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53.08% Lightning Human in MHA / Chapter 43: 43-What Defines A Hero

Kapitel 43: 43-What Defines A Hero

(A/N: sorry I missed last week. I'm posting two chapters today to make up for it. Enjoy!)

"We meet at last" - Aska said as he looked at the man sitting on the chair.

"I'm surprised you're here young man. I thought you'd be at home crying after killing someone" - The Author

The second the author started speaking Aska felt very relived, he was now 100% certain that this is the Author. The same voice that haunted him. The same voice that made him angry. The same voice that pushed him over the edge. The voice he wanted to plead for mercy. The voice that he wanted to hear scream. The voice he wanted to crush.

Taking a closer look at the author. He was dressed in a gray suite, he was around fifty years old, had black hair with gray streaks going through it, his eyes were green, and he seemed to be like a nobleman.

Flaring up more lightning, Aska strikes the two people to the side. Once they were struck, they passed out.

Casually walking up to the Author, "I'm going to take my time killing you" - Aska

"I wonder if you'll be able to find your mother after" - The author

"Once I start, you'll beg for me to find her. After all as long as she's not in front of me, I'll keep curving you up" - Aska walked as he creates two lightning daggers in his hands, he coated his lightning daggers with armament haki. For Aska, it looked like his lightning had turned metallic gray, while to everyone else, his lightning took on a deeper shade of blue.

Aska kept taking one step after the other, every time Aska took a step, he can feel the author get slightly more nervous.

Looking the author right in the eyes, Aska can see the panic clearer than ever. While the author's eyes showed a bit of panic, Aska's eyes were calm and pure. No malice, or hatred.

"Scared?" - Aska asked as he took another step


"You know what? I'll start easy

. Where is she?" - Aska


"Why are you so quite? You used to talk so much over the phone, why change now?" - Aska mocked

By that time, the black-ops team had gotten into the room, they saw the knocked out villains, and started to apprehend the two of them. The leader tried to approach the author, but just as he took a step towards the author, he froze with a weird feeling. As a veteran who fought many people before and killed just as much, he knew this feeling, it was fear. Looking at the source of his fear, his eyes landed on Aska. Aska locked eyes with the leader. The leader swallowed his saliva and stepped back. He knew one other step and he would've died or at least lost a limb.

Slowly cascading his eyes back to the author, Aska noticed the book that was in the author's hands was put away in a pocket on the inside of his jacket

"I take it that book is your quirk?" - Aska as he took another step towards the author

The author's panic was more and more apparent. Suddenly Aska turns his head to look at one of the glass windows that show the outside, something was coming at them, and it was fast.

A few seconds later and a person crashes into the glass window. The glass was unharmed, and so was the person. It's like he was unable to control his speed or something. The person looked through the window, a second later he swam away. He was going towards the closest entrance. Aska didn't care much and looked back at the author.

Aska noticed that the author was no longer nervous. Aska scoffed at the idea that the author thought the weird guy was going to save him.

Just as Aska was about to bolt towards the author, something hit Aska on the back of the head causing him to fall to the floor.

Shaking his head Aska tried to stand back up, but he was hit again in the side of the ribs sending him flying towards one side of the room.

Looking back up Aska noticed that the entire black-ops team was held at gun point, and the person who crashed into the window earlier was standing closest to Aska. The person had a body of a human but the head of a shark with bright orange skin and his body was packed full of muscles. The orange shark man had a massive silver colored war hammer in his hand.

"You're pretty tough. Usually people die with one hit from my little silver" - The shark man.

The man jumped at Aska, and hit him again with the hammer. Aska had no chance to dodge. Aska was sent to another side of the room with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth. Struggling to get up Aska shoots a lightning bolt at the orange shark man, but the man was quick enough to dodge and hit Aska one more time.

Aska kept trying to fight back but the man was quick, and kept dodging Aska. Aska decided to engage in close quarters combat. Jumping up in the air Aska tried to land an overhead axe-kick. But as Aska was in the air, the orange haired man spins around getting to Aska's side, and with a wide swing, the war hammer smashes into Aska's back. Aska was sent flying and hit the ground a few times until he ended up under the authors feet.

The author had a big smile on his face, he lift up his foot and stepped on Aska's face.

"You were very arrogant earlier, what happened? Weren't you going to slowly kill me" - The author.

Aska grabbed his foot, "Tell me...where is she" Aska said between haggard breathes.

The author smiled, "She's trapped in my book"

"What?!" - Aska sounded surprised

"HAHAHAH" the author laughed and the orange shark man grabbed Aska by his foot and dragged him from under the author and continued to beat him up.

