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22.37% Lonely Bear - Russian SI [Second Thread] - Threadmarks / Chapter 32: Equidistance? No more! (July-September, 1909

Kapitel 32: Equidistance? No more! (July-September, 1909

Europe: Russia military power and diplomacy]

Unlike other new s, the death of Kaiser Wilhelm II did have a profound impact on the Russian Empire at the diplomatic and military level, it seemed that the last nails were indeed struck in the coffin of equidistant policies and now Russia had to prepare for a threat of constant conflict with other European powers.

The death of Kaiser Wilhelm II marked the rise of Kaiser Wilhelm III (Friedrich Wilhelm Victor August), a young man less related to Russia than his father (close to his cousin Nicholas 'Nicky', Tsesarevich of Russia) and less unbalanced in certain points , but still dangerous, inexperienced (reason for the existence of advisers such as Konstantin Schmidt von Knobelsdorf).

Wilhelm III sought an active and belligerent policy for the expansion of Germany, still lacking in experience, he aligned himself with the conservative-nationalist right with a new chancellor.

Worse still, Wilhelm III, unlike Wilhelm II, actively sought new diplomatic relations with the post-Fashoda War Imperial Federation.

This with several objectives, such as competing against Russia and its military-economic-industrial uprising, stopping the Anglo-German arms race that cost the imperial budget (although without a doubt the Kaiser supported a large budget for the armed forces, it was obvious that the competition against the Imperial Federation was the wrong way to give such funds), to attack the Slavic nationalist movements (many times aligned with Russia and the independent Slavic world), to fight against Russian influence in the Balkans and other motives.

The war minister of the Russian Empire, Mikhail Skobelev, always predicted the 'fate' of a struggle between the Slavic world, led by Russia, and the Germanic world, shown in Germany and possibly the Anglo-Saxons.

With this, the government of the Russian Empire, led by Tsar Alexander III and Premier Pyotr Stolypin, approved the realization of projects of the Ministry of War and re-visited the already-made plans about future military scenarios.

* Among these projects was the project "Tachanka One" (тача́нка одна, Tachanka Odna), the creation of a new generation of heavy Medved (armored vehicles).

With regard to the number of armored vehicles, Russia had a considerable advantage over the rest of the powers (Germany, the United States and the Imperial Federation, which only had in the United Kingdom), the Tachanka project would be where considerable advances were made in the category of medium and large armored vehicles.

(OOC: Just a tank named Tachanka in honor of the WWI vehicle ... and the Rainbow person)

* Militarization of the Baltic, including diversity of the islands of the Grand Duchy of Finland, the borders between Russia and Scandinavia and other actions of the Russian navy.

* Plans of scorched earth in the Congress of Poland (which had already had a process of ... castration, within the Alexandrian economic policies) and possible other territories of the Empire.

* Assurance of the icebreaker fleet of the Russian navy and the security of the northern regions of Russia in the Arctic, the White Sea-Baltic Sea Canal was important for the security of certain Russian positions and the icebreaker fleet allowed certain logistics between the west and east of the Empire with little enemy interference.

** (Potentially extraction of civilians and the royal family of the Faroe Islands).

*Movilization plans of more than 2 million soldiers.

* Evacuation of civilians, plans about the rationing and distribution of resources (such as food or medicine), the logistics of a war on several fronts, the defense of the colonial empire and its guerrillas against standing forces.

* Counter-espionage and counter-terrorism plans.

* Plans about possible third actors in a war (Japan, the United States, the Second French Empire).

Among many other plans for a war against Germany (a land power as Russia) and the Imperial Federation (a maritime power that could rival Russia).

Russia had fought many successful wars recently, but this was against minor powers who in their context did not have much of a chance.

So obviously much larger preparations were needed, similar to the last Russo-Turkish wars in 1897 or the wars against the Qing dynasty for Xinjiang and Mongolia.

So there were veterans and bureaucratic-logistical capabilities, but it was obvious that the war would not be similar to the previous ones. Industrial warfare was something Russia had been preparing for for decades, but those plans didn't have to be 100% fulfilled when a real war would come.

Several examinations of the armed forces were carried out by the Ministry of War, evaluating officers and re-examining the training of soldiers, it was re-organized and potential for weapons-technological development was sought, the Okhrana and the KGB re-examined possible information leaks within the Empire and so on.


With regard to the diplomatic service, the death of Wilhelm II burned many bridges in regards to the immediate situation (that is, if things did not change). The pro-Germany / pro-Imperial Federation cliques receded in the face of pro-war cliques against Germany and the British.

Quite simply, Minister Skobelev had not only influence on this, but also the fact that the Imperial Federation would choose the new Germany over Russia any day and Germany under Wilhelm III was distancing itself from the Russian Empire.

