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15.38% Luffy is Lost in The MHA world, but he gets taken in by Momo's dad / Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Meeting Class 1-A,Quirk test and battle

Kapitel 4: Chapter 4: Meeting Class 1-A,Quirk test and battle

"Congratulation, kids! I did not doubt in my mind that you could do it!" Said Momo's father while at dinner. It has been a couple of weeks since they received the acceptance letter to UA, and starting tomorrow; they will officially be UA High school students. Her parents and the majority of the staff were overjoyed at the news. Most of the maids and butlers who watched her grow up were the ones the happiest.

"I'm so proud of you, sugar. Now, don't go thinking that you're scot-free; being in an elite school just means having to work harder, and I expect your grades only to improve." Said Mrs Yaoyorozu to her daughter. She is one of the reasons Momo studies so much. In her mind, her daughter should repay them for the rich life she has led, and she found that one way Momo could pay her back was by doing the best she could in school. She was lucky to have such a nerd as a daughter.

"Of course, mother, I don't plan to stop my studies soon." Momo was also overjoyed; after getting over her initial shock, she began skipping in her step. She learned that she shouldn't have any emotion in public besides politeness. She still couldn't help herself but be happy.

"This sucks." The only one who wasn't happy at the moment was a depressed Luffy, for the simple fact that he didn't get the party that he thinks he so righteously deserves. "Come on! Just one cake and some music, that's all I'm asking. Please!"

"We are not having a party the day before your first day of school." Said Mr Yaoyorozu with an annoyed expression. "And I told you countless times that this discussion is over!" He said again, only for the threat to fall on deaf ears.

"I'll never emotionally recover from this." Said Luffy as if his whole family died. What was just one party? It's not like anybody is going to die from it. "Ok, this is my last deal, I can't go any further below this." Said Luffy for the 5th Time that day.

"I Already told you the discussion was over. Now just let me eat in peace." Said Mr Yaoyorozu as he was eating as much rice as possible before the rubber man could come to his senses and begin his eating spree again.

"Just one cake with music, AND I go to sleep at 11 PM. I mean, come on, it doesn't get any better than that." Said Luffy like he was bargaining for a reduced price on a used car. Luffy learned what a sleeping pattern was, and oh boy! was that a tough learning experience. Him being used to sleeping whenever he felt like it. Now having to sleep at a specific time? It was torture for him.

"For the final time, NO!" he said, hoping this would shut Luffy up even though he knew it wouldn't.

"Come on, father, I think you are being a little too mean to Luffy. He just wants to celebrate this achievement." Said Momo in an attempt to defend Luffy. In these last two weeks, she found out that she grew considerably close to Luffy, this being from all the time spent together or the incident at the mall, she couldn't tell you. It was like Luffy had his orbiting field, making people like him. Having tried to oppose it at first, she now found out that she enjoyed Luffy's dumb, Happy-Go-Lucky personality.

"Since when have you and Luffy been such good friends? I thought you hated his guts?" Said the father with a raised eyebrow. Him being so busy running a huge company made him stop by his mansion at a rare event, often having to eat cup noodles in his office wishing he could be home.

"I never said that! We've always been good friends." Said Momo while remembering her first thoughts and words about Luffy, being mostly hateful.

"If you say so." He said while returning his gaze to his plate, quickly looking at a depressed Luffy. In his opinion, Luffy was overdramatic.

"Anyway, it's starting to get late, and you both have a big day tomorrow. Why don't you kids go to sleep?" Said the mother, not wanting Momo's first day to be ruined because of Luffy's childlike personality.

"As you say, mother." Momo said as she finished her plate of rice and stood up.

"No." Said a pouting Luffy.

"What do you mean 'No.'." said the father wondering what antic is he going to show now.

"I mean No, you should have taken my offer! Now I won't go to sleep. That's right, I'm going on stride!" Said Luffy while plopping down on his chair, crossed-legged, with his eyes closed.




"Do you mean strike?"

"That's what I said.'" Said Luffy while still looking away with his eyes closed.

"Dammit, Luffy. It's too late for this." Said Mr Yaoyorozu while pinching the nose of his bridge.

"Wait, I know how to handle this." Said the mother while approaching Luffy's chair. Having read some books on how to deal with problem children, now has some idea of how to deal with situations like this.

"Luffy, look, I know you are proud of what you achieved, we are proud too. But you have to understand that we have very important jobs to do and you and Momo also have very big days ahead. So what do you say? Let's go to bed so that in the morning we will be all full of energy." Said Mrs Yaoyorozu to Luffy with a kind voice, like she was trying to make a toddler why going to sleep is important.

"No." Said Luffy not budging an inch.

"Well, I tried. Do what you want with him." Said Momo's mom looking like she was at her wit's end with Luffy as she was going out of the dining room.

"Come on Luffy, let's go to sleep. I'll promise I'll give you meat in the morning." Said Momo after sighing also trying to persuade Luffy.

"Oh, Okay!" said Luffy while getting off the chair. "Wait! No." Said Luffy as if he just found out his new conviction. Right now he was using all his willpower not to take Momo's offer.

"Wow, I was sure that was going to work." Said an impressed Momo while her father was massaging his temples.

"Luffy look. How about this, when I have more free Time in the future, we will celebrate. Ok how does that sound?" he said while mentally cursing himself at the fact that Luffy's childish taunts worked on him.

"I'll take it!" Said Luffy happy that now, sometime in the near future he will have a big party. "Ok I'm going to eat!"

"What?! No! now you're going to bed. That was the deal!" Said the frustrated CEO, while his daughter was giggling behind her hand.

"Eh?! But I didn't eat anything." Said Luffy lying, even though he ate way less than any other time. He still ate half the whole meal.

"That's a blatant lie!" He said very close to snapping. "You ate more than half the food!"

"There was barely any food in the first place!" Said Luffy also getting angry at not being able to eat. Meanwhile, Momo was snickering behind her hand this whole Time.

