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86.11% In Marvel as a summoning Mage / Chapter 31: New element

Kapitel 31: New element

Tony stood in front of the group, his head low as Pepper's voice echoed in the air. The racetrack event was supposed to be a simple, adrenaline-filled escape. But like most things in his life, it spiraled into chaos. He barely flinched under Pepper's fury, his mind wandering to the events that had nearly cost him his life.

"Thanks, Bucky," Tony muttered, glancing over at the man who had saved him. "You really came through out there."

Bucky gave a subtle nod, though he redirected the credit elsewhere. "Ritsuka was the first to act. If he hadn't pushed me to move faster, I might've been too late."

Tony shifted his gaze toward Ritsuka, who simply nodded in acknowledgment, a silent but grateful exchange passing between them. Tony had dealt with near-death situations more times than he cared to count, but today had rattled him more than usual. Not just because of Ivan Vanko's attack—but because of the familiar tech that almost killed him.

"Who was that guy?" Bucky asked, his brow furrowed as he tried to make sense of it all. "Why did he attack you?"

"He had a deep, burning hatred toward Tony. I could feel it," Ereshkigal chimed in, her presence adding an otherworldly sense of gravity to the conversation.

Tony leaned back against the table, his mind working through the puzzle aloud. "Hate? Yeah, I get that. I've racked up enough enemies. But how the hell did he have an arc reactor? I mean, it's not something you can just pick up at the local hardware store."

Da Vinci, who had been listening quietly until now, spoke up, adjusting her glasses with a bemused smile. "It's impossible to create it without an understanding of the concept. Whoever this Ivan is, he knows your tech inside and out."

Before anyone could respond, Coulson entered the room with a stack of files in hand. "I've got your answer, Tony," Coulson said, his voice steady as ever. He tossed a file onto the table. "His name is Ivan Vanko. His father, Anton Vanko, was one of your father's old colleagues."

Tony's head snapped up, recognizing the name immediately.

"Anton worked with your father on the arc reactor," Coulson continued, flipping open the file to reveal old photos of Anton and Howard Stark. "But when Anton tried to make a profit out of it, your father had him deported to the Soviet Union. Ivan's inherited all of his father's knowledge—and now, his hatred for the Starks."

Tony exhaled slowly, running a hand over his face. "So, this is my father's mess... carried over to my doorstep."

Da Vinci, ever the optimist, chuckled softly. "Ah, the sins of the fathers, coming back to haunt the sons. How poetic."

Tony groaned, rolling his eyes at her joke, but the weight of the situation remained. "So, he's in custody now, right? That's one problem solved, at least. But with the government breathing down my neck, it's only a matter of time before I'm caught in some political crossfire."

Coulson raised an eyebrow. "Actually, the government's still reeling from the whole Hydra debacle. Thanks to you, your reputation is at an all-time high. You've got allies in the right places. It's going to take some time before anyone can really make a move against you."

Tony smirked, a small sense of relief flooding him. "Well, that's good news. Maybe I've got time to pull off another miracle before the bureaucrats come after me."

The room fell into an awkward silence, the gravity of the day settling on everyone's shoulders. What was supposed to be a fun day at the track had turned into another battle for survival. And while Tony was no stranger to it, the others weren't in the mood to continue as if nothing had happened.

"I guess that's the end of the race day, huh?" Tony said, his tone half-joking but tired. Everyone was clearly exhausted, the mood shattered.

As they prepared to return to the U.S., Ritsuka felt a tug on his arm. It was Ereshkigal, looking up at him with a mix of disappointment and hope.

"I'm sorry our date got ruined," she said quietly.

Ritsuka smiled softly, kneeling down to meet her eyes. "Don't worry. I promise I'll make it up to you. We'll go somewhere even better, okay?"

Ereshkigal brightened at that, nodding eagerly. "You better! You promised!"

Before they left, Tony clapped Ritsuka on the shoulder. "Hey, kid. Tomorrow's my birthday, and we're throwing a party. You, and your wife should come. There'll be plenty of company members and people I don't care about, so I could use some friends to keep me sane."

Ritsuka chuckled. "Of course. We wouldn't miss it."

As they all made their way out, Tony lingered for a moment, taking one last look at the racetrack. This was supposed to be a day of celebration, a break from the chaos. Instead, it was a reminder that no matter where he went, danger followed.

