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30.61% Jujutsu Reincarnation: Unleashing The Ten Shadows In Naruto / Chapter 14: Beyond Guilt Lies Strength/Beware The Fool.

Kapitel 14: Beyond Guilt Lies Strength/Beware The Fool.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

(Please do note, that the Author is currently sleep-deprived, so please excuse him for not bothering to write any descriptions or names for characters that will never appear ever again. They'll probably only appear in Pain's Kill count. But that's about it)

-Story Start-

-Evening Time-

-Third Person POV-

In Nurse Yumi's office, Sasuke lay on the soft bed, trembling and whimpering, the fresh wounds on his spirit reopening with each passing moment.

Nurse Yumi's treatment had an unexpected effect on him – it soothed his body but tormented his soul.

The Medical Ninjutsu she applied was meant to heal physical injuries, not the emotional scars that ran deeper.

As Nurse Yumi worked, she couldn't help but pity the young boy.

Her gaze, filled with compassion or more biasedly pity, rested upon him.

Sasuke despised that look, how he had come to loathe it in such a short time.

It seemed to follow him everywhere, a grim reminder of his own weakness and helplessness.

He wished that their "well-intentioned" pity could bring back his parents, his clan.

"Why... Why was I the only one to survive?" the unspoken question echoed in his mind.

Minutes passed, and the trembling gradually subsided, though his spirit was far from healed.

It was as if time and the fleeting nature of emotions had provided only temporary bandages for his wounded soul.

Sasuke had failed to notice Nurse Yumi's occasional gestures of kindness, like wiping away the tears that flowed from his eyes.

Nurse Yumi's voice signaled the end of the healing session, bringing Sasuke back to reality. "There you go, Uchiha-san. You should stick to soft foods for a few days; you took quite a hit," she said gently, her face adorned with a small, compassionate smile as she withdrew her hands from his abdomen.

Sasuke found her kindness irritating, as it radiated pity that he couldn't stand.

He clenched his jaw but managed a response, recognizing that he had once known kindness and could not completely reject it.

"Hn," he grunted, giving her a small nod in acknowledgment.

"Great! I'll be right back!" Nurse Yumi's cheerful voice filled the room as she left to fetch his dinner.

Finally, alone in the Nurse's Office, Sasuke felt a sense of relief.

He craved peace and quiet, even if just for a moment.

His onyx eyes stared up at the white ceiling, and with a rough exhale, he let out the pain and exhaustion that had been plaguing him, his emotions laid bare in that single expression.

And quite literally, Sasuke's moment of peace lasted for a moment, as he heard mumblings behind the door to the Nurse's office.

He could barely make out their muffled voices, "Akira this is the place right?" A tired tone of voice

'Akira?' Sasuke thought for a moment before realization hit him.

An expression of hatred was plastered on his face, as he glared at the door.

Nara Akira dared to pity him, to apologize to him, to... Defeat him. Remind him of his own weakness.

How could Sasuke Uchiha hope to avenge his Clan when a Nara nobody could best him?

"You know, just from that question alone, anyone can tell you've never spared at the Academy, Shika. I mean, a year without? That's damn impressive. And stupid." A deadpan response from Akira was delivered to the reluctant now-named Shikamaru.

"Guys, I think he can hear you..." A third voice chimed in.

Even a social recluse like Sasuke could deduce the identity of the third voice.

It was Choji of course.

Sasuke maintained his unwavering glare at the conversing trio just beyond his door.

-Akira POV-

"Okay... Remind me why both of you dragged me here? I probably would have come on my own," I whispered as I probed my friends.

Shikamaru rolled his eyes. "I can't handle another one of your depressive episodes. Resolve your issues with him, and that's that. I'm also here to ensure you don't say or do anything stupid," he whispered back.


But what about Choji?

As I contemplated this, I cast a questioning glance at Choji, who innocently shrugged in response, answering the unspoken query. "I thought we could invite Sasuke to Ichiraku. Dad told me that the best way for men to reconcile after a fight is to share a meal." His tone was confident and self-assured.

Indeed, Choza is a wise man!

Under normal circumstances, this would have been a fantastic idea.

However, "Choji... I think inviting the defeated party to a victory celebration of the victorious is something even the most tongue-lashing of the Warring States Era Warlords would have found a most impressive insult." I expressed gently with a hush, the issue with his suggestion.

"Aww..." Choji visibly deflated.

Shit... Well, there is a pivot here.

"Actually, Choji, we won't explicitly frame it as a victory celebration; we'll just call it a casual outing!" I coughed and whispered enthusiastically, witnessing life returning to my Akimichi friend's eyes.

Perfect, that's settled.

"All right, I'm going in; I'll invite him to join us at Ichiraku if all goes well," I whispered the mission parameters.

"Hurry up, we are burning daylight." Shikamaru expressed in monotone.

"Shut up, baldy! Don't rush me!" I pointed a finger at him, deciding to disregard his raised eyebrow as I entered the Nurse's Office, causing the door to creak open.

It's quite the nostalgic place, I'll admit.

A place of recuperation and frustration, arriving here after every embarrassing defeat at the hands of the Uchiha who is now ironically in my former position.

How the turn tables you smug bastard!

...Is what I would say if he didn't break down like that.

Ah... Stop, you've got to help the kid.

At least as a repayment for what I didn't do for him.

I surveyed the room, and a chill ran down my spine as my gaze settled on the currently injured Uchiha, glaring at me with intense hostility.

I suppose I deserve that much.

Frowning, I took measured steps, my green eyes locking onto his onyx ones as I approached with determination.

"Stay away," he hissed at me venomously.

He can't harm me.

