Kyudai Genso Academy is an institution designed for exceptionally gifted individuals with unique abilities, specifically trained to solve mysteries and tackle crimes often rooted in dark intentions. During their first semester, new students embark on their inaugural mission to compete for a place in the TOP 9, known as S・A, which stands for Special A. Each class offers specialized training tailored to the varied talents of the students.
This Academy has been in existence for nearly 200 years. The current 101st generation of S・A has boldly chosen to defy the school's directives by entering the realm of Saranthania, home to 10th-level Yuma, who are regarded as the kings of demons. Their goal is to uncover the secret behind the elusive remaining 10%. However, they are unprepared for the repercussions that await them for revealing this hidden truth.
What exactly does the remaining 10% of power entail? Can they solve this mystery?
+Note: Daily Publish 3-5 chapters / Week.
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Schreiben Sie eine RezensionOh! Two worlds time line, I through it just in parallel world but I hope there will be connect within real time line as well. Can't wait to read next chapters!
Wow , so amazing. What a wonderful fantasy story. Hope u keep on upload!!! Can’t wait for another episode. Love u from your secret admirer.
Spoiler enthüllenAutor sei_akira
Hello everyone! [img=Loving it][img=Loving it] When I was reviewing myself, I thought about introducing some points of my novel. This is a two-world timeline that can be connected to each other. The main characters are multiple lead, some romance can be there[img=Relaxed][img=Relaxed], but the rules of the Academy may be the reason why the couple in the team cannot be there... [img=Your move][img=Good night][img=Good night] You can ask about the novel and comment!!! In the first writing, I want to improve my skills more! [img=Envy][img=Envy]