But tomorrow was a new day—and his birthday, no less. Maybe, just maybe, the party would go off without a hitch.

Tony could only hope.

The hum of the portal settled as Ritsuka and Ereshkigal arrived back in their apartment. The air in the room was still, but Ritsuka's mind was far from it. His thoughts turned back to the conversation he'd had with Tony, the near-death experience, and the weight that still hung in the air from their shared history.

Without hesitation, he pulled out his phone and dialed Nick Fury.

After a few rings, Fury's gruff voice answered, "What is it, buddy? This better be important."

Ritsuka leaned against the counter, his voice calm but firm. "I need you to give Tony a birthday present tomorrow. Something only SHIELD can get their hands on—Howard Stark's unfinished documents."

There was a pause on the other end of the line. "Howard Stark's unfinished documents?" Fury repeated, clearly not thrilled. "You want me to hand over classified files to Stark? You know those files are from a different time. Howard's stuff is buried for a reason."

Ritsuka glanced at Ereshkigal, who was sitting on the couch, watching him with interest. He sighed, knowing that convincing Fury was going to take more than just a simple request. "I get that. But Tony isn't the same guy anymore. He's changed. He helped me to take down Hydra, and the world sees him as a hero now. SHIELD can give him a chance. Plus, you're not just giving them to him for free—it's his legacy. And he deserves to understand what his father left behind."

Fury's grumble could be heard through the phone. "Why the sudden faith in Stark? What makes you think Howard left something important for him?"

Ritsuka chuckled softly. "Because the structure of the Stark Expo is a hidden message. Only someone as sharp as Tony can decode it. Or Da Vinci," he added with a grin. "But trust me, it's there. Howard built it for Tony, not for SHIELD. You might try, but unless you're a genius like Tony, it'll slip right by you, buddy."

Fury cursed under his breath, clearly frustrated. "Damn Howard… always with the secrets." He let out a long sigh. "Alright, I'll bring it tomorrow. But you owe me one, Fujimaru. This isn't exactly protocol."

Ritsuka smiled, grateful but not surprised. Fury might have been gruff and hard to sway, but he respected Ritsuka enough to trust his instincts. "Thanks, Nick. You won't regret it."

The next evening, Ritsuka arrived at Tony's birthday party with Morgan by his side. He was surprised by how understated everything looked. It wasn't the kind of flashy, chaotic gathering he'd expected—no DJ or excessive spectacle. It was just a regular party, filled with company members, a few friends, and surprisingly normal conversations.

"Well, this is different," Ritsuka muttered to Morgan as they entered. "I was expecting something a little more… Tony."

She smirked, nudging him with her elbow. "Guess that mortal learning out."

They weaved through the crowd, greeting a few people, until they came across a group of company members discussing Bucky. Many of them were speculating about him, with some assuming he was some sort of mutant bodyguard. Bucky stood nearby, his face as impassive as ever, clearly uninterested in the chatter.

"They think Bucky's a mutant," Ritsuka muttered to Morgan, and Bucky who stifled a laugh.

Bucky shrugged when he caught Ritsuka's glance. "Let them think what they want."

As the party continued, Ritsuka found himself talking to Tony when James Rhodes, or "Rhodey," as Tony called him, approached.

"Rhodey!" Tony exclaimed, pulling him into a quick embrace. "Glad you made it."

Rhodes smiled but quickly turned his in attention to Ritsuka. They started talking, and soon enough, the topic shifted to the government's relentless attempts to take Tony's suit.

"They're still trying to take it, huh?" Ritsuka asked, shaking his head. "Even after everything Tony's done?"

"Yeah, but it's getting harder for them," Rhodes replied. "Tony's a hero now. Hydra destroyer and all. His popularity's through the roof. It's not like the old days."

Ritsuka nodded, thinking for a moment. "I've got an idea, but I'll need your help."

Rhodes raised an eyebrow. "I'm listening."

"How about *you* use Tony's suit and work for the government?" Ritsuka suggested. "They're only scared of Tony having it. But if someone they trust—like you—uses it, they'd feel a lot better."

Rhodes blinked, taken aback by the suggestion. "That's… a crazy idea. Even for you. But damn, that suit is the coolest thing I've ever seen."

