"Are you ready" I shout through out the house while grabbing my candy bag, excited and ready to go, dressed as a salt shaker.
"Ready" she yells down the halway at me, comming out as a pepper shaker.
"Babe you look amazing, this couple costume idea was a great idea! I couldn't have thought of one better!" I tell her then kiss her head at make her happy. She likes it when I kiss her on her head.
"awe thanks you look so handsome in yours or should I say salty" she giggles this cute giggle I can never get tired of hearing.
I laugh with her and hand her tricker treating bag to her. "Lets go get some candy!"
"Yay!" She squeals with alot of excitement and anticipation." I wounder what candy we will get?"
"Same here babe, I want milk duds." I tell her, expressing my love for candy. "But we wont get anything if we stand her talking" We laugh as I help her down the steps leading out into my driveway. But what we dodnt know was that what we expected to get was not what we got. It was the complete opposite.
This is not a sequel or anything Just a Holiday book to get you ready for October 31st! Enjoy!