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74.07% League of Legends: The Grim Wolves / Chapter 19: Chapter 17

Kapitel 19: Chapter 17

/That's a new record... nearly 7000 words./

"Jeez you two again! That's the fifth one this week! I think that's a new record." An Enforcer awes behind a desk.

"To be fair all these dudes have been idiots. I mean, the last group attacked us with wooden sticks which they sharpened." Jinx replied before leaning on the desk. "It's almost boring."

I lightly glare at her before giving the fulfilled bounty to the Enforcer "It's not about entertainment Jinx. We're helping the good people of Piltover."

Silco has unfortunately kept me out of everything about the Shimmer now, not even when the shipment will arrive. It also seems he sent something to Swain cause I got a very angry letter from the white haired man. But it's fine I guess, wasn't really planning on being friends with Silco anyways.

It had been a little over a week since we came back to Piltover, since then Jinx and I have been doing jobs for people and the Enforcers. Stuff like clearing a pack of wolves hunting farmlands and defeating a gang of raiders, with these ones actually being humans instead of Vinebeasts and Hyakki.

Our favor with the Councilors has also skyrocketed due to our efforts. But while some like Councilor Heimerdinger, Medarda and Cassandra appreciate our work helping Piltover, the others prefer our abilities in getting things done. Though we refuse to go back to the Undercity, since we left Jinx has always been hesitant in going back for now. I think she's been wondering if she's abandoning something or someone.

But these bounty hunting work has given me nice dead things to restock my Shadows so I can balance the numbers out. It seems even if I raise an elite guard of the Black Rose and some random raider they turn out to be the same thing if I so wish. I think it's because of their lack of magic that allows them to be molded into whatever I desire. That's why the Shadow Hyakki, the mages, the bears and the Marshalls are among the most powerful since they were magical beings in life.

The Enforcer was sorting some more paperwork out as we waited. Some people came up to us thanking or congratulating us on another job while done. But while people did so a commanding voice called out "Yes, yes they are very impressive. Now get back to work."

Everyone's eyes went to the Sheriff of Piltover Marcus. He looked around before walking over to us. "Sheriff." I nodded in a polite greeting.

He looked at me disapprovingly before looking at Jinx with a slight of hate. It seems the two know each other somehow as Jinx stared back in absolute anger at the guy. "Try to leave some work for these incompetent fools." He grumbles pushing some people out of the way as he walked off.

"You know the guy?" I ask her when everyone leaves us alone.

"Yeah." She says glaring at Marcus's leaving form. "Don't trust that prick Dire. He's working for Silco."

"Hm, no wonder why Piltover hasn't done anything about Silco yet. The bloody sheriff is in his pocket." I shake my head.

The Enforcer was done and passed over a bunch of money which I bagged as we left. "Hey, do you think we could do something about him? I'll be more than fine getting rid of that asshole." Jinx asked.

I grinned at her "You really don't like the dude don't you?"

"Back when he wasn't Sheriff the guy was a complete ass to people from the Undercity. I mean, he still is but being Silco's bitch made him more tolerant and pathetic."

"Well I wish we could but I doubt even with our favor with the Council they won't agree with us over a man they elected." Her face became a look of disappointment so I said "We can't deal with two national problems Jinx. After Ionia we can come back and save your home."

She smiled at me "That'll be nice. Especially getting that loser in a cell."


Some more time passed as I had spent time with Jayce and Viktor, doing jobs for the Council and training with Jinx. Training often insisted of me sparring her to further sharpen her skills or me sparring one of my Shadow Marshalls as Jinx isn't able to physically keep up with me.

But the time was close. Word has spread so I didn't need to try pry Swain for it since he's been shadowing me for a while now. Noxus has called nearly all of it's forces to the Immortal Bastion. Noxus is ready for war. Jinx and I had already agreed and spread to our friends that we'll be leaving for Ionia in tomorrow.

We had been preparing for a long journey across the ocean and would be travelling to Ionia on a ship from the town of Khworez. It's in Noxus and to get it we have to pass through the capital of Noxus due to the lack of time. But that does mean I'll get to talk to Swain at least.

So we were kind of annoyed when Cassandra called us up to her office late at night. We wanted to decline but the fact that instead of a letter she sent a employee to practically beg us to rush over it must've meant the situation was dangerous.

