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68.42% Just Another Chat Group / Chapter 52: Coffin

Kapitel 52: Coffin

That could have gone better. Not that things turned out poorly for me. I did learn a lot of new knowledge that will allow me to bend the world to my whims. Even if the vast majority of that knowledge was geared to incapacitating my enemies. I learned a fair amount about shaping the world into images I find pleasing. I could also animate nearly anything to do my bidding.

It certainly allowed me to grow but it was not to the level that I wanted. Pulling out every single spell from him was an endeavor that was doomed for failure. I would have to spend a vast amount of time to pull off such a feat. I just did not have the Mana reserves to force him into doing so. 

I did manage to set some boundaries even if I doubted he would follow them fully. I was going to have to go back to Hogwarts to access the knowledge hidden there. I did not necessarily have to attend classes as self study would work out. I could use my own comprehension to cast a spell and once I had seen it I would improve again.

I also had a large amount of spells I needed to run through before moving on to something else. I did have a pretty large amount of spells 'mastered' with my wand after all. A lot of those spells were some rather vicious curses but the knowledge they provided would still be worth the effort. Especially since said effort was just me casting the fucking spell.

The Room of Requirements should offer me knowledge that has been sealed throughout the ages. Since I would be using my own natural talent to first learn these spells it was going to take me a fair bit to get started. Once I had the ball rolling I should grow exponentially as the concepts that made a spell would be engraved in me and spells tended to share origins.

I was able to create a fireball spell based off of my understanding of the concepts of the Flame Whip. Any and all flame spells should hold similar concepts and learning them will be easier with what I know. I had a variety of small elemental spells that I wanted to study as they would offer similar levels of mastery with one look.

I was not going to hide away in the Room of Requirements for ever. I did have a friend that I wanted to talk to occasionally. I might get in trouble with the staff but that trouble was not something I was really concerned about. Sure they would know that I was purposefully skipping their classes but so what? Dumbledore would not expel me as he wanted to use me. Any other punishment I did not have to worry about as I would not take part in.

They were not capable of forcing me to do so. Even if Dumbledore decided that expelling me was the way to go. The expulsion would not stop me either as I could come and go as I pleased. Dumbledore would have to throw everything he had in him to contain me and that was something I wanted to happen anyway. 

As long as he did not know my major trump cards his efforts would be in vain. If the other Staff decided to discipline me themselves then I could take the opportunity to drag knowledge out of them.

God, the ninja world must absolutely hate the Uchiha. Learning all of your secrets in a single glance has to be fucking infuriating. All that time and effort spent mastering an ability and some dude comes along and says mine. I would feel sorry for them but it was just so easy stealing knowledge with these fucking eyes.

Alright, cool it Severus. God complexes are not a good thing to work towards. Calm down before you start making speeches about how nothing in the world would be able to stop you. Motherfucker! I totally had those thoughts before. Repeatedly too it was not a one off scenario. The Alpha Stigma really fit me even if that was not necessarily a compliment in this case.

I was currently located in the Room of Requirements as I wanted to use it to study more knowledge. That could wait as the spells should come first.

I asked the room to become a nice open area where I could practice my spells. I did not really need any equipment as I was just casting the spells and moving on. I took a moment to catch my breath as my Mana had not fully recovered but then I got into it.

A variety of colorful spells shot out of my wand. Some of them were balls of varying sizes, some of them beams that tried to latch onto things, and then we had the ones that did not have any visible signs. I finished running through them quickly. I may have known a fair amount of spells but I was not the Library of Alexandria. My knowledge stemmed from the efforts of a fifteen year old boy who spent a large amount of time studying potions. Even if he also had a gift for the Dark Arts.

The knowledge that was stuffed into my head was fantastic. My grip on the elements was further enhanced, not perfect but certainly workable. The gods of my world were just Wizards that mastered the elemental crafts. I may not have been capable of throwing the same weight as those legends but I was definitely far above most of my people.

It was only a matter of time before I could reach feats similar to those Wizards. It would not put me in the ball park of actual gods but that was what my Sacred Gear was for. I was eventually going to have to practice with the thing.

I was waiting for my relationship with Rias to settle a bit before I traveled to her world and practiced with it. It was probably the only place I could find that would offer space for training with Sacred Gears after all. I could go to Pyrrha's world as a large amount of their territory was held by Grimm. I ran into the same issue I had with Rias, in fact it was even worse. Pyrrha might accept my visit if she knew I would be nuking a large amount of Grimm. 

