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83.84% M no Monogatari / Chapter 345: Chapter 304: Orphanage

Kapitel 345: Chapter 304: Orphanage

O͇r͇f͇a͇a͇t͇o͇ ͇

Right now I don't know how to feel, I'm in the middle of the main room of the orphanage, I'm not lonely at all, I think it's impossible to feel lonely when you have several kids running around here and there of different ages, but most of them I think are still in elementary school. Eh? Primary school? Do children from orphanages go to school? No! This is bad, even I don't know something as easy as that, if they have education right? because in my country if there is one if I remember correctly, here there is also one for people with few resources? No? Ahhh!!!! It's good that I only thought this and didn't say it in an open voice, I think it would have offended many, although I think that nobody here understands me if I start talking, but... If I remember a little bit of history, Europe has also been a place that has gone through tragic times right? more in the past there were wars and attacks to all countries, there were immigrants who went to take refuge in other countries, I don't know why but I have the idea that Europe is the one who has welcomed more children product of the wars that took place in the past. Now happily there is none of that and they try to be united, but the aftermath will always be present, no?

『Je te laisse des bonbons à manger』

An adult person almost entering old age came into the room, she brought a tray with several sweets, both cookies and chocolates from the region, I wanted to ask her thanks but I didn't know how to convey it to her, but in the end just out of habit and with no other way out, I ended up bowing my head a little bit asking for thanks in my native language, I think I did well, since the little old lady smiled as she withdrew. I was going to take some candy from the tray, but I quickly noticed how a small hand was going to take one, but before I do, another hand had appeared and without hesitation gave it a swipe.

『Ces bonbons sont pour les invités』『Je vérifiais juste s'ils n'étaient pas empoisonnés.』-『Mieux vaut me laisser me aider le héros en prenant des cookies』

I did not understand what these children were saying, but to summarize what was happening, a child tried to eat the cookies taking them on the sly as if no one saw him, but an older child interrupted him commenting that they are only for guests, they were a while chatting about whether to let him eat a few cookies or better leave it for Cliston, the Fatty noticing about the tension that was being generated, Cliston without saying anything, would take a cookie from the tray, and with mimics this would pretend to eat it and then give it to the child.

『(I hope you understood me)』.

『est-ce que tu me le le donnes? super!』

The boy took the cookie offered by Cliston and went on to eat it eagerly, this made Cliston smile too as it seems that his communication worked, but he quickly noticed that the older boy who came to avoid him was not so happy with the situation, then Cliston without again speaking but this time without any mimicry, he took a chocolate and offered it to this boy, which the latter was surprised by the attitude of the Fatty, where he took it with his hand and thanked him with his voice very loudly, seeing how the 2 boys had gotten away with it while running away again, made Cliston feel very good.

『I knew it, you're one of those people who can get along with most people』.

Mikel had appeared in the hall, the latter when they came to the orphanage, the first thing he did was to talk to the director of the place in her office, Mikel always does that when he has something important, it is the first thing he does when he starts the day or when he is about to solve it, when talking to the director to summarize, Mikel told her that if there were things that the home might lack, whether it was food, some furniture or financial help as it has always been, With the position he has, Mikel can live quietly without worrying about anything for the rest of his life, he will never lack anything or even more than enough, but let's not say that he can make much use of this money, traveling to other places or taking vacations are out of place, since he took the position he has always been here, he is not allowed to leave unless it is something important, as it was to pick up Cliston. But other than that there is nothing else, just as the other countries have to listen to him, Mikel has to listen to the majority of their votes, or that is how it would normally be, when faced with a good decision no one opposes it, which right now is impossible, literally Mikel knows the reason why many do not recognize him and it is all due to his origins.

『Don't you think these kids are the best? The best at having dreams, the best at wanting to become someone, the best at getting ahead, just like they are the best at making messes and mischief, even some are foul-mouthed and know little about the outside, just like you, just like me, with what we have we do our best according to what we believe is right』-『"No matter where you come from or who you are now, what matters is what your dreams and goals will turn you into, as long as you remain true to yourself, being who you are, looking for the best version of you, someday it will happen, and when that happens, other people, the world and yourself, will recognize you for having found the place you deserve" It is one of the phrases that the former Leader of Europe said when I spent time with him, I still remember when he said it to me, I still remember when he said it to me, when I was still a child that the only thing I knew at that time, was a home that was trying to get up from the rubble, I wish I had spent more time with him, but what can you do, if this is how life wanted our relationship, there is little I can do *smile*』.