Surprisingly instead of taking us to her office at home where she usually likes to meet us we were taken to the Main City Hall. "This better be damm important Cassandra." I grumble out as I open the two massive doors into the hall.

My eyes widen seeing all of the Councilors sitting in their seats, even Councilor Heimerdinger. All of them had their serious faces on as they all looked to me. "I assure you, this is dire." Cassandra replied back.

"Was that a pun?" Jinx asked with a smirk. No doubt she would've laughed if not for the angry wake she got since she was sleeping just before.

"We are sorry to call you at this hour, especially knowing that you plan on leaving Piltover tomorrow afternoon. But we need both your help Dire." Councilor Medarda told us.

I place my hand on my hips "Well what? Some idiots raiding again? Since you called us out like this they better be another secret hive of Hyakki."

"No it's nothing of that scale--" She was interrupted when the doors opened again as Sheriff Marcus walked inside.

"Councilors, I'm sorry for the lateness." He says doing a little bow to them.

"It's fine Marcus, we're sorry for calling you out at this hour. Are your men ready?"

He nodded "I've got the place surrounded with dozens of Enforcers. Though I'd like to know why you have these two here." He says glaring a little at the two of us. "My Enforcers and I can handle some street thugs from the Undercity."

I groan "People from the Undercity? I thought we told you we don't deal with that."

"This is different Dire." Heimerdinger suddenly calls out seriously. It was strange seeing a cute little fluffy Yordle have the ability to switch to such an imposing tone. "The criminal underground of the undercity is working with Noxus."

Oh jeez I wonder how that happened? I nearly chuckled under my breath when he told me that. "So what? Do you think I'm working with them since I'm from Noxus?" It's true or at least it was, I haven't been the bridge between the two for a while now.

"No, but the implications of Noxus and the Undercity being friendly is not good for Piltover. It could very well spiral into a rebellion helped by the strongest current military in the world." Councilor Medarda said with a grave look on her face. If I remember correctly the Medarda clan is actually Noxian and Councilor Medarda or Mel was exiled from her family and sent to Piltover.

"That's obvious. So what you want us to help out with this place that's surrounded by Enforcers? Why? I agree with Sheriff here on not needing our help."

"We learnt that an elite Noxian guard had been placed there to ensure it's shipment goes out." Cassandra said.

I roll my eyes. "And? You find the illegal things and you can easily avoid a war saying they were doing criminal acts in your city. Even if they are elite we aren't needed. Come on Jinx let's go back to sleep." I say as I turn to walk away.

"Dire--" Councilor Medarda called out but was interrupted by one of the Councilors I didn't really care to remember.

"Just forget it Mel. These are the elite forces of the leader of Noxus. It's best if we just let them leave and avoid the Noxian warmachine looking towards us."

I stop "The color of their armor... what are they?"

They were all confused until Marcus said "They appeared to be wearing heavy armor of gold and purple."

I unintentionally release a half second burst of power. A burst of wind makes them all slightly afraid besides from Heimerdinger, who appeared absolutely terrified. I look at Marcus "Where are they?"

He seems to unintentionally gulp "They docks. There's a corner no one uses so criminals like to use it."

I turn away "We'll handle those pricks you just clean up the thugs."

I walked off without hearing his response but I could hear him call out for me. But I didn't care. "Purple and gold? What does that matter?" Jinx asks.

"Boram Darkwill's personal guard is split into two groups. One is his actual one who wear grey and red armor. The other is a front for the personal taskforce of LeBlanc. They are known as the Rose Guard."

"LeBlanc? That's the Black Rose lady ain't it?" When I nod she asks "What do they want with some thugs."

"My only idea is wanting Shimmer. I heard it does mutations if you take large amounts so why wouldn't the Black Rose want their greedy, sneaky hands on the stuff." I start to turn my shoulder as it pops loudly before noticing something "Your armor's missing pieces."

She looked at her arms, which was usually covered in some leather-like armor. But it was bare. "Oh right..." She says with a little chuckle "I must've left that back at the inn." She says nervously rubbing the back of her neck.

I look at her with a raised eyebrow before sighing "Here." She holds out her arms as I place a hand on each as I fix her set. Shadows covers her arms as they solidify into bracers. "There, do try not to lose them."

