracker, Brulee, to name a few... and unfortunately, our strong prince Charlotte Keki, who despite his age, fought like a true warrior of Totto Land. For such an atrocious act, Mama promised that she would execute the pirate publicly once the prince is fit enough to witness the execution. The pirate is currently under Totto Land's strongest guard, ruing the day he decided to defy Mama and hoping he'll die before he gets executed by Mama's Cognac (Emperor Blade).'"

Pudding paused, her gaze meeting mine as I sighed deeply. Memories of Kaidou's attack and me rallying the pirates were clear, but details of the supposed fight where I was injured remained elusive, shrouded in a foggy presence in my mind.

"Pudding," I began cautiously, "do you want to tell me what really happened?"

She pressed her lips together, as if struggling with her thoughts. With a shake of her head, she remained silent, staring down at the newspaper. I could tell that Mama had a big influence over her.

"It's okay," I decided, opting for a more strategic approach.

"I don't fully understand it yet," I admitted, suppressing my frustration as I spoke. "But I've been experiencing these semi-aware hunger pangs. I don't completely black out, but when I wake up, my memories are always missing. I want to control these episodes, but I need my memories to understand them better."

"Pudding," I pleaded gently. "If you've taken memories from me, I need them back. I need to regain control over this... this part of me that acts without my consent."

Pudding hesitated, her eyes reflecting a mix of fear and uncertainty.

"I won't tell Mama that you helped me," I assured her, hoping to ease her fear.

"Mama said Ares is dangerous, a monster," she whispered tremulously. "She says monsters should be kept hidden, locked away."

So Ares was the name linked to my hunger pangs. I connected the dots, realizing that Big Mom had a method to control these episodes.

"Do you remember what I told you about your third eye?" I asked gently, shifting the topic. "How I encouraged you not to hide it, no matter what others said?"

She nodded slowly, emotion welling in her eyes. My words had clearly touched her deeply, especially given how others viewed her third eye - especially Big Mom and her maid.

"Did Mama also tell you to keep your third eye hidden?" I probed gently. "How did you feel when she said that?"

Pudding nodded, her expression solemn.

"And how did you feel when I told you it was okay to show it around me?" I asked, watching her closely.

A warmth flickered in her eyes, a genuine gratitude that spoke volumes. She felt safe and accepted with me, despite the world's judgement of her third eye.

"It's the same with Ares," I continued softly. "If you keep taking my memories, I'll be sad, and we won't be able to enjoy our time together."

Pudding's eyes softened, and a wave of emotion crossed her face. It was as if I had just confronted her with a truth she couldn't deny - a truth that weighed heavily on her conscience. Her gaze met mine, revealing a depth of guilt and regret, much like someone who had betrayed the love of their life.

She ended up doing the right thing.


It had been almost a week, and everybody, even the heavy guard detail, was wondering what was keeping him in his cell. Everyone who watched over him knew just who Kaidou was, and how impossible he was to pin down, let alone keep in a cell. But after days of seeing the guy just sit down, and do nothing but drink booze, with the occasional hiccups, the Big Mom pirates were beginning to think that the myth, the legend.. the invincible Kaidou, was just a hyped-up story. Some even questioned his worth as an Emperor of the sea, and why his bounty was just too racked up. For a guy meant to be feared, he didn't look half the tales they'd heard.

"I hear he lost his mind when Mama bashed his head," a crew member said. "All he can be now is one of mama's pets."

"Hahahahaaa," the other members laughed.

"Big Mom," another noted with a note of reverence. "Now that's a monster you should be afraid of."

Everyone surrounding them nodded while shuddering at the thought. Kaidou, in his cell, grunted slightly after losing count, but his grunt was enough to shake the guards to the core.

They showed their weapons - spears, swords, and javelins - at Kaidou, each and every one of them trembling. Kaidou raised his bored gaze and looked at them with a menacing stare for a moment before looking down again and resuming his simple pleasure, all the way from the top - quite literally.

After seeing he wasn't about to do anything threatening, they laughed and insulted him, oblivious to what Kaidou had decided for their fate. The cell situation, however, was anything but ordinary. In all respect, it was a book. But it was a special book by Mont-d'Or, designed specifically to hold Kaidou.