I had no idea as I would have to ask first and I was waiting for the hurt to fade slightly.

I may not be willing to travel to Rias or Pyrrha's worlds but I was planning on spending some points to travel right now. Ashley's world was not prepared for me to be testing anything but I was not going there to flex my muscles. I was going there because I missed my girlfriend and I wanted to spend the day cuddling her.

I may want to fuck the shit out of her as well. That was to be expected as I was only human. Who would not want to fuck their very willing hot girlfriend? 

I was also going to have to have a conversation with Ashley's brother. My insecurities were whispering in my ear that he was a problem that might take my girlfriend from me. I tried to not put any weight behind those thoughts but they were still there.

I could only take comfort in Ashley's fervent desire for me. She was broken in a way that she needed affection. To her Andrew's affection was never real and I provided the real genuine article so she should be ecstatic with me. We also shared a far more similar moral state.

Beyond her own feelings. Andrew never made any moves on Ashley as he treated her like his sister. Ashley never even considered taking their relationship in that direction until the Chat Group brought the topic up. So everything on that end should be settled.

I still needed to see the guy to form my own opinions on the situation. I was not sure what I would do if Andrew did feel a certain way about Ashley. I did not want to kill the guy, Ashley may have moved on but killing her brother was probably a no go.

I was just going to have to figure out these things later.

I wonder if Ashley would be fine with being dragged into my world on a more permanent basis. She should have enough points to accomplish that task. It would also drag her away from her brother while leaving her the option to visit. Knowing how clingy she was she would be up for it.

At least I hope she would be up for it. It did seem kind of shitty bringing her here as I was planning on leaving eventually but points could be earned. I was also willing to pay the price to have her by my side. 

[Overdramatic Fool: I finished my assault on an old man. Are you good with me coming over right now?]

[NTR Victim: I don't really have anything else going on so you should be good on coming here. I do want the deets about the assault.]

[Overdramatic Fool: It's not really an exciting story. An old man wanted to brainwash me into his cult. We threw various forces of nature against each other. He had a huge ass golem that I stole and I told him to leave me alone before teleporting away.]

[NTR Victim: I don't know what world you live in that something like that is not exciting.]

[NTR Victim: What sort of cult was he trying to build? Was it a sex cult? Did he want a piece of your fine ass? If so I might have to stab a bitch.]

[Overdramatic Fool: I don't think it was a sex cult but who knows. The type of shit that goes on behind closed doors is crazy. The old geezer was definitely gay but he has a beau that he locked up in a prison.]

The more I talked about what happened the more I realized the ridiculousness of the situation. I was joking around to bring some levity but there was definitely a hint of truth in my words.

I had her permission to hop into her world, she also implied that I was welcome to pop in when ever I wanted. I hesitated on leaving. I did not need to spend time cuddling my girlfriend.

I had access to a vast amount of knowledge that was going to take a long time to study. I was in the center of that knowledge with but a thought I could have a ridiculous amount of books to read. 

Going to her world was not a good decision. Yet, I wanted to. I could not hide behind those logical reasons. The major reason I was hesitating was the whispers in my mind saying things might change.

That when I arrived in her home she would not be quite the same. Or that given the opportunity to see her brother again she changed her mind. Those were foolish thoughts.

She wanted me to visit. She was inviting me and none of her actions since coming back would point at her not wanting to see me again. So I let go of that hesitation and bought the world travel ticket. A hundred points lighter and the thoughts weighing me down faded with the sight of the castle around me.

I was now in a drab apartment. The walls are as beige as beige could be. There was not even a hint of color. It was a rather sad sight and one that I was all too familiar with. I was used to seeing a residence that did not really feel like a home after all.

It was not a large place but again I was more familiar with this small apartment.

Ashley was standing in front of me. Her eyes glinting with the same desire that had my knees weak. She looked even better than she looked in game. The artificial avatar could not capture the essence that emitted from her. Before I could say anything she sprung forward and hugged me tightly.

I once more relaxed in her arms. As I held on to her I looked around and spotted her brother. He was currently glaring at me with a rather dark look flashing on his face.

I grimaced as the conversation I was going to have with the guy seemed to become more difficult by the second.

