Location: the Pacific Ocean
Time: (Approx) 0645
A sleek, white futuristic ship floated in the middle of the Pacific. At the helicopter deck of the ship, five girls were spotted discussing something, their voices blending with the soft sound of the waves. These girls were the rescue team and Mo.
The girl in silvery white dress, Mo, was subconsciously massaging her temples when she came to the conclusion of her transportation to another world. She did not want to believe it, but suddenly having a human body, the disappearance of her crew, absolute control of her ship, no GPS service, and meeting girls covered in huge metallic riggings walking on water forced her to believe in such scenario and use this assumption as the base for her course of actions in the future. For now, she could only sighed inwardly.
"Miss Monsoor, are you okay?" Howe's concerned voice broke through Mo's thoughts, bringing her back to the present.
Mo blinked, pushing her worries aside. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking that the news I got about Prince of Wales must've been fake if her own sister said otherwise," With a wry smile, Mo reassured Howe's concern.
"I see, if you're feeling unwell or having trouble with your machinery just say it. We'll help. Recently, many Eagle Union kansens are moving to Pearl. You and your squadron must have been on your way there too, right? But unfortunately you got separated from your squadron yesterday. We're heading there as well, so we can escort you if needed," said Howe sincerely.
That's quite the misunderstanding you got there, Miss Howe.. But Pearl Harbour, eh? It's not like I have any other choice. A base to resupply is exactly what I need the most at the moment. But I need to be careful with these people, I don't want them to reverse-engineer me because I came from another world. Mo decided on her next course of action.
"I appreciate the offer, Miss Howe. Having company on the way to Pearl Harbor sounds reassuring," Mo agreed with a bright tone. She then added, "Although, I know you all might've a lot of questions about me, but I'm afraid I might not be able to answer all of them because I'm kinda built in a secret project, so I must apologize in advance." Mo bowed slightly.
"Oh, that answers a lot of our questions actually. Welcome to the fleet, Miss Monsoor." Howe said with a smile of understanding. When she met Mo minutes ago, she half-expected Mo to be a Research Ship, but now it was fully confirmed by the mention of a 'secret project'.
"Alright, we have to go back to the formation soon. Edinburgh, contact the fleet and tell Her Majesty we're returning. Amazon, summon your ship, you're the fastest among us. We'll head back on yours." Howe's orders were concise, and the team swiftly moved to action.
Amazon's rigging began to glow with a soft blue light. From the light, blue cubes appeared, hovering momentarily before descending to the water's surface. In an instant, the blue cubes formed a ship silhouette and then materialized into an A-Class Destroyer.
Haah.. I'm not even surprised anymore. But can I do that too? Mo curiously wondered.
The rescue team, along with Mo, hopped on Amazon's ship. As if waiting for something, the rescue team looked at Mo. Mo, who noticed the stares, understood what they implied. She closed her eyes and raised her right hand forward.
Come on, rigging.. rigging.. rigging.. Mo concentrated very hard as if she was praying.
Outside, a brilliant silver light enveloped Mo's ship. The rescue team was amazed by such brilliance. They usually saw blue light and never silver light. The silver light then formed several silver cubes and floated toward Mo.
When Mo opened her eyes, she could feel and see her rigging. Predominantly silvery white just like her dress, she could see her armaments were embedded on this rigging. She was relieved and smiled a bit.
"I'm ready." Mo said, nodding to Howe.
"Very well, let's go." Howe gave the command, and the journey back to the fleet began.
7 December 1941
Location: The Pacific Ocean, 480 km southeast of Pearl Harbour Naval Base.
Time: 0651
In the heart of a large fleet sailing northwest, a maid was seen reporting something to the ladies at the tea party on board a battlecruiser. The maid was HMS Belfast, a Town-class Light Cruiser and the Head Maid of Royal Navy Maid Corps.
"Your Majesty, the rescue team is en route to rejoin the formation. Also, the vessel they rescued is not a fishing boat, but a Research Ship from the Eagle Union named USS Michael Monsoor. She got separated from her squadron on their way to Pearl Harbour," with a professional tone, Belfast reported the rescue team situation.
"Oh interesting.. But a Research Ship the size of a fishing boat? A spy ship? Designed for infiltration, perhaps? But what could such a small ship carry in battle? Just heavy machine guns? That's suicidal," Warspite muttered her opinion.
"Indeed, the Eagle Union won't develop such a ship. They could've just asked us if they need infiltration agents. The Maid Corps have proven their skill and competence when it comes to Cloak and Dagger operation," Hood easily agreed to Warspite.
"Well, we could just ask the person herself later. Belfast, let Howe know that I wish to meet this Research Ship personally," Queen Elizabeth, also curious about the ship, ordered Belfast.
"At once, Your Majesty." Belfast bowed and retreated from the deck.
A short minutes later, the A-class destroyer carrying the rescue team and Mo arrived at the fleet formation. Belfast quickly boarded the destroyer to inform Howe and Mo about Queen Elizabeth's intention.
"Understood, Belfast. Thank you," Howe acknowledge.
"Just doing my duty. And you, Miss..?" Belfast turned her gaze at Mo.
"Nice to meet you, Miss Belfast. I'm USS Michael Monsoor, DDG-1001, the second ship of the Zumwalt-class Destroyer." Mo flashed a composed and friendly smile to Belfast. Inside, she had grown tired of everything surreal she found in this world. A huge fleet consisting of WW2 naval vessels was unheard of in the modern era where Mo lived. And the fact that she found no sailors on board of these ships meant that all of these ships were similar to her.