She gave me two thumbs up "Will do!"

It didn't take long to get to the docks of Topside. The place is usually full of activity of trade but now it was fill of different activity. Enforcers were restricting access to the docks with people demanding why. Lucky we were well known so the Enforcers let us through without trouble.

"Do you think the Black Rose know you're coming?" Jinx asked me.

"I know so. LeBlanc is more cunning and manipulative than all the Council combined. She could be anyone and anywhere."

"What a creepy lady." Jinx shivers looking around trying to see if she could spot the pale woman. "Why do you think she's doing all this stuff? With you and now with Shimmer? What's her endgame?"

I shrug "Who knows. The lady is a mystery to even the highest ranked members of the Black Rose. Not even the demon of secrets could figure out what she wants."

"She wants world domination right? Some annoying queen who wants to rule from the shadows or whatever?"

"It's a definite possibility. But in my opinion it's something else. I remember the way she looked at me when I was her little pet. I could see her smirk of cunning and deviance but I could also see the smallest amounts of relief. She wants me for something and I don't think it's for bringing the world to it's knees."

Suddenly we could hear gunfire go off, making us run to the scene. Enforcers and Undercity thugs were firing at each other in a gunfight. While the Enforcers made with whatever cover they could find the thugs were sitting tight in a warehouse-like building. I could see behind all the fighting multiple people were loading barrels of what I assume to be Shimmer into a large ship.

"Oh! Dire! Is that you?!" I hear someone say over the loud gunfire. Jinx and I are forced to seek cover when the thugs start shooting at us too. We duck close to whoever called for us.

When I reach them I recognize them "Caitlyn!? What the hell are you doing here?"

"I was among the first responders!" She yells over the fighting. "Me and a few others were being trained in the field and we thought this would be just some regular street thugs." She peeks over her cover before aiming a rifle and shooting an enemy.

"Are you sure it's safe for you to be here? Your parents would be worried sick to know you're here."

"They need all the officers we have, even those in training! I know the threat of allowing Noxians to get more comfortable with the Undercity." She says every now and then firing her rifle towards the thugs. "Why are you two here anyway? I thought you both leave tomorrow?"

"Your mother and the rest of the Council." I answer her. Jinx pulls out Zapper and starts to shoot her own shots at the thugs.

"Regardless we need to stop that ship from leaving with all that Shimmer. Do you have a plan? It's too dangerous to just rush them."

I smirk at her "For you maybe." My helmet pulls up as I stand from my cover. Gunfire hits my body and while feeling like a massive punch in the gut don't stop my advance. "Iron! Protect us! And Sharpshooters, assist in taking out the goons!" I order out.

Iron manifests and holds his shield out. The gunfire bounces off his armor as he moves forward with me behind him. Shadows start to also form and start to fire bullets of shadow at the enemy. Jinx also hides behind Iron switching to Pow-Pow as she rains fire on them. But to my surprise Caitlyn is also hiding behind him firing shot after shot with the eyes of a hawk. Their work also makes me regret never learning a ranged weapon.

But that all changes when Iron is close enough. "Blade! Take the Hyakki and clear out this place of thugs!"

The Shadow Hyakki are my personal group of loyal assassins. They are even more silent and deadly then their living counterparts. They manifested as they jumped into windows and openings with a sadistic smirk on their faces.

Iron uses his hammer to forcefully open a door before dissipating as I dash in and take out anyone close with my blade. The two teen girls walk in behind me looking around with their guns as I pull out my blade from one of the recently dead. They wore armor that was all too familiar "Noxian."

Caitlyn looked down at the corpse "These are actual soldiers of the Noxian military. With them doing this means any good relations Noxus and Piltover could well be dead for a long time."

We continue making our way towards the ship fighting one of Silco's goons or a Noxian soldier. Meanwhile Blade and his forces also made quick work of the occupants. But then their advance was halted, I knew it was result of the Rose Guard.

When I got sight of the ship that was still being loaded at least forty of them stood strong against the Shadow Hyakki. A single Hyakki couldn't defeat one Rose Guard in combat and multiple were keeping Blade occupied. Suddenly I hear "It's loaded! Make sail now!"

"Shit!" I yell out. "Caitlyn! Jinx! I'll deal with the Rose Guard you two work on stopping that ship from leaving Piltover." They both nod at me as I dash towards Blade.

