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71.27% Madara Uchiha in TBATE / Chapter 67: Flexing

Kapitel 67: Flexing

(AN: I'm not satisfy with this chapter)


(Varay pov)

"The whole town was massacred by an unknown person, but Alea is tracking the attacker to Xyrus city" Said the female dwarf who was standing on the other side of the table.

'A whole town massacred in just a short time… We need to find the one responsible for that '

"You're saying that Lance Alea is heading to Xyrus city?" I asked Mica


"Do you think Alea would be enough to stop this attacker?" Asked Olfred while looking at me in questioning manner.

"You are forgetting who are the strongest mages in this continent" Barked Bairon.

"In this continent. Don't you forget that" I said to Bairon.

Yes, in this continent, we might be the strongest, but what about the other continent?

It wasn't wise to feel carefree, just because we are the Lances.

"We don't have to worry about anything. Alea is enough to deal with the attacker. And if something wrong happened, she would report it to us through this artifact" Said Aya while showing a device that we used to communicate with each other.

Sigh… a lot of things are happening right now. The dungeons and the whole beast glades matter. And now we have a massacre of the whole town.

We need to make sure that the news don't reach the citizens of other cities and towns.

Just when I was about to arrange my fellow Lances to their new duties. The door to our room was suddenly opened by the castle Knight.

"My apologies Lances, but you're being called right now" Said the Knight who went on his knees the moment he stepped inside the room.

"Lead the way" I said as I stood up.

The other Lances also stood up and started following me and the knight.

Soon, we were all kneeling in front of the rulers of Dicathen.

The Kings and Queens of the three races.

The first one to spoke was King Blaine.

"Xyrus city is under attack! I've received a report saying that they saw Lance Alea being stabbed by black spikes from a far by an unknown figure"

"Go and support her. We can't let people see a Lance being hurt by anyone" Said the King of Dwarf.

I understood what he meant. As Lances, we need to maintain our public image as the strongest forced.

"Mm" Everyone behind me nodded their heads and stood up.

"We'll depart now"

Soon, all five of us were flying at our maximum speed, heading to Xyrus city.

It didn't take much time for us to saw the smoke cloud covering a part of the Xyrus city.

As we flew towards that direction. We didn't see any signs of fighting, but we were welcome by massive damage of properties.

We saw dead bodies and a lot of black spikes.

Then there I saw it, Alea's body was embarked on the wall with a few black spikes impaled on her lower body. She seems unconscious.

But my focus was on the person that was standing in front of her. He raised his hand and was about to touch Alea.


Without wasting time, I conjured a sharp edge wall between the two. I saw hopping the wall would cut his hand,, but he managed to avoid it.

Landing a few meters away from the wall. The boy looked towards us.

His eyes didn't show any emotions.


The boy let out a boring sigh as if he knows what was going to happen.

"Let's get over with it"

Who is this boy? Doesn't he know how we are?



(General pov)

'Is this boy the one who put Alea in that condition?' Thought Varay while looking at Madara.

"Aya, check Alea's condition." Said Varay.

Aya, slowly, started descending towards Alea to check her condition.

"I know what you might be thinking, but I'm not the one who did that to her. I was just trying to heal her" Said Madara.

"That's what they always say" coldly said Varay as the air around her get colder.

Suddenly, Madara's body was covered by an ice coffin, leaving only his head out.

"You need to tell us the truth if you want to live" Stated Varay as he went towards the frozen Madara.


Madara's body suddenly turned into a log. Leaving Varay with a surprising look.

"If I were the one who did that to Alea, then don't you think I would have attacked you guys by now"

The voice came behind the Lances. Both of them turned around and saw Madara standing on top of a rooftop of a building that was a few meters away from them.

"If you are telling the truth. Then why do you resist?" Said Varay who this time formed a large ice dome that surrounded Madara and the other three Lances, except for Aya who disappeared with Alea's body.

"I'm willing to cooperate, but not by force. I would really like if you treat me as an equal" Said Madara who seem not worried by his situation.

'He isn't he the boy from the academy who injured Lucas?' Thought Bairon as he opened his mouth to speak.

"Watch your tongue…boy" Said Bairon as his yellow lightning started coiling around his body.

"You're talking as if you're threating me. Do you think you're some hot shit or something?" Said Madara while looking at Bairon.

