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3.75% Madara in the Avatar World / Chapter 2: Let's talk Business

Kapitel 2: Let's talk Business

He raises his head "I wish to become Uchiha Madara!"

There was a choke sound echoing through the void as soon as he said his wish.

[Y-you gotta be kidding me! That-]

He instantly interrupted the voice "You said one wish not one power, again.. is all on the details" if he could grin, he would have a massive evil grin from ear to ear on his face right now.


"Are you going back on your word? God?"

[You can't have the full power of Uchiha Madara! The world laws wont bend that much! It's impossible!]

"But that's what we are doing here, its all a negotiation, lets talk business, how can we balance it?" he suddenly incarnated his inner lawyer, fighting for his own cause!


"Fair enough" he waves his hands dismissively, honestly he didn't care about the Rinnegan, he didn't pick Madara just for his power, but he will try to squeeze every single possibility out of this god! "All I want is an Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and I'm fine"

[Its also impossible, the ocular powers of each eye will break the laws!]

He thinks for a second, without the eye powers having a Mangekyo Sharingan becomes quite useless except for ... "Give me a 3-tomoe sharingan that also allows me to use Susano'o without blindness then.. it's not too unbalanced"

[How is that not unbalanced?! Susano'o is a freaking war god!]

"The spirit world exists, so such power should be doable if we bend the laws to its limit, lets see a possible way to make Madara work in the Avatar world, make me a firebender, you can take all the jutsu away sinse chi isn't chakra i just want my talent for firebending being equal to Madara's talent for ninjutsu, replace the chakra pool for an equivalent chi pool, the Susano'o can be treated like a guardian spirit under my control or something and the defense should be roughly similar to Aang on his ultimate Avatar State against Ozai! See? Easy!"

[Easy you say?!]

The voice stopped talking for a bit, although its stretching to the point of nearly breaking the laws it's possible, the sharingan would be an outlandish power but not to the point of being incompatible with some spirit powers, no six paths, no kyuubi summon, no mokuton sinse he accepted being a firebender, he won't be able to use actual justsu since it's not compatible with avatar's chi, no Izanagi or Izanami..wait..

[The genjutsu its out of limits!]

"Why? Illusions are a thing that more than one spirit can do, energybending is a thing! And its not limited by the world laws of bending, anyone could technically learn, even if they already are an elemental bender or not a bender at all! we can link genjutsu with energy bending or something like that.."

[Only basic Illusions, nothing on the level of mangekyo sharingan!]

He nods "Fair enough"

[Phew … on your power will be that then]

He shakes his head "No no no.. I didn't ask just for Uchiha Bloodline as power, I asked to be Uchiha Madara, although I lost many of his ultimate moves, I want the rest of the package! Taijutsu skills, combat experience, appearance, even Gunbai, make the Gunbai reflect the bending back to its bender, and it consumes my Chi every time it does, it's not THAT unbalanced, all I want to keep is my own personality and memories, none of this would be worth it if I just cease to exist and becomes the actual Madara, I want to enjoy my life, I think I deserve it." he shrugs

[… Alright.. by the way, you really went for the overpowered wish huh?]

He shakes his head "That's not it, you see Madara wasn't my first thought, Itachi was, but i knew you would freak out about genjutsu, and although even after the 'balancing' Itachi would still remain quite strong, why settle for that when I can go for Madara? Way more combat experience and I won't have to worry about any possible disease that would've gotten me killed by the age of 20, I could've picked Obito but I knew you would never let me have Kamui so what's the point of that?"

He also didn't know if by picking Obito he would've gone to the avatar world with a half destroyed face and mutilated body and a single eye, it isn't worth the risk if you can just pick a better wish.

[… Very well, but the Gunbai will have a simple spirit fused with it so it can reflect things, it will only activate with the sharingan, but anyone else can just take it and use it as a regular weapon, by no means it can be 'summoned back to your hand' or anything like that, so don't lose it!]

After that a soft glow spread all over the light in human form, indicating that the wish was granted.

An evil grin would've been all over his face right now if it was possible'the voice didn't reject the details, it was so fixed on the big stuff that it forgot a tiny bit detail, Madara chakra pool is MASSIVE, turning that amount into chi would make me have near unlimited chi when compared to ordinary people, hell I bet only an avatar in the avatar state would be able to outlast me since that they get unlimited chi in that state and that's not even considering the destructive power, adding Susano'o.. heh.. I can win!'