"Okay, okay, how about this. In the morning you will eat twice as more than usual. To make up for not eating as much today. What do you say?" Said Momo trying to stop a brawl between her father, and her friend.

"That sounds agreeable." Said Luffy with his hand on his chin in thought, pretending to know what the word 'agreeable' meant.

"Don't pretend to know what it means!" said a still-angry Mr Yaoyorozu.

Luffy in turn just decided to stick his tongue out and pull on his lower eyelid. And then he proceeded to quickly run to his bed.

"I swear; I'm going to pop a vein with that kid." Said the CEO trying to deal with his incoming headache. "This is what I get for wanting a livelier house."

"I'm sorry about Luffy, that's just his charm at work." Said Momo before getting ready to go to sleep as well. "I wish you goodnight father."

"Goodnight sweetie." He said with a wave.

The next morning at UA.

"Ok so, so where is our class?" said Luffy who was following after Momo. He was wearing the UA Uniform, backpack and all. But his tie was messily done. Still wearing the straw hat.

"It should be right here." She said as they came upon a door big enough for Katakuri. "Why is this door so big?"

Luffy proceeded to ignore her question as he opened the door to a class with about 20 desks that were all facing the chalkboard.

Inside the class there were some students but going by the number of benches, they weren't all there yet. The students consisted of a pair of floating clothes, a big guy with six arms and white hair, a small guy with balls for hair, a guy named Denki Kaminari who Luffy had the pleasure of knowing, a pink-skinned girl, etc… the one who were missing were the kid with the glasses, the green haired one, the spiky blond one and the gravity girl. (From now on I will refer to them by their names. I took out the guy who gets strong on sugar, cuz let's be honest, nobody cares about him. Unless he does something crazy in the manga, but I didn't read it yet so idc.)

"Oh wow, if it isn't the future king of the pirates." Said Denki as he approached the straw hat.

"You're damn right." Said Luffy to the boy who just talked to him.

"we're pretty lucky to be in the same class, at least now I have someone to talk to." Said the electric boy as he checked out Momo was side-by-side with Luffy.

"Oh, I didn't know you knew somebody from our class already Luffy." Said Momo before turning to Denki. "I'm Momo Yaoyorozu, pleased to meet you." She said with a quick bow.

"Y-y-yeah, same!" Said as he blushed at having such an attractive girl talk to him so casually.

"Yaoyorozu?! As in the super-rich billionaire family? That Yaoyorozu?" Said the invisible as she and some other classmates gathered around the two of them.

"Ah, I guess my reputation precedes me." She said as she sheepishly rubbed the back of her head. She knew that her family status was going to attract some attention but she hoped that she was going to make friends based on their personality and then hers.

"Wow!" "It's like having a celebrity at our school." Were the majority of the chatter of the crowd around them.

"Wait, Your rich?! Why didn't you ever tell me?" asked Luffy shocked. He knew she was rich, but he didn't know she was a billionaire. *That's almost as much as my bounty. *

"Seriously? You've been living with me all this Time and you didn't know I was a billionaire?" Asked Momo more so sarcastically than anything else. She really should have expected this type of question from Luffy.

Two perverted boys had the same thought at the same moment right now. *Lucky Bastard. * You know who they are.

After everybody got over the shock of having a literal billionaire in the same class as them, they all went to their respective sites. Momo chose to sit in the far back near the windows. And Luffy chose to sit next to his only friend which was Momo.

"Okay! Time to eat!" He said out loud as he reached into his backpack and pulled out a bento box filled with different kinds of meat. Momo wasn't surprised by this, just a little disappointed that he couldn't take this as seriously as her.

At that moment two new students walked in. Tenya and Bakugou took one look around the classroom and chose a seat, that was to their liking.

While Bagkugo chose a random seat he thought only one thing. *Where is Monkey D. Luffy? How dare he steal 1st place from me?!"

"How can you eat right now? At least wait until lunch Break, you are entirely disrespecting the school guidelines, you cretin." Said Tenya, to Luffy who was right now stuffing his face.

"But I'm hungry!" Said Luffy with a whine. "I haven't eaten since this morning." Luffy said with a mouthful.

"But it's still morning." Tenya said before deciding that he should start over with his nemesis. After all, out of all the people back with the robots, he and Midoryia were the only ones to stay behind. "I think we should start over. My Name is Tenya Iida, I come from the Somei private Academy."

"Blhblgfbuiflgehlalhrdylfda!" Luffy said with a mouthful of food, making everybody around him question what he just said. Translation: I'm Luffy, nice to meet you.

"Luffy we talked about this finish what you eat before speaking." Said Momo in a voice between scolding and kindness.

Before anybody could say anything else the other two remaining people showed up at the entrance to the classroom.

"It's him." Said Tenya pretty loudly, which caused the whole class to look at him.

"Good Morning! My Name is Tenya Iida." Iida said as he walked robotically in front of him.

"Umm, H-hi! I'm Izuku Midoriya. It's s-super nice to meet you." He said more so to the whole class than to the scary student while looking up.

"Oh hey! It's the idiot!" Said Luffy as he was packing his empty box in his backpack. He didn't say it with ill intentions, he said it more so as a fact.

"Aagh!" Izuku made a squeaking noise at his new nickname. *great. Guess I'm the class idiot now.*

This caused Bakugou to let out a laugh.

"...I must admit you and him are far superior to me." He said while pointing at Luffy.

This caused Izuku to sweat a little bit, thinking it was unlikely that he was superior to Tenya.

*Is he serious? * Thought Momo overhearing the Blue harried boy. Thinking that it was unlikely that Luffy was superior to anybody when it came to academics.

Luffy meanwhile was spacing out, only coming back to reality when a new person dressed all in black with a scarf showed up.

"Right let's get to it. Put these on and meet me outside." He said with the most monotone voice possible.

A few minutes later, outside at the quirk assessment test.

