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1.31% Luna's Last mercy / Chapter 1: One
Luna's Last mercy Luna's Last mercy original

Luna's Last mercy

Autor: DaoistDHmDRY

© WebNovel

Kapitel 1: One

Chapter One


Life is finally about to stop kicking me in the ass and the world is going to know my name. Everything is about to change.

I repeated my morning affirmation three more times as I exited the cab and looked around at my new school. I am in college. I, Ruby Saunders, have made it to college. I'll still have to work my ass off to maintain my grades and qualify for my full ride, of course, but nothing is going to deter me from my path. I've worked too long and too hard to get where I am now, so all distractions can go to hell. I'm not saying I won't attend the occasional party, but I know the opportunity I've been given will be gone forever if I lose it. I can't pay for college on my own; I can barely pay for lunch.

"Damn babe, nice ass."

My eyes narrowed as I stopped walking. I sighed as I turned around while pulling my hands out of the pockets of my leather jacket. The distractions were starting earlier than I had expected and I wasn't in the mood. Five minutes. Only five minutes had passed on my first day and I already had this to deal with.

Sure enough, there was a boy behind me eyeing me up and down, his bright blue eyes twinkling with lust. I tilted my head to the side and smiled and his face lit up even further. He wasn't bad looking, but he was a distraction and I wasn't about to be his next victim.

"What did you just say to me you little bitch?" I said. His eyes widened as I raised a finger to his face. "Shut the fuck up."

"Ahh, I…"

I turned away before he could spit out whatever it was he was trying to say while behind him his friends started laughing. I know what you're thinking, I didn't have to be that mean. But if you knew the life I've lived you'd understand my determination to stay focused, which meant no boys.

For most of my life – almost all of it actually – I've been alone. I've been looking after myself for as long as I can remember and that's how it

will continue to be. People like me don't get offered help. Nor do we need it. I can take care of myself.

After leaving the admissions office a little earlier than I had expected, I decided to do a tour of the school. My first class wouldn't be starting for another hour, so I had some time to kill.

There was a dark academy aesthetic about this place that I knew I'd never grow tired of. From the moment I had seen this place online I knew this was where I was meant to be. So, after receiving my scholarship, I packed up what little I had, which fit into one suitcase, pocketed my last three hundred bucks, and came here.

I inhaled deeply as the wind picked up and whipped my hair around me, the red strands tangling around my face. The buildings were all of a gothic design with vines going up the walls. People mostly spoke in hushed voices, and with the sky being overcast the campus was shrouded in darkness.

I was at home.

Sometimes in life you'll get a feeling in your gut, a feeling that pushes you to do or say something, and more often than not you end up living with regret if you ignore it. So far I'm happy I took the risk of coming here.

The library is hands down my favorite place here. The quiet that greets you along with the slightly musty air gives you the feeling you've stepped into another world. As soon as I stepped inside I was inundated with the smell of old books and my heart rate sped up. Victorian style lamps lining the walls and a giant chandelier hanging from the ceiling provided soft lighting that left shadows all over the library.

I made my way through the shelves, taking deep breaths as I glided my fingers along the spines of the books.

Oh yes, I'd be spending a lot of time here, a lot of time indeed.

Ever since childhood books have been my way out, my escape from the shitty reality I live in, and one day something I've written will offer someone a means of escape. Yeah, I know, weird idea since I'm a law major.

I had exited the shelves upon shelves of books to take a seat when, a few tables away from me, a guy got to his feet.

It was like watching a giant who had been crouching down stand tall. The man before me was at least six foot four with raven black hair, a

square sharp jawline, and perfectly shaped thick brows. He was looking around the library and, if his knitted brows were anything to go by, he was angry.

Maybe he had been waiting on someone and they had stood him up. But who would stand up a guy like that? He was clearly a gym junkie, with one of his arms as big as my two arms combined.

As the man began to walk away I heard a voice behind me. "He's hot, isn't he?"

I looked over my shoulder to see a girl bent down to my ear level, her blue eyes glistening with amusement. "Don't waste your time honey. Every woman on this campus wants a piece of him and he gives none of them the time of day."

Who was this girl and why was she talking to me? She had caught me checking that guy out, whoever he was. So what? Was she a jealous ex or something?

"Um, okay. Don't worry, I'm not interested."

Her eyes widened as if I had said the world was flat before a grin pulled at her lips and she sat down. "Hmm, how interesting. I get the vibe you don't run with the crowd. That's good." She stuck her hand out to me. "I'm Natalie."

I shook her hand because, why not? She seemed nice. "Ruby."

"Fitting name, Ruby, with your red hair and all." She squinted and leaned closer. "A natural redhead at that. Nice!"

Now I wouldn't say I'm the most beautiful woman to walk the earth, but my hair has always drawn attention to me, both its color and that it reaches below my ass. And the bangs that stop just above my eyebrows make my small oval face appear smaller. I'm five foot five, have decent C- cup boobs, and I have some curvy hips. Hence, the comment I had gotten from that poor guy earlier.

