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50% I Was Kicked Out Of The Justice League!So A free & Fast Life Suits Me! / Chapter 2: I am Robert Beck-Heroes conference

Kapitel 2: I am Robert Beck-Heroes conference

The Justice League Watch Tower Satellite in space,

A Dorm room suite inside the Tower...

A young man sat cross-legged in a meditative pose, on a luxurious bed contemplating...

'So what Is Me?

Rather Who am I?

Well, I am a being both not from this world or this realm of reality!

I am what most would call someone from beyond the 4th wall of existence, Earth-Prime, the Real 'Real World'!

This D.C. realm, In my world, is just an anthology of fictional records, expending from Tv shows, Comics & Movies to me!

Pacing the dorm room with soreness in my body & soul, I try to get a hold of 'my self' & come to terms with what has already transpired with me!

But Interrupting this thoughtful inter inspection was a knocking sound on my luxury dorm room's door.

It had me pulled from my thoughts of the situation -& reflection on who Robert beck was...

I cautiously opened the door to the visitor but don't say anything to them.

Our eyes met, it was a tall, dark brown-haired young woman, with tan Brown sun-kissed skin covered in light infantry armor, & the long handle of a broad sword that's resting on her athletic back.

I raised my eyebrows, as It has me wondering for a brief second:

'Am I in a sword & magic RGP type world instead of a DC world hinted at from my memories?-!'

But my memories jog at her unique presence of traits & I recall that she was another one of the many of 'them' recruited to the Justice League unlimited program!

She was a recruit just like his body's former self-named Robert Beck Aka 'Tonks'!

He was named after the card game he was the best player in the orphanage.

'It's a Stupid name to me, but it meant something to him, so whatever..'

I refocus on my dorm Guest.

Her disposition & mean eyes towards me with not so subtle disdain in them.

This affirmed my guess & let me know she is one of the new Amazon warriors brought from that hidden feminist Island of Themyscira!

These island women were mostly still adverse to men despite the time spent here in the watchtower, but at least they don't instantly Draw blades at any unappreciated gazes from men anymore!

Nevertheless of her deep loathing of men & pride in her eyes;

she still does her Tower assigned side job which is a secretary of Towers mission hall, currently one of her tasks is to inform all combatants of the previously finished missions to Assemble for a meeting!

She's in a skimpy outfit under the light armor, distinct of all the Amazons here in the Watch Tower seems to have dressed in.

'They look so stupidly dressed like that, hardly protecting anything vital, only serving as eye candy, but want to look down & shame others, for others not being as 'intelligent' as they are is laughable'

They are a bunch of battle-crazy bimbos!

They are very talented in battle tactics & instinct but otherwise are collectively one-track mined simpletons is my honest opinion!

This is based on the experience I inherited about their recent collective attitudes & action towards me...

or the former Roberts, who stopped their chosen one's Donna Troy, aka Wonder Girl

advancement to prominence!

By claiming the #1 ranking on the JL boards with no close second other than Wonder Girl, has in effect given rise to the former Robert Beck & the current me, being designated as a foe of all these competitive Amazons in the Watchtower!

How was it Robert's fault that they made bold & reckless words about how Amazon's would 'Conquer All', proving they are the most significant addition to the Justice league which backfired on them!

However, despite their earlier this year claims of dominance shattered like an eggshell,

giving yolk down on the amazons faces; the clear pure proud & prestigious faces were turned into a sticky facial by 'me'.

Old Robert was isolated & threw himself into the hero business as he just wanted to do his best, to fill his desire to feel needed so he was unhurried about other's issues with him.

While it was interpreted by the amazons as a purposefully performed action to humiliate them, & blatant lay down of the gauntlet of a challenge to Amazonian dominance!

He accepted any challenge, Amazon or not in the sparring arena!

Not as Physically gifted as Amazons, but Robert was an equivalently skilled tactical fighter; so he may have had ties at the end of some battles, but Roberts never outright lost in skill!

After fights challenges, only the then leaving in defeat Amazon are always glaring at him in a rage!

With all private privileges, like training sessions by different full-time league members as perks of being ranked one, how could he lose one-sidedly, it was simply unrealistic!

However, my position in their minds doesn't stop me from checking out & admiring her fitness firm plump ass below the sword on her back as I followed behind her toward the conference room.