Mikel commented and spoke with affection revealing a little of what he personally experienced, he kept looking at the ceiling and remembering many things, it was as if that whistle, the sound of the helices, the bells and the alarm that appeared even in his dreams, had not yet completely left him. Cliston watched the children running and was very pleased with the atmosphere.

『I'm not good at dealing with children, I feel like I'm too far away from them, I feel like there's a big gap in time and that scares me on several occasions, what can I talk about? can I understand them? will they find what I do entertaining?』

『You've been away for so long that you still can't get used to simple things like communication, relationship and thinking of others, uhmm, like everyone else, why do you make it seem like it's a big problem? for you it might be, but for me your problem has a simpler solution than you think 』.

In the middle of the conversation, again Mikel was making use of his abilities to read people, Cliston last turned to look at the leader of Europe, who was trying to give him a mocking smile, he may or may not be right, Cliston still feels that time has played against him, although he says that for him, time has just started to run again, he knows that in many things he acts as if he was not in the moment, he feels like the oldest one who doesn't know how to think or act, he tried again to mentalize himself trying to deceive himself, the mentalization to continue being an ignorant was still present, because he still does not feel comfortable, he is not used to resume life before, he knows that in appearance he is young and tries to mentalize that, he tries to deceive himself but there are moments that evidently make him return to how he really is now, the oldest in the world who does not know anything.

『Simple? Mikel, could you please tell me? Tell me why I'm acting this way』

『Non, what's the use of someone else telling you the answer, this way you will never learn, let alone grow, I leave it to you to find the answer to your doubt as to why you feel you are out of step with the rest, but gee, I'll tell you from the beginning because it's the first problem since I saw you Giovane Cliston』

『Nahhhh, I think you want to be the master 』(-,-)

『One is very obvious when he is sincere *smiles*』.

After finishing their conversation, quickly Mikel saw the tray of sweets and didn't hesitate to take some, at that the 2 children who had previously come, had returned with more intention to be able to eat more sweets, but before they could grab the cookies and chocolates, Mikel would take the tray with his hands and start eating the sweets, the children would start complaining about it asking to give it to them as well.

『There are children, if you want to be able to take it out of my hands, jumping will get you nowhere, wait until you grow up, I will have already eaten several, use force, you lack it, if you want to get what you want so badly, what comes to mind?』

It was like a provocation on Mikel's part towards the children, and when the annoyed children left the place, Mikel quickly invited Cliston to eat the sweets that were still left on the tray, it was not necessary to understand, Cliston knew perfectly well that the latter was also acting in a childish way. But after a while, not only had the 2 children who left come, but he had come with a battalion that was ready to fight for the cookies.

『Tous contre le soldat!!!』

They gave the order, and as if they were in a kind of war of all against one, before they would be thrown at him as they did to Cliston, Mikel would lower the tray with utmost elegance and respect, while the latter commented that he surrendered and that now his prize was these sweets, the children celebrated all over the room, that you could even hear their screams up to the upper floors there were.

『There is always a way to get what you want Giovane Cliston, before a provocation and force majeure, before a confidence and security of the situation, even if you are in control right now, you don't know what will happen later, until you are completely sure that you have solved that problem in front of you, if so, you have every right to do what you want, because you already won』.

『Hey! He's already eaten most of the candy! !!!!』

What Mikel may have wanted to do, but it was noticed that he wanted to look like someone who knew a lot and even a master of teachings and lessons, the children shouted because most of the candy had been eaten by Mikel together with Cliston, but quickly the old lady from earlier had appeared commenting that she will prepare more but they will have to wait for a while, that did not matter, since the children felt that they had not lost the battle, but before Mikel's words, Cliston only had something to say.

『You don't need to try to teach me with all the example Mikel, don't force it』.

『Forces?!!!...I guess I'm predisposed to that too....I just wanted to look good to someone who needs to know a lot of things』.

