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90% Knife to Go ! : MHA fan-fic / Chapter 9: Determination at the workplace !

Kapitel 9: Determination at the workplace !

Waiting for few minutes, Rein enters with another men in tow. Even if they don't compare in build, he is still somewhat muscular. His hair were long and that of black color, storming around seemingly without a care.

"Well young Chara, meet Mark. He is from America but he speaks quite well, he is also new but he knows his way around here. Mark, this is Chara, she will be helping us out. Show her around. I will be helping others, find her something to do."

Said Rein as he spun around and left us in the cabin.

"Yes Rein-san !"

"What did I say about honorifics ?!"

Yell was heard, barely outside the door.

"S-Sorry ! Anyways, hello ... I will not comment on your appearance, you must be quite strong if Rein-san accepted you in here. What does your quirk do ?"

"Telekinesis, but strong."

"Hmmm ... I see. Okay then, let's go and I will tell you about the project we are doing currently. Also, here."

He said as he tossed me their working uniform. It consisted of green reflective vest and blue pants.

"You won't be needing these clothes that you have on in here. Change up, I am waiting outside."

This was the last thing he said before exiting and closing the door behind himself.

I, of course, waisted no time and started changing. Not before spreading a mist around myself in case there was a cam around here. I wouldn't want myself recorded nude now would I ?

Wearing these on ... they were somehow too big. Like, too big to be named 'too big'. But there is a solution for everything. And that is a core !

Making a dark threads from the energy, I made them pierce through the sides of the vest and act like a belt. What about the pants ? Same thing. I rolled up the pant legs and attached them with other pair of threads towards the main part of the pants.

Exiting, I may have looked somewhat funny judging from Mark's reaction of choking on water he was drinking.

"W-Well ... I didn't consider sizes, but it seems like you dealt with it ... quite smartly. Okay, come on, I will explain on the way."

And so we went around the construction site. They were apparently repairing a neighborhood from one of recent villain attacks. Guy was, fortunately, defeated by Number 1 Hero Nana Shimura. However, that did not stop him from causing damage. Whole side of two apartment blocks was damaged and required repairs.

And so, Rein's team got sent to put it back in place. Seems like they are some kind of [[BIG SHOTS]] in their environment. An elite you may say.

However, they got a deadline of the week before they must complete it.

"A week. Only a fucking week ?! I swear they are tasking us with impossible ! Boss cashed in for few favors that he had here and there but it is still not enough ! Sheer madness, madness I say ! Most of us work after working hours to help with that, but it doesn't seem like it will get done, thus why we take every kind of help we can. Hope you are ready for some hard work !"

"Of course ! No matter how much !"

"Ho Ho ! As much as I like that enthusiasm, let's see if you can keep it up. Ok, do tell me ... how good you are with this quirk ?"

He asked, staring at me straight in the eyes.

"The best."

I replied with a grin on my face. Finally, some occasion to make good use of my quirk. I feared no work as long as my quirk was intact.

"Okay then. See these bricks over there ?"

He pointed towards the gathering of pink bricks beside one of construction machines.

I nodded in answer, focusing my sight on them.

"I need you to get them on 7th floor over there. You can do it ?"

This time he pointed towards one of construction sites and then up towards one of the destroyed floors. Two men were currently drinking something up there, both dressed up in earlier mentioned vests.

I nod back, starting to envelop the gathering in black energy. He was a little surprised at first by my confidence, but then knocked it off as arrogance.

It was quite an easy task, I just made a platform beneath the bricks, add a little safety in form of sidewalls protecting bricks from falling and started the process.

Lifting them into the air, energy left my core at a steady place as to supply the fuel for bricks flight.

Speeding up, energy output increases but bricks arrive after few seconds, to surprise of people at 7th floor. They quickly saluted to both of us and got back to work.

Looking back at Mark, he was left slightly slack jawed, but quickly composed himself. Approaching me, he placed a hand on my arm.

"You ... are going to be immensely helpful ! Was that tiring ?"

"Not at all !"