I help the Rose Guard step back from Blade and I as the closest of them smirks. They all wore armor of purple and gold that was both beautiful and practical. Covered from head to toe it was clear by the way they fought they aren't regular soldiers. "Ah, Apollyon. Our Matron knew you'd come."

"Then she also knows you'll all die here." I reply spinning my blade. I thrust for the closest person who lifts a large shield. Surprising me even with my superhuman strength it only forces them back a small amount. The guard chuckles as suddenly a burst of fire erupts from his shield, forcing me back.

"Now I get why she's so invested in you lot, you're all mages." I say looking around.

"We are utterly loyal to our lady, who we will serve till death." He vows.

I smirk "Is that so?" Igris appears next to me as Igris, Blade and I ready for a fight.

Of course they are strong by human standards. But by my standards they are just very strong humans, probably the strongest opponents thus far besides Igris and Blade when they were not Shadows and of course Nasus. They balanced out magic with swordplay, striking with their weapons before unleashing a quick but powerful spell.

I also noticed they were magically enhanced, not on a level like me but it made them superhuman. Their skill in switching with protective spells to destructive was impressive. And their ability to use magic to enhance their strength and senses was commendable.

As we fought I would every now and then look towards the ship to see Jinx and Caitlyn take down anyone on the ship. I also noticed Enforcers had move in and were also helping the two out.

After they had dealt with the thugs on the ship they pointed their guns to the Rose Guard, demanding they surrender. Of course as expected of the devoted Black Rose they did not. If it weren't for Blade's quick work multiple Enforcers would've died trying to arrest a fully armored warrior.

But it didn't take long for the Rose Guard to be dealt with, they were fanatics for LeBlanc so the Enforcers had no choice but to put them down. As I stabbed my sword into the last one he chocked on his blood before laughing "You did it Apollyon."

"What are you talking about?" I grumbled.

"You think our lady did not plan for our death? She knew we couldn't stop you."

"What is that damm woman's plan?! Why help me?!"

He chocked a bit more before saying quietly "Trust in our lady Apollyon. It's because of her you've gotten this far. Raise us. We'll fight for you as for our vow to the Matron of the Black Rose."

I pull out my sword making him groan in pain "No. I refuse to use anything that woman gives me."

He laughed "You don't have a choice... If you wish to save them..." He says finally dying.

"What does that mean?" Jinx says walking up to me. Around us Enforcers had gone to work, taking arrested people away and making sure the place is fully cleared.

"I don't know." I say still staring at the Rose Guard who wore a smile on his face.

Suddenly I hear someone call out "It's a trap! There's no Shimmer in these barrels!"

Everyone became alerted, readying themselves for a fight. "Caitlyn, stay close. Your parents would be devastated if I let you die here." I tell the blue haired girl who nodded at me.

Then another call went out "All units we're surrounded! I repeat we are surrounded! Multiple enemy forces have surrounded us!"

"Noxian or form the Undercity?" I ask back.

"Both Sir!" They respond. I could hear someone from the outside yell something to the Enforcer who called back. "They want to speak with Dire and Jinx alone! If they don't come out this place will be blown up!"

Everyone panics a little at the mention of explosives as Jinx and I look at each other. We nod knowing who's outside as we walk over the dead Rose Guard staring at them one more time, wondering if this is what they meant.

We walked out as we saw the entire place surrounded by forces both Noxian and from the soon Zaun. In front stood two figures both masked but I could tell who they were. Silco and his dog the dark skinned woman who Jinx told me was Sevika.

"So you've shown where your true loyalties lie Dire." Silco's voice spoke with a voice filter to hide his identity. "With the Topsiders."

"My loyalties are to people actually seeking to make this place better for everyone. Not bastards who fill the streets with a drug that makes monsters out of men." I glare at him.

"Sacrifices must be made for the future of Zaun."

"You're insane and evil. You seek to help the people of Zaun yet all you've done is caused the death of hundreds of innocent people. The only thing Zaun needs to thrive peacefully with Topside is for you to leave it."

He chuckled "You call this thriving?! Peace could never exist between Zaun and Piltover. All this death just proves that Topside doesn't care about the Undercity."

"It also proves you care little for them as well."