What Mikel was trying to do was to imitate the former Leader of Europe a little bit, since what Mikel remembers most were those teachings and phrases that his predecessor once told him, and seeing Cliston so confused from the beginning, Mikel had tried his best to teach him many things from speech, but in this last one if already noticed that he was forcing him a lot. Cliston would comment to him if that's all they were going to do for the day today, where Mikel commented that this would be where they were going to spend the night.

『Oh, rather here you are going to live for this month and a half that you are going to be with me *smiles* You don't mind do you? I want you to have a change of scenery, since I'm sure with Asia you were staying and locked up in those rooms of the agencies』.

It seems that Cliston is already getting used to Mikel knowing about things that he has not been told yet, but Cliston commented that it will do him good to live in this place for the time being, since for a long time he feels that he did not interact much with people outside of the missions, or rather the only person he interacted with all this time was only one person, Mikel smiled because now being here he will be able to learn about many things.

『Here you will be able to learn about everything, so don't be shy and socialize with everyone in this place, it is what you are best at, from the janitor to the director, from the infant to the oldest, they have a history that for sure you won't want to miss』.

『I will keep it very much in mind Mikel, and thank you very much for giving me this opportunity, by the way speaking of learning, I would like to ask you a favor』.

Mikel had his own plans with Cliston, since if they are going to spend time together here and taking advantage of the fact that he knows about many subjects, he feels that it wouldn't be wrong to teach him and pass his knowledge to him, he feels that also that is one of the leader's labors with Cliston, to be able to teach him things in his own ways. At Cliston's question, Mikel waited with a smile for the words he thinks he will say, but again everything played against him, as Cliston would ask him for another kind of teaching.

『Could you please train me!』

『Yes, let's train you?』

Cliston had bent down to ask for the favor, where Mikel almost fell on his back after hearing Cliston's words, he didn't expect that, as Cliston's whole being was screaming that he wanted to study about many things, this was weird, as Mikel knew that Cliston was strong and from Tomeo's side he knows about all the feats he did so far, but he also doesn't dislike the idea, if he wants to be even stronger why stop him?

『All right, I guess what I really want to show you can wait for the night, let's go to the orphanage's backyard, there I'll show you what I know』.

They both went with a smile, more Cliston's since he didn't think Mikel would accept his proposal all at once, besides if he was given the opportunity to start early with his training, he would have more time to learn, now he has all this month and a half to learn a new fighting style in a place he never thought he would train. The first thing Mikel did was to make a quick check of Cliston's physical condition, he analyzed him to see what would be the best thing to teach him, obviously it would be good for Cliston to learn everything but one will always be better at something than the rest.

『Okay, I got it, I'll show you the Savate』.

Thinking of all the possibilities but narrowing it down to only a few, Mikel knew that that Cliston's recovering arm would be not a problem, but rather an advantage as he will be able to focus on other parts of his body. Mikel was going to teach him Savate, also known as boxe française, French boxing, as the name suggests it has its origins in France, this style of fighting uses both hands and feet for attacks, it includes elements of western boxing, grappling techniques and leg techniques (feet only). It comes perfect for Cliston as it is something that just seeks to focus more than anything on the legs than anything else, maybe on his free arm, but the legs are his main form of attack, more than anything else it is a fighting style that in the 19th century was considered street.

『Are you flexible with your legs?』


Cliston would sit on the grass while placing his foot on the back of his neck, proving that the little training he had with Tomeo at least wasn't in vain, this made Mikel very happy as it seems that there had been with a progress with Cliston's training beforehand. Cliston stood up again as being in that position was extremely tiring for him, Mikel was in front of him, he touched him and lifted his free arm, he touched him to see how he was in condition.

『We will also take the opportunity to strengthen your arms, you know, total balance, or else you will look like those people who only do arms but stop legs in the gym, although in your case it would be the other way around and it would look weirder, well, the first few days we will warm up your body and prepare it so it can withstand the training』.