"... Can you do more than one of these at a time by any chance ?"

"Yes !"

After my reply, his face seemed to blaze from determination.

"Excellent ! I will be taxing you with responsibility of transporting materials on higher floors. This was one of main problems as to why it was taking so long, but with you ? We may be able to meet a deadline ! Girl, no, Chara ! I hope you are up to murderous work !"

"But of course !"

I replied, determination basically radiating from my eyes. More work means more money, and he did say that it was one of more important jobs around here. Which means even more money !

My core ? Fear not ! It feels just as endless as always.

With this out of the way, both of us got to work. Mark got for planning, mainly what I am to transport, transferring people from transport department to help with physical labor.

I in turn, mainly for transporting. Turns out that there is a great deal of things to be transported. Seemingly endless stream of bricks, tools, machines to be delivered onto higher floors. Did it concern me if I will be able to keep up with it ? Not at all !

It only flared my determination up even more ! And that is when I noticed ... earlier black energy started to take a color of deep crimson. That did surprise me at first. Why did it happen ? It didn't impact my work speed however, not only that, it fired me up even more !

With such determination behind my actions, I started furiously transporting bricks onto upper floors.

Mark, surprised at such fire in my eyes, probably decided that he couldn't be left behind by me. He went on one floor himself to take care of materials that were constantly delivered to him.

Left with one person to manage what goes where, I continued my work.

And so the work continued, all of us giving our best to work as hard as one could.


Fortunately for me, core didn't require any physical strength to operate, only mental commands, otherwise I might have just passed out from overwork.

If my memory serves me right, more than hundred of these platforms have been delivered to their respective floors. Currently, I am laying down, with my back against the wall of the cabin, my eyes closed. Work have been heavy, but pay-off is apparently huge. So huge that the work sped up by day worth of schedule in span of one hour.

Suddenly, I hear steps on the ground paired with miniscule vibrations. Opening my eyes, I spotted Mark approaching me.

"Well done ! Want one ?"

He said to me, sounding quite proud of himself. In his hands were two bottles of water, one being pointed at me.

Yeeting it towards myself with my power of 'telekinesis', I snapped the cork open and started chugging from it. I didn't realize how thirsty I was until I started drinking.

"For now we are having 15 minute break, then we go at it again. You up for another round ? That would help us greatly."

I looked towards the sun. It was high noon, sun blazing in the middle of the sky.

"What hour is it ?"

I asked, one of my eyes open glaring at Mark.

"Well, it is ..."

He took a moment to look at a wristwatch on his hand.

"1 PM already. Went quite fast, not gonna lie. Break also seems over, you coming ?"

"... Yes. Give me a second."

"Great ! Keep working hard !"

He said, footsteps becoming dimmer and dimmer, until I was unable to hear them anymore.

With a groan, I stood up and stretched myself a little. Going back to work, I started mumbling a part of a certain quote of a certain song.

"We work, to earn the right to work, to earn the right to work ..."

Guy beside me, somehow startled, started grinning. After few seconds of delay, he joined in.

"We work, to earn the right to work, to earn the right to work ..."

Few seconds after, another two voices joined our mumbling, our little chorus starting to grow larger by the seconds, becoming something of a ruckus. All of us kept our work at maximum, while sacrificing every free breath to sing.

Few minutes into, nearly whole squad was basically yelling the lyrics, determination blazing within eyes of everyone of us.

God damn, I didn't think that I would fire everyone up with a simple lyrics of this song that I once listened to. I mean, not that I am complaining, but I need to fucking speed up my work now or else they will leave me biting the dust, their determination to do this is more than respectful enough !

And so, Chara and other members of Rein's squad were working themselves to the bone. It would normally be an excellent thing, only ... that some people are not happy about such development, cause there is always this one guy.


A heavy and rushed steps resounded throughout a tight corridor, a blonde gentleman carrying a heavy file in his hand rushed through the small walls of operation center of a general management, managing various constructions and repairs happening around the whole city.

Then, why was he in rush ? We are in modern age, files and reports could be send through email, could they not ?