We arrived at a small auditorium & my guide Amazon turns to me, & she gives me one last hateful glare!

Clearly, with her senses, she noticed my ogling at her enormous breast spilling out her gear & glancing at her nice rear end as she walked in front of me!

But I don't feel shame in the least bit, If she doesn't like my peering eyes, then don't dress like that, at least in front of me!

I & the Amazons aren't friends either way, & I'm no coward, so I return her hostile stare!

So we are gazing into the eyes of each other defiantly too long & awkwardly until it was broken up by the entering newcomers.

Then she code switches with a friendly smile towards them, a display of clear discrimination on the treatment on her part towards me!

I scoffed to my self-thinking 'stupid sexy Amazon'!

I found a seat near the side next to an exit that gave me a view of all that was entering.

It's routine to be called to this place for post-mission briefing & assessment.

For the recruits & hopefuls, it's for the chance at Full membership in the Justice League!

During the year-long competency & confidence assessment, various examinations are used to evaluate the rookies, & select who to recommend as full members of the Justice League!

Somehow being a Watch Tower associated Hero for the past year feels as if we are employees & heroics is a job, is this MHA or what?

Technically As members & recruits, we receive a salary plus a bonus for satisfactory work...

So It's pretty much is a job; with a higher hazard which is reflected in the payment amount!

And sadly, just like a job, it's subject to office politics as well.

As I scan the room full of faces, nothing but indifference or scorn are peering back at me, this is not the kind of reception the highest Ranked #1 in terms of completion & efficiency should receive, right?

I look toward the Amazon sister union huddled in a group with their smug looks.

I see now, they are the ring leaders of my most current ostracized predicament, spreading rumors to discredit me, the Rank-#1.

The big leagues finally show up!

Full-time members of the Justice Leaguers enter the room!

I noticed, however, most if not all gave a brief look towards my direction?-!

The most fear-inducing stare came from one of the founders, & leader of my tower rivals, Wonder Woman!

( 'Well, I know that's...not going to be good is it.')

I stated the obvious in my mind, but I was wondering why?

Did they notice a change in Tonks 'Robert Beck's soul or is it something else?

The meeting starts & they go over a variety of things.

A Green Lantern began the meeting. I don't recognize him, because Green Lanterns are like Pokemon to me, there are like hundreds of them & can't remember the names & backgrounds!

He evangelized many protocols & how following protocols was important to being part of a unit, the mission statement of tower-affiliated heroes, what they have been taught over the past year, etc...

Superman then stepped up to the podium and began to expound on the previous topic & added a moralistic viewpoint, etc...

I never knew my childhood idols could be so.... boring!

The initial reverence I had is gone after all this corporate-speak!

Shoot something with your damn laser eyes, or give a dramatic retelling of your most recent heroic epics!

It's disheartening, to say the least after the first hour of fluff speech, so I just keep my head down, drink what's in front of me & just pretend to know what they are talking about!

As Superman continues his filla busters about truth justice & a better tomorrow, I try to get a better hold of my new reality & the information flooding my brain since I awoke in my lavish dorm room.

I was going over, this & that, & what else I can be clear about; these unique specifics of this world.

I was wondering how I got here in this surreal situation & what to do with myself next; as I don't wish to continue this heroic business at all!

As I was just in my thoughts trying to continually organize & make sense of my new memories, this body's powers of energy blast, & the world around me, when I realize I'm being called by name by the outside world around me!

I Robert Beck hears them now, as I was not used to them saying my corny hero's name repeatedly as I'm not used to it.

Every One Was Staring At Me In Silence...

"Are you okay, Hero Tonks?" Asked Batman who was seated at the conference table & who had spoken for the first time during these proceedings.

He gazes towards my path with an inquisitive look in his eyes.

I don't what Batman questioning anything about me so I quickly say:

"Huh, yup, sure, I'm fine just, you know I'm always nervous having an evaluation in front of a few foundation members & all." Beck says for the first time hearing his new voice in this world!

" So that being said, I'll ask again, Hero recruit Tonks, Why did you not engage the aggressor Doomsday clone, as previously assigned in the planned strategy created by Aqua Lad," Asked a Green Lantern for a second time.

Everyone is looking at me after he asked the question waiting on an answer.