Cliston was excited about this new training he was going to receive, Mikel was guiding him how he should train his body just as they first did exercises to warm up, quickly curious children of all ages did not hesitate to come to the yard to see what was going on, seeing that Mikel was training Cliston, several children especially the little ones were also going to keep him company, it was like a small invasion and awkwardly they also started to exercise on the grass, this did not anger any, rather it was motivation for both of them.

『Come on Giovane Cliston, we can't let ourselves be defeated by the youth!』


They were exercising until all of a sudden it was already dark, as if no one knew about the time, since even Mikel had done the warm-ups together with everyone, because of the heat and the sweat, they could not feel how cold it was. This until the little old lady had to make a call that dinner was ready.

『Eh? Is dinner ready yet? Ahhh!!! It's getting cold, retreat, let's go inside the base!』

Mikel felt the cold that ran through his body and just then they realized that it had become night, he no longer believed to take the night walk that he told Cliston in the morning, but when they entered the orphanage, they could hear how a few children sneezed from the cold, it seems that some of them wanted to catch a cold. Already in the large dining room that the orphanage had, the children were sitting waiting for their food, those who wanted to get sick and stopped sneezing, were wrapped with blankets to recover. There was also Cliston with a change of clothes, because the previous one was already all sweaty, he was also waiting for the time when dinner would be delivered, but for Cliston it was a new experience, sitting in a large room, with children around him, out of everything he knew, had brought him excitement.

『Where is Mikel?』

PAM! A door had opened, and out of it came a large pot that inside contained the food that was going to be eaten for dinner, also many adults were coming out of what seemed to be the kitchen, the large dining room of the orphanage had some very neat sections, the tables and chairs where everyone eats, the area where they distribute the food and queue to be able to receive it, it was curious to see how from the kitchen and everything they need was placed in that service area. But in there that Mikel had come out also with a hair net, with an apron and mouth covers.

『Come and get your food!!!!』

At the shout he gave, the plates that each child had on their table, they took it and orderly began to queue, Cliston did not expect this, he thought for some reason that the food would be served to him directly, but this to go to receive it with your plate, no doubt it is something that he wants to get used to. He also started to queue up with the children, you could tell the difference with the height as well because of the genetics they were carrying, and by genetics I mean.

『He has a very big forehead』『He has a big forehead』『His forehead looks like a highway』.

『(Why are you looking at me so much...)』

When it was his turn to receive dinner, Mikel did not hesitate to greet Cliston, where the latter the first thing he commented if he had just bathed, where it seems that this offended Mikel since of course he did, as if he is not going to be serving the food all sweaty from training.

『This dish is Gentse Waterzooi, or a stew type soup, this dish has what you see, here the food is very simple at various times, it has both vegetables, such as carrot, leeks,etc, the thickness was made with egg, cream and butter, we made it with chicken meat, it would have been better if it had been with some kind of fish』.

『It smells very good Mikel, and the soup comes just like this? or is something missing?』

At Cliston's question, Mikel almost forgot or rather to see if he was attentive, he also handed him a French bread but also accompanied by french fries on the side, where Cliston now feels that the plate was complete. Mikel told him that when he finished serving the dishes, he would go and eat with him. Upon returning to his place, the first thing Cliston noticed was how open the place looked, to see so many people eating in one place, although he had seen it before, this family atmosphere was present, to hear how the children were talking while eating at the same time, all with their spoons clinking their plates, made him feel much more comfortable and he also decided to eat his plate without any shame. When Mikel arrived the first thing the leader of Europe did was to tell Cliston to look up, which he did and quickly noticed how Mikel put the plate of food on his forehead.

『Ouah, yeah it can be kept』.

He quickly removed it from his forehead when he noticed that there is more stability in Cliston's forehead than in the policy he manages, again as it seems to be a habit for Mikel, he told the story of this dish to Cliston, who wanted to learn more about the region and culture listened attentively, when he finished Cliston told him that he knew a lot about the topic, not only about this food, but he knew a lot when they went for a walk around the city.

『Now that I think about it you know a lot, were you a tour guide or what?』

『How did you know? I guess I am an open book like other countries used to say』.