But now there was another issue: Who would fight alongside Russia?

Of course, a collection of Russosphere states would fight alongside the empire, but the problem was that Russia would bear most of the burden of logistics and conduct of the war. Because they were the leaders of the Russosphere (more populous country, bigger economy, bigger army, better logistics, etc).

It is at this time that although it was accepted that the equidistant policies ended up being a more active opposition to Germany or / and the Imperial Federation, at this time there were few opportunities for allies.

The Qing dynasty was weak, the Empire of Japan was not going to war right now, the United States was not aligned in favor of Russia, many Latin American countries were getting into wars, etc.

This left very few options, such as Socialist Europe made up of the People's Republic of France, Iberia, and Italy. Undoubtedly with a good relationship with Russia and opposed to the enemy powers, but they were in a reconstruction stage.

The Second French Empire in Africa was not an option because of its conflicts with the Russian monarchy of Alexander III, they had useful positions like Suez but there was a reasonable concern that they would be a burden for their decline in military aspects outside the land army.

It was clear that Russia would not have another great power ... but the small ones could make a difference, without a doubt the rebel or revolutionary groups of certain groups could be of help to Russia, such as the Bohemian-Czechs or the Indian rebels.

However, it was too early to start interfering to bring these little players to the table to topple the great powers, and Russia could be weak to similar plays.

So in short, a war against Berlin and London could be successful for Moscow. Moscow had a chance of winning, but it didn't mean it wasn't expensive, and the chance of gathering allies at the present time (1909) was low.


[Premier Stolypin]

The end of 1909 was coming and the year 1910 was approaching, the government of Premier Pyotr Stolypin under Tsar Alexander III. If we examine the first popular-bureaucratic government of the Russian Empire, we mainly see Stolypin after the brief period where the government was led by Sergei Witte.

By now the Stolypin government was already preparing for various projects, both new and old.

The census of the Russian Empire would reach the beginning of 1910, where in November there would also be elections for the second term of the democratic reforms of the Russian Empire (the so-called Second Duma).

If we analyze this period 1905-1910, the First Duma under Stolypin was generally a positive Duma for the development of the Russian Empire in its young democracy.

Despite suffering certain crises from time to time, including paralysis and problems with officials, Tsar Alexander III never undid the Duma or vetoed excess laws, ensuring a semi-popular government with considerable successes. Making a possible continuation of the democratic project of Russia.

The First Duma and Stolypin observed the continuation of agrarian reforms (the Stolypin agrarian reform, which supposed continuations and improvements of previous reforms in the Alexandrian period) and labor-social reforms (such as the creation of the first welfare for industrial accidents in the Russian Empire, the expansion of the right to vote, the expansion of education on various fronts).

On the economic plane, the First Duma supervised interventionist policies in the economy and economic development promoted by the state, with the propagation of public projects to generate work and useful infrastructure (railways, roads, hospitals, military barracks, radio telegraphs, schools ), in addition to the creation of settlements throughout the Empire (especially in unpopulated regions), creation of industry in Central Siberia and similar projects.

Including within the economic reform, the banking reform that saw Russia abandon bimetallism in favor of the gold standard.

At the diplomatic-military level, Stolypin was not very influential and active on these fronts, leaving this to ministries and Tsar Alexander III, leaving a generally positive Russia (successful wars, positive deals between Russia and the Russosphere or neutral).

Stolypin was active and energetic, a forward thinker about economic-bureaucratic reforms, and he wanted a government of a popular-collective and bureaucratic character (traditional in Russia). He successfully leading the First Duma alongside players like Alexander III.

But he was not exempt from problems and disagreements.

In many of the meetings the First Duma dealt with 'legislative noodles', simply the revision of old laws of the Empire that needed some modification, which sometimes delayed more important matters.

Stolypin was unable to overcome certain partisan factionalisms within the First Duma, which cost time and energy, jeopardizing his reforms when the right-wing opposition was taking hold under Skobelev.

And Stolypin also had problems with the use of violence, under Stolypin the Katorgas system decreased in mortality but in turn increased the number of executions accepted by the state, and Premier Stolypin facilitated the means of aggressive actions to deal with terrorism, revolutionaries, espionage and other civil unrest.

That means that martial laws and other measures in Russia became more efficient and POSSIBLY common, a terrifying possibility, the KGB and Okhrana obtained more means of surveillance over people and the army-police for suppression, and the state began to execute people in greater numbers.

A government that is mostly positive, but not exempt from errors.

Too progressive for some, but still very conservative for others, Stolypin left no one completely satisfied.

It was clear that even if Stolypin did not win an election, he would remain an active player in legislative initiative and a member of the government as Minister of the Interior.

In late 1909 and early 1910, Stolypin would pass laws on building rights, infrastructure projects, approval of budgets, approval of plans of the War-Navy Ministry, and other common government activities.



