In 1944, during World War Two General George S. Patton make a speech to the United States Third Army.
The speech was said to be delivered before the D Day. Many iterations of his speech exist with differences in wording
In one of his speeches he is said to say this word.
'An army is a team. It lives, eats, sleeps, and fights as a team. This individual hero stuff is bullshit.'
That word used to be true. There is no individual hero that could affect the course of a war, not matter how the stories try to prove otherwise. There is no man that could mow down an army alone.
There is no man that could charge alone into a thousand man troop and survives.
'That word used to be true' Jesse muttered as his weapon is pointed to the sky.
Behind him a thousand men pointing their weapons at the sky, their forehead sweating and their hand trembling.
They are all in high alert, pointing at the man in the sky; all were lined strategically across the island entrance.
Anyway hope you left some comments and please donate your power stone if you can.