And even if he could...

That would be acceptable.

Even deserving.

A few more steps, and I stood just three feet away from him.

Sasuke's eyes widened, and he exclaimed, "STAY AWAY! I DON'T NEED YOUR PITY! I DON'T NEED YOUR APOLOGIES! LEAVE ME ALONE!"

His voice cracked at the shout, but my expression remained unchanged.

It wasn't a look of sadness or pity.

No, if it were, it would have been better if I had stayed away.

I needed to communicate with him in his own language, on his terms.

To impart something fundamental that I, myself, was still grappling with.

A sentence that I hoped would guide both his and my life moving forward.

As I arrive at arm's length beside him I mutter dead seriously, "I know it seems ironic when it comes from me, but... Beyond guilt, Sasuke, Lies Strength."

At that, Sasuke transitions from a furious and shaking figure to a bewildered and confused one.

He narrows his eyes at me as I patiently await his response.

"What do you mean by that." He demanded an answer

At that, my head tilted a little as I contemplated how to put it into a proper and fancy sentence that wouldn't get me chewed out by Shikamaru later.

Hmm... Fuck it.

"What it means is real simple, you seek Strength do you not?" I already know his answer.

"Yes." He answered with such conviction, that it got me to sweat a little.

Here's the punchline.

"Then... Quit moping around in your angst and Survivor's guilt. It won't be getting you anywhere. Accept it and move on with your life." I finish my explanation bluntly

In a less serious situation, I'd cringe at the irony of this statement.

At that, an uncomfortable silence enveloped me.

The barely heard mutter of "Idiot" came from behind the door, knowing I'd probably be getting an earful from the more sensible of us Nara.

Truthfully, I expected an outburst, rage, strikes, anything really.

But Sasuke lowering his head and falling into a contemplative silence was not one of them.

I dared not to move even a muscle.

I stood for what seemed like an eternity but more like five minutes before Sasuke raised his head back to meet my eyes with... A new determination?

That... Got through to him? Really?

"Sorry, for my outburst." He whispered in a far more composed relieved tone.

My confusion must have been visible on my face at his change of attitude.

So I collected myself and decided to not look a gift horse in the mouth.

"Erm... It's okay?" I asked myself more than anything

Damn it Akira! Calm and Cool! Paragon of Tranquility!

Remember the books!

"Ahem, I mean it's fine! Say... We're going to Ichiraku's right about now, would you like to join?" I ask with a friendly smile, switching my expression in an expert motion.

A flash of consideration passed through Sasuke's face as he proceeded to shake his head

Ah, well, that was an expected outcome.

Only to be surprised by him following it up with, "I agreed to eat the Dinner the Nurse will bring. Maybe next time." He nodded in gratitude at the invitation.

To my utter bewilderment.

...It's like he's a different person what the hell did I just tell him?!

"Alright, get better quick Sasuke! Who else could give me a real fight at the Academy?" I smirked in challenge

To which he narrowed his eyes and gave a short nod and smug smirk.

"It was a lucky shot. Your lose streak returns now." He bantered.

...Now he's just plain creeping me out.

Hmm... I'm going to be leaving now.

"Yeah, yeah cya Sasuke!" I left, waving goodbye to Sasuke.

As I exit the door, I am left with the sight of a bewildered Shikamaru and Choji.

Yeah, I agree.

What the fuck kind of Instant Character Development was that whole ordeal.

Welp, if it works it works.

"Oi, idiots let's go get some food." I tap their shoulder breaking them out of their stupor, a wide smile on my face at this going much better than anticipated.

"Today's just your day Akira." Shikamaru teased shaking his head in helplessness

"Correct... So let's not linger here any longer! Time to celebrate! Chop, chop!" I push him away.

Choji chuckled as he followed us as I pushed Shikamaru's slow walk forward.

As we made our way out of the building, upon noticing that the coast was clear of any Akira-related disturbances.

The Sasuke Fan Club made their presence known as they tip-toed towards the Nurse's room.

With that, one of Sasuke's greatest life regrets was formed.

The regret of not having accepted Akira's invitation, despite deciding to be polite and await the Nurse's arrival.

It was also rather unfortunate that the Nurse arrived only in the aftermath of the fan club's rampage.

We shall not go into detail as to what occurred, but suffice it to say Sasuke Uchiha has another target for his revenge.

-Scene Change-

-Evening Time-

-1 Year And 1 Week Following The Entrance Ceremony At The Academy-

-Third Person POV-

In the backyard of the Nara Clan Head Household, the men of the house were having a rare and quite ceremonious bonding time.

The passing down of the Secret Clan Technique - The Yin Release Shadow Bind Technique

-Akira POV-

Now this is odd, initially when I thought we'd be learning the Clan technique, I expected the immediate Shadow Possesion Jutsu.

Apparently, we are learning the Shadow Bind Jutsu prior to that one.

As demonstrated by my dear Uncle here, it is simply intended to restrict the target's movements.

Starkly different than the Shadow Possesion Jutsu which causes the target to imitate your own movements.

My educated guess here is this is a step-by-step process, where we first learn to restrict our opponent's moves and then we learn how to get them to imitate us.

However, my real issue is much more straightforward than that...

As I formed the hand signs and channeled the Jutsu as taught by my Uncle, my shadow began to move towards Shikamaru as expected. My face twisted in concentration and effort.

But then, the shadow began to spasm erratically, causing me to lose control of it.

"Cancel the jutsu Akira." Uncle ordered

"J-Just a second! I got it!" I retorted as I refocused, regaining slight control of the spasming shadow and commanding it to move toward Shikamaru once again.

Only for it to spasm once again a few inches from reaching him, completing the Jutsu.