Well, yes. However, content of this file ... wasn't entirely legal. Company wouldn't want any 'trash' in 'front' of their company, right ? So now this man, let's call him Gorge, was breaking his spine to rely the news of their observation to HQ room as fast as it was possible. His job required that, who wouldn't want such a convenient job ?

Finally arriving at the doors, panting, he knocked on the door in a specific manner. It was a code that was thought up at the start of operation by the ones leading it.

The door swung open, a tall man dressed in dark suit stood before them, like a boulder blocking a road. Let's call him Larry, cause why the heck not.

"What is it ?"

Asked Larry, probably trying to sound as intimidating as possible ... or at least I think so, Gorge, do you have something to input on the case ?

As much as I would love to ask, his body language spoke by itself. His legs were shaky, either from the marathon he just ran, or 6'3 man before him. His face pale, either because he didn't eat his veggies for breakfast or the earlier mentioned man before him ...

Nah, it is probably this marathon and lack of veggies. Maybe I should materialize some before him, he would probably eat these right away, hahahaha ...

Okay, as much as I love making fun of people that can't see me, we need to get back to the scene. Already breaking through his shyness, he handed the folder over ... only to get the doors closed before him.

Rude ! Now the poor guy has to go back to his spot ... I feel sorry for him, which isn't quite common to occur. Maybe I should help him a little ?

Hmmm ... let's see.

A little tweak here and there and ...

[Individual Yu Katoro met a condition of acquiring [Stamina enhancement] !]

Yosh ! With this little help he should be good to go.

Now, to get inside ... I tried opening the door, only to forget that I am not material. Oh, this does mean ... I can just phase through the wall !

Entering the room behind a thick wall ... Wow ! Isn't it this funny control room from Danganronpa ?! I swear I can't see a difference ! Well, there is ... there are people in here ... lame ! Maybe I should go to that world some other time ? Hmmm ... maybe later, first, let's see what they have over here.

Scanning the room in search of Larry, I quickly spotted him handing over the folder to this one guy in the center on the room. I swear he gives of some ... main antagonist aura ?

Yes, let's say it like that, maybe I should implement it as a skill ? How rad would that be ?! [Main Antagonist Aura], grants bonus stats to people around the antagonist who fight against protagonist of the world, yes, I can see that clearly !

Suddenly, earlier mentioned 'Antagonist' banged his hand on the table.

"What ?! They might be able to finish this project ?! How the hell would they be able to ?!"

A shout resonated throughout the whole, let's name it, 'Control room'. Many people sneaked a glance towards the person, only to skyrocket their heads back to their monitors.

"... By no means can they finish that project ! It was to creat a stain on their groups strike of perfectly done projects, how the hell are they even able to do it with such amatory equipment they got from us ?! They have to repair 20 story building with a transportation method up to 10th floor ! What did they do, drag everything up the fucking stairs ?!"

He said, before banging his hand on a table once more. Man, you need to eat some snickers, you are not yourself when you're hungry. I mean, I don't know the guy, but come on ! You can't tell me that his veins are sticking out of his forehead at all times ... maybe it is his quirk ? Wait, let's see ... nah, it isn't. Quite impressive skill he has, round of applause please.

*Yawn noises* God damn it ... no, no God damn, I am a god. So ... world damn it ? I never really wondered at it. Maybe I should ?

*MONSTROUS YAWN NOISES* ... World damn it, I need some sleep. Do gods even need sleep ?

*EVEN BIGG-* Okay, I get it ! Geez, I am going, you can come back.


At the end of another shift, most of us were laying on the ground. While singing stopped halfway through, Determination that came from it did not disappear one bit. All of us continued to work furiously, ending the repair of up to 10th floor in both housing blocks.

However, it was time for me to back out. It was already getting dark, and mother would only grow worried if I didn't show up.

Fortunately, Rein himself seemed to be present in his cabin. Entering, I was met with a sigh of him drinking water.

Spotting my presence after few seconds, he turned towards me.

