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83.33% Luminous Fiend: Bloody Manifestation / Chapter 10: Bloody Manifestation (9)

Kapitel 10: Bloody Manifestation (9)

Bloody Manifestation (9)

In the grand panorama of existence, much like a sprawling landscape under the firmament, unfurls a celestial riddle that seems to have been woven from the ethereal silk of celestial mysteries: What, indeed, is the fundamental distinction between the nascent Freshborn and the arcane Manaborn? To unravel this divine enigma, we are summoned to embark on an odyssey into the mysterious abyss of their origins, into the heart of their unique association with the universal life-force, Mana—an elusive rivulet of cosmic vitality that drenches the cosmic canvas, as if a constellation has descended to immerse the universe in its radiant splendour.

Freshborn, akin to young seedlings emerging from the nurturing womb of the earth, are conceived from the timeless ballet of natural existence, a corporeal confluence between two beings. They are the progeny of an elaborate lineage mural, springing forth from the mutual affection and kinship between two kindred spirits, as if two streams have conjoined to form a river of life. Their conception, unsullied by Mana's ghostly touch, resonates with the nuanced exchanges of the physical realm that signal their arrival into existence. Their lives may eventually dance with the rhythm of this mystical force, but their birth remains immaculate—they emerge as mortal beings, unshackled from the enigmatic energy that envelops our reality, akin to a gem unblemished by the dust of the earth.

On the other hand, the Manaborn, akin to stars birthed from nebulous clouds of cosmic dust, spring forth from Mana, engendered not through a physical union, but through a spectral and magical fusion, as if life has been breathed into them by a divine entity. Their existence is a testament to the adept orchestration of this mystical life-current, as if a grand cosmic maestro has woven them into existence from the fabric of the universe. Skilled mystics, like artisans working with threads of arcane energy, weave the magic of life, crafting a novel life-form that stands as a testament to their command over the mystical currents flowing beneath reality's veneer.

The birth of the Manaborn diverts from the trail blazed by their Freshborn kin. It's not a fortuitous event, like a meteor hurtling through the cosmos, but a deliberate spectacle of magical dexterity, akin to a celestial body taking form under the careful guidance of unseen forces. These arcane sculptors mould and direct the course of Mana, stitching its spectral fabric into a vibrant tapestry that infuses life into their creations. They break free from the boundaries of the material realm, their existence echoing the elegant waltz of Mana's grand composition, akin to a star freed from the gravitational pull of its galaxy.

The Freshborn are the fruits of the timeless dance of physical communion, their creation untouched by the direct influence of Mana, much like a natural landscape untouched by human influence. In stark contrast, the Manaborn are deliberately moulded by the mage's hand, their existence a poignant testament to the harmonic symphony of Mana's mystical forces, akin to a harmonious chorus sung by celestial bodies. The boundaries are clear and distinct—one is born from the love of the physical, blooming like a lotus in the mud, while the other is a masterwork of magic, created from the deliberate and adept manipulation of the spectral lifeblood of the cosmos.

The enigma of Mana continues to captivate scholars and seekers, akin to an ancient siren song that never ceases to bewitch. But what is the essence of this spectral nectar, and from what fathomless spring does its potent power flow? Mana, the mystical lifeblood, surges through the veins of our cosmos and beyond, energizing the very marrow of existence. It is a lofty force, elusive yet omnipresent, threading its spectral tendrils through the complex tapestry of reality, akin to the unseen melodies of a celestial symphony resonating throughout the cosmos.

A question, however, still lingers, shrouded in the fog of mystery: From where does this magical ambrosia flow? What arcane fountain births Mana, granting it such bewitching essence? The murmurs of ancient lore and sage writings hint at the answer, steering us toward the spectral realm of the Astral Plane, as if guiding us through a labyrinth of celestial mysteries.

If fortune grants you the privilege to gaze upon the nocturnal heavens, what might initially appear as an infinite canopy of darkness, sprinkled with twinkling stars, conceals within it a significance that transcends mere visual awe. In the realm of Evermore, the celestial tapestry is not merely an astronomical spectacle—it reflects the Astral Plane, a concept revered by ancient scholars for its mystical implications.

The glowing stars that bedeck the firmament are more than just cosmic entities; they symbolize sacred sanctuaries of mighty beings dwelling within the Astral Plane's spectral expanse. Among these celestial luminaries, a solitary sun and a triad of moons serve as ethereal sentinels, assigned the divine task of safeguarding Evermore. Their noble purpose encompasses fortifying the material plane against the encroachment of nefarious forces emanating from the Astral Plane. These dark energies, intent on malice, are repelled by these formidable guardians, preserving the sanctity and harmony of existence.

Hence, the Manaborn, those intimately bound with Mana and the world's mystical energies, often come to be known as the "Children of the Stars." Their birth and being, tied with the celestial realms mirrored above, reveal a profound connection to the spectral domain and the mighty forces that shape it.