"It is clear that we need more active positions when it comes to foreign policy, we have been accepting a position of equality and neutrality for too long. To the point that our enemies could confuse caution with weakness." Skobelev replies while he drinks a soft alcohol (for a Russian), Stolypin is drinking coffee and Tsar Alexander III is drinking tea.

"Skobelev, I understand your position, but abandoning our purely defensive position is insane." Stolypin mentions.

"What I propose is purely defensive, I care about the people of Russia, we simply cannot afford to leave open spaces for future invasion. Be it by land, sea or air." Skobelev insists.

"The best defense is a good offense. Or so some say." The Tsar mentions with some indifference. "It is true that equidistant policies must come to an end sooner or later, not everyone is going to accept the cooperativism that we offer."

"While I accept that, many already consider us a threat, giving them an excuse for such thinking will only turn out to be a dangerous game with fire." Stolypin mentions. "We cannot threaten, nor be threatened. That is why our equidistant policy has been successful for decades."

"We are no longer dealing with sane people" Skobelev mentions with some irony.


[Persia/Qajar dynasty]

From July 13 (Tuesday) to July 16 (Friday), the Russian army and the Persian loyalists march from Tehran to central regions of Persia to defeat the constitutional revolts around Isfahan and other territories, occupied by forces of the Bakhtiari, Mujahideen tribes (Islamic guerrillas in jihad) and other supporters of the constitutional reform movement.

However, these movements needed certain deals between the Imperial Federation and Russia, so on July 14, the Russian and British embassies in Persia sign certain protocols to ensure the destruction of the constitutionalists and avoid conflict between them. Among these protocols, it helps to create the Anglo-Persian Oil Company from the British oil rights in Persia.

While the Russo-Persian coalition was undoubtedly successful in defeating the constitutionalist forces, Kaiser Wilhelm III's German Empire wanted to take advantage of the neutral zone in central Persia to secure privileges and rights for the German Empire in the Qajar dynasty.

Potentially to find and seize oil, from which Germany could benefit in the midst of the Great Depression, as did the Imperial Federation and the Russian Empire.

However, obviously these Germanic projects in Persia would be blocked by Russia, whose sphere in the north of the Middle East limited the passage of German resources to the Mediterranean directly.

That left the British Colonial Empire and the influence of the Imperial Federation as the only possible access for German ambitions. But obviously this posed problems, since the Anglo-Germanic re-rapprochement was just beginning and both countries wanted to be the leader of an eventual coalition.

On July 16 the city of Isfahan is captured by the coalition of the Qajar dynasty of Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar and the Russian Empire of Alexander III with Premier Stolypin, bringing with it the capture or elimination of various of the tribal Khans and constitutional leaders.

The situation was obvious, it was necessary to regain control of the tribal leaders, imprison or execute constitutional leaders and reapply the rule of law in Persia.

The "National Assembly" was formed at the insistence of Russia, led by the Shah and allies of course, proclaiming an amnesty for deserters in the regions where the constitutionalists were expelled and giving slight concessions to new tribal allies to establish peace.

The measures met with some degree of success.

It was clear that the force of arms was much more effective in this situation, the loyalist troops to the regime and Russian troops were able to bring order in the southwest of Persia, declaring martial laws, imprisonments or executions to put an end to the rebels.

Islamic guerrillas were the biggest problem, but with desertions, betrayals, and the decline of tribal allies, Islamic guerrillas fell back.

The economic influence of the Anglo-Russian protocols was a serious problem for the guerrillas, the merchants and some of the Persian Islamic leaders stopped supporting the constitutionalist revolution, the Islamic guerrillas lost vital economic-social support.

Many of the constitutionalist leaders and troops were forced into self-exile / exile from the country, reaching mainly independent areas of Asia and the Americas.

With this the 'order' (regime of the Shah) was finally re-installed in the Qajar dynasty, putting an end to the revolts in the western and central-southern parts of the country.

Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar was not very magnanimous in the post-revolt government, maintaining the consents and amnesties, but obviously refusing any reform of a parliamentary-democratic-constitutionalist nature.

After this and the first weeks of the establishment of order (a medium normality), Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar of course had to pay the Russian Empire for services rendered to the government (military assistance).

This supposed a growing influence of the Russian Empire in the internal affairs of Persia, although the economic organisms were mostly in British hands, Russia had a huge and growing influence in the army, diplomacy and court of the Persian government (including Shah himself).

Russia was able to block various attempts to expand Germany's influence and attempts at anti-Russian actions by the Imperial Federation, while continuing to increase her own influence.

* Special rights and concessions for Russia in the Persian Caspian and Iranian Azerbaijan.