He was quiet "Heh, you sound like Vander. I like that look you had when you first came to me. The look of a man willing to do anything, kill anyone to get the power to get what they wish. But you've changed these last few months."

"I have never met Vander. But I know he understood that protecting your family and friends is far more important than the respect of Topside. It's something I doubt you'll ever even comprehend Silco. Vander died and the whole of the Undercity grieved, you'll die and everyone will be glad your blight will never come back to haunt them."

He huffed though I could not tell if he actually cared for what I said. He instead looked towards the girl who had remained silent this whole time "And you. I took you in when everyone abandoned you. I gave you a home when your own sister betrayed you."

"Betrayed me? Are you stupid?" Jinx said taking a step forward. "If not for you how many people would be still be alive? Vander, Mylo, Claggor, Vi. I may have killed them and I'm a long way from forgiving myself but you're as responsible for their deaths as I am, maybe more. All this time I've been with you you've done nothing but try to put your stupid ideologies into my head, made me question my own sanity."

"He's going to betray you Jinx. Once he sees who you really are!" Silco shouted.

She aimed Pow-Pow at him as it started to rev. "You don't know who I am! You've been trying to trick me into who you want me to be and I'm done with that!" She stared at him with absolute hate "I'm done with you Silco. From now on I chose who I am."

I could practically hear Silco grind his teeth together in frustration. "Fine then." He then turned and waved his hand "Kill them, all of them."

His men started firing instantly as Iron manifested to protect Jinx and I. Since we were outside I didn't have to worry about space so I summoned the whole of my army to fight. Gasps and shrieks went off as the forces of Noxians and goons were attacked with blades and claws of shadow. Explosions started going off behind me as I quickly rushed to help the trapped Enforcers escape before the whole building collapsed on them.

I helped some people up as I summoned a Shadow Dormun to stand as a wall of cover outside. "Go hide behind that Shadow creature. It'll protect you from fire."

The Enforcers followed my call as they started to flush out as the building shook. "Dire!" I hear Caitlyn shout. A piece of the ceiling had fallen on a man who Caitlyn and some others were trying to lift. When I helped lift it was enough to get the man out as an Enforcer picked him up to carry him out.

"Go Caitlyn. I'll take care of it now." I say to her but she shakes her head.

"I'm not leaving these people here to die." She replies looking at me determined.

I nod at her as we search around for anyone that needed help. Many had been injured from the fighting or from falling debris. There were still people and we were running out of time, the entire building was near collapsing. Caitlyn was helping someone up when I noticed a part of the ceiling was about to fall on top of her.

"Watch out!" I shout as I dash to her. The piece lands on my back saving Caitlyn and the Enforcer she was helping. The piece seemed to be massive as even with my strength I was struggling to hold it up. "Go! Now!" I yell to the two.

They were about to walk out from under me but a piece of debris fell exactly where they would've been. It seemed the building couldn't hold as the roof started to fall all over the place. I could hear screams around me meaning more people were stuck but currently still alive, but I couldn't reach them.

I gritted my teeth knowing someone could. "Damm you LeBlanc." I groan out before loudly ordering "Arise Shadow Guard! Lift the pieces of debris and save the remaining Enforcers!"

I watched Shadows spread into the collapsed ruins and watched as they started to lift form the ground. Armored warriors of black stood and while some went around the place lifting debris two came and helped me move the piece I held.

They were similar to Igris and my regular Shadow footsoldiers, only they looked more noble and elite compared to the footsoldiers. It was clear by the way they effortlessly lifted the slabs of rubble showed they were stronger compared to the regular knights. It was also clear that their magical abilities in life passed onto their Shadows, as you casted a protection spell to save the life of an Enforcer when a wall nearly fell on him.

As much as I hate LeBlanc I couldn't help but appreciate her gift. I stare at them some more before looking towards Caitlyn who looked shocked "Are you hurt?" I asked her.

She looked at me wide-eyed before shaking her head before staring at the new Shadow Guards "I heard you had the ability to raise the dead. But to see it for myself..."

"Nevermind that. Let's get out of here." I say to her as I help her carry the remining Enforcer out of the building. Once I help the last man down I noticed the fighting was still going on. Silco's goons looked ready to run and flee but the Noxians still held their ground. "Shadow Guard." I call as they all look to me "Help the rest of the Shadows out and clear the enemy."