I clutched tighter to the girl in my arms. I did not like the way he was looking at me. Sure I expected some level of animosity as I was a stranger that suddenly started to date his sister. From what I know about him he had been playing the role of parental figure in their lives as well. He was not really all that good at it but he was the only one who tried.

So I was expecting a level of anger as I was effectively making moves on his pseudo daughter. That was not the emotions that I was reading from him. The anger was certainly there but there was a hint of possessiveness in his eyes that had my hackles standing up.

The look on his face was one that I wore often when Lily introduced me to some new friend of hers. The only saving grace of this situation was that he was not directing lust filled glances at her. Still, it was too early to tell if he would do so later. He had his gaze concentrated on me at the moment after all.

I wanted to glare back at him. To show him that while he was her brother Ashley was mine. That no matter what happened I was not going to be the one to let go of her. I refrained from doing so as initiating any sort of conflict was a rash move. I did not have a perfect reading on this situation and I might be misreading it.

My own insecurities would dye my perception of this interaction. There was no escaping that. I was rational enough to admit that I came into this situation viewing him in a negative light. I might be in the right in regards to those views but that had yet to be determined.

I might have tightened my grip on Ashley but she did not seem to mind. Her own grip on me was not something a normal person could fight against. She was putting a lot of strength into her hug. I wonder if she was doing that on purpose or if she was just overly excited at seeing me once more.

"It's nice to finally meet you Ashley." I looked away from her brother and looked down at the girl who was buried in my chest. Hearing my voice she looked up and I felt my heart pound in my chest. Her pink eyes glowed in an enchanting way and I felt my lips dry. I wanted nothing more than to give in to my desire and place a searing kiss on her.

I was willing to bet that she was feeling the same as her eyes dilated when matching my own gaze. I stopped myself from giving in to that desire as we were currently in front of her brother. I wanted to at least give the guy a chance at changing my mind. Making out in front of him was not the way to go if I wanted to accomplish that feat.

"Of course it is." She smiled up at me with a smug smile. I chuckled and felt the urge to mess with this little gremlin. I let go of her which brought a pout to her face. I rolled my eyes and motioned to her brother.

She latched onto my arm instead of pulling off the full hug. She then gestured towards Andrew.

"That's Andy. Andy this is mister magic man himself Prince." She announced excitedly with a blinding smile on her face. Her brother looked over at us with a strained smile on his face. A smile that I mirrored as he was not making it easy to get along with him.

"Severus Prince at your service." I spoke out to the quiet boy and offered him my hand to shake. He grimaced before taking my hand to shake. He put a fair amount of force in his grip but not anything that impressive. I was a superhuman beast and he was a recently starved boy who had only just recovered his strength.

I wanted to roll my eyes at the action but I just accepted it for what it was.

"Andrew Graves." He spoke out lowly. He was being rather moody but that was again something I expected. The more I looked at him the more I saw myself in him. It caused my eyes to twitch slightly. It was not just the way he was acting we shared similar features. Both of us were black haired pale men that were used to throwing grimaces at people.

I was wondering if he was also a misanthrope. I could now understand why so many people thought me and Ashley were siblings beyond her attachment and her username. There were some differences between us. His hair was a fair bit fluffier than mine. I had him beat in height and I put on a fair amount of muscle mass by this point.

"Ashley has told me nothing but good things about you." I forced out a fake smile at the man before me. I was lying, she did say a lot of things that she thought were good points about her brother. They did not sound that good to me, not just because anything good would be bad for me. Andrew had been a pillar for Ashley but he was never capable of really telling her that he was there for her. The chains that bound them together were of Ashley's creation.

The guilt that weighed on his mind never really allowed the guy to speak out about how he felt. He was just as broken as Ashley was but she was the one that did that to him instead of their parents. He clearly cared for her but there was an undercurrent of resentment in all of his actions.

It meant that their relationship was doomed for failure if they did not solve it. There was zero trust between them just paranoid obsessive thoughts. Neither wanting to accept the people in front of them nor wanting to leave the people in front of them. A contradiction that defined every interaction in their life.

" I wish she told me things about you. All I know is you sent us things." Andrew spoke out tiredly the glare fading slightly. 

"Well, I am more than willing to tell you things about myself." I spoke out blandly. If him knowing more about me would allow him to chill the fuck out then I was more than willing to tell him my backstory.

"I'll take you up on that." Andrew spoke out blandly. Again I felt my eyes twitch. He did not sound all that enthusiastic about knowing more about me. He then looked me dead in the eye with a withering look.