I'm looking around as if in disbelief of such a ridiculous question being asked to me, but seeing their serious faces I answer my true thoughts remembering the chronology of this world in my mind & the event in question:

"A-are truly asking me that because you don't know, sir?"

Others murmur at me questioning his questions!

The GL too frowns as well but just Nods back.

I adjust my thoughts & say my feelings after reflecting on my inherited memories and frown visibly as I say:

" I know you guys may go through nightmare level threats regularly,

but for those of us who don't, when we see them it's honestly really impactful!"

*Points at the gathered & lastly at Superman*

"Sir, I saw you die on Tv because of the original Doomsday dude!.. oh I mean sir!

"Of Course I'm Going to Fall Back & make amendments to the Situation when I discovered I was at a disadvantage."

Mumbling starts again in the conference room they are called to order,& the previous green lantern then speaks again:

"Apprehension is fine, it happens.

But you had ample time to voice it & do that before entering the battlefield but you didn't."

"Your role & objective was just drawing his attention briefly to your side, not take him on solo!"

This Doomsday was a lesser clone of the original doomsday; less than half the threat posed by the original, & was created by Lex Corp secretly, but stolen & released by a criminal organization."

This was all in the mission briefing, within the scope of the team's ability to suppress until backup arrived.

"But you chose to change the battle plan mid-play & fall back because you felt that you were at a disadvantage.

Protocols dictate that the Team leaders are in charge of modifying the mission on-site,

you should have requested revisions through proper channels but acted alone in the spur of the moment & enacted activities that weren't your instructions." Said the GL in a lecturing tone.

"No one knows what I'm capable of with my power more than me!" I reported.

"Also I was briefed in the comms link before engagement that it was Solomon Grundy attacking, not Dooms Day, clone or not I wasn't aware prior!"

"That's why I may have sounded confident despite disagreeing with my role in the operation later.

I could not do what was required at the time, & all the teammates had seemed to turn me off in their comms as I couldn't reach them or my signal was off in their earpiece communicators!

Except when I tried to confirm with team leader Aqua Lad did it work, but still, I was met with radio silence!" I said all my grievances at once.

"Is that true Aqua Lad, did you hear Hero Tonks in your comlink, but not respond?" asked Batman.

"You wouldn't have endangered the lives of your team for a personal reason did you?"

Asked Black Canary.


"My Atlantis doesn't raise such reckless small-minded schemer's!" said the visible upset King of Atlantis who rarely attended the meeting but his Atlantis was the team leader in a questionable mission so he must attend.

"Shut Up! Stop Intimidating The Testifying parties!" Black Canary said.

" This isn't your throne room back in Atlantis, This is a league confidence vote proceeding, which might change to colluding to harm charge to a member of the Justice League even if it's only a provisional recruit, which is a heavy crime & punishment for both!" Said Zatanna waving a sparkling magic wand twirl spinning in-between her fingers in an intimidating motion.

"Don't interrupt or else I'll get suspicious of motives in doing so & drag you out of here, am I clear...' your highness'." Batman said in a somber flat and clear voice.

Aqua man scoffed, but he still sat down quietly...


Now, could you answer my questions Aqualad?" Batman said.

Aqualad turns to look at his quietly fuming king & said:

"I've already sent my report on how my tech was functional, as well as the rest of, the team had no " Comlink issues".

"Despite Tonks complaints post-mission, it was confirmed by the tower that they saw nothing wrong."

"If I received such an urgent report, I would have taken it under advisement & revisions would have been made in real-time."

"It is my estimation based on his words, I think he missed heard me because of his faulty comms or just wasn't paying attention like he was earlier just now in this very meeting, that he thought I said grundy when I may have said stronger than Grundy level but use same slightly reinforced containment protocol."

Aqua man nods at his citizen's demeanor & picks out faults that Aqualad found in Tonks claims & actions brilliantly!

"Anyway regardless of what he says my comms weren't reaching anyone." said Robert.

" It was too late to voice concerns about bad intel in real-time, but I still conveyed it to my nearest teammate to remedy the miscalculation!" Robert Beck stated.

"Being at a disadvantage is something we are used to but we worked together as a team to overcome this & by sticking to the plan whatever it may be." Said A Green lantern.

