"How are you, McGee?" General Andrews boomed in the office as he closed the door behind him. The General's office was typical of him. Mahogany furniture dominated the space. Shelves covered two walls from ceiling to floor. It held leather-bound books, honouring plaques and achievements throughout his career. A collection of photo frames of VIP's in the political arena were in a small group. The rest was with family and friends.
He never had children, but loved his wife. It was plain to see in all the photos and this added a warmth to the workplace.
He met Eleanor three or four times. The photos were not display pieces, they were truly in love. All his spare time was spent with her. Two paintings, both from the Rockies on the opposite wall, were painted by her. It was their favourite place which they visited often.
"I am well, Sir," Curt replied.
"The flight?"
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