They run into the battle as I follow. The Noxians tried to hold a tight wall of shields and spears but it was quickly broken when Tank charged through them. They may have fought against horse charges or even Basilisks but they've never had to hold their ground against an Alpha Vinebeast. Tank swift the Noxians aside as he was quickly followed by the rest of the Shadow Vinebeasts. With the line broken the rest of the Shadows quickly surrounded the enemy and were on track for slaughtering them.

I walked over to Jinx who stood on top of a Vinebeast shooting at the enemies below "How are things?" I ask her.

"Silco and Sevika already fled." She says over the roar of Pow-Pow.

Suddenly I hear a whirl making me turn ready for a fight. To my surprise it was some kid covered in baggy clothing and gear. To top it off they wore an owl mask to cover their face and rode on a flying board device. They landed next to me with Jinx not noticing the new arrival due to her shooting.

"You look surprisingly friendly." I say to them.

They seemingly didn't hear me, as they were staring straight at Jinx. "Powder?" They spoke with a voice filter on.

The mention of her old name made Jinx turn to them "Who the hell are you?" She pointed Pow-Pow at them and looked at me "They buddies or what?"

I shrug at her as I ask "If you're a friend of Silco's be ready to die for being an idiot."

They shook their head to get them out of their thoughts "Silco and his men are escaping through the secret opening there." They say pointing at a cliff that was at the end of the forces of Noxians. "My people are engaging them there but we could use the help."

I look at where they pointed, it was far too narrow for my forces to fight in but okay for just Jinx and I "Can we trust you?" I ask them.

"You don't have a choice if you want to stop Silco here. And hurry, we can't hold them for long." Before hearing a response they hop on their board thing and fly away.

I look at Jinx who gestures her head towards where the kid flew off. I chuckle as I summon Dorghar which Jinx and I hop on as it rides through the enemy. The Noxians were initially confused to see us go right past them but their attentions quickly went back to the Shadows quickly closing in on them.

We rode past them to come to a narrow path of rock and dirt. Sure enough we could hear fighting that got louder as we went further. Near the end of the path was Silco and his goons fighting off multiple people on those flying boards throwing bombs and other little gadgets below.

Dorghar dissipated into the floor as Jinx and I joined the fighting. These men were far less experienced in fighting compared to the Noxians so they fell quickly. In all the chaos I sadly watched Silco get away but not before I got to throw a knife from one of his goons into his side. He yelled in pain as we made eye contact as he was dragged away by his men.

Sadly his goons prevented me from chasing after him as they pulled out a tube of Shimmer and glugged it down. They became massive and monstrous but they were still not a problem for me. But I knew they would be dangerous for these kids that were helping but from the way they dodged showed they've fought against these things before.

I also noticed Jinx take down that Sevika woman. The two seemed to dislike each other greatly judging by how they instantly ran to fight each other. But Sevika clearly wasn't expecting Jinx to get so good at fighting close and personal. She used her small and agile body to dodge Sevika's attacks from both her flesh and metal arm. It got to a point Sevika was forced to flee leaving Jinx with an enormous grin on her face.

The fighting stopped when the last of Silco's men had either been killed by me, knocked unconscious or forced to flee. The people on the boards all landed around us and looked at us wearily. "Thanks for the help you lot. I'm guessing you're the Firelights that I've heard about." I say as I retract my helmet so I can brush my hair with my hand.

They all looked ready for a fight with us till the one in the owl mask calmed them down "Relax, they're on our side." They then looked at me "We watched you before. How you summoned those shadow things. What are you?"

I stretch both tired and annoyed "I'm a world-threatening dude that wants to go to sleep." I grumble with a yawn at the end. "You already know her apparently." I gesture to Jinx.

Their eyes then fall to Jinx as they slowly take off their mask. Revealing the person to be a dark skinned boy seemingly no older than Jinx. Jinx stared at him for a bit before her eyes widened "Little Man?!"

Oh, Little Man is the childhood friend Jinx told me about. His actual name is Ekko or I think it is. These people from the Undercity sure do love their aliases. Either way at the mention of her saying his name made Ekko nearly tear up as he ran to Jinx and hugged her tightly.

"I thought you were dead." He spoke quietly and sadly. "After I told Vi were Vander was taken I never heard anything else."