"How exactly did you and Ashley get together?" Andrew questioned in a strained manner. His face was contorted and tight. It was a rather simple question but I was not sure if he really wanted to know.

"The mission that we went on was in a game. We were trapped in there for a rather long time. Being so close together for so long had us bonding. She then made the first move and sealed the deal between us." I rubbed the back of my head as I spoke of what happened. I left out a fair amount of what went down but that was the gist. I was sure that he did not want to know about my difficulties accepting that she did in fact like me.

Andrew looked over at me with suspicion clear on his face. I could not really blame him for it. As a wizard, I could have done something that had Ashley lusting after me. I could have manipulated her into this relationship. I did not but he did not know that.

The possessiveness that I saw in his eyes was gone. I was not sure if I was seeing things but it no longer lingered in his eyes. The concern and anger that remained were far more reassuring for me.

All of us chatted about the mission that we took part in. I did most of the talking but Ashley did chime in when she had something she wanted to add. Like her gaining another friend in the game who was also a part of the Chat Group. The fact that Ashley now had a female friend threw Andrew through a loop.

Ashley stayed glued to me the entire time, which did not decrease Andrews's anger but she clearly did not care about that. The display of affection in the face of her brother really did wonders for my own mood. It meant that no matter how this conversation played out I was not that worried about what would happen between us.

"Prince gets to do all the cool shit, while we are stuck here." Ashley pouted as she lounged over me. Again the sight had Andrew twitching but he seemed to be adjusting to the sight.

"Being trapped here is not doing me any good either." Andrew muttered under his breath as he looked longingly out the window. I perked up at hearing that. The only reason I recommended that they stay put was because a murder spree would have people hunting them down. With me here murder was no longer the only way they could escape here.

"If you guys are feeling that stir crazy, I can help you settle whatever is going on here." I spoke out softly gathering both of their attention. Ashley whipped around so her face was inches from mine and Andrew jumped up from his seat.

"Do it. Do it. Get us out of here!" Ashley chanted inches from my face. I picked her up and dropped her away from me. The excited yelling in my face was not pleasant.

I did not plan on spending this day helping the siblings settle whatever bullshit was happening to them. My initial plan was to have an awkward conversation with her brother. Then spending the rest of my time cuddling with her and fucking the shit out of her.

I did not mind taking care of this. It would give Ashley some closure and I kind of wanted to fuck with the company that had harmed my girlfriend so deeply. Andrew's own hopeful look gave me another reason to do this. I might never be on his good side but I could knock off some of the negative notions he had of me.

Before I could say anything a loud voice came from the front door.

"Have you guys croaked yet!?" The booming voice questioned. I saw a dark look flash on both of the siblings' faces. Ashley vibrated in place clearly wanting to do something and Andrew tensed up as if he was stopping himself from blowing up.

Clearly that dick head was causing them a lot more pain than I thought.

"Well, the timing on this could not be better." I spoke out loud. The vibrating that came from Ashley stopped but Andrew remained frozen.

I snapped my finger and the door morphed into a small puppy. Behind the door was a wooden plank that was supposed to keep the door closed. In front of the now useless plank was a portly man. He wore a grey cap and was dressed in what you would expect from a security guard.

He was standing there with his mouth hanging open in shock. The sudden events breaking his fragile world view. Before he could shout or do anything that would draw attention I stunned him. He then fell over and slammed his face into the ground.

I looked over at the two siblings. Ashley had a shark like smile on her face. Andrew was looking at the guard like he was a dead man. I was slightly surprised by that. From what I could gather the guy had a somewhat functioning moral compass. I suppose that anyone could be pushed to killing after they were pushed to the brink.

Starving was probably one of the worst ways to go. From what Ashley told me about the guard he mocked them with his comments constantly. I was going to have to talk him out of murdering the guard. Not because I objected to his death but because I wanted to inflict as much punishment as I could to the dick head.

He was the one that threatened Ashley's life after all. I would not be satisfied till his organs slowly melted from his frame.

Before the siblings could do anything drastic I walked towards the door. The small puppy that was once a door just sat there quietly like a statue. I animated it so it would at least act like a real puppy.