As Aska was beat, he surveyed the room. There were five villains, who managed to knock out the black-ops squad.

The author saw Aska's eyes looking at the black-ops squad, and he started laugh even louder.

"Boss. The submarine is ready" - One of the other five villains said.

"Aska~ Great effort, I must admit. But your family will die because you failed in our little game, even your father isn't safe anymore" - The author said as he left the room heading towards a section that connected to the submarine. Once the author left, Aska instantly stood up. He was so fast all the villains in the room were shocked. The orange shark man tired to attack him again, but this time Aksa flashed his arm coated in lightning and cut the man's arm off, took the hammer and slammed it into the orange shark man's head, almost killing him.

The other villains were even more shocked. The kid was being dragged around just a moment ago, now he was able to take out their leader in a second. Before any of them can come out of their shock, Aska flashed and was on the other side of the room, and a moment later all of them were on the floor with a deep cut across their chests.

"How should I play this? I gave him false hope, but this is not enough. I want him to lose his mind with fear, I need to break him...I'll come up with something, for now I have to stay on him without letting him know" - Aska spoke to himself as he walked to the entrance the orange shark man came in from.

Exiting into the water Aska swam until he saw the submarine was taking off. Using his magnetism Aska attracted himself into the submarine and started to scan the inside. There were two people in there, one of which was the author, while the other was the one driving the submarine.

Not wanting the Author to get too far, Aska decided to do something right away.

'Well, I'm kind of improvising here, since I haven't planed anything, but I got to hurt him real bad' Aska used his magnetism and caused some minor cracks in the submarine. Nothing too much just enough to cause a small leak of water.

The submarine started to sound the alarm. Not sure what was happening, the submarine captian started to inspect the submarine.

"I can't find the cause for the leaks" - The captain

"What do you mean?! The water can't have just burst in" - The author

"Well actually sir. It seems to be just pure pressure. The best thing to do, is to go back to the base, or go to the surface, but staying underwater will worsen the condition and we'll die for sure" - The captain

"How long will it take before we cross into the Korean waters?" - The author

"At least another two hours" - The captain

"Can we make it?" - The author

"No, we have 30 minutes at most" - The captain.

"Try to get us as close as possible to the Korean waters before resurfacing" - The author

Aska decided to add more pressure, but the captain kept plugging up the cracks with some blue gel-like substance that hardened almost instantly after getting exposed to the air.

Aska stayed attached to the submarine, but he knew that his oxygen tank was almost half way through, and he nededed to do something now, or he'll waste all his time for no reason. With that in mind, Aska put more pressure on the submarine, and made a considerably large crack in the side of the submarine.

Seeing the submarine, both the author and the captain knew the submarine was about to sink, the best thing to do, was put on the emergency diving kit, and exiting the submarine before it caved in on them.

When Aska saw both of them exiting the submarine, Aska dove down into the darkness of the water, and started to magnetically pull the author towards him.

The author tried to swim up, but he couldn't. The captain was swimming without any issues and was making his way towards the surface, but the author was being dragged down. Looking beneath his feet, the author can only see darkness. He had no idea why he was being dragged into the darkness of the ocean.

Waving his arms as fast he can, but all his efforts were wasted, he can't swim up at all, no matter how hard he tried there was no way to get up.

Using his observation haki Aska can observe all of the author's movement. Aska found himself smiling when he saw the author's breathing quicken, and his arms waving around like a mad man.

Aska decided to let the Author go, and the author wasted no time and started to swim to the top of the water surface, Aska waited for some time, just watching. As the author made some good progress, Aska attracted him again to the depth he was at before.

Aska kept toying with the author, every time the author made progress, he would be pulled back down. Aska made sure that he was completly hidden. The scary part was that the author didn't know what kept pulling him down.

Half an hour passed, and the author was exhausted at this point. His arms and legs were severely fatigued , and his emergency oxygen tank was almost empty, and above all else, his mintality was shaken up badly. He knew that he was being toyd with, but every time he looked under his feet, all he can see is dark blue-almost black color, and he can't see the bottom of the sea, and that scared him. There is a chance it's some sea monster with a quirk, but why would a wild animal toy with him. He wasn't sure, and that scared him.

Aska had enough of the author, and decided to end this. He pushed the author out of the water. Using his magnetism, Aska ripped a metal plate of the submarine and started to swim after the author.

Once the author was on the surface, Aska flew out of the water. Using his magnetism, Aska made the metal plate hover a few feet over the water. Aska was sitting on top of the metal plate, and his feet were dangling of, almost touching the water.

"did you like the game we just played?" - Aska asked as he looked down on the author.

The author looked angry and was about to burst, but Aska sent lightning needles into the author's shoulders, numbing his entire arms.