Ritsuka smirked. "So, what do you think? Would you be willing to wear the suit?"

Before Rhodes could answer, Tony chimed in. "Hell yeah, I'll make a suit for Rhodes. Fujimaru, you've got one hell of a brain on you. This is perfect. The government gets their guy in a suit, and I get to keep doing my thing. Win-win."

Rhodes chuckled, clearly intrigued. "Alright, I'm in. Let's do it."

As the party wound down and the guests began to leave, Rhodey took the suit on the spot, ready to start his new role. The rest of the evening passed in a blur of goodbyes and laughter, but Ritsuka knew something bigger had been set in motion tonight.

Just as things were settling down, Nick Fury arrived at the mansion. The moment he spotted Morgan, his face broke into a nervous sweat. The memory of her earlier encounter, when she had released a chilling killing intent, seemed to flash through his mind.

Morgan, noticing Fury's discomfort, smirked. "Relax, Mortal Nick. Now that you've become my husband's friend, there's no need for fear."

Da Vinci and Tony burst into laughter at Fury's expense, but Ritsuka simply gave Fury a knowing look.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up," Fury muttered, sitting down on the sofa and pouring himself a glass of wine. "The things I do for you people."

Tony grinned, leaning back in his chair. "Don't worry, Nick. I'm sure Ms. Morgan will take it easy on you from now on."

Morgan simply gave Fury a small, sharp smile, making the director of SHIELD swallow hard before taking a big gulp of his drink.

Fury finally set his drink down, sighing. "Alright, Fujimaru. I brought the files. Happy birthday, Stark."

As the evening settled, Nick Fury stood, holding a small, weathered box in his hands, looking directly at Tony Stark. His one eye gleamed with a hint of nostalgia as he spoke. "Howard Stark wasn't just a brilliant man; he was the founder of SHIELD. So, in a way, your well-being is our responsibility, Tony. I know you've had problems... in your body. Find a cure, and find it fast. We can't afford to lose you." He paused, eyeing Da Vinci. "Da Vinci, assist Tony in his new research. Consider yourself his babysitter until you both find a result."

Tony blinked, clearly surprised. "A babysitter, huh? What, you're not going to keep an eye on me yourself by 24/7?"

Fury gave him a small, crooked smile. "Oh, I'll always keep an eye on you, Stark. But Da Vinci here has a way of handling geniuses better than I do. Maybe you'll learn something from each other like controlling ego."

Ritsuka, standing nearby, had a sneaking suspicion that Natasha had been the one to send Fury Tony's medical reports, especially before Da Vinci had provided a temporary solution. It wouldn't be the first time Fury had quietly gathered intel from the best sources in the room.

Without another word, Fury handed over the big box of archives to Tony. "This was left for you. From Howard."

Tony stared at the box for a moment, a mixture of disbelief and hesitation crossing his face. His voice dropped, almost bitter. "I never really believed dad cared about me like that. He was always so... cold. Calculative."

Fury didn't rise to Tony's bait. He just shrugged. "Maybe he was. Maybe he wasn't. But he left this for you. Only you can decide what to do with it."

Tony remained quiet as Fury left the room, the air thick with unsaid words. Finally, with everyone gathered around him, Tony opened the box. Inside were old, yellowing notes and schematics, along with a videotape. Tony raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed by the outdated medium, but curiosity got the better of him.

He set up the video player, and the screen flickered to life. Howard Stark's face appeared, younger than Tony remembered but still unmistakably familiar. Howard talked about the model of the Stark Expo, referring to it as the future. But then, just before the video ended, he paused and looked directly into the camera.

"Tony, whatever you may think of me... You are my greatest creation. I always knew you would surpass me. This is for you. Finish what I couldn't."

Tony stared at the screen as the video faded, his hands gripping the edges of the table. There was a silence in the room. The usually sarcastic and quick-witted Tony Stark was uncharacteristically quiet, his emotions flashing across his face—shock, regret, and something that resembled understanding.

From behind him, Da Vinci's voice broke the silence, calm and wise. "Seems like you misunderstood your father, Tony. He saw more in you than you ever knew."

Tony didn't turn around, but his voice came out softer than usual. "Maybe I did."