If the voice had a head, it would be having a nasty headache now.

[Now about the 5 knowledge points we are giving you, you don't have to worry about Madara related skills, you will already know them all as they come with his experience that you asked, but things related to the avatar world will demand using one of the points that we gave you, the genjutsu is part of package, but any extra energybending would require for you to learn and comprehend on your own.]

He stops to think for a bit, he knows a lot a about avatar, more than a lot considering that he knows everything that was possible to know from Aang's awakening to the end of Legend of Korra, small things in between are irrelevant and could be learn as he goes, and there was 100 years of war before Aang but considering how everything was around the existence of the Avatar, most of the needed stuff was already known, except for some.. obscure… knowledge that the show didn't go too much into detail.

"Fist knowledge would be.. I want to know all languages from the Avatar and Spirit world, how speak, write and read them!"

[Smart! It's a detail that most people would skip, as I said, anything from the avatar world would be unknown, and language, how to write and read in its various forms would obviously be unknown to a transmigrator.]

With click sound, another glow appears around him, the knowledge was acquired.

"I want to know how to achieve immortality, at least biological immortality as becoming ageless" the key of the question is on the 'how' if he asked if there was a way, the voice could just answer with a yes or no, but asking how it gives him direction, and perhaps a possibility of using another knowledge point to get it, it may cost 2 out of his limited 5 points but c'mon, eternal YOUTH is worth it isn't it? He might be able to find this information in Wan Shi Tong's library but.. have you seen the size of that place? He might die of old age before finding a clue about it, he is no avatar, the spirit wont spare his time to help him!

[Are you willing to sacrifice one point just to know that?]

He nods

[.. sigh.. it's related to opening your Chakras, done on a specific way will give you many useful perks, it won't directly empower you but will make you highly immune to many things and age is one of them, eternal youth is impossible, but you will earn a greatly increased longevity, on top of that once you reach your peak your body will only age again on the final 10 years of your life, eternal youth, or as you said, biological immortality, should be considered a curse for a mortal, not a blessing.]

He stops for a second, and stares at the void for several seconds thinking of what he just heard 'Things are more beautiful because we are fated to die, huh? Well I can't disagree with the voice, I doubt I could attach myself to anything if actually had immortality.. it's just… who never wished to remain young forever?.. perhaps is just my fear of death due to my past life...sigh.. but it is as the voice said, after certain point it will become like a curse.. watching everyone around me die while i remain, just thinking about it already depresses me.. I could share the knowledge and keep them alive too but, how many generations can I keep doing that before we all lose our sanity and our humanity..'

"If that's the case my soul will be destroyed after my death because I am an anomaly.. is it really worth it?"

[Now now, I understand your worry, but I said I would tinker your soul, so when the time comes, you will not be destroyed, you will come to me for your final judgement, you won't be able to reincarnate but heaven's door will be open for you just like a natural soul, I know that now you think that we could just 'fix' all the others like you, but it is as I said, although uncommon, it's not rare, there's too many like you, we would have to spend a tremendous effort just for that goal, and we are talking about the multiverse here, it's not just humans, is not just a bunch of planets, it's a nearly endless universes, even for us it's .. difficult..]

He nods "from the perspective of an earthling is really hard to imagine the scale, just like saying something is 10 million times the temperature of the sun, we can tell its absurdly hot but we have no way of understanding the actual scale, our imagination is limited by our knowledge"

[Very wise words, to think you had that much wisdom in you.]

"To think that you had that much sass in you.."

They both laugh for a while then they go back to their negotiation

[So, what else you want? You have 3 points left]

"I want all the knowledge you can give me related to the Chakras, how to open them and everything!"

[Though so.] another glow appears around him.

[2 more]

"I want the knowledge of the best firebending technique in existence, including the best chi breathing technique to improve my chi pool"

[Very funny, you think I'm one of these 'ROBs' that accept 3 wishes in one because they were requested together? The language one was acceptable because there aren't many languages in the avatar world, and the knowledge itself its quite simple, but this one will cost you your 2 last points, is that what you want?]