"Just Belfast, if you please. I'm merely a maid, after all. Nice to meet you too, Lady Monsoor," Belfast replied and nodded professionally.
"Eh Lady? I don't come from such a high stature to be called that," Mo humbly denied.
"But your demeanor and bearing suggest otherwise. Your attire is also similar to what Knights of the Royal Navy would wear." Belfast remarked with a knowing smile as if telling Mo to stop joking around.
"I'm not lying, Belfast. I'm just one among many destroyers that strive to do their duty to the best they could. I'm not that special." Mo, with a soft smile plastered on her face, insisted.
"My.. such humility. Very well, then. Lady Howe, you and Lady Monsoor are expected to meet Her Majesty now. She's already waiting," Belfast informed Howe. She also winked playfully to Mo. Seeing this, Mo could only shake her head defeatedly. From here on, the Maid Corps started to address Mo as Lady Monsoor.
"Understood. If that's the case, Miss Monsoor, could you unsummon your rigging before we proceed? I'm sorry but that's the rule around Her Majesty," Howe requested.
"I don't mind. Please, give me a moment." Mo closed her eyes and her rigging disappeared as a futuristic ship materialized next to Amazon's ship.
Howe nodded and both of them went to a huge battlecruiser to meet Queen Elizabeth.
As they reached the battlecruiser, they were directed to the front deck of the ship. Along the way, Mo confirmed that indeed there was no sailor or even human on board the ship. She still found this to be bizarre, although her condition was the same.
"Your Majesty, Lady Howe and her company have arrived." Belfast' voice could be heard as they arrived on the front deck.
"Thank you, Belfast. Welcome Howe and.. Michael Monsoor, correct?" Queen Elizabeth greeted them with a curious gaze toward the girl in white dress.
"Yes, Your Majesty. Please allow me to introduce myself, this one is named USS Michael Monsoor, DDG-1001, the second ship of the Zumwalt-class Destroyer. Also please, just call me Monsoor. It is an honor to have this audience with you." Mo bowed slightly in respect.
"Oh my.. Are you sure you're from Eagle Union? It's rare for kansen from Eagle Union to uphold such etiquette." Hood was pleasantly surprised by Mo's manner.
"Yes, and your weapon. I've never seen anyone from Eagle Union choose a sword as their close range weapon, they like their pistol very much." Warspite also joined the conversation, clearly impressed.
"Well, perhaps because she's designed like this? Research Ships are unique, after all." Queen Elizabeth suggested, then gestured for them to sit. "Please, make yourselves comfortable." She also took a quick glance toward Mo's chest.
Destroyer, huh? Thought Queen Elizabeth as she looked at her own chest grudgingly.
"Thank you, Your Majesty." Both Mo and Howe sat side by side.
Eagle Union.. It's somewhat fitting with my home country, right? Our national symbol is Bald Eagle and our system of government is a Union of States. Is Eagle Union some kind of equivalent of the U.S. in this world? Interesting, thought Mo.
I think this is a huge opportunity to lay some groundwork for my survival in this world. I don't know if they could be trusted or not, but if my theory is correct, then the Royal Navy has to be a large nation in this world. This fleet alone shows significant power. It's like the British Empire during WW2. Heh, Royal Navy, WW2 vessels, British Empire, things are so familiar yet so different at the same time. Maybe if I could strike some deals with them, they could shelter me until I got enough information and provisions to survive and go back to my world. If unluckily they decided to reverse-engineer me, I could always run away with my stealth. Mo's mind worked tirelessly to formulate plans to ensure her survival.
"If I'm not being too brazen, Your Majesty. I would be immensely grateful if you might consider hearing my situation." Mo said, taking the initiative. She knew she couldn't let such an opportunity pass.
"It's fine, Monsoor. I'm all ears. If I'm being honest, I'm curious as well." Queen Elizabeth took the bait and narrowed her eyes with interest.
With a nod, Mo started to tell her story, the actual story.
"Your Majesty and Ladies, it seems I was transported to this world from my home…" Mo opened the story with this line.
Hearing this, the air around the table shifted. Faces that had been composed now showed shock and disbelief, as if Mo had just shattered their understanding of reality. Mo continued her story as she tried to calm them down.
Starting from one day before the transmigration, she began recounting about her patrol mission, the hypersonic interception, her journey home, the fog, her awakening in her new human body, and how she eventually met Howe and the rescue team with a detailed description.
Throughout her story, others asked Mo various questions. Mo answered the questions honestly and comprehensively. They listened to Mo's story with various expressions on their face that Mo found to be amusing.
After that, Mo also asked many things about this world. She was made aware of the invasive alien race called Siren and the shipgirls who protected humanity from that alien called Kansens. She also became aware that she was also a kansen. She found that the year was 1941, right at the early stage of WW2 in Mo's homeworld. But there was no such war in this world, or not yet.
The discussion shifted to the geopolitics of this world. They mentioned Azur Lane as the international defense organization especially founded to counter Siren. Every nation on this Earth was part of this organization. There were also factional organizations that basically formed Azur Lane. In Mo's homeworld, Azur Lane was similar to the UN but Azur Lane was predominantly organized by the kansens themselves and led by a human commander with the supervision of nations around the world.
The discussion continued until one of the maids showed up to deliver a grim news from Pearl Harbour.
"Your Majesty! Sorry to interrupt. We've just received a distress radio transmission from Pearl Harbour, they have been attacked by the Sakura Empire!"
The fact that Europa Universalis IV was released 11 years ago is surreal, I feel old..