Doug opened the cupboard doors cautiously. Castledale and his roommates left early Tuesday morning for a search and rescue mission, which gave him a twenty-four-hour window.
He suspected Castledale for a while now. Too many things didn't add up with him. His arrogance grated on every nerve. The men did not like him, and the women feared him. He treated women like scum.
Private Cummings relied on him. The man suffered in jail. The young lawyer was just as adamant not to fail his client. The judicial system obstinate in their decision: Cummings must pay for a crime he did not commit, while the culprit was defending the innocent. How poetic, Doug thought.
He leafed through the grey T-Shirts and black shorts neatly folded on the first shelf. Then the socks and underwear. Shirts and pants hung in a neat row and systematically he worked through them. Nothing.
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