Oh, for fuck's sake.

I reluctantly and frustratingly cancel the jutsu.

"Ah... What a pain." I lower my head, downtrodden.

I hear a step taken towards me and feel a hand on my shoulder.

I bring my head back up to see a faux sad Shikamaru, "That's rough buddy." He shook his head.

Mhm, patience Akira, the pineapple gremlin will pay for his transgressions.

Hmm, it seems he knows better as he took a few steps back to not be within my striking range.

You fool! Jeff could still grab you!

Uncle chuckled at my infuriated expression, "Well Akira, you can't win them all. Though I've never seen such a lack of talent for Shadow Bind jutsu. Is there a problem because of your Kekkei Genkai perhaps?"

Ouch, talk about straightforward.

Well, he's unfortunately correct in his assumption.

I sighed, "Yeah, the shadows I use with my Kekkei Genkai feel totally different to control. I'm used to them instinctively, but when I try to control these jutsu shadows, it's like trying to use a completely different set of controls. It's all messed up because I keep trying to use my Kekkei Genkai instincts."

"Your Kekkei Genkai is not exactly control and movement of shadows is it? How would such a difference in control come to be?" He probes

"To be frank with you. I have no idea, it might be my brain having been used to seeing shadows and controlling them, in my case moving in and out of shadows as well as summoning creatures - as fundamentally the same as trying to move them with this jutsu." I responded, scratching the back of my head.

"I see..." He mutters, considering my explanation.

Uncle's face contemplates for a moment and then clears. "Sorry, Akira, since you're the first case, I can't really advise you on this besides practicing harder and longer. Usually, failure of the jutsu is caused by a lack of chakra or abysmal chakra control. Neither are the cause behind your failure," he says apologetically.

Yeah, I figured...

"Do you think this is a lost cause?" I inquire, trying to gauge if he believes I'm hopeless.

What? He's the professional, wasted time and effort is wasted time and effort.

If I really can't do it, I can't do it.

Better to apply the extra time on my... Dispatching Training, in that case.

And attempting to get free stuff from store owners.

Really, I don't even need those guides on how to persuade others, it's really easy when you are like 7.

You get what ya want if you're cute enough, Halo effect and whatnot.

And not to toot my own horn here, but damn I'm one handsome 7-year-old.

Shikaku's response to my prior question broke me out of my... Self-appreciative thoughts.

"No, if it is as you say, a difference in controls, you must adapt to the new set of controls. The jutsu performance may be considerably harder for you than for others, but once you master it, it should become second nature. The learning process may just take longer... Considerably longer from what I'm seeing" He shook his head

He followed up with, "For now, keep at it. Once you manage to stretch it for 16 feet as well as hold it steady for a minute. You'll be able to move on with your training. For now, I'll be teaching Shikamaru Shadow Possession."

If you couldn't tell... Shikamaru nailed it on the first try, without a sweat of effort.

My God, what a broken character. Please, nerf!

"Urgh... Fine, I'm on it." I grumble in irritation and move to the edge of the backyard, to start practicing.

"Shadow Bind Jutsu!" I mutter as my shadow stretches to 6 feet and... Begins to spasm rapidly, causing me to lose control of it.

Fun. Real fun.

What followed was an entire evening where I could barely stretch the shadow for up to four meters, let alone five, before it spasmed rapidly.

-Scene Change-

-1 Day Later-

-Evening Time-

"This is the place?" I mumble in confusion, as I stare at the map Eiichi handed out to me, a house encircled with a red marker in the Nara Compound.

Now you may be wondering as to the reason behind my alleged confusion.

You see, Today's Friday. And since Eiichi has gotten incredibly busy for reasons I have no business knowing about, our lessons have been reduced to once a week on Saturdays. Also, Uncle took the usual Thursdays and began teaching me and Shikamaru the Clan's secret jutsu.

Anyway, the point is I have a supplementary lesson to compensate for the missing Thursday lesson I normally have with Eiichi.

My teacher, Makoto one of our three Clan Elder's is supposed to be in this house encircled in the red.

Here's where my confusion comes into play.

For someone allegedly responsible for the Clan's finances.

His house is surprisingly... With all due respect - Middle Class.

I mean, isn't there a cliche here? You know: "He who works at the place with the money has the money" and whatnot.

Hell, when I got to Eiichi I had a Chunin to guide me there.

Now, I had to find where my elusive new Sensei's abode is, map be damned.

My past self would have thought I was getting kidnapped and this is a scheme, but well Eiichi my man is trustworthy so this entire monologue is kind of pointless.

But then again... I wouldn't want to intrude if the senile old coot circled the wrong house.

Ah, screw it.

My heart raced as I pressed the doorbell, a mix of curiosity and slight apprehension building inside me.

And as if someone had been waiting for me, I hear hurried footsteps and the door opens to reveal...


Just kidding, it's an old man, but not as old and wrinkly as Eiichi.

The old man's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm, a stark contrast to Eiichi's more reserved demeanor.

"Ah! You must be Akira! I've heard so much about you! Come in, come in!" He gestured as he directed me in

Considerably more energetic than Eiichi. Maybe he was like that once in the past?

Nah, no way.

I followed him inside, to an interestingly decorated home.

Deer antler collections on his walls, medicinal herbs growing on the window platforms, and family portraits.

Suprisingly... Normal?

What's the eccentric twist though?

I narrow my eyes to try and find anything incriminating...

Found it!

I see a painting of a jester holding a kunai with a small text written below it - "Beware The Fool."

Not the oddest Shinobi-related artwork I've seen, but definitely up there.