In the grand saga of lineage, when a Noblespawn emerges as a Vincere, their identity becomes inseparably woven with the essence of Mythical power inherent in their lineage. Within this distinguished heritage, two strains of Mythical power take root. The first, Imperadomini, stands as a mighty bulwark for self-defense, embodying their inherent strength. The second, Creare Labirintum—more commonly known as Dungeon Creation— is a mystical keystone that paves the path for evolution, signaling greatness and growth.

As the divine act of Dungeon creation unfurls, the entrance gate materializes within the Physical plane, assuming various forms. It may manifest as a modest door, an enigmatic cave entrance, or perhaps an imposing monolithic pillar. Those bestowed with power and wealth may sculpt grand gateways, reflecting their might and affluence. However, in the broader perspective, the Dungeon's external guise holds little importance. Its destruction carries no lasting impact and does not disrupt the grand design.

The true essence of a Dungeon is nestled within its hidden chambers. The spirit of a Dungeon surpasses its physical proportions, for the dangers and dimensions within are not bound to their external shell. Rather, they are intimately linked with the power level of the Felith responsible for its birth. This insight prompts new questions, inspiring us to decode the mystery within. We wonder, where does the Dungeon's interior reside? Does it exist as a distinct dimension, separate from our reality? Or does it occupy a tangible spot within our world?

Eager scholars have embarked on a mission to discover the truth, plunging into the enigmas of Dungeons. Through their relentless pursuit, they've deduced that Dungeons indeed inhabit a specific location. The position of a Dungeon aligns with the spectral plane from which Mana springs—the legendary Astral plane.

As previously discussed, the Astral plane projects its radiant reflection onto the twilight sky. It is within this mystical expanse that the secrets of Dungeons and their celestial positioning unravel. As a Dungeon forms, its position can be discerned within the elaborate constellation pattern gracing the heavens. However, during their initial stages, newly born Dungeons lack the potent power to shine brightly like stars. Instead, they resemble obscure planets, their presence veiled in shadows and hidden from mortal sight.

Yet, as the Noblespawn sheltered within the Dungeon flourish and evolve, so too does the Dungeon itself. The planet symbolizing the Dungeon begins to emit a subtle glow, a soft beacon of potential and growth. In this symbiotic relationship, the Dungeon's brilliance progressively intensifies, mirroring the strength and maturity of the Noblespawn residing within.

Eventually, a monumental day dawns—the remarkable moment when a Noblespawn rises to the esteemed status of Dominator. It is on this exceptional occasion that a new star bursts forth in the twilight sky, a luminous testament to their arduous journey's pinnacle and the immeasurable power they've attained. In this cosmic dance, a celestial birth transpires, forever inscribed in the gleaming tapestry of stars.


A grand spectacle unfolds across the divine stage of existence, where the Mythic Luminescence unfurls its celestial brilliance in an awe-inspiring display of cosmic glory. From the sacred sanctum of the revered Causal Plane, tendrils of radiant illumination spiral in a harmonious ballet, their trajectory spanning the infinite canvas of the universe. Guided by a mission as profound as the cosmos, they embark on their journey to the enigmatic territories of the Mental Plane.

As the gleaming tendrils of the Mythic Luminescence stretch across the universe, they navigate the complex weave of the consciousness, in search of the latent spark of the White Vincere—a burgeoning entity poised on the precipice of realization within the realm of dreams and cognition. In this ephemeral domain of potentialities and dreams, the luminescence carves its path, its intuitive wisdom guiding it towards a twofold objective: to rouse the slumbering consciousness and to mold the formless thoughts into concrete manifestations.

With each pulse of celestial radiance, the Mythic Luminescence carefully infuses life into the intangible tableau of White Vincere's embryonic consciousness. It illuminates and shapes the nebulous thoughts, sculpting them with the elegance of a cosmic artisan, delicately chipping away the formless to reveal the distinct facets of a vibrant mental reality. The once elusive notions gradually assume form, as the ethereal clay metamorphoses into the firm constructs of mental entities.

As the Mythic Luminescence flickers, dynamic landscapes of intellect blossom forth, giving birth to towering mountains of inspiration and serpentine rivers of creativity that meander with unmatched brilliance. The luminescent touch encourages thoughts to intricately interlace, spawning complex mazes of imagination and glassy edifices of comprehension. The mental domain resonates with the tangible vibrations of transformation as the Mythic Luminescence infuses vitality into the otherwise ethereal domain.

In this holy communion between celestial light and emerging consciousness, the Mental Plane morphs into a land of manifestation. It becomes a domain where the elusive assumes concrete form and the fleeting assumes solidity. Guided by the divine radiance, White Vincere's latent consciousness stirs, awakening to an expansive world teeming with boundless potential and artistic potency.

In the midst of this profound transition, the consciousness of Ivory Fiend undergoes a metamorphosis of its own. A celestial event of extraordinary magnitude unfolds in the midnight sky, casting its ethereal glow as a reflection of the enigmatic Astral plane.

As a nascent Felith, newly emerged into existence, Ivory Fiend has yet to forge its own Dungeon, a hallmark of its evolutionary journey. However, the awakening of its mental form marks a pivotal moment in this transformative process. While its path may deviate from that of ordinary Felith, the mastery of the mental body signifies a transcendence akin to the Deificus deities who shape the world through the power of thought.