Yinsen, who had been quietly observing, approached with drinks for the group. He offered one to Tony, his expression gentle. "Master Stark, your father seems like a good man. A family's love... is often deeper than we understand." His voice wavered for a second, and it was clear he was thinking of his own family, lost long ago.

Tony nodded, his lips forming a small, appreciative smile. "Thanks, Yinsen." But as the silence returned, another figure in the room remained even quieter—Bucky. His expression darkened slightly as memories of that fateful night flooded back. He had been the one, under Hydra's control, to take Howard and Maria Stark's lives. The guilt weighed heavily on him, even now.

Ritsuka glanced at Bucky, sensing his unease. He placed a reassuring hand on Bucky's shoulder but said nothing. There was no need for words between them.

Da Vinci clapped her hands together, excitement returning to her voice. "Well, now that we've uncovered this, there's no time to waste! We need to bring the model of the Stark Expo back here. If Howard left a hidden message for you, Tony, it could be the key to solving your problem. And I love puzzles like this! Jarvis get ready"

"Yes, Ms. Da Vinci"

Tony finally snapped out of his emotional daze, his usual smirk returning. "Well, Da Vinci, you are right. Let's see what my old man was hiding."

With renewed determination, Tony looked around the room at his friends—people he trusted to stand by him. Even though his path had been clouded with doubt, the revelations from his father had ignited something new within him. The road ahead wouldn't be easy, but with himself, Da Vinci, and Yinsen , Tony knew he wasn't alone.

The lab buzzed with activity, a hive of innovation and creativity. Da Vinci, Yinsen, and Tony Stark had been at it for hours, their focus fixed on the intricate model that now floated in the air before them. The digital wireframe spun slowly, revealing a complex atom-like structure that Da Vinci had helped conceptualize.

"Remove the shrubs, trees, buildings, parks, and exits," Da Vinci instructed, her eyes scanning the model with precision.

Tony nodded, adjusting the controls. "That's what I was thinking. Take the frame of streets and lanes as protons and neutrons and add it to the center."

The atom model transformed, its core now glowing with intricate pathways. Tony enlarged the projection, and the atom's complexity became strikingly clear. The silence in the room was palpable, broken only by Yinsen's amused comment. "Congratulations on winning the next year's Nobel Prize."

Da Vinci's eyes widened in surprise. She knew the pain of being held back by old technology and felt a deep appreciation for Tony's innovation. She couldn't help but think how much she would have loved to meet Tony's father if he were still alive.

"We don't have the technology to synthesize it," Jarvis's voice broke the silence.

Tony stood up, his excitement palpable. "We have work to do, fellas. Time to break this house down."

Over the next day, the team worked tirelessly, dismantling half of Tony's house in the process. Their efforts bore fruit as they successfully built the necessary machine to synthesize the new element. The arc reactor, Tony's long-time source of power, was now on the brink of an upgrade.

"We should go to New York," Da Vinci said as they completed the machine. "Ritsuka is there. He might need help. He's going to open his bakery shop alone."

Tony glanced around the lab, his house now a shadow of its former self. "You're right. California looks boring now, and this house is almost ruined."

With a mixture of excitement and nostalgia, Tony completed the new element. Jarvis confirmed that it could replace his arc reactor, offering greater efficiency and a cleaner output. Tony's joy was palpable as he leaped into the air, thrilled by the breakthrough.

Suddenly, Da Vinci's eyes lit up with a new idea. "What if we combine this element with Saint Quartz?"

The team got to work again, their enthusiasm reignited. They labored through the night to create a new element capable of absorbing mana from nature and surroundings.

Yinsen, puzzled, asked, "What does that mean?"

Da Vinci explained, "Only nature spirits have the power to draw mana from the environment. This new element won't match their skill, but it will be sufficient for Tony. This is a tremendous leap forward, thanks to Howard Stark."

Her words resonated with the group. "If this had been invented in my old world," Da Vinci continued, "mages from across the globe would have waged wars to possess it."

They created small prototype version of dragon heart.

As the team admired their creation, the sense of accomplishment was clear. The breakthrough wasn't just a triumph of technology; it was a testament to collaboration and innovation. And as they packed up to head to New York, they knew their journey was far from over.


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Note: i. Tried to change the story a little better Rhodes and Tony. Ritsuka changed Tony and made him mature.

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