"If you really wanna make the big leagues, you can't waste time on pointless ceremonies." Said the teacher as his back was facing the students. "Here at UA we aren't tethered to traditions, that means I can run my class however is see fit. You've been taking standardized tests most of your lives." He said as he pulled out his phone showing different tests.

"But you've never used your quirks in physical exams before. This country is still trying to pretend we are all created equal by not letting those with the most power excel. It's not rational, one day the ministry of education will learn." He then turned to Luffy, while holding a ball.

"Monkey D. Luffy, you managed to score the most points on the entrance exam. What was your maxi—" he was cut off by an angry spiky-haired kid.

"Aha! So it is you! How dare you Steal My Number 1 Spot on the Leaderboard?!" said Bagukou as he approached the straw hat. Every single student turned to him and Luffy.

"Steal? What are you talking about? I didn't steal anything!" Said Luffy confused as to why this teenager suddenly confronted him.

"So you're saying I don't even deserve First Place?!" Said Bakugou, getting angrier and angrier by the second.

"K-Kachan, I d-don't think this is the best plac—"Izuku was cut off by the angry boy.

"Shut the hell up Deku! I'll deal with you later!" Bakugou said before turning to face his opponent. "I bet you cheated somehow! That's how you got first place!"

"What?! I didn't cheat!" Luffy was starting to get angry "Maybe the reason you didn't get first place is cuz you're Weak."

By now the crowd started muttering between themselves saying things like "are they gonna fight?" and "Did he cheat or is the other guy just bad?"

Meanwhile, Aizawa was just staring at them without a care in the world thinking that if they manage to figure this out by themselves, it could prove as a good learning experience.

"Luffy, don't do it! it's not worth it, trust me." Momo said to stop Luffy from getting into more trouble.

Luffy being reminded of the lesson Shanks taught him, decided to drop it.

"What? Can't fight your own battles without your little girlfriend?!" Said Bakugou in an attempt to make Luffy riled up.

"We are not a cou—"Said a slightly blushing and embarrassed Momo before being interrupted by Luffy.

"You're damn right she's my girlfriend!" Said Luffy causing everybody to stop their chattering and look at him in shock. The reason that Luffy decided to engage in battle, is because Bakugou chose to go after his friend, and nobody hurts Luffy's friends.

There was a brief moment of silence before all hell broke loose.

"W-W-W-WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT LUFFY?!" Said a very angry, very red and very embarrassed rich girl, before hitting Luffy on the head with all her strength, knowing that she won't do any real damage. *Was the mall thing a date?! I have never been on one before, so I didn't know!*

"Public Display of Affection is strictly prohibited on school grounds." Said Iida while chopping the air at a face-planted Luffy and a very embarrassed Momo.

There was a certain midget with balls for hair on the ground, punching the dirt and yelling about it not being fair. And a certain electric boy not far behind him.

"Woooo!" cooed Toru and Mina together, thinking that the couple looked cute together. "Relationship Drama!"

"So you guys at the mall? That was actually a date?!" said Mina Ashido, causing everybody to get even more riled up.

"I thought you guys were brother and sister?" said Asui while tilting her head.

*This is all Moving way too fast!* Thought a very distressed freckled boy.

"I didn't come to school for this." Said Todoroki who just wanted to get on with the quirk test.

"Wow! The way you proclaimed your relationship was super mainly!" Said Kirishima while doing a pose. Meanwhile, Luffy managed to pop back up and glare directly at Bakugou who in turn decided to glare back at him.

"Am I supposed to be impressed by your stupid lover?!" Said Bakugou which caused the straw hat to look at him confused.

"Lover? What are you talking about?" said Luffy genuinely confused. This caused everyone to stop what they were doing and look at him again with confusion.

"What? you got Amnesia or something? You said you were a couple!" Said Bakugou thinking that Luffy was mocking him.

"No I didn't!" Said Luffy which just made everyone more confused.

"But you said that she is your girlfriend." Said Ochako equally as confused as everybody else. They all thought they missed something

"Yeah! I know, she is my girl friend." Said Luffy again which made something in all their minds click. * This Guy! Is A complete idiot!*

"You idiot! Girl Friend and Girlfriend are two different things!"

"Huh?! Now, who's the idiot? You just said the same thing!" Said Luffy thinking he just caught Bakugou saying something stupid. Meanwhile, Momo was desperately trying to make herself as little as possible not wanting to draw any attention to herself.

"Everybody settle Down!" Said Aizawa as his hair and scarf levitated and his eyes turned red. "This whole fight was illogical and pointless."

"Luffy come here, and Bakugou calm down. You'll solve your squabble after school is over." Said Aizawa as Luffy approached him.

"Take this and use your power to throw it as far away as possible." Said Aizawa in a monotone voice as he was getting his app ready on his phone.

Meanwhile, All-Might was peeking behind the corner to look at his protégé. He didn't expect there a fight to almost break out. *Well this class sure is lively.*

"Ok so, Just use my rubber powers to throw this?" Asked Luffy to confirm.

"Yeah that is what I just said, isn't it?" Said Aizawa while looking at Luffy. Meanwhile, everybody besides, a couple, thought one thing * Rubber powers?*

"Okay then." Said Luffy as he threw one arm to the side, making it look like a wave hit that arm and back. "Gear Second!"

"Wow he is pink-ish now, and …is that steam coming out of his body?" said Mina as she looked at him with some fascination. "Hey! Pink Buddies!" she yelled at Luffy who in turn just turned to her and gave her a massive grin.

"Gomu Gomu no-"He said as he pushed his arm back a ridiculous amount.

"Wow, that's very impressive! For him to have such mastery over his quirk and at such a young age no less! But I do wonder? How much can he stretch? Is his entire body rubber-like or just his muscles, skin, and bones? Can he swing from building to building using his arms? And what was that 'gear second' that he just did? Is it the only gear he has or does he have more? Each one being stronger than the last?" Izuku started mutt which caused everybody around him to raise an eyebrow at the odd habit.