* Influence of the Persian Cossack Bigrade in the army and other Persian military institutions.

* The influence of the Russian embassy in various affairs of the Persian government, including the Shah himself (such as escape protocols for the royal family regarding another possible revolution).

Among others.

Immediately after this, the Caspian Sea practically became a Russian sea, and Russian troops continued to be stationed for an extended period of time in the north-northwest (Azerbaijan and the Caspian) of Persia.

The Persian Cossacks were the most trained force in Persia (by right, exclusively trained by Russia) and their influence only extended after the Russian intervention in Persia, both in number and in connections with the Persian high command, future politicians, members of high society and the royal court.

And Russia could apply past moves more easily, there were new favors, new allies and possible new measures against the Imperial Federation, the German Empire and other actors on the international stage.



* [India and murders]

July 1, Sir William Hutt Curzon Wyllie, Senior Assistant to the Secretary of State for British India, is shot dead by Indian nationalist Madan Lal Dhingra in London, UK, Imperial Federation.

Madan Lal Dhingra was born into an educated and financially affluent Punjabi family, which was able to afford the children an education abroad. But even abroad, Madan Lal Dhingra was influenced by the Indian independence movements and worried about poverty in the subcontinent (where he discovered that the industrial and financial policies of the colonial government were designed to suppress local industry and favor the purchase of British imports, in his opinion one of the main reasons for the lack of economic development in India).

Due to this murder, Madan Lal Dhingra was sentenced to death. "Thank you, my Lord. I don't care. I am proud to have the honor of laying down my life for the cause of my motherland." (Dhingra's phrase when he was removed from court).

* Dr. Cawas Lalcaca, a Parsi medic who tried to aid Sir William Hutt Curzon Wyllie, was fatally wounded by Dhingra's gunfire.

Dhingra's action was revered by many separatists in the Imperial Federation and its colonial empire, and obviously seen as barbaric by those who were against independence.

Winston Churchill admired Dhingra's patriotism towards India, but he obviously still hated Indians, but several Punjabis, Bengalis and Irish praised Dhingra's martyrdom.

The British authorities denied Dhingra the traditional rites of his homeland and religion, and he was buried in London. Despite these acts in the material world, ideologically Dhingra would inspire many other Indian revolutionaries such as Bhagat Singh and Chandrasekhar Azad.

For this reason, in Bengal and Punjab (and to a lesser extent other areas of India), several assassination attempts (unsuccessful and unsuccessful) are made to assassinate British officials of the colonial regime.

The jackpot is Lord Curzon's head, an original goal for Dhingra but one that he failed to fulfill.

However this is the effect of Dhingra in regards to the popular and independence movements in the Imperial Federation and its colonies, if we talk about the reactionary opposition, we have discontent.

Members of the upper parts of the Indian castes and wealthy companies and/or families of whites and even Indians, gave certain donations or support to the colonial regime.

In a context of fear of popular movements, populated by concepts of Hindu-Muslim unity, in opposition to the caste system, in favor of socio-economic reforms, etc.


July 3, Koca Nola, America's third most popular cola, goes bankrupt, causing the industry to be dominated by Russian companies Koka-Kola (Кока-кола) and Pepsi (Пепси).

The reason was in part, scandals and fines, because Koca Nola, who was sponsored as "Delicious and Dopeless" was found with several gallons that had cocaine.

Koka and Pepsi on the other hand if they were clean, but at the time there were still some cocaine drinks circulating around the world.

July 5, Marion Wallace Dunlop introduces the "hunger strike", protesting from prison (after disturbing the Imperial Parliament) against the government of the Imperial Federation for the right to vote for women.

Dunlop lasted over 91 hours, becoming a heroine for women's suffrage and an example for protestors of other social issues, but the imperial government simply ignored her.

The proposal of the sixteenth amendment is approved in the Senate of the United States, passing to the House, the proposal indicates the need for taxes on income.

This is because of the force of the National Republicans (progressive and right-wing populists) and Socialists, in conjunction with certain Democrats (aligned with the populists), said coalition wanted a progressive federal income tax.

Surprisingly the Supreme Court would present little opposition and this would be done de-facto in 1911, at a time when the state's money still came almost solely from tariffs and taxes on certain goods.

July 7, Thomas Edward Lawrence is recruited by the archaeological commissions of the Russian Empire, this because Lawrence had an interest in the study of Syria (more specifically the history of the crusades and its influence on European military architecture) but could not enter to the country or study under normal conditions.

This due to the Syrian-Russian bureaucracy (with archaeological rights over the region) and obviously mistrust of the state towards a British.

Lawrence's choice was obvious, work with the Russians or have to return to the UK empty-handed, this because the only other option was Palestine (occupied by the Second French Empire and its Arab allies).