He sighs 'well it was worth the shot..well I will have to learn conventional energybending on my own.. if Amon achieved it on his own.. so can i, i might not have bloodbending but i refuse to believe that theres only one way to do it!' nodding he replies "Yes, its acceptable, was a pleasure doing business with you.. voice…" and two more glows appear around him, one after the other.

[hahaha, yes it was very entertaining, I hope I don't see you anytime soon]

"Yeah I don't want to see you soon either, but when I come back I hope you welcome me as an old friend"

[Sure, so should I send you two years before Aang's awakening? Is that acceptable?]

"Wait, do I have a choice?"

[More like a timeframe, I can't send you too far back otherwise the butterfly effect would be disastrous, I am sending you there to help the world not to ruin it]

"How far back can I go?"

[Hmm… I can send you ten years before Aang's awakening, right after Katara and Sokka's mother is taken, saving her would bring them joy but it could put the fate of the world in danger, so I can't allow it to happen, but sending you that far on the past will add some limitations on you until roughly two years before story begins.]

"Fair point, and when will my reincarnator friend arrive? Any hunting tips?"

[I don't know, it is marked for reincarnation so I assume it will be at some point in the timeline, keep an eye out for outlandish things, Reincarnators have an awful habit of using their knowledge openly, be it creating technology or bringing food recipes from their world, they are pretty easy to spot, the same for you.. being Madara and all that..]

"Noted, by the way, if they are good people, should I kill them regardless?"

[I will leave that to your judgement, this is a trial and humans are quite unpredictable creatures, who knows, perhaps the reincarnator is good hearted and you just earned yourself a free life in the avatar world to enjoy]

He laughs "hahaha that would be nice…" he stares at the portal appearing behind him, it almost looks like the hyperspace jump from Star Wars, floating towards the portal without looking back, but then shouts.


He hears a loud laugh from behind, it seems that the entity really is amusing and fun, do they miss this kind of carefree talk? Who knows, perhaps most souls don't talk like that to a god-like being with untold powers, he wonders if being a god is boring.

But just as he reaches the portal a final glow appears around him, instinctively turning around he starts to be sucked into the portal and hears a booming voice


And like that everything disappears, his consciousness is gone and when he finally wakes up, he finds himself laying down on a stone floor, staring at a broken ceiling, gentle clouds drifting through the sky and gentle bird sounds in the distance.

Leaning forward on a sitting position, he looks around the ruins of the southern air temple, quite well preserved if you ignore a few broken walls and ceilings, looking at himself for a bit he notices that he is wearing black robes, like the ones Madara used to wear when walking around Konoha, then he looks at his hands, small child-like hands perhaps 8 years old?

'Motherfucker.. they could've told me about the age thing.. sigh.. so these are the limitations of going this far back..' standing up he walks to a balcony like are staring down the mountain, inhaling the pure air 'at least It gives me more time to learn and master everything before I grow up..'

Turning around Madara walks back inside the temple with a satisfied smirk.

"Let's do this"

KojiSan KojiSan

Hello there! i hope you are enjoying my story, i know that Madara's powers were nerfed hard but thats how it is, i didn't want him to just be a godlike entity, i debated keeping Susano'o or not but i think he deserves his trump card against a possible full powered Avatar, he was balanced and restricted but he is still Madara.

next chapter

Kapitel 3: Into the Avatar World

Looking around the temple, Madara could imagine how beautiful this place was on its prime, right now small snowflakes were already falling, it seems that it's the beginning of the winter.

'10 years.. assuming that Aang awakened precisely 100 years after the beginning of the war, I can presume that right now is around 90AG, perhaps 89AG, or 91AG… well who cares..' looking around he felt melancholy 'to think that such peaceful place was the target of a genocide.. god damn Roku why did you think that everything would be alright just by faceslapping Sozin and leaving like that… Sozin was a monster, but you had your fair share of the blame for all of this.. how naive you were.. I can accept Aang, he is just a kid but you were a grown man..' sigh 'I wonder what Kyoshi would've done in your place…'

Walking through the corridors of the temple, with his hand sliding through the walls, seeing and feeling the engravings in each wall 'Hard to believe that i came to an animated cartoon world' chuckles 'no one would believe me if I manage to go back.... not that I want to go back'

He walked for hours, sightseeing and exploring every room available to him, most of the rooms were locked behind doors that required airbending to open, even if he could force them to open he wouldn't do it, he had nothing to gain by destroying such historic place.