"Drawbacks didn't stop the only non-super-powered of the Leagues founding core members, Batman from engaging, without any superior powers of his own to give his support!

Despite that hurdle & most of the time being at a disadvantage, he has helped the mission to completion countless times in past or the future!" Said, Superman.

Most Leaguers agreed in their minds at Superman's words, While Green Arrow, Aquaman, Green Lantern & Hawk girl to his side both nodded openly in agreement.

I was Looking at Batman than Superman, then the other gathering of various league members, rookies around the conference room, then back at Superman before saying:

"With all due respect to your assessment but...he's Batman!

"Who's own unique human gifts got him to be able to hang with metahumans in this room & aliens with ease in battle!"

" I believe It's grossly understated how absurd that is to expect it from others in such a short time & also proves how obviously not 'normal' Batman is!"

"Pfft! Haha, ha, I totally agree!"

Batman is not normal!

He's got you there supes!" Flash chuckled then nods to himself in affirmation with his arms crossed.

Both Batman & Superman give a harsh look at Flash, but he just whistles to himself glancing away.

"We assure you, Bru-Batman is as human as they come! He-

However, Before Superman can finish praising Batman, Wonder Woman stood up from her seat making a grimacing face!

"Batman may not have superhuman powers,

But what he lacks in not being a meta-human, he more than makes up with resolved to finish the task & fulfill the expectations others have for him as well as the heavy ones he carries himself, regardless of extraordinary gifts!"

"What's your excuse as someone gifted with power fleeing from battle?-!"

"The expectation of a justice league team member is to selflessly execute the mission while having your friends back in crucial times when in the field trust between combatants is not a suggestion but are basic requirements!" She bellows making the room uncomfortable & noiseless.

Veteran & rookie alike nod heavily; finding no flaws in her declaration.

Wonder woman then points at me in an accuser's fashion, as a certain lawyer did in a video game in my past life!

"When you fell back instead of engaging in your assigned task, for whatever excuse you concocted in your mind;

You threw off the team formation, as a result of that, a fellow teammate & JL promising recruit Wonder Girl had been forced to descend into battle & step in ahead of time of the strategized protocols & pick up your SLACK!"

Wonder woman voiced out loudly as she *pointed to her side;-

Everyone looks towards where wonder woman was pointing at, and it's an injured Wonder Girl whose arm was in a sling & holding her head facing down.

After gazing at the injured Donna Troy Aka wonder girl again;-

-Wonder Woman's eyes were full of fury once more, as she then *SLAMS* her hand on the reinforced table still cracking it!

"The decision to abandon your assigned duty on the battlefield was foolish; for whatever reason without notifying others of your change in plans was detrimental!

It's these dangerous activities that resulted in her getting hurt; because you lack the courage & conviction to fulfill your duty, your role!

It's clear to everyone here you felt fear when it was time to descend on the surprise emergency target "the failed imitation Doomsday" so you fell back,

leaving your allies off guard, with self-created vulnerability in the team's formation!"

Frowning at her targeted outburst, while I was thinking in my mind:

( 'how dare you come down all high and mighty with me when you were only a dominatrix light version pin-up girl in comic in your beginnings!)

 I stopped my mind musing & I retort fearlessly to her self-righteous momentum:

"Sorry, but I'm Not sorry!"

"You can question my courage if want but,

you can't challenge my logic from my point of view!"

"I was fed bad intel purposely or by accident.

So, Proceeding in the face of new information that directly affects old information used to form strategy is foolhardy & stupid to do so!

Unlike most here, I'm not a universal guardian, relative to a deity or super physically fortified humanoid as such I don't wish to die in the field for executing shaky plans!"

" I only wished to use my gift to make a living while doing something good."

" Is that so wrong?!" Said Robert.

"So, you have no remorse for your actions at all?" Asked Hawk Girl.

" Yes, none! I wish things went better but I'm not willing to die for lifeless protocols!"

I'm just sad that we went into a mission with different minds & someone got hurt.

"You expect all meta-human you meet to drink your self-righteous cool-aid but you can't expect people or metahumans to be so monolithic in beliefs."

"What was the wrong information or impression were you given?" asked another hero I'm not familiar with.

I realized something was wrong quickly in the mission, & not everyone is ready to possibly die for people who have obviously have schemed against me!

