"What were you thinking about flavors? The main ingredient could be chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, or caramel?" Philip asked me.
"As flavors? Maybe can you mix vanilla and chocolate? I guess it could be a good match." I replied forcing a smile.
Although all I wanted to do was rest and contemplate the loneliness I was in since Cameron left. Or mentally count the hours spent already without him -for how silly it may sound- I forced myself to skim through the projects of the cakes. The first one had two levels and was a round cake, decorated with flowers cascading all over the first layer whereas on the second higher one there were two little statues. I found that very sweet and minimal but way too simple for us.
The second draw represented a huger cake, way more detailed, oval-shaped, and with roses coloring with different shades of pink. Layers were stacked off-centered allowing the roses to fall to the side as water streamed down the current.