The young British man was always secretly guarded by the Okhrana and the KGB, to prevent him from sending any important information to the Imperial Federation. But eventually Lawrence's loyalties turned more to science than homeland.

July 8, several other leaders of the suffragette movements of the Imperial Federation are locked up by the authorities, generally for disturbing public order, breaking into affairs of state authorities or similar.

Those in power would never give means of control voluntarily, in the Imperial Federation the aristocracy precisely always opposed the extension of the vote to lower classes socio-economically. It was pressure and violent acts that led to certain consents.

However now the Imperial Federation had a new cushion to avoid consents for the time being, new laws thanks to the Imperial Parliament, more aristocracy thanks to Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa and the nationalist sentiment that floods the region post-unification.

July 9, the coalition of countries, including the democratic Peru (led by the democrat José Nicolás Baltasar Fernández de Piérola and Villena, the Califa), the Republic of Acre and Paraguay (with economic-arms support from Argentina) obtain a victory over Bolivia.

The war between civilist Peru and democratic Peru continues, but democratic Peru obtains positions over northern Bolivia (especially around Titicaca) and Paraguay in the Chaco, while Acre guarantees its continued existence for the time being.

This puts pressure on the coalition of civilist Peru, Chile and Bolivia.

July 10, the Qing dynasty approves the first agreements with the United States for Chinese students to enroll in American universities, the "Qianpai YouMei Xuesheng Banfa Dagang".

A series of regulations of the Ministry of Education for selecting suitable candidates for said positions in American universities.

July 12, the United States House of Representatives ratifies the sixteenth amendment.

Obviously, there is some opposition among the more conservative Republicans and Democrats, added to the opposition of big businessmen and companies.


July 14, important events occur in the German Empire, Kaiser Wilhelm III has to appoint a new Chancellor after the retirement of Bernhard von Bülow.

In this period movements occurred in the army of the German Empire, Helmuth Johannes Ludwig von Moltke known as Moltke the Younger, rose as Chief of the Great German General Staff causing the retirement of his main adversary for the position (favorite of Marshal Alfred Graf von Schlieffen ), Paul Ludwig Hans Anton von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg.

However, it is in this situation that Wilhelm III makes Paul von Hindenburg his new Chancellor. Hindenburg was part of the Große Nationale Deutsche Reichspartei (GNDR), aligned with the German nationalist-conservatives.

The government of Wilhelm III supposed a strong delegation of powers to military troops, the Kaiser was young and without much experience, so as was the Prussian-German tradition, other veterans had strong influence in the decisions at the beginning of the government of Kaiser Wilhelm III .

At a time when there were many problems in Germany, from the popularity of socialists and separatists in certain parts of the empire, the Great Depression, the widespread housing crisis, problems with Fashoda veterans and the German-American War, among many others. .

Hindenburg and Wilhelm III had impetus, but they certainly did not have all the political-economic experience in the world.

In regards to foreign policy, Wilhelm III was less close to Russia than Wilhelm II and seeing his situation, the German Empire chose a re-rapprochement with the newly formed Imperial Federation.

The decision could be motivated by several actions, despite the Russian-German trade, the Russian approach to domination in the Balkans (a threat to Croatia and Slovenia, a German colony) and its strong economic-industrial-military growth, caused strong concerns. in the German army and politics.

Added to the general struggles for influence, the racism of the time, etc.

The approach to the Imperial Federation offered to stop the naval race between the two countries, access to British markets, protections for the German colonial empire, etc.

The death of Wilhelm II could cool the English heads a bit, but then the re-rapprochement would remain recent and complicated by several factors.

As for example the struggles between Germany itself and the Imperial Federation, both countries had reasons to see themselves as the main leader of a diplomatic-military arrangement. It would take years to decide who would be said leader.


July 15, the treaties between German and British banks and the Chinese government come into effect, so the construction of the railway lines of central China begins, but there are problems associated with the construction that currently contribute to the socio-political instability of the Qing dynasty.

With this there are certain beginnings of ... friendships, between some Chinese, British and Germans.

July 18, death of King Carlos VII of Spain and Charles XI of France (called by some Carlos I of Puerto Rico, just to mock his exile to the island).

Carlos was the last Spanish monarch before the fall of Spain into socialism by the Spanish revolution, belonging to the Carlist line. His claim to the Spanish throne is inherited by Jaime de Borbón y de Borbón-Parma, who rises as Jaime III of Spain (Jacques I of France for his claim to the French throne).

Of course, not everyone accepts this claim as legitimate, the Iberia Socialista or other claimants, such as Alfonso XIII, do not.

Andrei Andreyevich Gromyko is born.

July 20, the government of Generalissimo Charles Maurras (along with other members of the dictatorship) and Napoleon IV, proclaim an administrative reform in the Second French Empire (Africa).