His arm started stretching so further back it was almost hitting a corner, incidentally, it was also the corner All-Might uses to spy on class 1-A. with mere inches away from his face, All-Might managed to dodge the still-expanding arm. *That was way too close! *

*Ok, this should be enough. * Thought Luffy as he stopped his arm from stretching. "Jet Throw!"

And one second his pink arm was there, there other it suddenly disappeared, only for it to appear right next to Luffy. Everybody had their mouth gaping, besides All-might and Aizawa, who was just staring at his phone with an impassive expression. He then proceeded to show everybody Luffy's score.

"2-2-2-2.54 KM?!" "Amazing!" "How did you do that?" "Pfhaw I could have thrown it that far." (8 333.3 miles for my Americans out there).

"Is that good?" asked a now back-to-normal Luffy. He could have used gear 4 with a kong gun, but he wanted to keep that trump card a secret for now.

"Yea it's good. Now go back to the class." Said Aizawa. Luffy then proceeded to go back to his class with a smile on his face.

*He reminds me of All-Might. * thought Izuku as he watched Luffy go back to his original spot. In his made he made a comparison between the two of them, they both had huge smiles and they were both strong. Even if All-Might is taller than him, he just can't help but compare the two of them.

"Wow dude! That was super Mainly! How did you that that second gear or whatever?" Asked a now shirtless Kirishima, with basically stars in his eyes.

"Oh that? I use my rubberiness to force blood to go extra fast through my entire body." Said Luffy with a grin.

"That's…. Pretty smart! I didn't expect this from you Luffy." Said Momo to Luffy as praise but accidentally turned it into a back-handed compliment


"You know, that's not a very nice thing to say to your Boyfriend." Said Mina, with a smirk. She didn't want to be mean to the rich girl, but she just couldn't help but tease her.

"H-h-h-h-he Is NOT my Boyfriend!" said a now-red Momo. *Please god, don't let this be a thing from now on! * she silently prayed to every deity she could think of.

"So You're single?" said Mineta thinking he had a shot with the gorgeous girl. He didn't.

"Everybody settle down! I will not be repeating myself one more Time." Said Aizawa already getting a headache with this new class. "We will be using tests like these to figure out your potential as a pro hero. It is the most rational way of doing things."

"I wanna try!" "That Looks Like fun." "We're finally able to use our quirks as much as we want."

"So this looks fun, huh? You have 3 years to become heroes. Do you think its gonna be all games and playtime?"

"Yes." said Luffy not realizing the question is rhetorical.

"Idiots, today you will be competing in 8 physical tests to gauge your potential. Whoever comes in last has none and he will be expelled immediately." Said Aizawa with a small grin. By this point, Luffy started spacing out not being good with information drops.

"…Let the games begin." Said Aizawa as he was preparing for the 50-meter dash test.

The first two runners were Luffy and Tenya. Each one of them gets ready in their own way. This means that Luffy was eating a sandwich was Iida was doing some warm-up exercises.

"Hey! so we gotta run to that line as fast as we can?" Luffy Asked tenya not paying attention to the instruction.

"That is correct, but we may also use our quirks." Iida reached out a hand to Luffy, which he grabbed and started to shake. "Let's have a good race."

"Sure!" Said Luffy happily. "Hey, you know, you're not such a bad guy after all. Just maybe a little uptight."

"T-thank you very much, I will try to work on my short comings." He said with 90 degrees bow, before turning to the face with the finishing line.

"Everybody get set!" Said a robotic voice from the camera. This caused Iida to get into a runner's position.

"Ready!" Luffy threw one arm to the side saying "Gear Second!" This caused several students to pay closer attention.

"Go!" As soon as the robot said go Iida started running at full speed

"Time! 0.94 seconds!" Luffy suddenly materialized out of thin air right in front of the finishing line, while turning back to his usual skin colour.

"Time! 3.04 seconds!" Iida finished a little annoyed that he got only to gear 3rd.

"WOW!" "What Was that?!" "I thought his quirk was rubber."

"Congratulations, you defeated me in the one test that should have been mine to conquer," Iida said more than a little annoyed at the fact that he lost on the one test where he should have gotten first place.

"Ah, don't worry you still got room to grow!" Luffy said giving him his D. Smile, weirdly enough it helped Iida feel less annoyed, both his comment and his smile.

"Luffy, you put in your registration form that your quirk is rubber-man, can you explain what was that just now? Or do you have more than one quirk?" Aizawa asked a little annoyed at the fact that the kid seemed to have more than one quirk, he of all people should know stuff like this.

"Nah, I only got my rubber body. And Haki I guess." Luffy said, causing Momo to perk up at the mention of haki.


"But what I used just now was a technique I stole. It's called shave."

"I have never heard of such a technique before." Said Aizawa thoughtfully. Right now every student was paying close attention. Luffy seemed to pull techniques out of his ass.

"Yeah, it's pretty nifty and handy in battles. So what I do is that I make 10 steps a second." Everybody was looking at Luffy like he just grew another head.

"That's not possible." Said Aizawa, wondering why would Luffy lie to him.

"But it is! Look I'll do it again, but it's slower in base gear." As soon as he finished saying he suddenly appear right next to Mina which caused her to scream a bit.

"Amazing!" Said Izuku with stars in his eyes.

"You got any more techniques or is that all of 'em?" asked Ochako, wondering if she could use shave or if that's a Luffy-only thing.

"The other ones, you need to have a rubber body like mine so, sorry but I guess not." Said Luffy which caused some people to perk up.

*Does that mean everybody can use shave?!" was pretty much all of their thoughts.

*If I manage to learn to shave, in addition to my engine quirk. I could go even faster than Luffy did just now. * Thought Tenya Iida, already making plans to learn this technique.