『Huh? were you?』

Cliston hit it out of pure luck, Mikel didn't expect to have to tell him right now as he wanted this to be for later or even when it's already the last days, but just as Cliston said, when he was young, Mikel worked as a tour guide of his native country, he got to work so hard that he ended up working as a tour guide, remember that when he was a child he had little, From a very young age he began to live in an orphanage and his desire to learn was present, this started because the man he met since he was a child seemed to know a lot, always elegant and well dressed, wearing that important uniform always with him, perhaps his desire to know many things, was born because this man that he would come to admire later knew a lot. So he studied on his own as well as strived to become someone, always with the head of not being in this position, but for reasons of life he is now here, wearing this uniform that previously did not even give him.

『I told you, they've already started eating! Why did you want to go out of your way!』

『But it was a good idea anyway, with the money we had left over we were able to buy desserts, kids!!! we brought you candy!!!』

A duo just entered the dining room, these looked to be the oldest of all the children, they were uniformed for sure from some school in the city, it was both a male and a female who just entered. They were the siblings from the orphanage, the little children were so happy to see them coming that they even left their food to go and get the candy they had bought, this quickly annoyed the old lady who was also delivering the food, since the children preferred candy to dinner. Cliston watched the whole scene from afar and asked Mikel who those two people were.

『They? are the De Vos brothers, they are the only ones who were given the opportunity to go to school and have a better future』.

『The only ones?』

『Orphanages for a long time, not all children can be sent to study, with the budget they have only a few are allowed this luxury, those who show potential to grow and be better, to be able to have a better life are only chosen, The De Vos siblings are them on this occasion, depending on the orphanage they can be 2, 3, or even 4, the orphanage will pay for their studies, their materials, their clothing, also with the condition that when they are old enough to work they will have to do it to pay for their own expenses that they want to do. This year is their last school year, next year they will try to enter the university and there the support of the orphanage will end, the good thing is that here in Europe, thanks to the former leader of Europe, when a student enters a university, they will pay the expenses and the student will no longer do anything, but will compensate by getting good grades and being a great student, that is the only help we have for those who decide to study, it is very late to enter the university but what can you do, for people with few resources, they do everything possible to fulfill that dream』.

Mikel just gave a little explanation to Cliston about how the studies work here, it seems that when you enter the University, you receive support from the government and the institute, yes it is seen that they invest a lot to the new generations, but in all the previous as high school, elementary and middle school, if you follow the rules as we all know. The orphanages seeing this possibility, many decided to make a great effort and support for those children who really strive and feel that they will not miss this opportunity, all so that children with few resources also have a chance. The De Vos brothers received help in their studies since they were small, from elementary school until now by the Orphanage, their way of being helped ends this year if they enter the university of the country.

『Well I think it's nice, I don't know what to say because I find myself still thinking about the situation, but it's nice to see how everyone is making an effort for who wants to get ahead *smiles*』.

『That's Giovane Cliston, today's help is tomorrow's help, one for all and all for one』.

『There's no more candy, you kids have such a sweet tooth, by the way where's the headmistress? AH! She's in the kitchen, can you hold the children for a moment sister? I want to give the money to the headmistress』.

Brother De Vos was retreating trying to avoid the children by going to the kitchen where the director of the orphanage was, Mikel and Cliston were watching from afar but they could see a little bit anyway, Mikel was watching and by the way his lips were moving, Brother De Vos was handing him money that he surely earned doing part-time work with his sister, you could see the director's refusal to receive the money, you could tell how Brother this annoyed him a lot and wanted at all costs for the director to receive it, but none of this was happening.

『Come on! I know it's little but I want you to receive it, you do so much for us, let me give it back!』

『This is your money you earned it by working yourself, I would feel bad to receive it, it's yours, I already told you not to feel obliged to give us back everything we give you』.

They were going to be like this for quite a while insisting and denying, where quickly it seems that Mikel made an appearance between the 2, it could be noticed how Brother De Vos referred to Mikel as soldier boy just like the children did.

『Again with the same thing? whose side will I take now』.

『Come on Soldadito! Tell the director to accept my money, she's so hardcore about not getting anything from us, it makes me feel like I'm trying so hard for nothing...』

『It's your money! It's your effort! How do I have to tell you that it's your own sweat! if I receive it just like that I'd only be ripping myself off』.