His goal on the southern air temple was a simple one, a calm place devoid of people so he could train in peace, the temple itself was in ruins but there were plenty food and water sources all around, this place housed hundreds of monks back then, its impossible that they didn't have natural resources nearby.

'I can't stay for long.. in a year at most, my clothes wont fit me anymore and I will be forced to go out.. one whole year in seclusion i think i can handle it.. i will have enough time to get my firebending going.. I also don't know exact dates, I know Katara's mom is already gone by now but… what about Iroh's son? if I save him, would Iroh fight for the throne? Probably.. would he win? That's tricky, Ozai will already have the royal court under his leash, that and the current fire lord's death timing was a bit too convenient, wasn't it? Almost like it was pre-planned.'

"Variables, too many variables.. but then again, I am not here to save the world.. that's the Avatar's job, I'm here to track a reincarnator.. its just that… knowing that I can prevent good people from suffering tragedies while doing nothing leaves a really bad taste in my mouth.. fucking butterflies." Sigh 'for all I know saving Iroh's son might prevent him from giving up the crown, a possible civil war would start and it would help destabilize the Fire Nation and slow down the invasion a bit.. but.. on the long run? Ozai will probably win, he is ambitious enough to defend his claim and ruthless enough to play dirty, and if Iroh actually go against him I doubt Ozai would spare his brother.. hell even his father might've died by his schemes.. and without uncle Iroh many things will change for the worst, the more I interfere with certain key events… more and more the responsibility will fall on my shoulders, I don't want to be the one facing Ozai to end the war, that's the Avatar's fucking job!'

Looking around he spot many place with natural resources, from vegetables and fruits to clean water sources, looking at his mirror image on the water he wasn't shocked by what he saw. his height was a bit over 4ft tall, his long black mane was quite short, around shoulder length but already covering half of his face. Sharp black eyes that displayed wisdom and curiosity.

'Would you look at that.. I might grow up to be a lady-killer in the avatar world.. I mean.. considering how easy fucking Sokka got girls all over him.. I don't think I will suffer at all!'

Satisfied with what he saw and his discoveries he turned around and kept exploring the abandoned temple.

Reaching the main training area of the temple he spotted something that he completely forgot standing right on the center, his Gunbai, an exact replica of Madara's, he couldn't help but grin as he walked close to it 'this is way to big for me right now, I can't wield it with a child's body, I wouldn't even be able to walk properly with it attached to my back.. better keep it safe inside the temple until then, no one comes to this place anymore otherwise people would've looted the old firebenders armors scattered all over this place, they could go for a decent price anywhere.. its wartime and resources are finite, its not even easy to reach up here without a flying bison or technology' he grabbed it with both hands and carried to the corner of the training room.

"Now.. its time to learn how to dance.."

Days passed, the snow started to get heavier and heavier, no more grass could be seen covering the outdoor grounds, only a white layer of snow.

Bursts of fire exploded through the training grounds as young Madara kept punching, kicking, spinning, jumping, his body was young but he had peak Madara's combat experience, he just needed to adapt his firebending knowledge to his already developed fighting style.

He discovered that although his experience and knowledge regarding Madara's combat style and technique was flawless, he couldn't bring it to 100% effectiveness, he reached around 50 to 60% of it, why? His body, his stride was not long enough, he was not tall enough, the reach of his arms was not far enough, Madara's experience was based on a grown man's body, not a 8 year old child, while an adult Madara would need one step to reach his enemy he needed one and a half, it may not sound much but it makes a huge difference in actual battle.

For some reason he also noticed he had the habit of spitting fire through his mouth, he thought about it and came to the conclusion that it was because of the real Madara's experience in combat, back in the Naruto World, Katon was mainly through their mouths, he can recreate basically every Katon through firebending, but he is having problems with actual bending, his body and experience were not used to punch and kick fire, luckily, he had the Firebending knowledge from the voice to slowly fix that issue.

Regardless of knowledge it was hard, days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, its not about being a prodigy, Madara was far above the standard level of talent of those so called 'prodigies', but everything takes time, its not just pushing the fire out, that was achieved on the first day, it was merging it with combat, it was control, finesse and muscle memory.

This is the avatar world, here power does not just 'level up', its less about raw power and more about your control over it, otherwise old Zuko would spam Azula's blue fire sinse it is a 'leveled up' version of regular fire, but he couldn't do it even after decades of training, why?