"Alright enough muttering, onto the next test." Said Aizawa while his mind was thinking something else entirely. *He said he copied this technique but I've never seen or heard of such a technique being used before.*

The next test being grip strength, Luffy managed to achieve a whapping broken grip tester." Whoops."

"Dude! How strong are you?!" Asked Denki, who was in a mix of admiration and terror.

That is pretty much how every test was for Luffy, now he was waiting for Izuku to throw the ball, and by waiting I mean he was looking on the ground for bugs.

"Hey guys! I think I found a Rhino beetle!" he said back to the group who were watching Midoryia think of throwing a ball. The responses he got varied from simply ignoring, rolling eyes, 'ew' and.

"Really dude? Those are super rare!" "Lemme see! Lemme see!" "wow!"

"I know right? It's awesome." He then turned his head a full 180 degrees to where Izuku just threw the ball, breaking a finger in the process.

"Dude that's creepy!" Said Sero not sounding creeped out at all by his neck turning into an owl.

"What the?" Luffy said as he sensed an aura spark with excitement, and proud feelings. He always sensed this aura but, still getting used to all the auras of his classmates he didn't really bother paying attention.

Now looking at where the aura is supposed to be he sees a muscular man in a yellow suit looking at Izuku with stars in his overshadowed eyes. Their making brief eye contact for half a second caused the Muscular man to hide behind the corner hoping the teen didn't just see him.

*Did he see me?! * thought a panicking All-Might while hugging the wall.

"Hey isn't that All-Night?" Luffy asked the boys near him. This caused them to look at the same corner as Luffy only to see nothing there.

"Who?" Asked Kirishima wondering who the hell All-Night is.

"Or Almost, Or something like that," Luffy said as he stopped looking at the corner and turned back to face the crowd.

"You mean …All-Might?" Asked Denki. *There is no way he would get All-Might's name wrong of all people. *

"Yeah that's the one. I thought I saw him for a sec." Luffy said as he began walking back to his other classmates.

"Bro, how do you get All-Might's name wrong? He's like the most famous person in japan." Said Kirishima slightly offended that one of his favourite heroes is getting disrespected.

"umm. Sorry?." Said Luffy not knowing what to say, which just caused the boys to sigh.

"What's happening now with Bakugou?" Asked Sero, confused as to why the angry boy is getting restrained by Aizawa.

"He tried to attack Midoryia for some reason." Said Asui wondering if there is bad blood between them.

After the rest of the tests.

"Alright time to give you your results, I've ranked you from best to worst, you should probably have a good idea of your standing already. I'll just pull out the whole list, it's not worth going over everybody individually." Said Aizawa as he pressed a button and a hologram-like list appeared.

1st Place: Monkey D. Luffy.

2nd Place: Momo Yaoyorozu. (Tbh I'm surprised that she is even in the top 10, a lot more that she takes first place in the Anime.)

3rd Place: Shota Todoroki.

4th Place: Katsuki Bakugou.

5th Place: Tenya Iida.

"Congratulations Luffy, Looks like you stole 1st place from me." Said Momo with a smile on her face, happy that her friend got first place.

"Eh?! I didn't steal anything! I swear!" Said Luffy panicked, which just caused everybody to get a feeling of déjà vu.

"And I was Lying, no one's going home." Said Aizawa which caused several students to look at him in disbelief. "That was just a rational deception, to make sure you all gave it your all." Said Aizawa with a weird smile making several students completely shocked at this piece of news.

"I'm surprised the rest of you didn't figure that out, I'm sorry, I guess I probably should have said something." Said Momo with her hands on her hips.

"That's it we're done for the day." Said Aizawa which caused whatever else he said, to not enter Luffy's ears.

As they were leaving the school grounds.

Luffy felt a pat on his shoulder, which caused him to turn around to see Iida.

"I just wanted to say that I must sincerely apologize for how I acted in the auditorium. I made assumptions based on our first encounter, and having spent some time with you today, I realized that my assumptions were wrong. I hope that we can bury the hatchet and have a brand new friendship." Said Iida genuinely to Luffy. Hoping he would agree and that their friendship would begin anew.

"Well, I don't know what hatchet your talking about but thanks for the apology. I also wanna be friends with you." Said Luffy giving Iida an ear-to-ear grin.

"I'm glad to hear it. I'll see you tomorrow morning then. Goodbye Luffy, Goodbye Momo." He said with a bow before running towards Izuku.

"Huh, what a nice guy!" Said Luffy walking to the limousine side-by-side with Momo.

"You have a gift; you know?" Momo said with a smile to Luffy which caused the straw hat to quirk an eyebrow at her. "Yeah, you have a knack for making friends wherever you go, even with Iida, who was an enemy of sorts to you, now he considers you to be his friend after spending just one day with him."

"Thanks!" Luffy said not knowing how to respond to that. Well if his friends were happy then he was happy.

The next day, in English class.

"Now, which one of you can tell me which one of these is incorrect?" Said the voice hero, who was the English teacher also.

*This is so boring. * thought every person in the class. Except for Todoroki, Tenya, Momo and Luffy. The reason they were the exception is that the first 3 wanted to learn, while the 4th was sleeping probably dreaming of meat, his crew or some party.

"Oh come on everybody! Grammar Rules!" He said in an attempt to get his class fired up. Spoiler alert, it didn't work.

Once class ended, everybody went to the cafeteria to eat while Luffy was still passed out.

"Luffy come on, wake up." Momo gently shook Luffy trying to wake him up, but it didn't work. "Come on we'll miss the food." She said knowing that food is in Luffy's top 3 favourite things of all Time.

"Food?!" Luffy suddenly jolted awake, startling Momo. "Why didn't you wake me before! We're gonna miss it! Let's go!" He said as he grabbed Momo's hand and rushed out of the classroom.

"Luffy wait! You're going to dislocate my shoulder!" Unfortunately for her, Luffy was too far away and in too much of a hurry for him to hear her.