It raced between my legs running back and forth trying to gather attention. I examined the guard, he had a gun, a walkie talkie, and a set of keys on him. I picked up the revolver and checked it out, it was fully loaded. That was concerning to be blatantly armed was not telling a good story. I picked up the walkie talkie, in case someone would check in using the thing. 

I moved the guard into the room and looked back at the siblings. Ashley had some how caught the transfigured puppy and held it close to her chest. She was looking at the unconscious guard with a manic grin on her face. Andrew was trying to look like he was not interested in carving their warden into pieces.

I spun the revolver and handed it to Ashley.

"Here another one for your collection." I spoke out blandly as I turned back to the guard on the ground. 

"Another? When did you get a gun?" Andrew questioned in disbelief. I guess she never got around to showing her brother the small armory I sent her. 

" Prince sent me a lot of gifts, you want one?" Ashley bragged and I was sure that she was sporting another smug smile. I rolled my eyes as I lifted the eye lids of the dumb fuck that took a job he really should not have. I heard a small thud behind me that caused me to pause.

"That's not a collection that's a fucking armory." Andrew spoke out tiredly with concern ringing through his words. I guess she wanted to show off exactly how much lethal weaponry she had on her.

With the guard's eyelid lifted I had easy access to all of his memories. I was glad that Dumbledore wanted to know all of my secrets. When he casted that Legilmency probe I went from a novice to a man that could slip past any mental shields. This man did not have any mental barriers but I could navigate his mind with out any delays.

Dreams, hopes, aspirations, fears, passions, memories, and everything that fell between blurred in my own mind. I did not really want to know that he had a fear of cabinets of all things but I did now. Beyond that, I learned that he had been fucking a tenant of this building in order to provide food to her. He held plans on trying to convince Ashley to fall in line after the siblings got really desperate.

I did not take that knowledge well. I wanted to tear his psyche into pieces but I let it go for now. That was not a good enough punishment. I needed to know why the company was doing this and who knew about this operation. The answer I got was frankly confusing. 

I would have never expected things to be like this. I also found myself finding a brand new disdain for Mister and Miss Graves. I thought they bottomed out by ignoring their children's plight.

I left the dead man's mind. I was tempted to start torturing him right now but I had very little time in this world. I could not afford to waste it by skinning him and sprinkling salt into his wounds. I settled for cursing him.

I was far more capable in that field than I was before. A curse of impotence that would send volts of pain through out his body with every lustful thought. A curse that would have his body slowly eating itself no matter how much he tried to sate the hunger. A curse that would plague his mind with his worst fears constantly. I pushed more and more curses into him but I eventually stopped.

If I pushed too far his mind would snap like a twig. I wanted the curse that caused his body to eat itself to be the finishing blow. That felt like the most poetic way to end him.

I stood up but bumped into someone when I did so. I looked over my shoulder and it was Ashley. She was fiddling with the revolver in her hand. Andrew was looking over with an interested but exasperated look.

"You done with him magic man?" Ashley questioned with that same manic smile on her face. I looked her over for a second before nodding. She moved as fast as she could and brought the gun forward to the man's head. I snapped my fingers and rolled my eyes. I should have expected that this would be her reaction.

When she pulled the trigger the gun did not shoot a bullet. A puff of glitter shot out of it and covered the terrible man. Ashley froze for a second as she put the situation together. She then looked over at me with a pout and a glare on her face.

"What's the big deal? He totally deserves it?" She whined out but I could hear a fair amount of hurt. I sighed and patted her head messing with her hair. Andrew looked like he wanted to do something as well so I figured I should pipe up.

"I cursed him Ashley. Trust me he will wish he took a bullet to the noggin." I spoke out softly the pout still prevalent on her face but the hurt fading. My answer satisfying her need for violence but not her need to inflict her own vengeance. Andrew seemed rather concerned about my curses. I could not imagine why, it would certainly bring vengeance.

I rolled my eyes and conjured a knife. I then handed it to Ashley who gave me a confused look. I soundproofed the room and gave her a doting look.

"Go crazy, As long as you don't target anything too vital I will be able to put him back together." I spoke out to her and she understood in an instant. She then marched over to the man and started to carve into him. I made sure he would not be able to move but be awake.

The curses and screams started to rain out. I was going to have to monitor her to make sure she did not take things too far. Still, this should settle her need for personal vengeance even if it was not as effective.

I looked back at her brother who was startled. He was giving a concerned look between the current torture scene and me. He was biting his lip and seemed really worried about what he was seeing. I could understand the concern.