His voice breaks me out of my thoughts

"Take a seat! I've already made some tea for you!"

"Alright, thanks." I nod dumbfounded, his energetic nature taking me out for a spin. I take a seat on the living room table he seemed to have organized especially for my arrival.

With an open and empty notebook I spy titled - "Nara Akira Training Advice And Points Of Interest" this dude really a Nara?

Though I shouldn't be the one asking that now should I?

The energy coupled with taking this extremely seriously is making me woozy.

He brings out two cups of tea that appear to be cold, as no steam is coming out of them. As if he prepared them a while ago.

"Err, isn't that cold?" I asked with a tilted head.

As I was mumbling out that question, he brought a finger above the surface of the Tea and... Carefully heated it up with a perfectly sized and accurately controlled flame, no hand signs needed to form it.

Pure Chakra Control.

...What a proficient bastard?! Just like that?!

The cup was set in front of me as he moved to sit down in front of me, "First of all, it's a pleasure to meet you Akira!" He extended his hand for a handshake, a smile on his face.

"The pleasure is all mine, Makoto-sama." I reciprocate the gesture

"Bah! No need for formality with me boy! Were not in the Council room. Call me Makoto."

"Alright... Makoto?" I added in caution.

"Splendid!" He cheered.

A bit of an oddball, so far.

But there must be more to this guy, he wouldn't be an Elder for nothing.

...Stop, trust Eiichi, this is only once a week. No need to overanalyze this guy.

Eiichi wouldn't throw me out to the dogs.

Hell, I should be more appreciative of this guy.

After all, he's the one who supplied me with all those goodies!

...You know what! On second thought he's okay!

"Makoto, I know this may seem abrupt, but I'd like to thank you for all the tools you've supplied for me." I smile in gratitude.

"Well, it was a bit costly. But you are a worthwhile investment Akira!" He admitted.

Just when I deemed it reasonable to not suspect this guy and start on a good note.

...That sentence right there. That triggered a Code Red in my head.

I steered absolutely clear of all the political headaches, trusting Uncle and consequently, Eiichi to handle it. I have tried to ask them here and there about my status and if everything is under control. They are quite tight-lipped in that regard and only respond with that I should let the adults worry about it and that everything is fine, so I left it at that.

But this guy... He's steering the conversation in that very direction, isn't he? Praising me and making me curious as to the reason why I'm a good investment.

What's his game here?

I do have an inkling as to what they are investing me for, but I guess a confirmation could be nice.

I'll comply for now.

See what he's playing at.

"Investment... How?" I asked with a fake smile, one I've been practicing for some time.

At that, his smile transitioned into confusion, "My, have they not told you Akira? As a wielder of a never-before-seen Kekkei Genkai, you are our Clan's rising star!" He remarked.

I guessed that much, but what else?

Noticing my questioning look, his smile reformed and he added "What else is there my boy? You are a worthwhile investment from just that!"

He's giving me incomplete information on purpose.


I came in here with an open mind, trusting Eiichi's judgment and my positive impressions of this guy's generosity.

And mind games is what I'm met with?

"Cut to the chase, Makoto-sama" I bluntly respond with a threatening edge.

His expression is surprised at my tone, only for him to proceed to scratch the back of his head, "Ah, saw through it already? Impressive Akira!"

"Cut the theatrics old man, what is it you want from me? Although I am grateful for your gifts and will repay you someday, I came here for training, not your games." I disregarded all formality as I demanded an answer.

He remained unperturbed as he responded, "Well, I wanted to offer my granddaughter to you as a marriage partner early!" He admitted with a chuckle.


All that... For this?

"W-What?" I stuttered, taken aback by his sudden proposal. "Why all the theatrics just to offer me your granddaughter?"

"Why, yes! You are a smart boy, you should know that eventually you'll be forced into an arranged marriage. I'm here to offer you a partner early, so you don't go through all that hassle. What do you say?" He offered like a snake oil salesman with a wry grin.

An arranged marriage, as primitive as it is, is still very much a thing in the Shinobi World, even in a place as modern as Konoha.

I knew something among those lines would be the method to cement my lineage into the Nara and strengthen it.

But wow, is the common trait of all these old men, being manipulative and sly fuckers?

I bet that Tea heating up part also a part to play in his theatre, something along the lines of showing his proficiency and how good of a Shinobi he is or used to be, worthy of teaching me.

Gotta say, Impressive...

Nevertheless, the only response I have for such people is...

"I respectfully Refuse" I emphasized my refusal

In all honesty, were he to ask me straight up, perhaps I would've accepted.

Not really though, but the chances would have been more in his favor.

Without losing a hint of composure, as if he had expected that response he replies, "A shame." shaking his head

"Makoto-sama, I'd like to get to training. I believe we've gotten to know each other well enough." I remarked as I got off the chair, not even taking a sip of my tea.

...I'll endure this manipulative guy for now. If his training is worth the hassle, I'll stay, if not I'll confront Eiichi on just what the point of all this was.

"No need to be so cold Akira, I only did this much for our mutual benefit!" He said in gloom

"Attempting to manipulate me is to my benefit... How?" I roll my eyes at my Elder.

At that, he smiles knowingly, "Ah, but Akira, how would you learn to avoid falling without taking a fall? How would you learn to win without taking a loss? And how would you learn to avoid manipulation without getting manipulated?"

I see what he's getting at, but...

"I managed to avoid this manipulation had I not?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

At that his smile widens considerably, "I wouldn't be so certain." He answered enigmatically

"What do you mean by that?" I narrow my eyes at him.

"You haven't left yet. Have you not?"

"If you keep pressing my buttons old man, I'll be leaving right now." I growl at him.