He assumed that Azula was born with a tremendous chi pool and instead of training to outlast her oponents with her chi reserves, she decided to burn double or triple the amount of chi to increase the intensity of the flames and destroy her oponents instantly.

'Heh.. thats quite like her isn't it?'

During his meals he ate simple vegetables and fruits that he found around the place, there was many sources of water available, so he could easily have enough to drink and even a small river to bath, he also used his firebending to hunt some birds that flew close enough to enter is reach, to be honest it tasted bland but he was enjoying life, for the first time he could sleep without having to keep an eye open for any calamity that the world decided to throw on him.

He took his time meditating during the sunrise before his training, and during the sunset right after. Bending was not just physical, it was spiritual as well, and he for sure knew he needed to calm himself down, living 30 years under fear of death leaves a mark on anyone psyche, he could finally calm down and search for his inner peace, perhaps this was Iroh's way, who knows.

He doesn't have a system to tell him in numbers his precise amount of chi, all he knows is what his body could endure by quantifying through time. At the beginning he noticed that after a healthy dinner, 8 hours sleep and a decent breakfast, he could keep practicing firebending nonstop for about 4 hours, that is a huge discovery and display how massive his chi pool is, 4 hours of constant firebending until his fire starts failing him, he never saw anyone in the show fighting for more than half an hour before feeling exhausted.

After one year of training his clothes could still fit him well, since they were quite loose to begin with, they are not dirty sinse he washed them constantly and never wore anything other than his pants during his training, but he knew that in a few months to half year at most he would need to go down, its better to go down while not looking like a clown wearing clothes that clearly doesn't fit him, he is Uchiha Madara now, have some dignity man!

Looking down he could see a sea of clouds covering the base of the mountain where the southern air temple was situated

Gulp. 'I really didn't think this through did i?' he started jumping around and started warming up his body while talking to himself "you can do it, you are Uchiha fucking Madara, just a big piece of rock won't stop you!" he first looked around for some rope but the few pieces of rope he found were not optimal in any way, he won't trust his life to that!

He slowly climbed down, subtle movements, always keeping in check if there was a loose stone to avoid.

'Easy now, theres no hurry, we have 9 fucking years we can take all the time in the world to climb down this bitch ass mountain..' he managed to climb down for about ten minutes until he lost his grip on the stone wall, he knew he fucked up! SHIT!

He closed his eyes preparing himself for the impact while screaming to the top of his lungs. Although he could soften the fall with firebending, or even use fire to glide back to the mountain Azula style, but he was not a native of this world, he was here for 1 year, as a 21st century person that was used to be screwed by the world in anything he ever tried, his first reaction was fear, but then after a few seconds he felt.. nothing.. just a gentle breeze, then he noticed, he was not falling! Opening his eyes, he saw something that made his brain suffer from lag. He was at the exact same place, he didn't fall a single inch, with both of his feet touching the stone wall, just like a true shinobi from Naruto World!

Madara then remembered what the voice said when he gave his final gift right as he entered the tunnel.

"THAT MOTHERFUC…!" he stopped himself from cursing, it was a very precious gift after all, who knows if the voice can hear him and just take his gift back as easy as they gave him, why risk it?!

"God dammit, they could've told me! At least they could've left a note by the Gunbai like 'hey by the way, I gave you the ability to walk on surfaces!' that would've saved me so much stress and time! I bet I lost at least 10 years of my lifespan! I BET YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE!"

And just like that another childlike scream echoed through the stone peaks of the southern air temple, with no one to hear it.

Running down the mountain with his Naruto-style run it didn't take long for him to see the base of the mountain 'At least my body remembered it.. god dammit man! Me, the almighty and imposing Uchiha Madara screaming like a child… good thing no one knows' he narrowed his eyes dangerously 'and no one will ever find out!'

KojiSan KojiSan

Just to let you guys know, i know that Aang woke up on the 99th year and faced Ozai on the 100th year, but i do have the Avatar wiki right on the other monitor, Madara does not! lol, his knowledge won't be 100% spot on, he is a human and he wont remmember every detail.

About harem or romance i rather develop characters more first before even thinking about it, he probably will have some flings here and there but to settle down? that will probably take a while.

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