I was a rational being. I was not a fair one but I could understand what my own actions conveyed. Being so willing to give my girlfriend murder implements and condoning her sadistic tendencies was not a good sign. A regular person would find what was happening too much. The screams and begging behind me did not even faze me and Andrew could see that.

He seemed to have realized something as a look popped on his face.

"Oh god, she found someone like her." Andrew muttered under his breath. I don't think he wanted me to hear that but I was far more than a simple human being. The comment caused me to smile at him. Andrew's limited moral compass would never allow him to really understand Ashley. He would need to be pushed far more to be fine with the real Ashley Graves.

That sentiment sent some relief to me. More worries dissolved as I got a good read on the man before me. I look over at Ashley and paused for a moment. She really looked like a fish meeting water. She had carved out one of his eyes and was hovering the blade over the other taunting the man screaming for his life.

She did not really do a lot to the guy but what she did was rather extreme.

"Alright, Ashley. He is going to die from shock at this rate." I spoke out softly and she looked over at me and once more pouted. Her fingers were bloody and some of the blood splattered across her face. The sight made me question some things about myself. Was I attracted to crazy individuals? I knew that I felt a connection to how broken she was but did I find insane hot? Questions for later.

I rolled my eyes and she sighed but complied. I put him back together as best as I could. I did not really want to waste potions on making sure everything was in perfect order. He was going to have some scars that he did not have before.

"Okay, before we start doing crazy shit again you two need to know some things." I spoke out seriously. Ashley was looking at me with full attention. Andrew was pale and was shuddering but he was looking at me as well. I was not sure how they were going to take what I was going to tell them. Well, I knew how Ashley was going to take it but she was easy. Andrew was a bit harder to measure.

"This whole operation is a organ harvesting gig. It's a stupid one but that is what is going on here." I spoke out with a small amount of disdain. The company could have killed them in a variety of ways but decided to starve them. It was cruel and ultimately a waste of time and resources.

Andrew blinked and was trying to put the pieces together. He was handling this well but he was sure that something shitty was going on. He did not hear the worst news yet. Ashley did not care about why they were doing what they did to her. All she cared about was that it was happening in the first place.

I looked over at them and contemplated if they really needed to hear this next bit. Ashley was already going to kill those people, the only thing this would affect was Andrew. It would cause him a rather large amount of pain. I thought it over for a moment but decided to spill if only so he did not object to Ashley's later actions.

"This is going to be rather hard to take in but you both deserve to know this." I spoke out solemnly. Andrew looked over at me in confusion and Ashley hummed lightly clearly not that invested. I sighed and decided to just bite the bullet.

"Your parents were the ones that sold you to the company." I spoke out quickly. Ashley blinked before her expression contorted into a snarl. Andrew's eyes widened in disbelief.

"That fucking whore! Of course, she would do something like this! No Ashley I don't believe that you are literally starving!" Ashley went on a tirade cursing and cussing up a storm. The more words that left her the more she was enraged. She was already planning on taking revenge on her parents. Now she had even more reasons to kill them.

Who the fuck sells their own children into an organ harvesting operation. 

"You have to be lying." Andrew spoke out silencing Ashley's tirade. She spun around with a snarl on her face. Andrew was looking over at me with a glare that was screaming murder. I rolled my eyes at him but let it slide. He did hear some rather bad news after all.

"There are some documents in the security room that will tell you the same. Your parents should be living it up right now, you both have some rather rare blood after all." I spoke out slowly so he could understand I was fully serious about all of this. Seeing how blase I was about this he deflated. The glare falling off of his face and a swirl of emotions taking their place. 

He was clearly struggling with all of this and I felt a large amount of pity for him. I was experienced in the terrible parents category. Despite how they treated the siblings he must have at least thought that they were family. Family don't do shit like this. They were not supposed to sell you out for their own benefit.

Before I could say something to calm the siblings blaring music started to play from the wall. It was loud and overbearing. I would have ignored it but the tune was sending waves of Mana screaming through the air. It was calling, screaming for attention for something far beyond. It sent a shiver down my spine and I was suddenly a lot more concerned about this world.

What ever was going on next door was a dark terrible thing. Something that humans should never even dare touch.

I spun around at the wall preparing for the very worst. I did not know what was going on but whatever it was it would only lead to bad things. I was not capable of doing anything against whatever this song was calling. Not with the magic I knew. I could only pin my hopes on Fortuna saving my ass.