But leaving... Would be admitting defeat, wouldn't it?

I take a secondary glance at his widening smile.

And he knows it too.

An oppressive silence envelops the room, suffocating me.

Breaking the oppressive atmosphere, I ask "What will our training constitute?" with an irritated expression.

His smile becomes downright victorious.

"What do you think?"

"The usual routine I do with Eiichi-sensei? I see nothing else you'd be teaching me."

"No, that would be the formal curriculum. But Manipulation, Finances and..."

In the blink of an eye, he appeared before I could react his hand inches from my throat, killing intent directed at me on a level surpassed only by the Nine-Tails from way back then.

My heart pounded like a drum, and a cold sweat ran down my spine as Makoto's eyes bore into mine, sending shivers of dread through me.

At the close proximity of a life-ending threat.

An overwhelming foe - Intent on killing me.

My mind went into overdrive, and time seemingly froze.

Sinking into the shadows would take too long... I'd die before that.

Rabbit Escape... He'll kill me before they form.

Divine Dogs? Useless.

Toad as well.

...The incantation for THAT could force him to back off.

In essence, there was only one solution I managed to come up with, seconds before my death.

I shakily and yet swiftly extended both my arms forward at a slight upward angle with my fists closed.

"With this tre-" As soon as I started the incantation, I stopped just as quickly when the killing intent subsided and he began to talk.

"Assassination, of course. Eiichi asked me to not concentrate on that area until you are at a suitable skill level. Which I agree with, Assassination requires a baseline of capabilities in order to be applicable and useful. Any less and you would get killed by failing to catch your enemy off guard or gauging his weaknesses incorrectly. So for now, my purpose in that regard is to gauge your progress and give light assistance were you to find a roadblock." He gave me a wry grin as he explained, his hand within life-ending distance.

He backed off and I immediately dropped to my knees in relief and to catch my breath.

Rapid breathing, an indication of hyperventilation.

Shit... What the fuck...



"Didn't take it too well I see? A shame, Eiichi must have gone soft, for you to react like that in this situation" He shook his head in disappointment

"Never... Never do that again! Damn, monster..." My voice quivered as I shouted, a mix of anger and fear coursing through me.

"Ah, that wounds me!"

I... I was moments away from killing us both.

...I planned on relying on Mahoraga's incantation, causing him to back off due to him sensing the ominous Chakra, much like it was in Megumi's case.

Maybe make him hesitate, allowing me to dive into the shadows and escape.

Maybe cause him to run away...

But if he stayed the course... I'd have used it.

Luckily he stopped before I could reveal the fact I had that dangerous card to play.

It's just... Never have I felt so scared, so quickly.

The realization this man could end me at any moment, at any time. Thoroughly ingrained in my head.

He could have forgone this method and simply stated he'd teach me Assassination.


This was a warning, a message.

Obedience? Compliance? What is it?!

I've got to get away...

Seeing my fearful expression he said, "I know what you may be thinking, you could run and tell on me to your dear old "Father". But... He's aware of the fact I'm training you. He'll either tell you to suck it up or quit. Are you a quitter, Akira?"

Taking note of my unchanged expression he added, "Perhaps you fear I'll be ending your life and could at any moment?"

Calm down... Deep breaths.

"Oh, so that's it. Do take note Akira, when you try to compose yourself when an enemy probes you. It may indicate that the very probing hit something sensitive... In any case, as you appear to be in a state of hysteria your rational side is being inhibited and is focusing on possible threats to your life... Me. Take a moment to calm down, and you'll understand why there is no reason to fear me ending your life. If you cannot figure it out, run away. I'll allow you to do so."

Is there a reason for him to kill me here?



...No, there isn't. All the reasons that could somehow lead him to kill me are too farfetched and illogical.

There would be ultimately no benefit for him in my death.

Or anyone else for that matter, as far as I know.

What a twisted teacher...

Is his generosity a facade? Is he two-faced? 

What... Is he?

A psychopath is what he is.

Five minutes of complete silence, as I barely compose myself, understanding the lack of reason for him to kill me.

I raise my head to meet the eyes of my kind host.

"I see you've come to an understanding." He assessed, pleased.

I nodded, still uneasy but trying to regain my composure. "Understanding is one way to put it," I replied, my voice tinged with skepticism.

"Mhm... Well, did you understand how our lessons are going to go, specifically about assassination?" He questioned, completely ignoring my sentence.

Urgh! This... Insensitive... Sadistic... Cruel... Bastard.

"No... I was too busy having a heart attack because someone decided to scare the very marrow in my bones..." I said in a deadpan.

At that, he gained a sheepish expression, "Ah... My bad. Perhaps I should have saved that for later!"

The amount of expressions, and masks this man can switch on command is absurd...

Like... What IS he?

...I wonder whether this experience would shape me into a better ninja or leave me more cynical.

...More cynical it is.

"I'll offer you a valuable piece of advice, Akira. Never antagonize nor irritate those who are considerably above you in strength or authority. Sarcasm and snark are poor defense mechanisms in the face of such threats. Even if, by hard cold pragmatism, they have no reason to react in a life-threatening manner... Human nature is... Unpredictable at times." He advised with a wide smile.

"...Duly noted," I responded dryly, my eyes narrowed at him.

"Well! Let's get back on track!" He exclaimed, clapping his hands.

...Beware The Fool was it? Hah.

After that... Nothing of note occurred as he explained once again how the Assassination part of my training was gonna work.

We later on, with Eiichi's prior permission, went to his Training Ground, to do the usual curriculum.

The only difference is how I am treating this... Creature with absolutely zero respect, snarking at him at every opportunity.