Swiftly Aska hovered near the author, and swiped the book that was in his pocket. Just before Aska could open the book, the captain of the submarine approach Aska.

The captain of the submarine was a non combatant, but he still rushed at Aska with a small knife. Slashing at Aska, his technique was sloppy, if it can even be called a technique. While Aska was effortlessly dodging the captain, the author tried to swim away in fear. Watching the person who tormented him seem so weak and pathetic Aska couldn't hold back anymore. He hated the idea of being played by this loser. A man who could only fight through dirty tricks and schemes. Aska had enough, and all the malice in his heart that he's been holding back the whole time was unleashed.

"fuck off!" - Aska said as a teal-colored ripple came out of him knocking the submarine driver and the author out. Some fish that were swimming near by were also knocked out. Seeing this Aska was taken by surprise. He was holding back his emotions, and finally letting the flood gates open, but he wasn't expecting this though.

"I guess having a strong desire to kill the author awakened my Conqueror's Haki huh? I wish I had awakened this awesome power another way, but I guess this works too" - Aska had no time to celebrate as he looked at the floating bodies of the author and the submarine captain, he started to think how to get information out of the author, or rather wake him up first.

Aska started to slap the Author across the face to wake him up, but it wasn't working. Aska gave up and started to pat down the author, he had nothing on him. The only thing he had on him was the book, and Aska already took that.

Taking a closer look at the book, it was a blood red book. Aska flipped through it and the first thing he saw was a drawing of a woman running in an empty metropolitan behind her were human sized bats chasing her. The crazy thing was the image was moving, as if people were actually inside the paper.

After seeing it for himself, Aska remembered what the author said. Aska started to flip through the pages scanning through each one of them. Some were of people getting tortured in weird ways, some were quite, and others were of people getting hunted down by hideous creatures. Aska kept flipping until he finally found his mother in a page. She was sitting in a garden with flowers around her.

'How do I get her out of this?' Aska then decided to tare out a page of paper. It was the woman in the metropolitan. The woman saw a cut in the paper and started to run towards the tear. Once she got to the tear she was sucked out of the paper thrown into the water.

"Burn the paper before the bats come out!" - The lady shouted at Aska

Heeding her warning, Aska ran an electric current through his hand and the paper caught fire and burned with the bats still inside. Knowing how to bring people out of the book, Aska wanted to be extra sure, so tried it on another page. The same thing happened. After being sure that he can bring his mother out safely, Aska flipped to her page and made a small tear next to her. Seeing the tear, she got up and ran to the best of her ability and finally she was sucked out of the book and back the real world.

Making some space on the floating metal sheet, Aska made sure his mother would land on the empty space, not in the water. Seeing his mother standing in front of him, Aska couldn't hold back his tears. Seeing her son, she also couldn't hold back at all, with tears in her eyes she hugged him so tightly she almost choked him to death.

Not waiting any longer, Aska used the built in communicating device in the diving suite and called Power loader.

"Where are you kid?" - Power loader

"where am I?! Where are you?" - Aska

"I'm in the underwater base, you?" - power loader sounded annoyed a bit.

"I'm above water, five kilometers west of the base" - Aska

"I'll be there in a moment" - Power loader

Not too long after Power loader's submarine was next to Aska. They were able to get a board the submarine.

Power loader tried to grab the author and the other guy. Aska was hesitant. He wanted to leave them here, and when he was far enough he would slice them, and have the author and the other guy drown.

Seeing Aska's hesitation, power loader asked, "What do you want to do with them?" - Power loader

Regardless of what Aska said, Power loader intended to bring the villains in, he just wanted to see the boy's reaction.

"To be honest with you, I want to leave them her to drown and die" - Aska

Hearing Aska's response his mother garbed his hand, and brought them close to her. "Don't say that. You're a hero, and heroes don't kill people not even the worst of villains"

'That's not true. All Might thought he killed All for one. No court, no trial. He just killed him, or at least tried. Also no way with the monitoring of the hero commission on their top heroes, they didn't know about Endeavor's family situation. Only by being the strongest do I get to do what I want. With that being said, I don't want to be a killer' - Aska had calmed down, seeing his mother is fine.

Aska decided to let it go. To power loader and Aska's mother, it seemed like Aska had a heroic heart and would do the right thing by letting the villains get arrested and taken to jail.

"Being able to do the right thing, even when it goes against your personal desire, is what defines a hero" - Power loader

Not being able to care about what power loader said, Aska turned around and sat in a corner with his mother to rest while they made their way back.


This is the longest chapter so far, 3164 words. Anyway, please feel free to leave an suggestions for future chapters.

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