All the former French colonies in Africa become Departments (provinces), with similar civil-military administrations.

This is just a formality for the bureaucracy, democratic rights and basic human rights do not extend to non-white or non-caste citizens.

The African caste system (inhabitants of the territory considered 'inferior' lack rights, vote, possibilities of being part of the highest administration, etc.), forced labor (essentially slavery), segregation and other similar measures continue.

* The territory of Transjordan and Palestine becomes the "Imperial Protectorate of Palestine-Holy Land." Just a change of name, the situation doesn't change much.

Some in the future call this the beginning of the "Third French Empire", since it is obvious that the French Empire in Africa was no longer the same as its former territory, originally based in Europe.

July 21, the Korean Basketball Organization is created in the governorate of Korea, the Russian Empire. After the successes of the first professional matches on the peninsula.

July 22, the Russian expeditionaries in the Chaco, led by Juan Belaieff (Ivan Timofeyevich Belyaev), achieve the creation of an agreement between the Republic of Paraguay and the Chaco tribes.

Obtaining the support of the natives in the war between Bolivia and Paraguay, and some defense for the natives after the war (small reserves or protections).

On the same day, laws are enacted for compulsory education from 5 to 14 years in the Republic of Paraguay, which in the process establishes schools, churches and housing for Paraguayan Native Americans who converted to Christianity.

July 25, the Imperial Federation, which among its myths of the 'founding' of the Social Aristocracy, includes a strong hatred for the French, performs a kind of show of force to annoy the French states (the People's Republic of France and the Second French Empire) at the same time.

The Royal Air Force of the Imperial Federation have exercises in Europe that include British aircraft flying beyond the British channel, near Britanny (PRF), thanks to the UK territory, and African exercises flying over the French Sudan (imperial territory) thanks to British Central African territory and Norwegian Kongo.

This also stirs up hate among the French Socialists and French Imperialists towards the British, but no war breaks out (at the moment).

July 29, the British company Cadbury Brothers begins to use "slave" labor (in everything but name) in British Angola, with the aim of growing and manufacturing chocolate.

July 30, Francisco "Pancho" Villa and Venustiano Carranza, accompanied by other allies such as Felipe Carrillo Puertos, attack the American troops in Mexico City.

The combat lasts until July 31, involving the destruction of the city's pipes and other services (mainly water and electricity), but finally by July 31, the city had been liberated from the American invader.

According to some, the true liberation of Mexico had begun, and the news obviously spread to other regions of the Americas (especially Central America, Cuba, and Greater Colombia).

William J. Bryan's United States had to respond quickly, while the guerrillas planned their march north to drive out the Americans.

Large American companies (from the USA) began to move assets destined against Latin Americans.

Laws are passed in the Imperial Federation that increase the power of the British Lords over the Commons, who make up the houses of the Imperial Parliament (elected from Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and the traditional United Kingdom / Home Islands).

This is due to the expansion of the Lords with the union between the white parts of the British Empire, the creation of a new aristocracy that supposedly has better decision-making capacity and more power than millions of other ordinary citizens who make the wealth of said empire.

In essence, the Lords dominate the Commons.

* [Iberian Tragic Week]

August 2, the "Tragic Week" (translated into Spanish as Tragic Week) breaks out in socialist Spain. The anarchist-syndicalist group "Solidaridad" (solidarity) launches a series of strikes in the east of the Spanish Federative Socialist Republic, the Catalan Socialist Republic and the Portuguese Socialist Republic.

In opposition to what they [Solidaridad] see as features of authoritarianism, the centralism of the local communist parties and the Iberian Communist Party, the alignment of the main unions of the country with the government of Francisco Largo Caballero, the prisons that lock up several anarchists and trade unionists, the armed forces, the educational reform of President Francisco Largo Caballero, the not-inmediate withering of the state, etc.

In some neighborhoods the Popular Assemblies were replaced by Revolutionary Juntas (in short, the same but with another name) proclaiming the abolition of Socialist Hispania in favor of a free anarchist territory.

In reality this 'revolutionary action' translated more into crime and debauchery in some neighborhoods, especially the peripheries, where anarchists burned things, attacked the most public Christians and raped women. The more practical syndicalists were currently trying to carry out certain political movements because they proposed another forms of collective goverment than the Orthodox Socialists-Communists and want to be heard.

The local attack on the barracks ends badly, and the armed forces of Catalonia and Portugal are responsible for the defeat of their local 'insurrections' without much problem, with the extreme repression and associated violence of police-military forces in action.

Francisco Largo Caballero finally acceded to the government's decisions and agreed to crush the strikes in the Spanish Federative Socialist Republic in a similar way. Currently, the majority of unions remained aligned with the president and supported the motion, viewing Solidaridad's actions as undemocratic because they did not wait elections or took the Popular Assemblies into account for a strike.