This was something that Mikel had seen many times before, he had seen how Los Hermanos De Vos tried to give money as help to the Director, but she simply refused. The truth is that Mikel is on the side of both of them, it seems right to him the position of both of them, trying to give back even a little of what he receives is fine, and trying to refuse so that he does not feel obligated, is also fine, since he does not do it for profit, he does it out of charity like everything else in this orphanage. But from what Mikel was thinking about who to support, Cliston had appeared on the scene without saying anything.

『Und dieser kleine Fronton?』

He doesn't know, but the brother had just said small fronton to Cliston, where Cliston would quickly take the headmistress's hand, take the brother's hand and have them hold hands, rare thing since they both looked at him funny, at that Cliston would speak.

『Please, according to what I understood this is important, if he wants to give it to you please accept it, he is very aware of everything you do for him, why give it to you tomorrow if he can do it today, for a gift it is not necessary to have done or given something beforehand, there are simply gifts that you would like to give just because, because it was born inside of you, I think the mistake here is that, say it is a gift from the heart *smile*』.

Cliston spoke from his perspective and from what he knows, the director and the Brother didn't know what he said, but Mikel smiled and would go on to translate what Cliston said, this made the director and the brother think things over a bit, who the latter would follow Cliston's advice saying that this is a gift and that he would like very much for him to accept it. The headmistress through this sea of emotions, from her heart and hands received the money brought to her by the De Vos brothers.

『Thank you, I will make good use of it』.

『*sigh*You see director, I really don't know why I fight with you when I want to give you something, but with that a gift, next maybe I will decorate it in a box to make it more believable, ahh!!! I'm starving』

『I'll serve you, bring your plate please (Well done Giovane Cliston, you see if you have potential)』.

Mikel was going to serve the food to the De Vos brothers who just arrived, where Cliston was giving a sigh, this the first time he sighs...I don't know why I feel like it is, quickly Cliston was rolling his eyes because he just meddled in something he shouldn't, why many say that the members of an orphanage are like his family, it's like the son had argued with his mother, is it okay to meddle in family matters? That was what made Cliston's head dizzy, where the director looking at him, remembering how he took both hands and the words he said, did not avoid smiling, that hands Cliston remembered because that was how Mikel greeted him when they met for the first time.

『Sie sind genau wie Mikel an jenem Tag der Fernsehausstrahlung kommentierte, Sie wissen, wie man gut kommuniziert』=『You are just as Mikel commented to me that day of the TV broadcast, you know how to communicate well』.

『Eh?...Sorry.... I don't understand it』

『Du kannst so lange bleiben, wie du willst, ich werde auch auf dich aufpassen, Cliston』= 『You can stay as long as you want, I'll also watch over you Cliston』

『Eh?...I don't know what he said but thank you ....*smile*』

Faced with not knowing what to say this one resorted to the culture of his country and what his family taught him, to always be grateful to people and never wish evil to those who do not deserve it, the director was leaving along with Mikel and with a strong blow to his head, he was complaining because he had stayed talking to the De Vos Brothers instead of giving them their food, you could notice how the De Vos Brother was starving that this made much grace to the little children who were there.

『Hey, how can you hit me behind my back! Don't you know how to respect someone who has been there for a long time?』

『You should act your age now, old man Mikel』

『I'm hungry!!!!! I'm dying!!!!』

Seeing and hearing this, although Cliston did not understand it, but seeing that it brought a familiar and even maternal air, hearing the laughter of the children, made Cliston feel at ease, where he commented that his days here while living in this orphanage would surely not be boring. They showed Cliston his room where he had his own personal room, which was rare since the other children's rooms were spacious and shared. This was influenced by the importance of Cliston since an important person cannot sleep like anyone else, just as Cliston had his personal room, Mikel, being the leader of Europe, also had his.

『I'm going to wash it tomorrow to see if I can get it off』.

Mikel looked at the uniform and could not help but remember the beginning of this day at Headquarters, you could hear from the silence how he sighed, while he said to himself that he hopes that tomorrow will be a better day and that this day will be the one where even one of the many problems he has to solve will be fixed. Before getting into his bed, Mikel remembered that he planned to teach Cliston about studying and stuff, it's 9 pm, everyone should be in their beds by now, so at least let them study for a couple of hours would be fine.