"Great work young Chara ! Thanks to you, we are going at such a speed that I do feel like we will be able to close this project up on time ... but I assume you need to leave now ?"

Saying that, he stared at me dead in the eyes.

"... Yes. My mother would be worried if I didn't come home."

"I see ... well, here."

Said Rein, before fetching an envelope. Opening it, my eyes snapped wide. There was seemingly way more money than a monthly salary of construction worker, double if not triple !

I looked towards him, my eyes demanding an explanation.

"What ? You did very well, and don't get mistaken, it will be your monthly pay if you keep up such great work. All of us did sing to this song that you started !

Also, if by any chance, you can make it here later this evening ... I will welcome any help with open arms ! Most of us will be pulling out all-nighter, so I hope you can help us !"

He said the whole sentence, all while a kind smile was present on his face.

I was more than stunned. There was no way such great person existed, there had to be some catch ... only for me to spot none.

... maybe it is just kindness ? He is probably filled to the brim with it.

Putting a hand over my heart, I said.

"Of course ! I will try to convince my mom to let me come back here later, I will come if I am successful !"

"That's the spirit ! Now, go. Your mom must be worried."

Nodding, I run out of the construction site, not forgetting to change my clothes back. Really kind bunch of people.

After few dozens of minutes, I make it into my own apartment building. Although I was gasping for air, it wasn't as bad as one would expect. Maybe I am getting better at physical things ? I do hope so.

Few dozens of stairs later, I arrive before our door, not encountering anyone on the way.

Shaping energy on my finger into a shape of key, I push it inside and twist, effectively unlocking the door-

Only to be met with a posture of my mom sitting on the couch-bed.

"Chara ?"

"Yes mother ?"

"... Where have you been ? I was worried !"

She said, her tone raising rather high.

"I did leave you a note."

"Yes ?! 'I am going off, I will be back in the evening.' Quite a note, don't you think so ?"

Mother replied, adding sarcasm to the last sentence.

Well, yes, it is a little amount of words used for a note, but I didn't know how much it would take to find somewhere to work so I had to make a big time frame.

"Chara, what have happened ? Since the moment you gained this quirk you seem ... more mature, more understanding ... more like not yourself. What has happened to you for god's sake ?!"

She yelled, her voice nearly cracking. Well, okay. Bullshit-no-jutsu, activate and engage !

"It is just, after me gaining this quirk, I could understand more. And what I understood was that I am such a bother, such a useless-"


"Yes ?"

I answered. I mean, I am not cool with interrupting other people, but do say.

"Stop spouting bullshit."

... Uwweeeeee ?

"Your face turns all serious the moment you start doing that. That is the thing that didn't change from earlier you."

... I do that ?! Now that I think about it, yes, I am way more serious than normally ... well shit.

"Look, mom. I am only trying to help you. I can't let you just overwork yourself ! That is the thing that I understood after getting my quirk. So just sit, and let me take care of things."

"What things ? Chara, you are just a kid. Kids like you shouldn't be worrying about such things ! I want you to stand here from now o-"

Before my mom could stop however, I threw envelope I got to her.

"What is it ?"

She said before opening it, her eyes going wide.

"Mom, this is the money I earned today. I got hired to help at construction site, all thanks to my quirk. Just ... let me help you."

I commented, staring her right in the eyes.

She got her head between her hands, seemingly depressed out of sudden.

"My kid is getting bigger salary than me ..."

Ah, ok. Quite understandable.

"... Ok, I allow you to work there. But, you have to keep yourself safe, okay ?"

"Yes ! I love you mom."

Saying that, I went towards her and gave her a hug.

With this, our lives will get better. Hopefully.

[And ... cut right here !

As you may have noticed, I experimented with a different POV, do tell if it is good or not.

I apologize for any inconsistencies or grammar mistakes in advance.

Do give me your opinion on book (review). I am in quite dire need of those for now.

But ... I am amazed. I managed to do another chapter in this week ... well goddamn.

Don't forget to eat your veggies ! One doctor a day keeps apples away as they say !


next chapter
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