"Guess I'll have to make you shut up" Said Bairon as his lightning gets violence.

"Bairon. Act as a Lance and not as a child" Coldly stated Varay." We need to him alive."

"If you were not the one who hurt Alea. Then who hurt her?"

"I already kill the guy who hurt her" Said Madara.

"That's it. We'll make you tell us the truth by force" said Bairon as he flew towards Madara.

"Wait you fool!" Said Varay, but it was too late. Bairon who a few meters away from Madara.

[Fire style: Burning Ash jutsu ]

Madara, suddenly exhale a large amount of smoke that started covering the dome..

"You think you can hide in this pitiful smoke of yours?" Said Bairon.

But the moment his lightning made contact with the smoke. Fire erupted within the dome and engulfed the four Lances.

Luckily, Varay turned her dome into water, which extinguished the flame before it could do damage to them.

"I told you. I'll cooperate with you guys, so why are do you act like that" Said Madara who seem disappointed, but deep inside him. He was smiling, an opportunity to fight was something that he always welcome.

"Your words are saying that, but not your actions" Said Olfred as he creates two magma knights that stood beside him.

"Mica will stop him" Said Mica as she raised her hand and cast a gravity spell around Madara.

But too bad for them. Madara had already prepared himself for any attack from the Lances.

The surrounding ground cracked, but he was still standing tall.

"Fine then, a fight it is" Said Madara as he dashed towards the Lances..

[Ice wall]

A wall made out of Ice appeared right in front of the Lances. While Olfred sent his two golems towards Madara by levitating them over the wall.

Madara who was moving like a bullet, jumped up and did a spin kick that destroyed the golem. He didn't stop there, with a single punch. He destroyed the ice wall.

But, the moment, the ice wall was broken. His body was suddenly frozen up by another ice coffin.


Madara broke out of the ice and zoomed towards Varay.

Just when he was about to hit her. His legs was caught by another golem that Olfred create.

The golem smashed Madara to the ground and swung him upward. Mica who was levitating in the sky used her gravity magic to sent Madara to the ground with a great force that caused a large crater.

"Don't kill him" Coldly said Varay while looking at the bloody Madara.


Madara's body turned into a log, again.

"Behind you!!!" Cried Bairon, but it was too late.

Varay felt a sharp pain on her back before she was sent flying. Her body went crashing to the nearby building.

Mica, Bairon and Olfred, dashed towards Madara with the maximum speed.

Madara did a fast hand seals and placed his hand to the ground. His hands sunk into the ground as it started building up chakra inside his body.

The Lances were faster. In just a mere second, they were close to Madara, but then the time seems to slow down as Madara use the jutsu he was preparing.

[Fire style: Raging Storm Dragon ]

The chakra he was piling up on the body, erupted as a flaming explosion. His body acted as the source.

The generated explosion caught the Lances and blew them away, alongside the entire area that Madara was standing.


"Damn! That was a little overboard" Said Madara while looking at the location where the Lances were sent by the explosion.

Under the rubble of broken buildings. Four figures started emerging.

"If we really need to catch him. Then we need to attack with an intention to kill" Said Bairon while looking at his condition.

Their clothes were ruined by the explosion. They were even injured, but luckily they were healing back.

"We are causing too much damage here. We need to drag him out of the city" Said Varay as she placed her hands on the ground.

The entire ground was suddenly covering with ice. Madara on the other hand channeled chakra to his legs and dashed towards the latter.

Varay was the first one to respond to Madara. She flew towards him with an ice sword in her hand.

She swung her sword towards Madara, but Madara leaned back and evaded the slash. The moment, he evaded that. A lightning spear was fired by Bairon who appeared above him.

'let's hope this works ' Thought Madara as he uses a jutsu that he once create when he was in beast glades.

By combining Yang and lightning release. The result was…a red lightning that was ten times stronger than his black lightning, and it had the ability to nullify other lightning attacks.

Madara's body was suddenly covered with red lightning torrent. The yellow lightning spear hit Madara, but to everyone's shock, it didn't do anything to him.

The frozen, icy ground shattered below him as he vanished in a red flash.


The first person to let out a groan was Varay as her body slammed on the ground with a fist mark on her stomach.

"No! Varay!" Yelled Mica as she dashed towards Madara and increased the gravity while using her hammer to smash Madara.