I'm not that pure-heartedly pro-life & forgiving as Superman to sacrifice myself!"

Some scowl at my worlds that trampled their idealistic romantic views but I continue

"It was my belief at the time that Wonder Girl was best for the role was assigned to me.

"What I heard from her while making small talks before this assigned mission began was that her body is more formidable than other general Amazons being a relative of Wonder woman!

We talked about what the degree of tougher bodies & Constitution of being an Amazon meant,

& It's far more formidable than mine, durable even." Looks towards Wonder Woman.

('...and voluptuous') I say smirking in my mind as I objectify her to gain some confidence & power back!

"She in that split second of communication agreed to swap with a nod."

"Also, I didn't just fall back & do nothing.

"We swapped, & continued to execute the mission.

I took her role, she took mine!

Sadly even she was quickly overcome by his power, thus proving that I would have been too, but even more severely injured!"

"An injured me on the battlefield would be a far greater distraction than a hurt Amazon; who was just fine to continue after catching her breath & wrapping her injured arm!"

Which I and the support team allowed her to do, as we held that monster barely in place until you all arrived neutralizing the threat!"

also even as a so-called clone, it manages to break an amazon arm with ease, what would have happened to me playing the aggro decoy bait?" Said, Robert.

Wonder Woman scoffs:

"Nonetheless, You passed your warrior duty on someone that wasn't prepared for that role & that wouldn't say no to you by their honor & wanting to help her fellow warriors, no matter how Little courage they hold!"

I frown ready to retort but-

" I Vote NO!" she suddenly said loudly!

"I cannot trust in him To protect my back in the field of battle, much less my nieces back on a mission!"

Wonder Woman says skipping to the end part of the process.

Silence before...Another Hero speaks.

"I was told by your mission teammates you volunteered to "take a tank role" adamantly, is that true." Asked a hero, I think maybe he's Plastic Man?

(Technically I wasn't, but my body's arrogant overzealous former owner's weakness in needing to be needed when came to his power, but it was not me, so I'll deny that!)

"What, I never volunteered!

They ask what my power was, what I'm good at & I told them.

The team leader Aqua lad quickly strategizes a plan off my contribution ability, at least I thought he had."

"Okay, Despite others by your admission, being better suited to draw the target's aggression; Why didn't you voice your concern then? Asked another hero.

"I was under the impression that the target was Solomon Grundy.

Grundy is powerful but not of the same lethality of the true target Doomsday real, fake or copy."

"You JL administrators all chosen him, Aqua Lad, as this recruit team, Mission leader so I decided to trust whom the Justice League trusted to-

"Passing the buck off, blaming faults on technical bugs with no proof & full of excuses & lacking in courage!

The one Cutting me off & Rising from his seat, was a long blonde mustache hooded masked man in green, he proclaimed:

" I vote NO Confidence!" As soon as the Justice League veteran Green Arrow Said his piece, he went to leave right after!

Many others also voted no in a chain reaction!

It was an impromptu voting mandate, without letting the inquiry continue any further...

Only Batman, Superman, Black Canary, Zatanna & Flash didn't vote.

With the result being so obvious the five didn't need to raise their hands & rub it in but others like Aquaman still felt the need to!

I just stood there as one by one listed reasons I'm no good & voted no consecutively!

Not going to lie, even though these are events out of my control,

& I'm being blamed for this & piled on top with my life being turned upside down, thrown into a new world & strange place, worried since I have awoken in here...

This rejection somehow stings worse than all the above listed, a lot even...

People I read, watched, supported with movie stubs or comic store purchases, laughs, shed tears & smiles on reading/ watching their sagas unfold during my adolescent years are now rejecting me!


How dare they, fictional characters spite me!

I sit stationary as the vote is in progress...

As the fury burns in my heart; increased with every cast ballot, my soul chilled by the lack of warmth of my current thoughts I held inside me!

I am avoiding eye contact, cause if some hero happens to meet my chaotic hate-filled gaze,-

 they might just forgo their heroic creeds & eliminate me here to avoid future troubles!

However, I quickly converged these emotions, I fix the hideous & contorted expressions on my face, and raised my head up high!

 I endured this disgrace, knowing in my heart that I had vowed that one day, I'll pay it back to all those involved today!

next chapter
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