Once they arrived at the cafeteria they noticed everybody started eating, so Momo grabbed a plastic tray and went to order.

"Luffy, if you also want to order, you have to take one of these. And order here, okay?" said Momo while pointing at her plastic tray.

"Yosh! Just wait for me." He said as he went off running so that he wouldn't be left behind.

After Momo ordered today's special and Luffy ordered everything he possibly could, they needed a place to sit.

"Who cares where we sit? Let's just go there." He said while pointing at a random table.

"If you don't have a place to sit, we have plenty of space." Said Iida while weaving his arms robotically towards Luffy and Momo. "i-I mean, if that is alright with you." He asked Izuku and Ochaco.

"Yeah! The more the merrier." "Sure, why not?" Unfortunately for them, that was the biggest mistake they made that day.

Because as soon as Luffy finished his meal, which they guessed was a record time worldwide. He started stealing from them food.

"Hey! I paid for that!" said a slightly annoyed Ochaco.

"I thought you brought your own food to school." Said Iida thoughtfully as he watched helplessly Luffy steal his plate of food.

"I did, But I already ate it." Said Luffy with a mouthful.

*So that's why Momo was inhaling her plate of food. * Thought Izuku as Luffy ate his plate, chopsticks and all. "Is the reason why you are so hungry something related to your quirk?"

"Huh? Oh, Yeah! One Time I almost died after not eating the entire day." Said Luffy as he finished everybody else's food.

"Oh, that must be horrible, I'm sorry." Said Izuku now thinking that his quirk may not have the worse drawback in the world.

"Don't worry about it, plus I was super tired from having to fight like an army of guys." Everybody at the table thought he exaggerated, little did they know, Luffy had to fight Most of Big Mom's forces, almost by himself.

"I never knew this, I thought you were just a glutton, no offense." Said Momo while looking at him with pity in her eyes.

"It's fine tho, cuz I love food." Said Luffy with a happy expression on his face.

"I suppose it's not that horrible then." Said Iida while pushing up his glasses. "But you should at least have some manners."

In the Afternoon.

Everybody was waiting in the classroom for their hero training lesson to begin. Then all of a sudden the door slid open.

"I AM HERE! Coming through the door like a hero!" Said All-Might as he entered the room very heroically.

"Wow! It's really him!" And various other statements similar were said when All-Might appeared, accompanied by 'wooo's' and 'aaaah's'.

Meanwhile, Luffy was just staring intently at him like he was trying to pry into his soul, but what he was really doing was figuring out if that was the same guy as yesterday.

"….. Is Looking Good!" he said as he pointed at a wall with one hand and pressed a button with the other. "These were designed based on the quirk registration forms and the request you sent in before school started!" While he was explaining all of this, cases with numbers on them came out of the wall. Then all of a sudden Luffy jumped up from his seat.

"You're totally the guy from yesterday! aren't you?" he said loudly as he pointed a finger at him. "You're the guy I saw! It's your suit that's different!"

Everybody looked between Luffy and All-Might, wondering if he was the guy he thinks he is.

*Crap! He did see me!* All-Might started sweating a bit. "N-n-no, you see I just happened to be there when you saw me! It's Not like I was stalking this class or something. Hahahaha." He let out a very forced.

"Wait All-Might was watching our fitness test? Why?" said Kirishima puzzled.

"Are you some sort of stalker All-Might?" Asked Asui bluntly.

Several questions like these were thrown at the No. 1 hero in all of Japan.

*All-Might was watching our fitness test? Is it because of me?* Izuku couldn't help by question himself.

"You are all idiots, It's obvious, isn't it? Why he was watching us?" Said Bakugou getting tired of these pointless questions. In his mind, it was very obvious why.

"It's Because our class has the most potential out of all the classes in this trash school." Said it as more as a matter-of-fact than anything else.

*Clears Throat.* "Young Bakugou, the reason I have stayed to watch your class is because." He said Before taking a deep breath in. "I'm a huge nerd when it comes to quirks and I loved watching all of your quirks in action, isn't that funny? Hahahahaha! Now suit up and meet me at ground Beta." He said sweating bullets, before running full speed out of the classroom.

The whole class just felt a bead of sweat roll down their foreheads.

While everybody was taking their suits, Luffy was looking at his case.


"So I can draw anything here and they'll make it?" Asked Luffy as he was filling out his request for his hero costume.

"Within reason, yes." Responded Momo as she was drawing her heroine costume.

"Can I make it so that I can shoot beams from my hands, or that it has infinite meat?" Asked Luffy already imagining what he would look like with bolts of light shooting from his fingertips.

"I don't think thats realistic or possible." She said which caused Luffy to pout. "I think that you should pick an outfit that best represents you."

"Best represents me, huh?" Luffy said as he looked at his piece of paper.

"It means to show people who you are." Explained Momo thinking that Luffy didn't understand what 'represent' meant.

"I knew that!" He didn't, "Well if it's like that then I only need one thing."

*End Of Flashback.*

"Wow! Awesome costume, glasses." Said Luffy to Iida referring to his robotic costume.

"I'm surprised you could tell it was me underneath all this armour," Iida said slightly shocked at the fact that somehow Luffy managed to see who it was under the transformer-like costume. "I appreciate the compliment, and I must say yours isn't too shabby either."

Luffy was wearing the costume that he wore in his fight against Kaido, aka the red unbuttoned shirt, purple belt, brown shorts and the black coat that was hanging around his shoulders. With one addition this coat had the Straw Hat Pirates flag displayed on the back, in honour of his pirate crew. To be honest, it was a miracle the people who drew the Pirate flag, were able to get it correctly because what Luffy had sent was nothing short of an abomination. (I chose this fit cuz I like it as simple as that.)

"Wow dude! That's a huge ass scar on your chest, it's super manly!" Said Kirishima who came into the discussion. "It makes you look like a badass! Plus the coat!"