I could run back to my own dimension but that would leave Ashley here undefended. She would face whatever monster that was coming by herself. I thought over our options before I remembered Ashley could also flee. I spun around to Ashley and her brother. Ashley was giving me a concerned look as something was clearly bugging me Andrew was far too upset to notice my own panic.

"Ashley. Buy a ticket to my world. We need to get the fuck out of here. Andrew grab onto her if you want to live." I spoke out as seriously as I could. Ashley blinked she looked like she wanted to ask me some questions. Andrew was also knocked out of whatever emotion that was haunting him.

The music reached a fevered pitch and I felt dread start to pool in my stomach. I could only hope that we were not too late. Seeing their confusion I cursed internally, this was not the time for hesitance.

"Now." I all but snarled out. Seeing that Ashley immediately started to go buy the ticket.

"What's got you in such a panic? The neighbor plays that song all the time." Andrew spoke out in confusion. Knowing that whatever is going on happened often did not calm my panic. The Mana in the air was no longer screaming for attention it felt like it was trying to welcome something. I let out a curse and prepared to at least delay the thing. I needed to make sure Ashley could make it through this.

As the Mana started to morph once more into something else the music cut off. It was a sudden thing that caused me to tense up. The Mana in the air froze as if upset about something before dissipating. I then heard a variety of curses from the wall. The man behind those walls was apparently cursing that his stereo was breaking on him now of all times.

I felt the tense air that was collecting in my lungs dissipating. I did not have to face what ever ungodly thing he was trying to summon. Fortuna acted before we reached that point. He could not play that terrible tune if his stereo was broken after all.

Seeing that I was no longer as panicked as I was before Ashley slowed her actions. I did not reprimand her for it as we were out of the danger zone.

"Is everything good now?" She asked hesitantly. I was far more used to Ashley being relaxed in my presence. I suppose seeing my panic disturbed her. I was displaying a panic beyond anything I had ever shown her after all.

"Yeah, we are good for now." I spoke out softly. Still, feeling the effects of my heart racing through my chest. I thought Ashley's world was a mundane one. That notion was dragged out of a club and jumped by bystanders. What ever that tune was calling did not belong in a world that was completely mundane.

"He has been doing that for the past two weeks. It's no big deal." Andrew scoffed moodly and gave me an unimpressed look. I threw my own glare at him. He could not possibly understand what was happening here. He was just a normal messed up human. Ashley may be a demi-god but she was not capable of feeling what was stirring in the air.

The fact that Ashley was in very real danger for the past two weeks did not take away my worry. If I never came to this world what would have happened to her? Whatever the neighbor was doing he almost succeeded. I could not imagine a tastier prize than a literal demi-god. So if I did not come here on a whim she might have been devoured by whatever was on the other side.

Andrew flinched at my glare. I had been trying to be cordial this entire time but now was not the time for this.

"I don't care if you have heard that song thousands of times, whatever your neighbor was doing would lead to nothing but suffering for everyone involved." I spoke out darkly. I still had no idea what was really happening there. I don't think I wanted to know to be honest.

"You could not even comprehend the danger you found yourself in, the Mana that was stirring in the air was….wrong." I started to pace. This might be a one off situation but I highly doubted that. Ashley and Andrew might be important characters in this world as Ashley was invited to the Chat Group. So their neighbour being something special did make a certain amount of sense. On the other hand, there was clearly something else going on in this world.

Not just a shady company harvesting organs.

Ashley looked back at Andrew who was thoroughly chastised. She then faced me with an odd look on her face.

"That guy has always been a bit off but the quarantine really fucked with him. Andy and me saw him trying to summon a demon to get out of here. We thought he was losing it." Ashley said slowly as if coming to terms with what those words meant. I flinched away from her. Perfect the dumb ass was playing around with demons. That was a one way ticket to having your ass served on a shiny platter.

It might have been a ridiculous notion to the siblings before but now they knew that magic was real. That Ashley was connected to an interdimensional Chat Group. She was a literal demi-god, was some dumb ass summoning a demon really all that strange in comparison?

I could see when Andrew accepted the truth of the matter. He paled drastically as he understood the gravity of the situation. He may not know how fucked they were but he could at least guess. There were only bad endings when you involved demons after all.