She hugged him back and started to chuckle "I guess Little Man isn't so little now."

He laughed and let go of her. "Are the others?" She shook her head making his expression drop. he then shook his head rapidly again as he said "At least you're alive. But where have you been all this time? With him?" He says gesturing for me.

She looked away nervous "No. It's a bit of a long story."

"Well..." He says also getting nervous. "We have a place that's safe. We can talk there."

"Well I'd like to but Dire and I are leaving tomorrow." She looked at me with a sad face.

I sigh "Go Jinx. We can wait a day. After all this fighting I wanna sleep for a long while anyway. Besides, he deserves to know the truth and it'll be good for you."

She nodded at me as Ekko took her hand and started practically dragging her away. "Stay safe Jinx! And try come back sometime tomorrow afternoon!"

"I got it!" I hear her call back as the Firelights follow after the two reunited friends.

I chuckle "Those little cuties." I bring back Dorghar so I can quickly make my way back to the Shadows and the Enforcers.

Coming out of the cliff the sun started to rise across the water as Dorghar stood on a rock overlooking the entire aftermath of the previous fight. The Noxians were long dead and reinforcements were taking the injured away. The Shadow Legion stood there waiting for me and were seemingly glad I had returned.

My returned also caught the attention of the living as well. People stopped what they were doing to witness me. I raised my hand and called "Arise." Shadows emerged from the dead Noxians and goons but not from the Enforcers. My army had quickly grown into a worthy army. A army finally capable of defending Ionia and saving many lives.

Dorghar trotted slowly down towards where I saw everyone had gathered. My Shadows made a path and knelt as Dorghar walked past them all. For those watching it must've been a remarkable sight.

"So that is the full might of your Shadows Dire. I must admit it's properly the most amazing or terrifying thing I've ever seen." Cassandra says as I approach.

"Cassandra, I'm surprised to see you here." I reply when I'm close enough.

"Once I heard Caitlyn was here I arrived as soon as I could." She then turned to her daughter who stood behind her as Tobias patched up the girl's wounds. "I told you this Enforcer work is dangerous Caitlyn. You should stop this nonsense and find a safer place to work."

Caitlyn's face went sad at her mother's disappointment so I say "You two should be proud of her. She saved many lives today." I hop off Dorghar as he and the rest of my Shadows start to dissipate. As I walk past the Kiramman family I pat Caitlyn on the shoulder and smile at her "She'll be an amazing Enforcer."

Caitlyn smiles at the praise as I walk off. Suddenly I hear "Sir Dire!" Making me turn. Multiple Enforcers both injured and not stared at me with respect as a high ranking one says "On behalf of all the Enforcers, and all of Piltover we thank you."

I smile and nod at him as I continue walking away. They all went back to work so I walked away alone. But as soon as I was somewhere alone I called out "Alright, I know you're there LeBlanc. You might as well come out now."

There was no reply till a chilly wind went through, followed by a light chuckle "You continue to impress Darling. I hope you enjoyed my gift."

I huff "You sacrificed an entire group of superhumans to me. Seems kind of stupid."

"They served their purpose. Now they serve yours." She still hadn't appeared but her voice whispered in my ear clearly.

"Which will eventually end in your death. But if you knew that why would you contribute to it?" I ask her.

"Because your purpose is to gain strength, power. It's why I let that bird and Swain help you escape."

"What are you talking about?"

"hahaha, you still don't get it do you?"

I groan "Why don't you enlighten me?"

"Don't need to. You just need to look at past events and you'll find why."

I look around confused till I decide to humor her. Darkin, Mordekaiser and a black box. The power to absorb and raise the dead. But not only that. But the ability to affect magic itself. Then it clicked in my head "Absorb and Copy."

"Ding ding ding, he found it!" Her taunting voice laughed. "You did it with that interesting little Hexcrystal, it's why you can't absorb power from more of it. You copied it's properties and abilities. Unless I was willing to bring things to you it was just easier and more logical to let you run free."

"Is it though?" I question. "One day I could reduce the Black Rose to nothing."

She chuckled "The Black Rose is but a means to an end."

"How so?"

"You'll see..." Her voice echoes as it disappears into the darkness.

"Annoying lady." I grumble. "I need to fucking sleep." I groan walking away.

next chapter
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