"I actually always wanted to ask, but I thought it would be a privacy breach, but since we are all talking about it, how did u get that scar?" Asked Momo who was dying to know where he could have gotten a scar that big.

"Same here! I also wanna know!" said Mina as she approached the quickly growing crowd around Luffy.

"I got this scar when my brother died." Said Luffy seriously.

"Oh." Was pretty much every bodies response. *Shouldn't have asked him that.* "I'm sorry." They said what was pretty much the only thing you could say in a situation like that. And as quickly as it formed, it disbanded.

"I'm sorry Luffy, I should have just kept my mouth shut, I didn't know it would bring up such an unpleasant memory." Said Momo feeling terrible for basically having forced Luffy to relive a tragedy.

"It's fine, I got over it. Let's just not talk about it, okay?" Luffy asked Momo. As much as it pained him, he went through the grieving process and made peace with Ace's death. The scar on his chest was a reminder of everything he lost in the War of the Best, and it's also a promise that he will never lose anyone ever again.

*Well this is awkward.* Thought All-Might, thinking that he should relieve the tense air that settled with everybody, he decided to explain the combat training.

After he was done he revealed the teams that will be fighting. Luffy is in team I with the invisible girl.

"Hey! were on the same team!" said a pair of floating gloves. Luffy just stared at the gloves.

"How can you talk? You don't have a mouth." Said Luffy, thinking that the feminine voice came from the gloves.

"What? Of course I have a mouth, it's just that it's invisible so you can't see it." Said Toru, which caused Luffy to just nod sagely.

"Of course, it's so simple. It's a mystery ability!" he said it like he solved the greatest mystery known to man.

"It's not a myster—"Unfortunately Toru was caught off by All-might.

"I declare that the teams who fight first, will be these guys." Said All-Might as he took 2 balls from 2 boxes, the balls having the letters A and D

As the battle between the hero and villain team, raged on, Luffy took some reserved food he got with him and proceeded to watch the fight like a movie.

"…the Hero team, WINS!" bellowed All-Might into the very small microphone, while looking at camera footage of Ochaco puking her guts out and Midoryia being carried away on a stretcher.

"What a weird way for this to end, the team who won is on the ground while the losers are basically untouched." Said Sero with a hand over his mouth.

"How does the old saying go? Many have lost the battle but they won the war." Said the bird-headed student.

"This class is intense." Said the Asui, as she watched Izuku getting carried away on a stretcher.

"That was awesome!" Said Luffy with stars in his eyes as he watched the amount of destructive power being shown, nothing crazy of course, or even normal by his standards. But still cool!

After everybody came back to the viewing room, besides Izuku, All-Might proceeded with his lesson. "Despite the villains losing this battle, the MVP is actually Young Iida."

This caused Iida to be incredibly confused "Huh?!"

"Shouldn't it be one of the heroes? Since they are the winners." Said Asui also confused.

"Mmh Valid question, Why didn't I chose one of the winners?" Asked All-Might the class. "Who can give us a guess?"

"I Know Why!" "Sir, I can tell you why." Said Luffy and Momo at the same time. Which caused both of them to look at each other at the same time.

"Hm, Young Yaoyorozu, I would like to hear your answer." Said All-Might, picking one of the hands at random.

She then goes on to explain why Iida is the MVP. "Technically the hero team won, yes, but they took advantage of this being an exercise and didn't respect the spirit of the trial."

All-Might didn't expect her to say this much. "Well yes, you did overlook a few things, like how Iida could have relaxed a bit, but otherwise you nailed it. Is there something you wanted to add Young Luffy?"

"Nah, I was pretty much going to say the same thing." He was going to say that Iida had the coolest costume.

"Somehow, I find that hard to believe." said Asui Bluntly

"Now then, Time to move on to our next Match. Team I Will be our villains and Team B will be our heroes."

A couple of minutes later.

"Ok, I'm gonna get serious Luffy, you should too." Said Toru as she was taking off what little clothes she had left.

"This is gonna be fun!" Said Luffy already pumped up.

"Don't look." Said Toru embarrassed at being completely naked in a room with a boy her age.

"At what?"

Over with the rest of the class. They were all looking at the screen with anticipation.

"So do you think the ice guy has any chance?" asked Kirishima, Not believing for a second that Luffy could lose.

"Do you think that he doesn't? we haven't seen his quirk in action yet." Retorted Asui, not knowing who could win the battle.

"I mean it's true but come on, he would need to have a super strong quirk to beat Luffy, I mean you saw how he threw that ball. Teacher, back me up here." He said remembering that All-Might watched their fitness tests.

"The truth is Young Kirishima we will never know unless we see them in combat, you'll be able to make a more accurate decision after this battle." Said All-Might as he prepare to start the battle.

*I hope you win Luffy.* Thought Momo, hoping her friend would win even though she was sure he was going to win.

"Look Alive kids, show us what you can do, Let's go!" he said as he started the match.

"Ok, so what's our plan?" Toru asked Luffy hoping that he would have at least an idea in his mind.

"The plan? The plan is to beat them" Said Luffy as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, well it was at least an idea.

"Well duh! But we need—"Toru was cut off by Luffy

"Wait a sec, something is coming." Toru yelped a bit when Luffy picked her up bridal style. Causing her to very heavily blush, even though nobody would see it.

"Luffy!? What are you doing—"She was cut off again.

"Wait it's almost here, I just gotta time it." He said as he used his future sight to see when he should jump to avoid getting stuck in the ice.

"Wait, wait, wait, and Now!" he finished saying as he jumped at the perfect moment, now landing back down on the ice and putting the invisible girl down.

"Wow, how did you do that?!" She said as she started shivering.

"Get this, it's a mystery abilty." Said Luffy not fazed by the cold with a grin on his face.

"Of course it is." Toru said with a sigh. "So what do we do? he'll almost be here."

"I have a plan!" he said as he put his black coat with the straw hat logo on her shoulders. "Can you help me?"