He said Finances will come next lesson. However, I question how relevant it is for someone who is not interested in the slightest in politics or such an occupation.

But free tips for better usage of my Ryo are free tips so I'll take it.

Besides that, there's also...

Manipulation... He gave me a firsthand experience is what he told me ominously.

Psychotic bastard! He's saying he'll be forcing me to play mind games with him every Friday?!

So much for getting along with this dude.

I will never trust another man named Makoto in my life. Never!

Or Eiichi for that matter...

I'm punching Eiichi. I don't care.

But yes, that's right. I'm coming back to him every Friday.


Say what you want about that sadistic fuck, he's a good teacher.

In contrast to Eiichi, he's allowed me to spar with him.

It would have been a fantastic way to vent my frustrations.

...If I could hit him.

...Or if he held back on his "Punishments" for my mistakes.

The dude administers a counter whose power and severity are proportional to how large a mistake I made during the spar.

Every. Single. Mistake. Gets. Punished.

I came out pretty bruised out of that one today...

It's a good thing I came out with no broken bones!

I wouldn't be surprised if he's somehow manipulated me into wanting to come back and train under him.

But what does he ultimately gain from it? Is his only motivation for all of this, simply giving me the hand of his granddaughter in marriage?

Is he merely that sadistic?

He's got me stumped. I'll admit.

In addition to the other minor issues of giving me trust issues, doubts, considerable psychological trauma, and a decent amount of physical trauma.

...But hey? All in the name of getting stronger, right?!


-Scene Change-

-Evening Time-

-1 Year And 7 Months Following The Entrance Ceremony At The Academy-

-Third Person POV-

In a secluded section of the Nara Forest, a group of Genin were hard at work, using their Earth-style jutsu to dig an unusually narrow tunnel. From time to time, their Jonin-sensei lent a hand.

"Hey, Araki-sensei, how is it that an 8-year-old kid can just hire us to dig him a tunnel to play in?" grumbled the kunoichi of the group, who was the primary earth-shaping expert.

"Money, Nao-chan, money," Araki-sensei replied, his face displaying a look of seasoned wisdom as he blew a smoke ring from his cigarette.

"Huff, at least we're nearly done!" Kentaro exclaimed as he reread the written specifications of the tunnel the kid wanted.

-Akira POV-

Although this was a considerable blow to my current financial situation, this was hella worth the investment... And the missed outings to Ichiraku.

I thought as I stood before the narrow and long tunnel, around 16 Feet in Diameter, 12 Feet in Height, and 250 Feet in Length.

To construct the tunnel within the forest, I hired a Genin team, as per the previous advice from Eiichi to dig it, using the Rabbit Escape pit as the starting point.

Digging into the hills would probably land me in heaps of trouble...

Anyways as you may or may not have guessed... New Shikigami time.

Pretty early right? But I've been feeling confident lately!

Especially when I had just the most wonderful way of gauging how powerful this exact Shikigami.

Forcing Makoto into an Exorcism Ritual with me against Nue was a fantastic and extremely safe way of testing its capabilities!

His reaction was hilarious!

...My punishment was not.

Anywho, it's around the same strength as Noc or Mir, only bulkier, and faster... Oh, and it can use lightning.

...Was my professional assessment.

In an ideal environment for Nue, I can't really counter it besides hoping Jeff lands a Tongue grab on it.

Oh, but you see, I'd never fight it in an ideal environment!

Truth be told, there are many ways for me to exorcise Nue.

Direct battle without the squad is a definite no. I'd get ravaged by that thing.

Though I do believe I can hold out decently against it.

Not that strong. Yet!

So... I'd wanted to test my limits, so this proved an opportune moment.

If you hadn't guessed, the poor Owl is getting jumped by the Akira Squad, Name change still pending.

Normally that would be a Chakra issue, and it is actually.

But not too big of an issue.

In theory, they should be able to take care of Nue before I run out of juice.

How can I sustain the entire squad manifested you ask? 

It's been a while, so here goes!

Akira Status Report!

First, I've discovered the rough outline as to how the reduction in Chakra for multiple manifested Shikigami works.

A reduction in cost doesn't relate to how many Shikigami are currently manifested, unfortunately.

But what does equate to a reduction in cost depends on the most Expensive Chakra-wise Shikigami currently manifested, and the reduction seems to be in proportion to the difference in costs between the manifested Shikigami and the Most Expensive one currently manifested.

I'll provide an example.

Let's say Noc and Mir are 100 Chakra per minute to keep manifested.

Jeff is 60 Chakra per minute to keep manifested.

Once summoned in tandem, Noc and Mir's cost according to the drain I feel from them is Exactly the same as always.

However, Jeff's is reduced to roughly 40~45 Chakra per minute.

Here's where it gets interesting.

If I summon Whiskers and keep the whole Rabbit Hoard manifested, who costs 300 Chakra per minute.

And then proceed to manifest Jeff.

Whiskers are kept at a static 300 Chakra per minute.

While Jeff's initial 60 Chakra per minute is now... 33~35 Chakra per minute!

I've tried all combinations as well as everyone manifested at the same time.

In Noc and Mir's case once they are manifested alongside Whiskers.

Whiskers' cost stays static.

However, Noc and Mir's cost is reduced from 100 Chakra per minute to...60?!

That's a fucking 40% reduction right there!

This is the case for Noc, Mir, and Jeff's case when they are manifested alongside Whiskers, their cost reduction is calculated based Purely relative to Whiskers. The most expensive Shikigami currently manifested.

A fascinating system, I wonder if this was the case for Megumi as well.

I can only hope to imagine how rough it was when your Cursed Energy had no capacity for growth.