In fact, Big Mom had a special Book Prison preassigned to everyone she viewed as a major threat. If Whitebeard ever wandered aimlessly in Big Mom's territory, he might just find himself stuck in the world of words for a very long time. However, most of the Book Prisons were mostly traps for exotic beasts that Big Mom wished to capture in the future, as well as for the now.

The inside of Kaidou's book prison was designed with practical and impenetrable restraints tailored to contain his overwhelming physical strength and devil fruit powers.

The book prison resembled an enormous, reinforced steel chamber, lined with thick, strong walls. The walls were made of a blend of strong substances, including Perospero's hardened candy, making them far stronger than ordinary steel.

The room was devoid of any handholds or features that could be used to leverage his strength. It was a bare, featureless, dark box offering no opportunity for escape or destruction. The bars within the prison were layered like a paradox, or pages in a book, constantly shifting or flipping to reveal a rotating roster of guards keeping watch over Kaidou. These guards, after revolving around the beast for so long, had taken to mocking him, saying he didn't deserve to be an Emperor of the Sea. However, Katakuri and Smoothie maintained more constant positions, vigilantly observing Kaidou's every move. They too wondered why Kaidou was nonreactive, but were smart enough not to risk provoking him.

To immobilize Kaidou, Katakuri's mochi played a crucial role. The mochi wrapped around Kaidou, incorporating reinforced, ultra-durable shackles to anchor him into the chamber. While mochi's vulnerability was water, the shackles were made of a composite material resistant to brute force and extreme temperatures, though not entirely immune to Kaidou's Ryou. But this detail was not overlooked.

Big Mom, having known Kaidou for a long time, knew exactly what was needed to keep him in place until his execution. Despite Kaidou being an enemy of Totto Land, she ordered that he be provided with the best booze in the land to stall his escape attempts.

Kaidou was under constant surveillance, watched by Big Mom's strongest children, with Katakuri leading the watch. The book prison could communicate through Mont d'Or's ability to connect transponder snails into his books, ensuring constant updates.

"Parapapara..." The book rang at Katakuri's page, signaling Mont d'Or's message. "Keki has recovered and Mama has pushed up the execution to the afternoon. I will be delivering you to Whole Cake Island in a few," Mont d'Or announced, the communication breaking off and leaving a slight relief on Smoothie's face.

Katakuri looked at Kaidou, who stared back with a twinkle in his usually bloodshot eyes. He seemed to have lost his count again, grunting and hiccuping as he tried to remember where to restart. After a moment, he stared harder and said, "You... remind me of someone."

Katakuri stared back with a stoic expression, uninterested.

"That gloomy face... I can't tell," Kaidou continued, absorbing the contents of a barrel. Katakuri shifted slightly, his expression almost showing curiosity, but he retained his composure. "Wororororo... Linlin's brew is good. So good, but it's not the best here."

"When is the best coming?" Kaidou shot a glance at Smoothie.

"You'll be buried today," Smoothie said coldly.

"Ah," Kaidou chugged. "I will take the best brew back to Onigashima for a celebration. The joys of finding a small piece of mind."

"Fine woman," Kaidou said, referring to Smoothie. "I would take you too... but that Ares. I don't want to kill him before he can become a man and fight me to his death."


"Your dragon form can't escape from this prison," Katakuri said, trying to induct some reality into Kaidou's perception. "Not even you can escape Mama's Cognac. You are doomed, Kaidou. Choose your last words more... deliberately."

"Wororo- Ah ha, I see the problem with the resemblance," Kaidou's eyes shimmered slightly, then dulled completely, transforming him back to his usual state. "You are too serious, and you don't drink booze."

"Try drinking sometime," Kaidou added, with a hint of wistfulness.

"As for my death," Kaidou said with clarity in his voice. "He is dead, the only person who can kill me."

As Kaidou finished those assertive words, the surroundings began to shuffle, startling everyone and causing the guards to panic. Katakuri and Kaidou remained unfazed from the rising commotion, until everyone realized it was Mont-d'Or beginning the transportation of the book to Whole Cake Island – the site of Kaidou's execution.

---To be continued---

Double chapter alert! Next chap -> Saturday.

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