"Y-yes!" She said still blushing, not cold anymore

With Todoroki, still searching for the fake bomb. *This is the last room, so they should be in here.* He thought as he entered the room but stopping at beneath, only to see a black coat floating in midair.

"Oh Hey, look who it is!" said Toru while doing her best to attract his attention.

"Where's Straw Hat?" he asked as he was getting his arm ready to blast ice, just in case.

"I don't know, he left poor, little, old me alone here, in this cold." She said as she started moving around the room. "Can you believe it?"

"How are you not frozen?" he asked as he took a step into the room, which would prove to be his downfall.

"Gomu Gomu no-"Todoroki looked where the noise was coming from, which was the ceiling to see a grinning Luffy, looking down at him. "Surprise attack!"

Todoroki didn't get the chance to do anything as he was now tackled to the ground, with a palm pushing his face into the ground.

"Luffy! The capture Tape!" Toru Reminded Luffy that the plan was to tackle the ice guy and wrap the tape around him.

"Right!" Luffy said as he used 90% of the capture tape to completely immobilize Todoroki. "Gotcha!"

"Yay! We got one Luffy!" she held out a palm high up. "High Five!"

Luffy proceeded to slap, not her hand, but her face, causing her to fall to the ground.

"Oh crap, You alright?" Luffy said as he ran towards where he could only guess she was. "You okay?" He asked again as he proceeded to poke what he could only guess was her forehead.

"Yea, it happens more often than you think." Toru was very glad she was invisible right now. "Stop poking me, that's not my head."

"Hey, Todoroki, what's taking so long?" Shoji said as he walked into the room wondering why he hasn't touched the bomb. "What the—"

"Gomu Gomu no Pistol!" Luffy quickly punched him in the gut, causing the dupli arms quirk user to fall to the ground on his knees while clutching his stomach.

"And Gotcha!" Luffy said as he used the remaining capture tape on Shoji.

"Yay! We Won!" Said Luffy and Toru at the same time.

"The v-v-villains t-team win, Good J-Job!" Said a shivering All-Might.

Todoroki, using his other side burned the tape that was holding him, and defrost the entire building. *I can't believe I lost. *

With the rest of the students, they were all happy that now they were able to not freeze in place.

"See! What did I tell you? My boy Luffy had no chance of losing." Said Kirishima happy that Luffy won and he wasn't made a fool of, in front of the whole class.

"But you do have to wonder, how did he know that the ice was coming?" Asked Asui. "The only way's I can think of is if he somehow sensed the cold or he saw the future."

"Doesn't Sir Nighteye already have that quirk?" asked Mineta, as he was trying to warm up.

"Oh yeah, I forgot that he has that quirk." Responded Asui to Mineta's question.

"I can't believe Luffy beat the guy that got in on recommendation." Said Denki, wondering just how strong Luffy is.

*Was that also haki?* thought Momo while looking at a footage camera of Luffy entering the building where the rest of the students were.

*I can't beat them, I wouldn't even know how to deal with the ice guy's quirk, and that rubber brain beat him.* Thought a Shell Shocked Bakugou.

"Now that we are all here, can somebody guess who the MVP of this match was?" Asked All-Might even though he was pretty sure they all knew the answer.

Luffy was staring so intently at Momo that she was pretty sure that if she didn't respond, things could get ugly.

"I Know, Sir." Responded Momo for the fear of not getting 2 holes in the back of her head.

"I believe the MVP was Monkey D. Luffy, not only for him managing to dodge the ice attack but also for formulating a plan successful enough that it managed to subdue both heroes, additionally Toru Hakagure played an integral part, in managing to bait and distract her opponent. While Shota Todoroki was too ignorant, if he had been more careful, he would have noticed earlier that Luffy was gone only for Toru Hakagure remaining and thus he would have created a plan accordingly to deal with the situation. In the same way, Mezo Shoji was too overconfident in his teammate's skill, which inevitably led to their downfall." Said Momo before clearing her throat for having to speak so much.

"Yep, that's about the gist of it! Great Job Everyone!" Said All-Might giving a thumbs up to the whole class.

"Aww, you didn't have to say that much! You could've just stopped talking when you said how great I was." Said Luffy with a happy expression on his face, and Momo under one arm hug, while the other was scratching the back of his neck.

Momo already knowing this would happen just decided to go with it, while also turning red.

"Alright Young Heroes onto the next matches!"

And so on it went, each team either losing or winning to the other, and the students watching the other's battles. Luffy was already snoring off in some corner with a sandwich in his hand.

"And That's a wrap!" Said All-might in front of every class 1-A student besides Izuku who was at the nurse's office. "Super work! You really stepped out to the plate, nobody had any major injuries, Except for Midoryia. You should be proud, excellent first day of training all around."

Luffy was already spacing out, ready to get home and fill his belly. "I want home." Luffy said with a whine.

"We still have afternoon classes you know that right?" Momo said to him in a whisper.

"Ugh!" Luffy wanted to sleep and eat, not like he doesn't already do that.

At the end of classes.

"Okay Momo, time to go home." Luffy said to Momo with a yawn, he was getting very tired.

"Aren't you gonna wait for Midoryia?" Momo asked Luffy, thinking that if anybody would wait for him, it would be Luffy.

"Why? Nothing's gonna change with me here, You?" Luffy asked the same question as Momo.

"No, truth be told, I am tired." Momo said as they were leaving the classroom.

"You know, they're going to choose a class president next week," Momo told Luffy, more so to make conversation.

"What's that?"

"Hmm how do I explain it." Momo thought with a hand on her chin for a second, before knowing how to put It so that Luffy will understand. "It's Like a pirate captain."

"Ohh! Well, that's me, I'm the captain." Said Luffy with a frown.

"Well, I guess we will see won't we?" Said Momo with a giggle, imagining Luffy becoming class president.

next chapter
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