Natalie, however, was a model. I've never been the type to be jealous of another woman's looks, but Natalie was tall, five foot seven at least, with legs like a gazelle and platinum blonde hair. Her ice-blue eyes were the icing on the cake.

"Yup. So who was that guy then?"

She smirked. "Oh, so you are interested?"

"I'm curious," I corrected her. "Only curious."

And that was the truth, because he was hot. Gorgeous even. He was tall and muscular, and while he was extremely handsome, there was an aura of seriousness about him that I liked.

She exhaled and looked in the direction he had gone. "He's Xavier Blackwood, son of Mathieu Blackwood." She looked over at me and smiled. "Xavier is part of the rich-kids crowd, although he rolls alone. That actually makes girls want him more. I'm not sure if it's a trick or not, but there you have it. You can try your luck, sis."

"I'll pass, sis."

She shrugged, not in the least bothered by my snappy response, and I found myself liking her. Looking at her you'd think she'd be a materialistic "oh my god I like so need a skinny latte" type, but she seemed rather chill.

I can't stand a calorie-watching bitch. Eat food!

I checked my watch and my eyes widened. I couldn't believe my hour was almost up. I got up and picked up my bag. "Hey, sorry, but I have class. I can't miss my first class."

She got up with me. "Sure, what building are you going to?" "Law."

She grinned. "Nice, so am I. Let's go. You can tell me how you've managed to get an ass like that."

I laughed and she winked at me as we left.

Yeah, I like her. That makes my first day a success because I usually can't stand people.


The day I had arrived in town I started job hunting. Mind you, by then I was down to two hundred bucks and still needed to find a place to stay. But my determination has always gotten me through, and finally the fourth diner I visited needed someone immediately. For my job interview all I had to do was serve customers for an hour. With my years of experience waiting tables, since it's the only job I've ever been able to keep, I landed the job easily.

My supervisor knew someone who knew someone who had just moved out of their broom closet apartment and I was more than happy to

take it. Now, two weeks later and with school started, I felt like my life was slowly coming together.

I'd even made a friend.

"Thanks, Ruby," a regular said to me. The old man tipped me twenty bucks. "This place needed a pretty face like yours."

"I heard that Mr. Jackson, and I take offense."

Mr. Jackson flipped Brittany off. She's my coworker, and the only other employee besides my supervisor. She laughed and went back to cleaning the tables. She's Goth, with a million piercings in each ear. And even though our supervisor Rosette keeps telling her to stop wearing black lipstick, Brittany would wear it anyway and say it's not lipstick, it's her natural lip color.

Everything was going great until Natalie walked in, and I nearly had a stroke when I saw who was walking in behind her.

Xavier Blackwood strutted into the diner like he owned the place and took a seat. With him was a girl who was giving everyone the stink eye, her brown hair in a slick high ponytail, and a guy with curly blonde hair who looked extremely bored.

"Hey, gorgeous," Natalie called to me as she glided over to the counter I was leaning on. She plucked a cookie out of the jar beside me and winked at Brittany, who to my surprise started blushing.


"Don't hey gorgeous me! Explain. You're part of that crowd?"

Natalie glanced over at her shoulder. "Oh. Well, that crowd is my family. Xavier's my cousin."

What the fuck did she just say?

"Excuse me? You called him hot." "Yeah, I know."

"He's your cousin, Natalie. No one calls their cousin hot."

She ate the last of the cookie and grinned. "I was only voicing what you were thinking. Anyway, what time do you get off?"

"First of all, I wasn't thinking that. And I'm doing a double shift tonight."

She pouted, but it only lasted a second. "Fine, I just wanted the guys to try the burgers here. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have known they were so good."

She kissed my cheek and pranced over to Xavier and friends and I stood there, rooted to my spot. I wasn't bothered by her kissing my cheek. I've only known her for two days, but it feels like I've known her for decades. Her cheery personality is hard to dislike.

What had me rooted to the spot was Xavier's eyes. They were like black pits and they were trained on me. Why was he staring at me and why did he look upset?

His brows were so tightly knit I figured he was going to get a headache soon. The girl he had come in with didn't like his attention being elsewhere. She threw her hand over his shoulder and began whispering to him, but her eyes were on me.

Oh honey, if only you knew how much I don't want Xavier Blackwood.

My brows pulled together as I turned away and placed my hand over my heart. My heart rate had spiked and a horrible feeling was rolling up my chest. I coughed, but that had been a mistake.

"Um, Brittany, I'm taking a break."

My chest was burning and I felt light-headed. I could feel the vomit making its way up my throat. What the hell is happening? I don't get sick, ever. I've caught the flu probably only twice since I was a child.

I turned and headed for the door, passing Natalie's table. "Ruby?"

"I'm taking my break, Natalie. Someone else will take your order."

She got to her feet as if to follow me outside, a look of worry plastered on her face, but the other guy, the one who looked bored, grabbed her arm. I didn't care because the world around me was starting to tilt, and as I ran outside I held onto the wall and threw up until I fell to my knees.