Unlike Chakra.

Praise be to Chakra!


As of this point, the amount of time I can keep them all manifested at once before succumbing to the cruel reality of chakra shortage is...

Roughly 4 minutes and 46 seconds give or take 10.

Any more and I am missing precious Chakra in case I need to escape. Or to keep myself you know, conscious.

And after an initial unprompted evaluation of Nue, I believe it's more than enough considering I'm practically crippling it with a closed environment like this tunnel.

Second, I've trained Shadow Bind Jutsu as well as Shadow Possession Jutsu, the latter only two weeks ago, to a functional combat level.

Both are still a bit awkward in terms of speed and range in my case, but it is usable if I catch my opponent off guard so... Yay?

It's still a work in progress...

But there are potential uses for it, especially with the Shikigami, so it's a worthwhile endeavor.

Also, I'm going for my first... "Mission" with Eiichi next week. I'll be tagging along with him outside the village, and he's cleared his schedule months in advance for this particular outing, Uncle's permission is also oddly present.

Is it ominous? Well, maybe.

But it's also a chance to see the world beyond these familiar village walls, which, let's be honest, I've been cooped up in for far too long.

However, there's this nagging thought in the back of my mind, like a stubborn pebble in my shoe.

There's a pretty good chance that I might have to take someone's life out there.

I mean, I've been preparing for it mentally, but there's a world of difference between being ready in your head and actually going through with it.

Taking another person's life...

Now, that's a hard pill to swallow.

Onto the more exciting stuff!

Time to begin the exorcism ritual.

Don't worry, I'm not stupid, Eiichi is somewhere nearby.

He'd strangle me if he knew I'd done it without supervision.

I most certainly can, but better safe than sorry.

Okay, let's go.

I enter the narrow tunnel and make my way through the musky and dirt-smelling tunnel, reaching the very end of it at a distance of 240 feet.

Already can be seen at the edge of the dug tunnel, a bunch of Grounding Rods already carefully installed and shoved deep into the ground.

I took out the last pieces of equipment I prepared for this battle.

Insulating Body Armor and the last set of Grounding Rods.

Unfortunately, I had to make a couple of runs back and forth to place these.

There can be only so much I can carry before my juvenile spine is broken ya know.

I equipped the insulating body armor and began to place the last of the Grounding Rods.

A few minutes pass and I'm done.

"Alright, that should be good. Time to enact the plan." I announce excitedly.

My blood already beginning to boil in excitement.

"Rabbit Escape!" I exclaim as I form the Shadowgraphic Rabbit.

At my intent, liquid shadows quickly shape into a hoard of rabbits that quickly fill up the tunnel behind me.

"Whiskers! Get into position!" I shout my command, already having proofed my Shikigami on our course of action.

With that, the hoard of Rabbits began to huddle together behind me and the battleground of Grounding Rods, forming a thick wall of Rabbits tens of feet in thickness, holes in between to make sure I could breathe.

Original Whiskers was commanded to hide behind that wall, in case Nue somehow manages to pass through the Rabbit wall.

A few of the rabbits jumped onto my shoulders and some went into my sleeves.

"Toad" I form the toad Shadowgraphic hand sign and Jeff forms out of Liquid shadows

"Divine Dogs" I quickly follow up with forming the Shadowgraphic dog hand sign, forming Noc and Mir out of the shadows.

A wicked grin is plastered on my face, "It's so fucked!"

I tighten my core and all my muscles, capable of springing into action at any moment, as I form the last Shadowgraphic hand sign, "Nue" I announce as my hands clap together in the shape of wings.

Liquid shadow move to form a large Owl-like creature with orange feathers and a white mask-like face, large wings, two sets of talons, and human-like teeth.

Out of all the Shikigami I have met, this one is the most unnatural looking.

But never mind that... "ATTACK!" I announce as Jeff, Noc, and Mir burst into action.

Nue, tried to fly, however sadly for it, the tunnel was too short for it to be high enough to not be within strike distance.

Noc leaped towards Nue, about to take a nibble out of it's face.

Nue, swiftly dodged to the side, only to be swatted by Jeff's tongue, hitting the left wall of the tunnel, still airborne.

"Good! Now Mir!" I roar, as I jump and mount Mir as he leaps towards Nue

Nue shakes off the hit quickly and it's wings begin to charge with electricity.

...All according to plan

Nue notices the nearest threat, which is me, mounted on top of Mir, shooting out a ray of lightning.

However, it was utterly ineffective thanks to my insulated armor, the Whiskers on my shoulders, unfortunately, paralyzed.

Noticing this ineffectiveness, Nue swiftly flies away from Mir's trajectory to the right.

I leap off Mir towards Nue, managing to narrowly grab it by the wing with my right arm.

"Whiskers go!" I yell out, as out of my sleeves come out three Whiskers I had as backup, they swiftly climbed Nue's wing and made their way to its face.

Nue, was flailing madly to shake me off, managing to drop me to the ground.

I land softly on the ground with a tumble.

Only to be followed up with a hit once again by Jeff's tongue only in the face, to distract it momentarily.

The tongue strike was ineffective thanks to Nue's armored face.

However, the three Whiskers arrived at their intended target.

It's unguarded eyes.

Two of the three Whiskers bit down hard on Nue's eyes, a fountain of blood beginning to spray from its eyes.

A roar comes out of Nue, as it begins to fly madly and in a panic charges an incredible amount of electricity in its wings.

Even hitting the walls of the tunnel multiple times.

Good, next.

"Noc, Mir, Jeff back off behind most of the Grounding Rods!" I shout as I move alongside them, not completely confident the insulated armor could alone block the amount Nue is currently charging.