Such a profound evolution inevitably reverberates through the very fabric of the skies, the mirrored visage of the mystical Astral realm. It is an occurrence that cannot be avoided nor evaded, as the boundless depths of Ivory Fiend's consciousness intertwine with the celestial tapestry, leaving an indelible mark on the expanse above.

In the grand amphitheater of celestial marvels, where temporal confines crumble and spatial borders blur, a scenario beyond human comprehension unfurls. It ushers in the genesis of the most luminous constellation, an extraordinary event setting the nocturnal abyss ablaze, transmuting the engulfing darkness into an incandescent day. In less time than a hummingbird's wing-flap, in a fraction of a moment, the resonance of this celestial phenomenon permeates the boundless expanse of the Astral Plane, bathing its domains in a light that both awes and inspires.

The emergence of a star, a spectacle nestled amidst the cosmic orchestra, is an extraordinary spectacle of unparalleled wonder. From the profound abyss where emptiness and possibility intertwine, a spark of celestial life takes its initial breath. It commences as a minor glimmer, an ethereal whisper of luminescence that slowly swells, drawing from the raw cosmic elements to shape its heavenly silhouette.

As the fledgling star begins to form, cosmic powers waltz and entangle in a dance of creation, meticulously molding its essence. Stardust, akin to twinkling shards of dreams, whirls and melds, laying the foundation of its radiant existence. Cosmic energies, profound and ageless, surge through its core, imbuing it with life and vigour. It throbs with a celestial rhythm, an ethereal pulse syncing with the cosmic orchestra.

Bead by bead, the cosmic ballet unfurls across the canvas of the night sky. Stars, like celestial dancers, perform grand jetés and pirouettes in arcs of grace, their celestial costumes shimmering with hues of sapphire and golden radiance. They sway with cosmic elegance, their celestial forms flowing with heavenly grace. Each movement, exact and mesmerizing, embellishes the grand spectacle unfolding above.

As the celestial ballet progresses, it weaves a tale in the cosmos. Stars twirl and intertwine, etching celestial patterns that narrate tales of cosmic love and celestial triumphs. They craft constellations, stellar charts guiding lost souls and inspiring dreamers to reach beyond their grasp. With each celestial maneuver, the night sky metamorphoses into a cosmic theater, where the grandest tales of the cosmos are enacted in a shimmering spectacle of brilliance.

Amidst this cosmic ballet, the newborn star takes its place of honor. It radiates with an intensity unrivaled, its celestial glow permeating the expanse of the Astral Plane. Its brilliance outshines all others, casting an astral aura that showers the realms in celestial luminescence. As its celestial kin cluster around, they honor its birth, their celestial lights blending and intermingling to compose a celestial symphony of radiant beauty.

This awe-inspiring spectacle, evocative of celestial verses etched in ancient scriptures and timeless literature, captivates the hearts and minds of all who are privileged to witness. It serves as a celestial sonnet to the creative power of the cosmos, a testament to the harmony threading through the cosmic tapestry. It is a gentle reminder that within the vast expanse of the cosmos, every celestial body, every cosmic ballet, harbors a tale waiting to be unveiled and cherished.

And amidst this cosmic spectacle, Ivory Fiend's consciousness undergoes a metamorphosis of its own. Though dormant amidst the stellar birth, Ivory Fiend's essence vibrates with the celestial energy saturating the expanse. It is a silent observer, a witness to the birth of stars and the ensuing cosmic ballet. Through this connection, Ivory Fiend's nascent existence becomes intertwined with the cosmic symphony, a symphony that echoes in the profound depths of its being.

As the celestial ballet reaches its zenith, the radiant star, birthed from the abyss of cosmic creation, assumes its position of prominence in the cosmic tapestry. It emanates a brilliance unparalleled, its celestial light casting a cosmic aura that immerses the realms in celestial luminescence. The heavens themselves kneel in awe of its brilliance, the celestial dancers honoring its celestial majesty.

In the quietude following this cosmic spectacle, a profound transformation reverberates through the Astral Plane. The birth of stars imprints an indelible mark on the fabric of existence. Luminary Vincere, touched by this celestial transcendence, holds within its essence a fragment of cosmic power, a sliver of the stellar birthright linking it to the celestial realms.

And so, as the celestial ballet winds down, the universe basks in the lingering afterglow of this unprecedented event. The night sky, once draped in a cloak of darkness, is now adorned with a tapestry of celestial wonders, a testament to the perpetual dance of creation.

Astralivni, a celestial phenomenon, encapsulates the essence of stellar birth and the celestial ascendance of the revered Astral Dominators, illustrious sovereigns who reign over this celestial domain.

PhantomObserver PhantomObserver

I'm thoroughly enjoying the process of writing the narration once again, and I'm eager to bring the fight scene to its climax. However, I've come to realize that I've exceeded my intended word count, with the narration stretching over 2000 words.

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