Rosette gave me an hour break instead of fifteen minutes. I stared up at the ceiling in the office where I'd been lying down for that hour. I've never thrown up so much in my life, but the feeling was almost gone. With my stomach now empty, I felt drained of all my energy.

I tried to remember what I had eaten that could have made me sick, but all I've had since morning was a sandwich and then a muffin when I got to work. Maybe what I needed was a proper meal.

I grimaced. The thought of food was making me feel sick again, and I decided with the feeling passing I'd better get back to work. Rosette had argued with me for ten minutes that I should go home, but I need the money. My scholarship covers my school expenses, but I still have to eat.

I made my way back into the diner to take over from Brittany when my eyes landed on Xavier.

What was he still doing here?

He was alone but sitting in the exact spot he had been before. He looked up as I was putting my apron on and his eyes lowered into slits. My hands froze from tying my apron as his face morphed from relaxed to angry.

What in God's name did I do to this man?

I've only seen him once before, that day in the library. And considering that I'm friends with Natalie, what reason does he have for looking at me as if I'm a plague beast? Did Natalie tell him what I had said, that I wasn't interested in him, and he's somehow upset about it? That was the only thing I could think of, but I wasn't going to stand around and have this creep watch me my whole shift.

"Can I help you with something? Why do you keep staring at me?"

Xavier looked up at me and my heart lodged itself in my throat when he abruptly got to his feet, his nostrils flaring. I backed up, my eyes widening as his narrowed even further. My head was tilted back because of how he was towering over me, and just like that I was hit with another wave of nausea.

My face twisted in pain and he recoiled from me.

Was that it? Was he repulsed by me being sick or something? Jesus, what is with this guy? But God, was he even more perfect up close. I still didn't like him. Why is he acting like this? For a second there I thought he was going to hit me.

He turned and stormed out of the diner, everyone having frozen to watch the scene.

"Do you know Xavier Blackwood?"

I looked over at Brittany and inhaled a breath. Throwing up even once more would surely kill me. "No. I don't know what his problem is."

She threw me a look I couldn't decipher before turning away to clock out for the day. From what I understood, Xavier's father was Mathieu Blackwood, business mogul and millionaire. They were among the elite,

and considering I was new in town there was no reason for this man to hate me.

By the time the last customer left I was again on the verge of fainting. I had munched on a few cookies throughout the night, but what I needed was rest. With tomorrow being Sunday and with my Monday assignments being completed, I could sleep in.

I closed up the diner and zipped my jacket as the chilly air nipped at my skin. In the distance I could hear music, no doubt from a bar or club or frat house nearby. Since my apartment was close by, many nights I walked home instead of calling an Uber. It's the only exercise I get since I've never seen the inside of a gym.

Xavier's face flashed within my mind and I rolled my eyes. Something is seriously wrong with that guy, and you bet on Monday I'll confront him for it. His father could be the president, I didn't care. You don't get to do stuff like that and walk.

My eyes narrowed and my steps slowed when before me a man in a hoodie pushed himself off a wall and turned in my direction. He just stood there staring at me, his face cloaked in darkness with his hoodie pulled over his head.


I turned around, but a chill ran down my spine when behind me was another man.

Oh, Jesus.

I turned and walked briskly down an alleyway, my hand rummaging through my handbag. I closed my eyes and cursed inwardly, my heart pounding in my head as I realized I'd left my pepper spray at home.

Behind me, I heard a whistle and another man appeared before me. No, no, this was not happening right now. This wasn't happening! Two weeks, I've been here for two weeks! My life's turning around! I got a scholarship!

The most gruesome thoughts started going through my head and I turned to run, but my way out of the alleyway was blocked by the first two men. They charged at me, grabbing both my arms and holding them apart.

"Hey, babe," the man who had appeared in the alleyway whispered, his voice low and gravelly. My skin started to crawl as he reached a finger out and ran it down my cheek. "Why are you walking home alone princess?"

"I like to stretch my legs." I kicked him in the gut, sending him staggering backward. At the same time I yanked on my arms, but only one came free. Before I knew it the two men had grabbed me again. This time one of them held my face, squeezing my cheeks.

The man before me started laughing and removed his hood, revealing a deep scar running down the side of his face. His skin was pale and his breath reeked of alcohol. I wanted to cry. My eyes were stinging and I knew what was coming next when he smiled at me.

"I love them feisty."

My world started crumbling when he started grabbing at me, his cold fingers prying at my body until I felt them like ice cubes dip into my top and grab my breast. I screamed. I screamed for my life, for someone to save me, when suddenly the man to my left was yanked away.

I slapped my attacker in the face and pushed the other away, but they had already forgotten me because, behind us, their friend was suspended in the air.

His neck snapped to the side with a sickening sound that echoed in the darkness around us. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. What man has the strength to hold another off the ground like that?

The body was thrown to the side and I got my answer as Xavier stepped forward.

next chapter
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