The Tragic Week was not a civil war or the upheaval of Socialist Iberia, but it did mark a moment of transformation and future events, in Catalonia and Portugal they effectively initiated far-reaching local purges against anarchists and syndicalists.

The Catalan Communist Party and the Portuguese Communist Party were definitively established.

In Madrid on the other hand, Francisco Largo Caballero changed Hispania Socialista after a referendum to modify the constitution.

On August 9, with the end of Tragic Week, something new begins.

The Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Ibericas was formed, also called Iberia (Socialist Iberia) or URSI (in English, Union of Iberian Socialist Republics, UISR).

The federal administration was maintained, Francisco Largo Caballero momentarily left the position of President to call new elections (where he won), Antonio García Quejido again becomes Vice-President and nothing really changed too much in the elections.

In the Galician Socialist Republic, the Basque Socialist Republic and the Andalusian Socialist Republic things were rather neutral, there were a number of Christian-other religious, bourgeois republicans, trade unionists and anarchists, but there was no violence. For the moment.

Authoritarian or 'oriental' socialism was present mainly in Catalonia, Portugal and parts of the central Spanish Federative Socialist Republic.

It also marks the end of Solidaridad-Solidarity as the main anarchist and anarcho-syndicalist group, which gives rise to the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT, National Labor Confederation or NLC) and the Federación Anarquista Iberica (FAI, Iberian Anarchist Federation or IAF) on October 30, 1910.

Because again, anarchist-syndicalist attempts to come to power failed in the face of the government of the communist parties (although Francisco Largo Caballero himself is a trade unionist, he was seen by members of Solidaridad as too authoritarian and 'deviant'). And so they just...change names.


August 4, 285,000 of Sweden's 460,000 non-agricultural workers go on strike, they are steel, iron and paper workers.

This undoubtedly marked a problem in Sweden, which required the use of military force to break the strike, following previous episodes of Aristocratic Social Sweden, problems of civil violence occur, between strikers against right-wing paramilitaries, police and military.

By September the strike is crushed and 'order' returns, various labor groups are banned or persecuted by the authorities.

August 5, first execution by guillotine in the Second French Empire (Africa).

Corporations in the United States begin to increase their influence within the United States government, with the passage of the Sixteenth Amendment but not the antitrust laws and other loopholes.

Many of the richest men in America today are free of income taxes, gaining support and ties especially with the National Republicans, Democrats and Republicans.

Not with Socialists of course, but there are always bad apples.

August 10, about eleven elephants from the Hagenbach-Wallace circus escape in Clay-Center, Kansas, United States. The animals moved through the streets and alleys of the city, before escaping of the authorities, getting lost in Kansas.

August 13, industrialization in Gran Colombia marks an important improvement in the country's industrial production. Obviously it would be much better without the Great Depression, but there was some progress.

Under Rafael Uribe Uribe, a greater civil market of national corporations dedicated to manufacturing (clothing and shoes, real estate, canned food, etc.) would start but thanks to the initiative of Juan Vicente Gómez (the de-facto leader of the Venezuelan part of the country) initiates a growing military-industrial complex.

Taking advantage of selling certain armaments to the Latin American countries at war (although it cannot compete with Russia, Germany and the Imperial Federation) while modernizing its own capabilities, buying certain elements from Europe.

August 15, the Ancient Order of Hibernians (Hibernia, ancient Roman name for Ireland) raises a Celtic Cross 14 meters (46 feet high) in the state of New York, United States.

On an island where Irish immigrants died after being quarantined (due to illness).

Pius X becomes the first Pope to ride a car.

August 16, Mustafa Kemal's government begins in Ankara to create laws to avoid inter-ethnic conflict between 'Turkish proletarians' (here Turkish means citizenship and not ethnic-culture or language).

It marks an abandonment of Ottomanism, Turkish nationalism or similar, in favor of a civic socialism-nationalism.

This allows Mustafa Kemal to gain support from the non-Muslims and non-Turks of the Republic of Turkey (and protect them as well), and to carry on with a rhetoric of 'liberation' from the Republic of Turkey (a left-wing nationalism about liberation of the Turkish proletariat of all kinds after the Ottoman fall).

August 20, earliest confirmed photo of Pluto is taken.

August 22, construction of new hospitals in Lourdes and other rural settlements in the reconstruction of the People's Republic of France.

August 26, the SS Cartago of the United States is sunk near Yucatan, peace still seems far away.

But now the German Empire has some doubts about the guerrillas who dominate southern Mexico and are recently retaking the center, telling that they do not seem very close to the imperial allies to Germany.

This causes some to fear for the future of the Tehuantepec Canal.