Nue finally released a strong electric burst, that proved utterly ineffective as the tens of Grounding Rods absorbed all of it. Only the Three Whiskers clones got electrocuted and died.

"Okay... Let's end it." I announce.

With Nue now blinded, flying wildly, and colliding with the walls, it was now elementary to finish this.

Around a minute left. I estimated my current Chakra level.

Jeff shot his tongue towards the flailing Nue, managing to wrap it around it's wing, and beginning to pull hard.

Nue retaliated and began to pull as well, as it is stronger than Jeff, it began to pull him towards it.

However, that immobilization is all we need.

The advantage of multiple individuals against one is evident in the result of this battle.

At the considerably slower Nue, Noc and Mir leaped and each took a bite out of Nue's neck, causing it to let out an ear-rupturing screech as blood gurgled from its mouth.

I ran forward and leaped, reaching Nue not shortly after, and drove a kunai into where its heart should be, hearing the beating of its heart through enhanced Chakra hearing.

Blood bursts out of it's feathery chest.

Even with all that, the bulky owlike creature still had the vigor and continued to flail as I drove the kunai deeper in, Noc and Mir kept their jaw clenched tight on its neck.

Still flying after all that? With just one wing flapping?

I couldn't help but be awed at the durability and strength of this Shikigami.

But even that was put to an end as it began to weaken considerably.

To the point, Jeff began to win the tug of war and...

SPLAT, tore off the wing with how strong he began to pull.

As if it was the last straw, Nue lost all its strength and... Died.

There was a single moment of nervousness, at the prospect of this Ritual being invalidated thanks to my equipment.

But that was for naught as I felt a Shadow reach me.

And confirmation arrived.

I have tamed Nue.

Noc, Mir, and I fell to the ground no longer being held up by Nue.

I smiled at them, "Thanks for the hard work guys, I'll see you later!" I waved them goodbye, as I dismissed Noc, Mir, Jeff, and the Whiskers wall.

This went swellingly, really. I thought with a satisfied smirk

I was skeptical whether the ritual would have been invalidated were I to use this Insulating Armor. 

That it'd count as "External Help".

Apparently not.

I wouldn't call this confirmation for my theory, but I do think this gives it some validation.

My theory is that External Help only counts when something other than me and my Shikigami either damage or weaken the Exorcism Ritual's Shikigami.

The Insulation Armor did neither of those, sure it made Nue's lightning strikes ineffective.

But, it did Nothing to affect Nue itself.

...Or that could be completely and utterly wrong.

Well, that's what I'm working with, but Armor seems Okay to use.

If it were barbed armor I wonder were it to work? Something to test.

Satisfied, I leisurely walked out of the tunnel to be met with a stoic Eiichi, "I assume you've succeeded?" he let out tiredly

"What do you think?" I smirked at him

He raised his eyebrow as he shook his head in exasperation, "Hah, Well done, have you found usage for any of your new techniques and methods in this fight?" He praised as he followed up with a question.

I shrugged helplessly, "I'd designed the environment so the fight would go as easily as possible for me by summoning all my creatures at once, there was no usage for any Wall walking there, nor was there any usage for my anatomy knowledge, biologically speaking this wasn't a human."

"What I did make use of was the Hearing Enhancement Technique, to estimate where its heart was during the last part of the altercation," I added as an afterthought.

"Hmph, an unconventional usage of the technique, but admirable considering the differing biology. Once again, well done." He snorted, as he praised once again.

"However, using all your creatures at once against it is not praiseworthy, that was not Chakra efficient at all, Akira." He chastised me after praising me.

Oh, ease off.

"I know, but I wanted to test my limits when going all out with them. And considering how secret my Kekkei Genkai is for now, I'd probably not have much live usage of it besides this and my training with you guys." I replied annoyed.

"What about your Assassination training? Rare will the occurrences be where you can actually apply those as well, your Kekkei Genkai is not exclusive to this aforementioned issue." Eiichi probed, a knowing look on his face.

My eyes narrowed at him as I replied, "We're going on a mission next week, need I say more on that front?"

A thin smile forms on his face, confirming my thoughts, "I suppose we are."

...Fucking called it.

To Be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

Heyo, I have to admit. This chapter was INCREDIBLY difficult to write. Like really difficult. Nevertheless, I hope it was to your enjoyment and interesting. I'm a little skeptical about it.

Anyway, I NEED your help.

I'm at a crossroads honestly, I had wanted to skip to the Genin arc, in favor of all those who are patiently awaiting that arc, but there are so many plot points I've done and written, that NEED to be answered prior to that.

Skipping there would make no sense and would seem abrupt in my head.

I know I promised to incorporate many time skips and end this arc in 1 or 2 chapters.

But I think I wrote myself into a corner with this, I have absolutely zero idea on how I could manage to do that without writing the next chapter to be like 20-30k words.

And that'd be just a TAD bit too long. Possible, but not within a week's time. Perhaps needing 2 or 3 until such a chapter would be released.


As always people! If you see any inconsistencies, wrong information, Illogical statements etc... Notify me, please! I'll fix it ASAP! And or explain it later on in case I had planned to make it vague in the first place.

Also, all comments, reviews, constructive criticism and so on Are much appreciated! I especially love Constructive criticism because it allows me to improve the story in real time! I try my best to follow your advice!

I enjoy responding to you all! So do send them comments! Also, ideas are also welcome! I'm not that creative so assistance from you guys is always nice! Yup!

I hope you lovely people have a fantastic rest of the day/week. And I'll see you in a week's time :P

A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out. Here's this week's random fact.

-Author Note End-

next chapter
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