Perhaps this demon summoning would have led the siblings on a grand journey into a mystical world. That might have been the story that this world operated on. The involvement of the Chat Group turned that story on its heels. I for one was adamant on Ashley not getting involved with Demons.

"Alright, I'm going to go kill the dumb ass before he drags a fucking demon into the living plane." I muttered darkly as I started walking towards the doorway. He might do a different ritual that will ultimately be really fucking bad for us. I was also somewhat curious about the mystical side of this world.

The guy did not show the best side of what ever was going on but there was clearly some sort of moonlit world here. I do not think that the guy was going to be all that hard to take care of. If he had any real power he would not have found himself trapped in this operation. Still, it was not a good idea to confront a demon worshipper with kid gloves.

I was going to kill the guy as quickly as I could. I would not be able to read his mind but I was not that interested in the dick head. I could learn more about the mystical side from his belongings. I could not risk him pulling off a dumb move so he needed to die quickly.

Andrew rushed ahead of me. I gave him a confused look as he stood in front of me trying to ward me off from leaving the room.

"Woah woah, cool it. He is harmless, I'm sure he has no idea what he was doing. You don't need to kill him." Andrew pleaded to me and I just stood here blankly. He can not be serious. He was really advocating for the idiot?

"He was summoning a fucking demon, that's the literal definition of harmful. I don't care if he does not know what he was doing. A toddler with a gun is still fucking dangerous." I snarled out at Andrew. I understood that he was not one for random acts of violence but I was doing the world a favor. If he was left to his own devices it was only a matter of time before he tried again.

Andrew looked away in doubt but looked back at me with resolve on his face again.

"He's an idiot but he does not deserve to die for it." Andrew spoke out as strongly as he was capable of doing. I scoffed at his words. Some times idiocy is a capital offense all by itself.

"So you want to leave him alive to summon a demon some other day? Or do you think my words will convince him to not try again? Humans are greedy animals. Eventually, the temptation will build in him and he will bring death to this world." I spoke out darkly and rolled my eyes at this needless morality. I could see that my words were getting to him as he faltered.

"If we are taking a vote, I say merc him." Ashley spoke out behind me. She was idly petting the non-puppy in her arms. She was not the best companion in a logical argument but at least she made sense in this situation. She might have agreed so she could kill the guy but she was at least on the right side of history here.

"Look there has to be another way." Andrew announced sadly, I was not expecting this level of moral opposition from someone familiar with Ashley. I sighed at the display. It was needless and ultimately foolish. The world would quite literally be better off with out the fool.

"No, there really is not." I spoke out blandly as I walked past him, he did not put up much of a fight now. He just looked sad and dejected. Ashley happily skipped with the door-puppy in her arms. 

The hallway was pretty empty. Not that I expected it to be full as everyone was supposed to be slowly dying in their apartment. I walked towards the neighbor's door and snapped. It faded from existence and I was greeted with the sight of a dark apartment.

The only source of light was from the candles arranged around a symbol painted on the ground. I could smell a variety of sickening scents but the scent of blood was rather heavy in the air. I could only imagine that the symbol was painted with blood.

The neighbor was looking through a cupboard clearly trying to find something. He did turn around quickly when he heard my foot steps. I was not even willing to let the guy say a word. I lit him on fire and burned him to cinders. The method of his death was perhaps a little too far but I was not willing to spill blood in this room.

I did not want to accidentally activate the ritual in this room after all. The only concession I could offer the demon worshipper was that I was able to incinerate him quickly. He would have only felt the burning heat for a moment before oblivion greeted him.

I hoped that the fool did not make any deals that would have his soul doomed. Someone who was summoning a demon was unlikely to have not sold there soul. I still did not want to wish that sort of fate on my worst enemies. 

The sheer wrongness that was emitting from this apartment told me I would not want to meet a demon. I was hoping that I will never meet another demon. Or at least not the demons that resided in this world. I was trying to become friends with Rias after all. I could only hope that she did not emit the same sort of wrongness to my senses. If she did I don't think I could ever bring myself to be in her presence.

Once I did the deed I searched around the apartment for whatever books this idiot learned from. I only found one and it was titled Demon Summoning For Dummies Vol. 666. I just looked at the book in disbelief. I expected a leather bound grimoire that oozed evil but I found a fucking regular ass book.

I chucked it into my inventory, I was not prepared to deal with the bullshit that the book was.

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