In the People's Republic of France, Combe-Capelle, a complete skeleton of a prehistoric human is discovered, originally dated at 35,000 years.

The truth is that in the 2010s the skeleton was found to be from 7575 BC, but it remains a remarkable discovery to some extent.

August 27, with instability and isolationism present in Greece, under King George I reforms are currently being launched that establish a dictatorship under Prime Minister Dimitrios Rallis.

August 28, the guerrilla coalition of south-central Mexico joins Emilio Madero, the guerrillas plan a collision towards the capture of Monterrey, occupied by American forces in the north of the country.

However, the occupation forces of northern Mexico and collaborators find out about this information, planning various measures to prevent the loss of the Mexican-American north.

For this, it is not only necessary propaganda and military victories, but a blow to the guerrillas is needed, and for this there are plans to involve a fight between them, the Second Mexican Empire and Germany.

* Large American corporations also continue to obtain money from the war, so they support the army and collaborators to avoid guerrilla victory.

August 30, following the traditional gifts that began between Russia and Japan, the city of Tokyo announces a gift of cherry trees for the Tidal Basin in Washington D.C, United States.

Interestingly, the gift was paid anonymously by Jokichi Takamini, the millionaire chemist who invented synthetic epinephrine.

In Budapest, Hungary, they start medical conferences to study and try to deal with epileptic seizures, the medical universities of Budapest are soon allied with the medical universities of Moscow, the Russian Empire.

August 31, the German physician Paul Ehrlich found the first successful treatment for syphilis, the compound know as arsphenamine (discovery made on his 606th experiment).

This is one of the bases of the first chemotherapies.

September 12, the problems between Germany, the Second Mexican Empire and the Mexican guerrilla coalition began when some the southern forces (from Yucatan, Campeche, Tabasco, Quintana Roo and Chiapas) with respect to the agrarian reform, which threatened imperial and German territories in the Tehuantepec Canal (with Imperial forces usually of Oaxaca and southern Veracruz).

Marking the outbreak of conflicts of a more revolutionary nature, between the imperialists supported by Germany and the guerrillas led by Madero, Villa, Carranza and others.

September 14, President William J. Bryan announces economic reforms, maintaining Free Silver and the gold standard, but creating measures to increase the federal metal reserve through a more centralized bank.

September 15, the factions of the National Republican Party are created, the main 'heir' of the old Republican Party after its considerable decline.

Henry Ford leads the Right-wing faction, characterized by corporatism (bid deals over unions), right-wing populism, anti-segregation policies (equal pay at least) and anti-Semitism. Also called Fordists, due to the aforementioned Ford, which is a one-man party in its own right to his popularity.

Robert M. La Follete Sr leads the center-left faction of the party, characterized by interest in progressive socio-economic reforms (social democratic or progressive American, non-socialist), its own forms of populism, a certain feminism, and still some racism. Lacking Ford's charisma, La Follete leads the main core of the party but is forced to compromise from time to time and needs Ford.

Of course this factionalism does not cause the division of the party (yet...), after all La Follete Sr is the presidential candidate and Ford is the vice-presidential candidate for 1912, but it makes clear dividing lines within the party.

The party began to infiltrate the industrial states, old Republican bases, and into the Democratic Solid South.

September 16, 20-year-old Adolf Hitler after serving a few years as a young paramilitary and a soldier in compulsory military service, enters politics among the Swedish Social Aristocrats.

September 20, new laws pass in South Africa, Imperial Federation, leading to the increase of the apartheid status in the region (segregation between white and non-white inhabitants), the white migration to the region and in general, to the popularity of the Social Aristocracy in the region.

September 21, Albert Einstein presents for the first time publicly in Saratov his theory of relativity, including the famous equation E = mc 2.

Scientists and other peers outside of Russia received this quite neutrally, and at least 100 negative reviews, but Russian scientists (and the state) accepted the contributions of the young Einstein quite heartily.

A revolutionary step in fields of physics.

September 23, the conflict in Peru intensifies with the British presence as natives fight against foreign capital companies (the British-owned Peruvian Amazon Company committed many crimes against the Native American population of Peru, similar to French Africa) and the Peru Civilist who allowed such abuses (although they are somewhat more neutral to Democratic Peru).

Creating a growing and strange civil war of a political and even semi-international and inter-ethnic character (the Native American guerrillas, anti-Chinese riots and fighting against some of the white-European elites).

September 25, in this Saturday sunspot activity produces a magnetic storm that disrupted telegraph communications around the world since noon.

Of course they are restored a few hours later, but it was a curious event.

September 30, the Shah of Persia visits the city of Odessa, Russian Empire, after the victory of his government and Russia over the constitutionalist rebels.

To hold more meetings for the concessions to Tsar Alexander III and for other reasons (the usual economic waste of the Qajar dynasty among these)

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