『If I'm going to be here living with everyone, wouldn't it be better if I get to study...I don't want to seem like an outsider even though I am xd, but I'd like to understand a little bit so I don't feel strange』.

Cliston was in his room and getting out of bed, it wasn't his sleeping hours right now, Cliston was looking through the dresser and desk in the room he was given, but for some reason Cliston was with a candle on lighting up the room, he was looking to find something to study, the good thing is that there were many books in the room, the bad thing is that they were in a language he didn't understand, this lowered Cliston's spirits as he wanted to study, but studying on his own in a place that knows nothing, it seems like it's useless.

"Maybe I should really give up studying...besides, it's already late isn't it? it's getting cold, I'm holding a candle, these books look so old and big that they're already discouraging me...yeah, I don't have time to study now, I'd better concentrate on training for tomorrow』.

At that time we heard someone knocking on Cliston's door, Cliston quickly went to open the door, where he met Mikel, he wanted to say something, but stopped when he looked at Cliston with a candle illuminating the place, Mikel quickly turned on the light.

『Why were you with a candle?』

『Eh?...for ambiance xd』

『I think I understand better how your head works Giovane Cliston』-『I heard you speak and I can't help but think that you really said that, you also feel that you're not of studying's more serious than I thought』

『No no no, it's not that, yes I want to study, it's the first thing I did to get my life back on track, but with everything I'm involved in, I feel like studying is on the side when there are more important things』

『Never say that studying is not important!!!!!!』

Mikel seems to burst a little bit of anger when he heard Cliston say that, quickly so it seems that he faced him, this Cliston scared him and quickly said that was not what he said, in there Mikel gave a little sigh and seemed to calm down, but that really about the studio seems to be a sensitive issue for Mikel.

『Well done, studying to take up your life again, to know how the world is nowadays, I think it is a great decision Giovane Cliston, but why do you have to stop now and say it is not important? The only thing that I imagine is that it is due to the influence of Asia, he only cares about strength and power, who is the bad guy and how to finish him, tell me Cliston, when you were with Asia, did he ever tell you anything about the country where they were? did he even tell you a curiosity? nothing? I knew it, I tell you now boy, all the leaders are no different from the others, we also fall into the stereotype even if it doesn't seem so, it's a personal opinion, but Asia is closed, North America thinks it's the best, South America thinks it can do everything, Africa is very traditional, Oceania he is the newest after me, but I believe in saying that he is lonely or at least he has no interaction with us, Antarctica is null, and I think Europe is the most important, my style of speaking, of dressing, I don't know why, but we all fall into that, and that is wrong? Of course not, we are only true to ourselves, to what we like the most and to be the way we want to be, it's as simple as that. And that's why I want you to know and learn from everyone to take away the idea of what I just said, study and see with your own eyes, discover, know, learn, fill yourself with knowledge so that you have an idea of what you think is right, in the end you will see the big difference when you know something to when you decide to be an ignorant』.

Before the words that Mikel just told him, he just revealed a lot of things about his other classmates, it seems that it was really something very sensitive about studying and knowing about the world, Mikel ended up sitting on Cliston's bed while the latter tried to process everything he just heard, but before everything he told him he only drew one conclusion.

『Yes, you're acting important with your words xd』

『You see what I mean, and you think I'm just that?』

『No, you're much more than that Mikel』

『*smile* Fine, then bring those books, look! they just talk about a historical revolution, every night from now on I'll teach you what you don't know about Cliston, I won't let you remain ignorant in front of everyone』.

Mikel lo tenía claro desde el inicio, esto era lo que quería hacer con Cliston, llenarle de conocimiento para que no sea mal visto en otros lugares, mejor que le digan las cosas en la cara para que se de cuenta que es lo bueno y lo malo, siente que con Asia no aprendio como se debe, aunque no es de culpar, Tomeo es cerrado por que esta tan concentrado en traer la paz que es incapaz de ver por fuera de este, bajo su manto ahora, quiere hacer crecer no solo en fuerza a Cliston, si no que la otra arma que le ayudara será el cuanto sabe del resto del mundo.

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