Madara did a side step and caught Mica's hammer by its handle. Using the moment, he pulled Mica towards him and kicked her with his knee, causing Mica's eyes to almost left her eye sockets.

The red lightning on Madara's body suddenly disappeared.

'I still need to work on that' Thought Madara as he jumped back to avoid the boiling magma that was starting to claw on his legs.

Five golems appeared behind him as he was looking at the magma.

But, Madara swiftly turned and waved his right hand in a horizontal slash.

[Wood style: Wood cutting jutsu ]

Small wood spikes flew out of his hand and stabbed the incoming golems.


Wood spikes, suddenly burst out of the golem's bodies and destroyed them instantly.

"Why the fuck are you spacing out, Bairon!? Attack you fool!" Yelled Olfred while looking at Bairon.

The thing that made Bairon spaced out was the red lightning that Madara used. As a lightning user, he never saw that kind of lightning, but that wasn't the issue. It was the dangerous feeling he felt when he saw the red lightning.

'Who is this monster?' Thought Bairon as he increased his lightning intensely and flew towards Madara, followed by Olfred whose hands were covered with gauntlets.

Madara didn't wait for them to make the first move, So he shot towards them.

Bairon sent a lightning kick, but Madara dodge it. Only to be welcome by a punch from Olfred.

A small hope lit inside Olfred as he saw that his punch was inches away from hitting Madara.

How wrong he was. Madara ducked and did a swipe kick that took Olfred by surprise.

As he was falling to the ground, Madara did a breakdance kick? That hit Olfred's face , sending him meters away.

Turning around. Madara saw Bairon's lightning fist aiming at his head.

[Genjutsu ]

Bairon suddenly stopped. His eyes widen by the feeling he was getting. It was like his body was impaled by something that made him unable to move.

Madara was about to send a punch, but he stopped the moment the ground started shaking.

It was only by a second that he realized that the icy ground was now floating in the sky.

Turning around, he saw Varay with mica and Olfred beside her.

The Location they were fighting wasn't far from the City outskirts.

'Are they trying to get me outside the city?' Thought Madara.

As if to answer his question. The whole platform moved a little and shattered into pieces.

Madara was now falling from the sky. The Lances were levitating,, so this was a win for them. Varay create an ice coffin around Bairon and controlled it to come to her side.

On Madara's side, he watched as the lances shot towards him.

"I'm glad I learned this jutsu" Said Madara as he did hand seals and placed his hands around him.

[Earth style: Super light-weight border jutsu ]

His body suddenly stopped midair and started levitating.

The Lances had to halt and watched as Madara flying towards them.

'Who is this boy?' Thought Varay as she prepared herself for Madara.

"Varay. Get me out now, I think I've regained control over my body" Said Bairon.

Varay melted the ice coffin.

"It's four of us and only one of him. Why can't we take him down? We've completely outnumbered him" Said Olfred who clearly lost his elderly aura.

"Since we are now outside the city. We can go all out without the fear of hurting people and destroying properties" Said Varay.

"You guys still wanna Dance? It seems like I need to pull something to lower your fighting spirits" Said Madara as his Sharingan started turning to Mangekyou Sharingan.

~Master ~

Kurama's voice suddenly rang inside his head.

~What is it?~

~Please, allow me to stretch my body ~

~Wait! You mean..~

~Yes. I've finally reached the requirement chakra. Thanks to the negative energy that was inside the honies of that skull~

~You sound like you want to flex your body ~

~Just think of the negative emotions I will collect. It's a win-win situation ~

"Fine" Said Madara with a grin on his face

Madara stopped flying. This made the Lances think that it was an opening for them to attack him.

Just when they were about to fly towards him…

[Summoning Jutsu ]

Again, the Lances halted and watched the poof smoke that appeared behind Madara.

Surprised? No. It was a shock to their cores.

A monster? No. It was a behemoth. The figure kept growing and expanding.

It's body cast an umbra shadow to the whole area, including Xyrus city. Its legs were on the ground, but the floating city of Xyrus only reached it's lower chest.

It opened its mouth and roared.


The entire kingdom was shaken by its roar

"What a marvelous scene" Said Madara who was sitting on the head of Kurama while looking at the four Lances from a far. They were like ants.






(AN: WELP. Kurama wanted a scene. I guess the Susanoo is gonna have to wait for now )

I'll see you guys next time ( I don't know when, but it won't be that long…..

next chapter
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